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2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
Open source version of the STMicroelectronics Stlink Tools
2016-09-22 19:06:35 +00:00
[![GitHub release](](
2017-01-28 12:08:30 +00:00
[![BSD licensed](](
2018-09-13 20:23:08 +00:00
[![GitHub commits](](
2017-01-28 12:08:30 +00:00
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
[![Linux Status](](
2016-09-15 13:37:43 +00:00
[![Build Status](](
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
2020-02-19 17:33:30 +00:00
**NOTICE: The project has currently not an active maintainer. Feel free to contribute and discus in issue [#826](**
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
First, you have to know there are several boards supported by the software.
Those boards use a chip to translate from USB to JTAG commands. The chip is
called stlink and there are two versions:
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
* STLINKv1, present on STM32VL discovery kits,
* STLINKv2, present on STM32L discovery and later kits.
Two different transport layers are used:
* STLINKv1 uses SCSI passthru commands over USB
* STLINKv2 and STLINKv2-1 (seen on nucleo boards) uses raw USB commands.
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
## Installation
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
Windows users can [download v1.3.0]( from the releases page.
Mac OS X users can install from [homebrew]( or [download v1.3.0]( from the releases page.
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
2020-02-19 17:33:30 +00:00
Debian Linux users can install it via the ```stlink-tools``` package [repository](
2020-02-19 17:33:30 +00:00
Ubuntu Linux users can install it via the ```stlink-tools``` package [repository](
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
Arch Linux users can install from the [repository](
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
Alpine Linux users can install from the [repository](
Fedora users can install from [repository](
RedHat/CentOS 7 users can install from EPEL [repository](
Gentoo Linux users can install from the official portage [repository](
FreeBSD users can install from [freshports](
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
OpenBSD users need to install [from source](doc/
## Installation from source (advanced users)
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
When there is no executable available for your platform or you need the latest
(possible unstable) version you need to compile yourself. This is explained in
the [compiling manual](doc/
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
## Using the gdb server
To run the gdb server:
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
$ make && [sudo] ./st-util
There are a few options:
./st-util - usage:
-h, --help Print this help
-vXX, --verbose=XX Specify a specific verbosity level (0..99)
-v, --verbose Specify generally verbose logging
-s X, --stlink_version=X
Choose what version of stlink to use, (defaults to 2)
-1, --stlinkv1 Force stlink version 1
-p 4242, --listen_port=1234
Set the gdb server listen port. (default port: 4242)
-m, --multi
Set gdb server to extended mode.
st-util will continue listening for connections after disconnect.
-n, --no-reset
Do not reset board on connection.
The STLINKv2 device to use can be specified in the environment
variable `STLINK_DEVICE` in the format `<USB_BUS>:<USB_ADDR>`.
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
Then, in your project directory, someting like this...
(remember, you need to run an _ARM_ gdb, not an x86 gdb)
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb fancyblink.elf
(gdb) tar extended-remote :4242
(gdb) load
Loading section .text, size 0x458 lma 0x8000000
Loading section .data, size 0x8 lma 0x8000458
Start address 0x80001c1, load size 1120
Transfer rate: 1 KB/sec, 560 bytes/write.
(gdb) continue
## Resetting the chip from GDB
You may reset the chip using GDB if you want. You'll need to use `target
extended-remote' command like in this session:
(gdb) target extended-remote localhost:4242
Remote debugging using localhost:4242
0x080007a8 in _startup ()
(gdb) kill
Kill the program being debugged? (y or n) y
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/whitequark/ST/apps/bally/firmware.elf
Remember that you can shorten the commands. `tar ext :4242` is good enough
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
for GDB.
If you need to send a hard reset signal through `NRST` pin, you can use the following command:
2019-03-15 18:34:39 +00:00
(gdb) monitor jtag_reset
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
## Running programs from SRAM
You can run your firmware directly from SRAM if you want to. Just link
it at 0x20000000 and do
(gdb) load firmware.elf
It will be loaded, and pc will be adjusted to point to start of the
code, if it is linked correctly (i.e. ELF has correct entry point).
## Writing to flash
The GDB stub ships with a correct memory map, including the flash area.
If you would link your executable to `0x08000000` and then do
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
(gdb) load firmware.elf
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
then it would be written to the memory.
## Writing Option Bytes
Example to read and write option bytes (currently writing only supported for STM32G0 and STM32L0)
./st-flash --debug --reset --format binary --flash=128k read option_bytes_dump.bin 0x1FFF7800 4
./st-flash --debug --reset --format binary --flash=128k write option_bytes_dump.bin 0x1FFF7800
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
## FAQ
Q: My breakpoints do not work at all or only work once.
A: Optimizations can cause severe instruction reordering. For example,
if you are doing something like `REG = 0x100;' in a loop, the code may
be split into two parts: loading 0x100 into some intermediate register
and moving that value to REG. When you set up a breakpoint, GDB will
hook to the first instruction, which may be called only once if there are
enough unused registers. In my experience, -O3 causes that frequently.
Q: At some point I use GDB command `next', and it hangs.
A: Sometimes when you will try to use GDB `next` command to skip a loop,
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
it will use a rather inefficient single-stepping way of doing that.
Set up a breakpoint manually in that case and do `continue`.
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
Q: Load command does not work in GDB.
A: Some people report XML/EXPAT is not enabled by default when compiling
GDB. Memory map parsing thus fail. Use --enable-expat.
## Currently known working combinations of programmer and target
See [doc/](doc/
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
## Known missing features
Some features are missing from the `texane/stlink` project and we would like you to
help us out if you want to get involved:
2016-10-29 10:20:10 +00:00
* Control programming speed (See [#462](
* OTP area programming (See [#202](
* EEPROM area programming (See [#318](
* Protection bits area reading (See [#346](
* MCU hotplug (See [#449](
* Writing options bytes (region) (See [#458](
* Instrumentation Trace Macro (ITM) Cell (See [#136](
* Writing external memory connected to an STM32 controller (e.g Quad SPI NOR flash) (See [#412](
2016-10-29 10:20:10 +00:00
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
## Known bugs
### Sometimes flashing only works after a mass erase
There is seen a problem sometimes where a flash loader run error occurs and is resolved after mass-erase
of the flash:
2015-12-09T22:01:57 INFO src/stlink-common.c: Successfully loaded flash loader in sram
2015-12-09T22:02:18 ERROR src/stlink-common.c: flash loader run error
2015-12-09T22:02:18 ERROR src/stlink-common.c: run_flash_loader(0x8000000) failed! == -1
Issue related to this bug: [#356](
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
### Flash size is detected as zero bytes size
It is possible that the STM32 flash is write protected, the st-flash tool will show something like this:
st-flash write prog.bin 0x8000000
2017-01-24T18:44:14 INFO src/stlink-common.c: Loading device parameters....
2017-01-24T18:44:14 INFO src/stlink-common.c: Device connected is: F1 High-density device, id 0x10036414
2017-01-24T18:44:14 INFO src/stlink-common.c: SRAM size: 0x10000 bytes (64 KiB), Flash: 0 bytes (0 KiB) in pages of 2048 bytes
As you can see, it gives out something unexpected like
Flash: 0 bytes (0 KiB) in pages of 2048 bytes
st-info --probe
Found 1 stlink programmers
serial: 303030303030303030303031
openocd: "\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x31"
flash: 0 (pagesize: 2048)
sram: 65536
chipid: 0x0414
descr: F1 High-density device
Try to remove the write protection (probably only possible with ST Link Utility from ST itself).
Issue related to this bug: [#545](
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
## Contributing and versioning
* The semantic versioning scheme is used. Read more at [](
* When creating a pull request, please open first a issue for discussion of new features. Bugfixes don't need a discussion.
2016-06-18 14:19:09 +00:00
## License
Debian packaging, CMake and fixes (#683) * Use https for debian/copyright * Update dates and fix stanzas in debian/copyright No need to have 2 stanzas for the same license * Add BSD-3-clause body in debian/copyright * Remove generated boilerplate from debian/rules * Enable compiler hardening flags in debian/rules * Fix source package name according to repo and docs * Set source package section to electronics See for a full list * Add long descriptions to packages * Add gbp.conf file * Update changelog for 1.5.0 release * Remove dirs files, not needed anymore * Rename library package to match SONAME As per Debian policy, shared library packages must be named after their SONAME version. * libstlink0: break+replace libstlink since it took over its files * Remove triggers, not needed anymore debhelper tools will generate the triggers file automatically since the package name was corrected * List GPL2+ in debian/copyright for flashloaders * Do not append -shared to shared library on *NIX Only on Windows it's necessary to have different file names, on *NIX the extension is what disambiguates between a static library (.a) and a shared library (.so). * Clarify license of flashloaders in Fixes #682 * List all individual authors in debian/copyright The Debian FTP masters nowadays require that all authors are listed in debian/copyright. Print the list of authors from git. * Move modprobe and udev files from shared library package to tools package Multiple versions of a shared library might be installed on the same system. Do not ship unversioned files in their packages, or they will conflict and fail to install. * stlink-tools: break+replace libstlink It took ownership of udev and modprobe files from libstlink * Fix pkgconfig include dir: remove project version The headers are installed in /usr/include/stlink without a version number. * Add libstlink1 symbols file Generated with: dpkg-gensymbols -P/tmp -v1.5.0 -V -e/tmp/ -plibstlink1 -Odebian/libstlink1.symbols * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.3 Main changes are shared library rename and files moved, and HTTPS URLs. * Add debian/watch file for notifications The Debian package tracker can automatically notify when a new version is out.
2018-03-16 15:41:07 +00:00
The stlink library and tools are licensed under the [BSD license](LICENSE).
The flashloaders/stm32l0x.s and flashloaders/stm32lx.s source files are licensed under the GPL-2+.