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SVG Stipple Generator, v. 2.40
Copyright (C) 2016 by Windell H. Oskay,
Full Documentation:
Blog post about the release:
An implementation of Weighted Voronoi Stippling:
Change Log:
v 2.4
* Compiling in Processing 3.0.1
* Add GUI option to fill circles with a spiral
v 2.3
* Forked from 2.1.1
* Fixed saving bug
v 2.20
* [Cancelled development branch.]
v 2.1.1
* Faster now, with number of stipples calculated at a time.
v 2.1.0
* Now compiling in Processing 2.0b6
* selectInput() and selectOutput() calls modified for Processing 2.
v 2.02
* Force files to end in .svg
* Fix bug that gave wrong size to stipple files saved white stipples on black background
v 2.01:
* Improved handling of Save process, to prevent accidental "not saving" by users.
v 2.0:
* Add tone reversal option (white on black / black on white)
* Reduce vertical extent of GUI, to reduce likelihood of cropping on small screens
* Speling corections
* Fixed a bug that caused unintended cropping of long, wide images
* Reorganized GUI controls
* Fail less disgracefully when a bad image type is selected.
Program is based on the Toxic Libs Library ( )
& example code:
Additional inspiration:
Stipple Cam from Jim Bumgardner
MeshLibDemo.pde - Demo of Lee Byron's Mesh library, by
Marius Watz -
Requires ControlP5 library and Toxic Libs library:
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// You need the controlP5 library from
import controlP5.*;
//You need the Toxic Libs library:
import toxi.geom.*;
import toxi.geom.mesh2d.*;
import toxi.util.datatypes.*;
import toxi.processing.*;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
// helper class for rendering
ToxiclibsSupport gfx;
// Feel free to play with these three default settings
float cutoff = 0;
float minDotSize = 1.75;
float dotSizeFactor = 4;
// Max value is normally 10000. Press 'x' key to allow 50000 stipples. (SLOW)
int maxParticles = 2000;
//Scale each cell to fit in a cellBuffer-sized square window for computing the centroid.
int cellBuffer = 100;
// Display window and GUI area sizes:
int mainwidth;
int mainheight;
int borderWidth;
int ctrlheight;
int textColumnStart;
float lowBorderX;
float hiBorderX;
float lowBorderY;
float hiBorderY;
float maxDotSize;
boolean reInitiallizeArray;
boolean pausemode;
boolean fileLoaded;
boolean saveNow;
String savePath;
String[] fileOutput;
boolean fillingCircles;
String statusDisplay = "Initializing, please wait. :)";
float millisLastFrame = 0;
float frameTime = 0;
float errorTime;
String errorDisplay = "";
boolean errorDisp = false;
int generation;
int particleRouteLength;
int routeStep;
boolean invertImg;
boolean fileModeTSP;
boolean tempShowCells;
boolean showBG, showPath, showCells;
int vorPointsAdded;
boolean voronoiCalculated;
int cellsTotal, cellsCalculated, cellsCalculatedLast;
int[] particleRoute;
Vec2D[] particles;
ControlP5 cp5;
Voronoi voronoi;
Polygon2D regionList[];
PolygonClipper2D clip;
PImage img, imgload, imgblur;
void LoadImageAndScale() {
int tempx = 0;
int tempy = 0;
img = createImage(mainwidth, mainheight, RGB);
imgblur = createImage(mainwidth, mainheight, RGB);
for (int i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i++) {
img.pixels[i] = color(invertImg ? 0 : 255);
if (!fileLoaded) {
// Load a demo image, at least until we have a "real" image to work with.
// Image from:,_Grace_(Rear_Window).jpg
imgload = loadImage("grace.jpg"); // Load demo image
if ((imgload.width > mainwidth) || (imgload.height > mainheight)) {
if (((float)imgload.width / (float)imgload.height) > ((float)mainwidth / (float)mainheight))
imgload.resize(mainwidth, 0);
} else {
imgload.resize(0, mainheight);
if (imgload.height < (mainheight - 2)) {
tempy = (int)((mainheight - imgload.height) / 2) ;
if (imgload.width < (mainwidth - 2)) {
tempx = (int)((mainwidth - imgload.width) / 2) ;
img.copy(imgload, 0, 0, imgload.width, imgload.height, tempx, tempy, imgload.width, imgload.height);
// For background image!
// Optional gamma correction for background image.
float tempFloat;
float GammaValue = 1.0; // Normally in the range 0.25 - 4.0
for (int i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i++) {
tempFloat = brightness(img.pixels[i])/255;
img.pixels[i] = color(floor(255 * pow(tempFloat,GammaValue)));
imgblur.copy(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
// This is a duplicate of the background image, that we will apply a blur to,
// to reduce "high frequency" noise artifacts.
// Low-level blur filter to elminate pixel-to-pixel noise artifacts.
imgblur.filter(BLUR, 1);
void MainArraySetup() {
// Main particle array initialization (to be called whenever necessary):
// image(img, 0, 0); // SHOW BG IMG
particles = new Vec2D[maxParticles];
// Fill array by "rejection sampling"
int i = 0;
while (i < maxParticles) {
float fx = lowBorderX + random(hiBorderX - lowBorderX);
float fy = lowBorderY + random(hiBorderY - lowBorderY);
float p = brightness(imgblur.pixels[ floor(fy)*imgblur.width + floor(fx) ])/255;
// OK to use simple floor_ rounding here, because this is a one-time operation,
// creating the initial distribution that will be iterated.
if (invertImg) {
p = 1 - p;
if (random(1) >= p ) {
Vec2D p1 = new Vec2D(fx, fy);
particles[i] = p1;
particleRouteLength = 0;
generation = 0;
millisLastFrame = millis();
routeStep = 0;
voronoiCalculated = false;
cellsCalculated = 0;
vorPointsAdded = 0;
voronoi = new Voronoi(); // Erase mesh
tempShowCells = true;
fileModeTSP = false;
void setup() {
borderWidth = 6;
mainwidth = 800;
mainheight = 600;
ctrlheight = 110;
fillingCircles = true;
size(800, 710);
gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this);
lowBorderX = borderWidth; //mainwidth*0.01;
hiBorderX = mainwidth - borderWidth; //mainwidth*0.98;
lowBorderY = borderWidth; // mainheight*0.01;
hiBorderY = mainheight - borderWidth; //mainheight*0.98;
int innerWidth = mainwidth - 2 * borderWidth;
int innerHeight = mainheight - 2 * borderWidth;
Rect rect = new Rect(lowBorderX, lowBorderY, innerWidth, innerHeight);
clip = new SutherlandHodgemanClipper(rect);
MainArraySetup(); // Main particle array setup
fill(153); // Background fill color, for control section
textFont(createFont("SansSerif", 10));
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
int leftcolumwidth = 225;
int guiTop = mainheight + 15;
int gui2ndRow = 4; // Spacing for firt row after group heading
int guiRowSpacing = 14; // Spacing for subsequent rows
int buttonHeight = mainheight + 19 + int(round(2.25 * guiRowSpacing));
ControlGroup l3 = cp5.addGroup("Primary controls (Changing will restart)", 10, guiTop, 225);
cp5.addSlider("sliderStipples", 10, 10000, maxParticles, 10, gui2ndRow, 150, 10)
cp5.addButton("buttonInvertImg", 10, 10, gui2ndRow + guiRowSpacing, 190, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Black stipples, White Background")
cp5.addButton("buttonLoadFile", 10, 10, buttonHeight, 175, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("LOAD IMAGE FILE (.PNG, .JPG, or .GIF)");
cp5.addButton("buttonQuit", 10, 205, buttonHeight, 30, 10)
cp5.addButton("buttonSaveStipples", 10, 25, buttonHeight + guiRowSpacing, 160, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Save Stipple File (.SVG format)");
cp5.addButton("buttonSavePath", 10, 25, buttonHeight + 2 * guiRowSpacing, 160, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Save \"TSP\" Path (.SVG format)");
cp5.addButton("buttonFillCircles", 10, 10, buttonHeight + 3 * guiRowSpacing, 190, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Generate Filled circles in output");
ControlGroup l5 = cp5.addGroup("Display Options - Updated on next generation", leftcolumwidth+50, guiTop, 225);
cp5.addSlider("sliderMinDotSize", .5, 8, 2, 10, 4, 140, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Min. Dot Size")
cp5.addSlider("sliderDotSizeRange", 0, 20, 5, 10, 18, 140, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Dot Size Range")
cp5.addSlider("sliderWhiteCutoff", 0, 1, 0, 10, 32, 140, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("White Cutoff")
cp5.addButton("buttonImgOnOff", 10, 10, 46, 90, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Image BG >> Hide")
cp5.addButton("buttonCellsOnOff", 10, 110, 46, 90, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Cells >> Hide")
cp5.addButton("buttonPause", 10, 10, 60, 190, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Pause (to calculate TSP path)")
cp5.addButton("buttonOrderOnOff", 10, 10, 74, 190, 10)
.setCaptionLabel("Plotting path >> shown while paused")
textColumnStart = 2 * leftcolumwidth + 100;
maxDotSize = getMaxDotSize(minDotSize);
saveNow = false;
showBG = false;
showPath = true;
showCells = false;
pausemode = false;
invertImg = false;
fileLoaded = false;
reInitiallizeArray = false;
void fileSelected(File selection) {
if (selection == null) {
println("Window was closed or the user hit cancel.");
} else {
//println("User selected " + selection.getAbsolutePath());
String loadPath = selection.getAbsolutePath();
// If a file was selected, print path to file
println("Loaded file: " + loadPath);
String[] p = splitTokens(loadPath, ".");
String ext = p[p.length - 1].toLowerCase();
boolean fileOK = false;
fileOK = fileOK || ext.equals("gif");
fileOK = fileOK || ext.equals("jpg");
fileOK = fileOK || ext.equals("tga");
fileOK = fileOK || ext.equals("png");
println("File OK: " + fileOK);
if (fileOK) {
imgload = loadImage(loadPath);
fileLoaded = true;
reInitiallizeArray = true;
} else {
// Can't load file
errorDisplay = "ERROR: BAD FILE TYPE";
errorTime = millis();
errorDisp = true;
void buttonLoadFile(float theValue) {
println(":::LOAD JPG, GIF or PNG FILE:::");
selectInput("Select a file to process:", "fileSelected"); // Opens file chooser
void buttonSavePath(float theValue) {
fileModeTSP = true;
void buttonSaveStipples(float theValue) {
fileModeTSP = false;
void SavefileSelected(File selection) {
if (selection == null) {
// If a file was not selected
println("No output file was selected...");
errorDisplay = "ERROR: NO FILE NAME CHOSEN.";
errorTime = millis();
errorDisp = true;
} else {
savePath = selection.getAbsolutePath();
String[] p = splitTokens(savePath, ".");
boolean fileOK = p[p.length - 1].toLowerCase().equals("svg");
if (!fileOK) savePath = savePath + ".svg";
// If a file was selected, print path to folder
println("Save file: " + savePath);
saveNow = true;
showPath = true;
errorDisplay = "SAVING FILE...";
errorTime = millis();
errorDisp = true;
void saveSvg(float theValue) {
if (!pausemode) {
errorDisplay = "Error: PAUSE before saving.";
errorTime = millis();
errorDisp = true;
} else {
selectOutput("Output .svg file name:", "SavefileSelected");
void buttonQuit(float theValue) {
void buttonOrderOnOff(float theValue) {
Button orderOnOff = (Button)cp5.getController("buttonOrderOnOff");
if (showPath) {
showPath = false;
orderOnOff.setCaptionLabel("Plotting path >> Hide");
} else {
showPath = true;
orderOnOff.setCaptionLabel("Plotting path >> Shown while paused");
void buttonCellsOnOff(float theValue) {
Button cellsOnOff = (Button)cp5.getController("buttonCellsOnOff");
if (showCells) {
showCells = false;
cellsOnOff.setCaptionLabel("Cells >> Hide");
} else {
showCells = true;
cellsOnOff.setCaptionLabel("Cells >> Show");
void buttonImgOnOff(float theValue) {
Button imgOnOffButton = (Button)cp5.getController("buttonImgOnOff");
if (showBG) {
showBG = false;
imgOnOffButton.setCaptionLabel("Image BG >> Hide");
} else {
showBG = true;
imgOnOffButton.setCaptionLabel("Image BG >> Show");
void buttonInvertImg(float theValue) {
Slider cutoffSlider = (Slider)cp5.getController("sliderWhiteCutoff");
Button invertImgButton = (Button)cp5.getController("buttonInvertImg");
if (invertImg) {
invertImg = false;
invertImgButton.setCaptionLabel("Black stipples, White background");
cutoffSlider.setCaptionLabel("White Cutoff");
} else {
invertImg = true;
invertImgButton.setCaptionLabel("White stipples, Black background");
cutoffSlider.setCaptionLabel("Black Cutoff");
reInitiallizeArray = true;
pausemode = false;
void buttonFillCircles(float theValue) {
Button fillCircleButton = (Button)cp5.getController("buttonFillCircles");
if (fillingCircles) {
fillingCircles = false;
fillCircleButton.setCaptionLabel("Generate Open circles in output");
} else {
fillingCircles = true;
fillCircleButton.setCaptionLabel("Generate Filled circles in output");
void buttonPause(float theValue) {
// Main particle array setup (to be repeated if necessary):
Button pauseButton = (Button)cp5.getController("buttonPause");
if (pausemode) {
pausemode = false;
pauseButton.setCaptionLabel("Pause (to calculate TSP path)");
} else {
pausemode = true;
println("Paused. Press PAUSE again to resume.");
pauseButton.setCaptionLabel("Paused (calculating TSP path)");
routeStep = 0;
boolean overRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
return mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + width && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + height;
void sliderStipples(int inValue) {
if (maxParticles != inValue) {
println("Update: Stipple Count -> " + inValue);
reInitiallizeArray = true;
pausemode = false;
void sliderMinDotSize(float inValue) {
if (minDotSize != inValue) {
println("Update: sliderMinDotSize -> " + inValue);
minDotSize = inValue;
maxDotSize = getMaxDotSize(minDotSize);
void sliderDotSizeRange(float inValue) {
if (dotSizeFactor != inValue) {
println("Update: Dot Size Range -> " + inValue);
dotSizeFactor = inValue;
maxDotSize = getMaxDotSize(minDotSize);
void sliderWhiteCutoff(float inValue) {
if (cutoff != inValue) {
println("Update: White_Cutoff -> " + inValue);
cutoff = inValue;
routeStep = 0; // Reset TSP path
float getMaxDotSize(float minDotSize) {
return minDotSize * (1 + dotSizeFactor);
void doBackgrounds() {
if (showBG) {
image(img, 0, 0); // Show original (cropped and scaled, but not blurred!) image in background
} else {
fill(invertImg ? 0 : 255);
rect(0, 0, mainwidth, mainheight);
void optimizePlotPath() {
int temp;
// Calculate and show "optimized" plotting path, beneath points.
statusDisplay = "Optimizing plotting path";
if (routeStep % 100 == 0) {
println("RouteStep:" + routeStep);
println("fps = " + frameRate );
Vec2D p1;
if (routeStep == 0) {
float cutoffScaled = 1 - cutoff;
// Begin process of optimizing plotting route, by flagging particles that will be shown.
particleRouteLength = 0;
boolean particleRouteTemp[] = new boolean[maxParticles];
for (int i = 0; i < maxParticles; ++i) {
particleRouteTemp[i] = false;
int px = (int) particles[i].x;
int py = (int) particles[i].y;
if ((px >= imgblur.width) || (py >= imgblur.height) || (px < 0) || (py < 0)) {
float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[py * imgblur.width + px])) / 255;
if (invertImg) {
v = 1 - v;
if (v < cutoffScaled) {
particleRouteTemp[i] = true;
particleRoute = new int[particleRouteLength];
int tempCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxParticles; ++i) {
if (particleRouteTemp[i]) {
particleRoute[tempCounter] = i;
// These are the ONLY points to be drawn in the tour.
if (routeStep < (particleRouteLength - 2)) {
// Nearest neighbor ("Simple, Greedy") algorithm path optimization:
int StopPoint = routeStep + 1000; // 1000 steps per frame displayed; you can edit this number!
if (StopPoint > (particleRouteLength - 1)) {
StopPoint = particleRouteLength - 1;
for (int i = routeStep; i < StopPoint; ++i) {
p1 = particles[particleRoute[routeStep]];
int ClosestParticle = 0;
float distMin = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = routeStep + 1; j < (particleRouteLength - 1); ++j) {
Vec2D p2 = particles[particleRoute[j]];
float dx = p1.x - p2.x;
float dy = p1.y - p2.y;
float distance = (float) (dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only looking for closest; do not need sqrt factor!
if (distance < distMin) {
ClosestParticle = j;
distMin = distance;
temp = particleRoute[routeStep + 1];
// p1 = particles[particleRoute[routeStep + 1]];
particleRoute[routeStep + 1] = particleRoute[ClosestParticle];
particleRoute[ClosestParticle] = temp;
if (routeStep < (particleRouteLength - 1)) {
} else {
println("Now optimizing plot path" );
} else { // Initial routing is complete
// 2-opt heuristic optimization:
// Identify a pair of edges that would become shorter by reversing part of the tour.
for (int i = 0; i < 90000; ++i) { // 1000 tests per frame; you can edit this number.
int indexA = floor(random(particleRouteLength - 1));
int indexB = floor(random(particleRouteLength - 1));
if (Math.abs(indexA - indexB) < 2) {
if (indexB < indexA) { // swap A, B.
temp = indexB;
indexB = indexA;
indexA = temp;
Vec2D a0 = particles[particleRoute[indexA]];
Vec2D a1 = particles[particleRoute[indexA + 1]];
Vec2D b0 = particles[particleRoute[indexB]];
Vec2D b1 = particles[particleRoute[indexB + 1]];
// Original distance:
float dx = a0.x - a1.x;
float dy = a0.y - a1.y;
float distance = (float)(dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only a comparison; do not need sqrt factor!
dx = b0.x - b1.x;
dy = b0.y - b1.y;
distance += (float)(dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only a comparison; do not need sqrt factor!
// Possible shorter distance?
dx = a0.x - b0.x;
dy = a0.y - b0.y;
float distance2 = (float)(dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only a comparison; do not need sqrt factor!
dx = a1.x - b1.x;
dy = a1.y - b1.y;
distance2 += (float)(dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only a comparison; do not need sqrt factor!
if (distance2 < distance) {
// Reverse tour between a1 and b0.
int indexhigh = indexB;
int indexlow = indexA + 1;
// println("Shorten!" + frameRate );
while (indexhigh > indexlow) {
temp = particleRoute[indexlow];
particleRoute[indexlow] = particleRoute[indexhigh];
particleRoute[indexhigh] = temp;
frameTime = (millis() - millisLastFrame) / 1000;
millisLastFrame = millis();
void doPhysics() { // Iterative relaxation via weighted Lloyd's algorithm.
int temp;
int CountTemp;
if (!voronoiCalculated) {
// Part I: Calculate voronoi cell diagram of the points.
statusDisplay = "Calculating Voronoi diagram ";
// float millisBaseline = millis(); // Baseline for timing studies
// println("Baseline. Time = " + (millis() - millisBaseline) );
if (vorPointsAdded == 0) {
voronoi = new Voronoi(); // Erase mesh
temp = vorPointsAdded + 500; // This line: VoronoiPointsPerPass (Feel free to edit this number.)
if (temp > maxParticles) {
temp = maxParticles;
for (int i = vorPointsAdded; i < temp; i++) {
// Optional, for diagnostics:::
// println("particles[i].x, particles[i].y " + particles[i].x + ", " + particles[i].y );
voronoi.addPoint(new Vec2D(particles[i].x, particles[i].y ));
if (vorPointsAdded >= maxParticles) {
// println("Points added. Time = " + (millis() - millisBaseline) );
cellsTotal = voronoi.getRegions().size();
vorPointsAdded = 0;
cellsCalculated = 0;
cellsCalculatedLast = 0;
regionList = new Polygon2D[cellsTotal];
int i = 0;
for (Polygon2D poly : voronoi.getRegions()) {
regionList[i++] = poly; // Build array of polygons
voronoiCalculated = true;
} else { // Part II: Calculate weighted centroids of cells.
// float millisBaseline = millis();
// println("fps = " + frameRate );
statusDisplay = "Calculating weighted centroids";
temp = cellsCalculated + 500; // This line: CentroidsPerPass (Feel free to edit this number.)
// Higher values give slightly faster computation, but a less responsive GUI.
// Default value: 500
// Time/frame @ 100: 2.07 @ 50 frames in
// Time/frame @ 200: 1.575 @ 50
// Time/frame @ 500: 1.44 @ 50
if (temp > cellsTotal) {
temp = cellsTotal;
for (int i=cellsCalculated; i< temp; i++) {
float xMax = 0;
float xMin = mainwidth;
float yMax = 0;
float yMin = mainheight;
float xt, yt;
Polygon2D region = clip.clipPolygon(regionList[i]);
for (Vec2D v : region.vertices) {
xt = v.x;
yt = v.y;
if (xt < xMin) xMin = xt;
if (xt > xMax) xMax = xt;
if (yt < yMin) yMin = yt;
if (yt > yMax) yMax = yt;
float xDiff = xMax - xMin;
float yDiff = yMax - yMin;
float maxSize = max(xDiff, yDiff);
float minSize = min(xDiff, yDiff);
float scaleFactor = 1.0;
// Maximum voronoi cell extent should be between
// cellBuffer/2 and cellBuffer in size.
while (maxSize > cellBuffer) {
scaleFactor *= 0.5;
maxSize *= 0.5;
while (maxSize < (cellBuffer / 2)) {
scaleFactor *= 2;
maxSize *= 2;
if ((minSize * scaleFactor) > (cellBuffer/2)) {
// Special correction for objects of near-unity (square-like) aspect ratio,
// which have larger area *and* where it is less essential to find the exact centroid:
scaleFactor *= 0.5;
float StepSize = (1/scaleFactor);
float xSum = 0;
float ySum = 0;
float dSum = 0;
float PicDensity = 1.0;
if (invertImg) {
for (float x=xMin; x<=xMax; x += StepSize) {
for (float y=yMin; y<=yMax; y += StepSize) {
Vec2D p0 = new Vec2D(x, y);
if (region.containsPoint(p0)) {
// Thanks to polygon clipping, NO vertices will be beyond the sides of imgblur.
PicDensity = 0.001 + (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ round(y)*imgblur.width + round(x) ]));
xSum += PicDensity * x;
ySum += PicDensity * y;
dSum += PicDensity;
} else {
for (float x=xMin; x<=xMax; x += StepSize) {
for (float y=yMin; y<=yMax; y += StepSize) {
Vec2D p0 = new Vec2D(x, y);
if (region.containsPoint(p0)) {
// Thanks to polygon clipping, NO vertices will be beyond the sides of imgblur.
PicDensity = 255.001 - (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ round(y)*imgblur.width + round(x) ]));
xSum += PicDensity * x;
ySum += PicDensity * y;
dSum += PicDensity;
if (dSum > 0) {
xSum /= dSum;
ySum /= dSum;
Vec2D centr;
float xTemp = xSum;
float yTemp = ySum;
if ((xTemp <= lowBorderX) || (xTemp >= hiBorderX) || (yTemp <= lowBorderY) || (yTemp >= hiBorderY)) {
// If new centroid is computed to be outside the visible region, use the geometric centroid instead.
// This will help to prevent runaway points due to numerical artifacts.
centr = region.getCentroid();
xTemp = centr.x;
yTemp = centr.y;
// Enforce sides, if absolutely necessary: (Failure to do so *will* cause a crash, eventually.)
if (xTemp <= lowBorderX) xTemp = lowBorderX + 1;
if (xTemp >= hiBorderX) xTemp = hiBorderX - 1;
if (yTemp <= lowBorderY) yTemp = lowBorderY + 1;
if (yTemp >= hiBorderY) yTemp = hiBorderY - 1;
particles[i].x = xTemp;
particles[i].y = yTemp;
// println("cellsCalculated = " + cellsCalculated );
// println("cellsTotal = " + cellsTotal );
if (cellsCalculated >= cellsTotal) {
voronoiCalculated = false;
println("Generation = " + generation );
frameTime = (millis() - millisLastFrame)/1000;
millisLastFrame = millis();
String makeSpiral ( float xOrigin, float yOrigin, float turns, float radius)
float resolution = 20.0;
float AngleStep = TAU / resolution;
float ScaledRadiusPerTurn = radius / (TAU * turns);
String spiralSVG = "<path d=\"M " + xOrigin + "," + yOrigin + " "; // Mark center point of spiral
float x, y;
float angle = 0;
int stopPoint = ceil (resolution * turns);
int startPoint = floor(resolution / 4); // Skip the first quarter turn in the spiral, since we have a center point already.
if (turns > 1.0) { // For small enough circles, skip the fill, and just draw the circle.
for (int i = startPoint; i <= stopPoint; i = i+1) {
angle = i * AngleStep;
x = xOrigin + ScaledRadiusPerTurn * angle * cos(angle);
y = yOrigin + ScaledRadiusPerTurn * angle * sin(angle);
spiralSVG += x + "," + y + " ";
// Last turn is a circle:
float CircleRad = ScaledRadiusPerTurn * angle;
for (int i = 0; i <= resolution; i = i+1) {
angle += AngleStep;
x = xOrigin + radius * cos(angle);
y = yOrigin + radius * sin(angle);
spiralSVG += x + "," + y + " ";
spiralSVG += "\" />" ;
return spiralSVG;
void draw() {
int i = 0;
int temp;
float dotScale = (maxDotSize - minDotSize);
float cutoffScaled = 1 - cutoff;
if (reInitiallizeArray) {
// Only change maxParticles here!
maxParticles = (int)cp5.getController("sliderStipples").getValue();
reInitiallizeArray = false;
if (pausemode && !voronoiCalculated) {
} else {
if (pausemode) {
// Draw paths:
if (showPath) {
stroke(128, 128, 255); // Stroke color (blue)
strokeWeight (1);
for (i = 0; i < particleRouteLength - 1; ++i) {
Vec2D p1 = particles[particleRoute[i]];
Vec2D p2 = particles[particleRoute[i + 1]];
line(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
stroke(invertImg ? 255 : 0);
fill (invertImg ? 0 : 255);
for ( i = 0; i < particleRouteLength; ++i) {
// Only show "routed" particles-- those above the white cutoff.
Vec2D p1 = particles[particleRoute[i]];
int px = (int)p1.x;
int py = (int)p1.y;
float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[py * imgblur.width + px])) / 255;
if (invertImg) v = 1 - v;
if (fillingCircles) {
strokeWeight(maxDotSize - v * dotScale);
point(px, py);
} else {
float dotSize = maxDotSize - v * dotScale;
ellipse(px, py, dotSize, dotSize);
} else { // NOT in pause mode. i.e., just displaying stipples.
if (cellsCalculated == 0) {
tempShowCells = generation == 0;
if (showCells || tempShowCells) { // Draw voronoi cells, over background.
stroke(invertImg && !showBG ? 100 : 200);
i = 0;
for (Polygon2D poly : voronoi.getRegions()) {
//regionList[i++] = poly;
if (showCells) {
// Show "before and after" centroids, when polygons are shown.
strokeWeight(minDotSize); // Normal w/ Min & Max dot size
for ( i = 0; i < maxParticles; ++i) {
int px = (int)particles[i].x;
int py = (int)particles[i].y;
if ((px >= imgblur.width) || (py >= imgblur.height) || (px < 0) || (py < 0))
//Uncomment the following four lines, if you wish to display the "before" dots at weighted sizes.
//float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ py*imgblur.width + px ]))/255;
//if (invertImg)
//v = 1 - v;
//strokeWeight (maxDotSize - v * dotScale);
point(px, py);
} else {
// Stipple calculation is still underway
if (tempShowCells) {
tempShowCells = false;
stroke(invertImg ? 255 : 0);
fill(invertImg ? 0 : 255);
for (i = cellsCalculatedLast; i < cellsCalculated; ++i) {
int px = (int)particles[i].x;
int py = (int)particles[i].y;
if ((px >= imgblur.width) || (py >= imgblur.height) || (px < 0) || (py < 0))
float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[py * imgblur.width + px])) / 255;
if (invertImg) v = 1 - v;
if (v < cutoffScaled) {
if (fillingCircles) {
strokeWeight(maxDotSize - v * dotScale);
point(px, py);
} else {
float dotSize = maxDotSize - v * dotScale;
ellipse(px, py, dotSize, dotSize);
cellsCalculatedLast = cellsCalculated;
fill(100); // Background fill color
rect(0, mainheight, mainwidth, height); // Control area fill
// Underlay for hyperlink:
if (overRect(textColumnStart - 10, mainheight + 35, 205, 20) ) {
rect(textColumnStart - 10, mainheight + 35, 205, 20);
fill(255); // Text color
text("StippleGen 2 (v. 2.4.0)", textColumnStart, mainheight + 15);
text("by Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories", textColumnStart, mainheight + 30);
text("", textColumnStart, mainheight + 50);
text("Generations completed: " + generation, textColumnStart, mainheight + 85);
text("Time/Frame: " + frameTime + " s", textColumnStart, mainheight + 100);
if (errorDisp) {
fill(255, 0, 0); // Text color
text(errorDisplay, textColumnStart, mainheight + 70);
errorDisp = !(millis() - errorTime > 8000);
} else {
text("Status: " + statusDisplay, textColumnStart, mainheight + 70);
if (saveNow) {
statusDisplay = "Saving SVG File";
saveNow = false;
fileOutput = loadStrings("header.txt");
String rowTemp;
float SVGscale = (800.0 / (float) mainheight);
int xOffset = (int)(1600 - (SVGscale * mainwidth / 2));
int yOffset = (int)(400 - (SVGscale * mainheight / 2));
if (fileModeTSP) { // Plot the PATH between the points only.
println("Save TSP File (SVG)");
// Path header::
rowTemp = "<path style=\"fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-linecap:round;\" d=\"M ";
fileOutput = append(fileOutput, rowTemp);
for (i = 0; i < particleRouteLength; ++i) {
Vec2D p1 = particles[particleRoute[i]];
float xTemp = SVGscale * p1.x + xOffset;
float yTemp = SVGscale * p1.y + yOffset;
rowTemp = xTemp + " " + yTemp + "\r";
fileOutput = append(fileOutput, rowTemp);
fileOutput = append(fileOutput, "\" />"); // End path description
} else {
println("Save Stipple File (SVG)");
for (i = 0; i < particleRouteLength; ++i) {
Vec2D p1 = particles[particleRoute[i]];
int px = floor(p1.x);
int py = floor(p1.y);
float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[py * imgblur.width + px])) / 255;
if (invertImg) v = 1 - v;
float dotrad = (maxDotSize - v * dotScale) / 2;
float xTemp = SVGscale * p1.x + xOffset;
float yTemp = SVGscale * p1.y + yOffset;
if (fillingCircles) {
rowTemp = makeSpiral(xTemp, yTemp, dotrad / 2.0, dotrad);
} else {
rowTemp = "<circle cx=\"" + xTemp + "\" cy=\"" + yTemp + "\" r=\"" + dotrad + "\"/> ";
//Typ: <circle cx="1600" cy="450" r="3" />
fileOutput = append(fileOutput, rowTemp);
// SVG footer:
fileOutput = append(fileOutput, "</g></g></svg>");
saveStrings(savePath, fileOutput);
fileModeTSP = false; // reset for next time
if (fileModeTSP) {
errorDisplay = "TSP Path .SVG file Saved";
} else {
errorDisplay = "Stipple .SVG file saved ";
errorTime = millis();
errorDisp = true;
void mousePressed() {
// rect(textColumnStart, mainheight, 200, 75);
if (overRect(textColumnStart - 15, mainheight + 35, 205, 20) ) {
void keyPressed() {
if (key == 'x') { // If this program doesn't run slowly enough for you,
// simply press the 'x' key on your keyboard. :)