StippleGen_2_40 SVG Stipple Generator, v. 2.4.0 Copyright (C) 2016 by Windell H. Oskay, Full Documentation: Blog post about the release: An implementation of Weighted Voronoi Stippling: ******************************************************************************* Change Log: v 2.4 * Processing 3.0.1 v 2.3 * Forked from 2.1.1 * Fixed saving bug v 2.20 * [Cancelled development branch.] v 2.1.1 * Faster now, with number of stipples calculated at a time. v 2.1.0 * Now compiling in Processing 2.0b6 * selectInput() and selectOutput() calls modified for Processing 2. v 2.02 * Force files to end in .svg * Fix bug that gave wrong size to stipple files saved white stipples on black background v 2.01: * Improved handling of Save process, to prevent accidental "not saving" by users. v 2.0: * Add tone reversal option (white on black / black on white) * Reduce vertical extent of GUI, to reduce likelihood of cropping on small screens * Speling corections * Fixed a bug that caused unintended cropping of long, wide images * Reorganized GUI controls * Fail less disgracefully when a bad image type is selected. ******************************************************************************* Program is based on the Toxic Libs Library ( ) & example code: Additional inspiration: Stipple Cam from Jim Bumgardner and MeshLibDemo.pde - Demo of Lee Byron's Mesh library, by Marius Watz - Requires ControlP5 library and Toxic Libs library: