Merge branch 'testing' into develop

nightwalker-87 2021-04-02 16:57:01 +02:00
commit 464e15cf37
3 zmienionych plików z 33 dodań i 30 usunięć

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@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ name: "CodeQL"
branches: [ develop, master ]
branches: [ testing, develop, master ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ develop ]
branches: [ testing, develop ]
- cron: '23 20 * * 2'
- cron: '00 20 * * 1'
@ -34,34 +34,36 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install dependencies
run: sudo apt-get install gcc-10 libusb-1.0.0-dev libgtk-3-dev rpm
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
# Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚
# Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚
# ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
# and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
# uses a compiled language
# ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
# and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
# uses a compiled language
#- run: |
# make bootstrap
# make release
#- run: |
# make bootstrap
# make release
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1

Wyświetl plik

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ elseif (WIN32 OR (EXISTS "/etc/debian_version" AND MINGW))
# Preparations for installing libusb library
set(LIBUSB_WIN_VERSION 1.0.23) # set libusb version
set(LIBUSB_WIN_VERSION 1.0.24) # set libusb version
if (WIN32 AND NOT EXISTS "/etc/debian_version") # ... on native Windows systems
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ elseif (WIN32 OR (EXISTS "/etc/debian_version" AND MINGW))
message(STATUS "downloading libusb ${LIBUSB_WIN_VERSION}")
${LIBUSB_WIN_ARCHIVE_PATH} EXPECTED_MD5 cf3d38d2ff053ef343d10c0b8b0950c2
${LIBUSB_WIN_ARCHIVE_PATH} EXPECTED_MD5 5c944b1c8aa9d43e026a94302d0f8ac4
endif ()