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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="staticrypt-html">
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<title>Protected Page</title>
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border-top: 1px solid #eee;
.staticrypt-page {
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margin: 0 auto 100px;
padding: 45px;
text-align: center;
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width: 100%;
border: 0;
margin: 0 0 15px;
padding: 15px;
box-sizing: border-box;
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border: 0;
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.staticrypt-instructions {
margin-top: -1em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.staticrypt-title {
font-size: 1.5em;
label.staticrypt-remember {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.staticrypt-remember input[type="checkbox"] {
transform: scale(1.5);
margin-right: 1em;
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<body class="staticrypt-body">
<div id="staticrypt_loading" class="staticrypt-spinner-container">
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<div id="staticrypt_content" class="staticrypt-content hidden">
<div class="staticrypt-page">
<div class="staticrypt-form">
<div class="staticrypt-instructions">
<p class="staticrypt-title">Protected Page</p>
<p>Enter "test" to unlock the page</p>
<hr class="staticrypt-hr" />
<form id="staticrypt-form" action="#" method="post">
<label id="staticrypt-remember-label" class="staticrypt-remember hidden">
<input id="staticrypt-remember" type="checkbox" name="remember" />
Remember me
<input type="submit" class="staticrypt-decrypt-button" value="DECRYPT" />
// these variables will be filled when generating the file - the template format is 'variable_name'
const staticryptInitiator = ((function(){
const exports = {};
const cryptoEngine = ((function(){
const exports = {};
const { subtle } = crypto;
const IV_BITS = 16 * 8;
const HEX_BITS = 4;
* Translates between utf8 encoded hexadecimal strings
* and Uint8Array bytes.
const HexEncoder = {
* hex string -> bytes
* @param {string} hexString
* @returns {Uint8Array}
parse: function (hexString) {
if (hexString.length % 2 !== 0) throw "Invalid hexString";
const arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(hexString.length / 2);
for (let i = 0; i < hexString.length; i += 2) {
const byteValue = parseInt(hexString.substring(i, i + 2), 16);
if (isNaN(byteValue)) {
throw "Invalid hexString";
arrayBuffer[i / 2] = byteValue;
return arrayBuffer;
* bytes -> hex string
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
* @returns {string}
stringify: function (bytes) {
const hexBytes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
let byteString = bytes[i].toString(16);
if (byteString.length < 2) {
byteString = "0" + byteString;
return hexBytes.join("");
* Translates between utf8 strings and Uint8Array bytes.
const UTF8Encoder = {
parse: function (str) {
return new TextEncoder().encode(str);
stringify: function (bytes) {
return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes);
* Salt and encrypt a msg with a password.
async function encrypt(msg, hashedPassword) {
// Must be 16 bytes, unpredictable, and preferably cryptographically random. However, it need not be secret.
const iv = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(IV_BITS / 8));
const key = await subtle.importKey("raw", HexEncoder.parse(hashedPassword), ENCRYPTION_ALGO, false, ["encrypt"]);
const encrypted = await subtle.encrypt(
iv: iv,
// iv will be 32 hex characters, we prepend it to the ciphertext for use in decryption
return HexEncoder.stringify(iv) + HexEncoder.stringify(new Uint8Array(encrypted));
exports.encrypt = encrypt;
* Decrypt a salted msg using a password.
* @param {string} encryptedMsg
* @param {string} hashedPassword
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async function decrypt(encryptedMsg, hashedPassword) {
const ivLength = IV_BITS / HEX_BITS;
const iv = HexEncoder.parse(encryptedMsg.substring(0, ivLength));
const encrypted = encryptedMsg.substring(ivLength);
const key = await subtle.importKey("raw", HexEncoder.parse(hashedPassword), ENCRYPTION_ALGO, false, ["decrypt"]);
const outBuffer = await subtle.decrypt(
iv: iv,
return UTF8Encoder.stringify(new Uint8Array(outBuffer));
exports.decrypt = decrypt;
* Salt and hash the password so it can be stored in localStorage without opening a password reuse vulnerability.
* @param {string} password
* @param {string} salt
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async function hashPassword(password, salt) {
// we hash the password in multiple steps, each adding more iterations. This is because we used to allow less
// iterations, so for backward compatibility reasons, we need to support going from that to more iterations.
let hashedPassword = await hashLegacyRound(password, salt);
hashedPassword = await hashSecondRound(hashedPassword, salt);
return hashThirdRound(hashedPassword, salt);
exports.hashPassword = hashPassword;
* This hashes the password with 1k iterations. This is a low number, we need this function to support backwards
* compatibility.
* @param {string} password
* @param {string} salt
* @returns {Promise<string>}
function hashLegacyRound(password, salt) {
return pbkdf2(password, salt, 1000, "SHA-1");
exports.hashLegacyRound = hashLegacyRound;
* Add a second round of iterations. This is because we used to use 1k, so for backwards compatibility with
* remember-me/autodecrypt links, we need to support going from that to more iterations.
* @param hashedPassword
* @param salt
* @returns {Promise<string>}
function hashSecondRound(hashedPassword, salt) {
return pbkdf2(hashedPassword, salt, 14000, "SHA-256");
exports.hashSecondRound = hashSecondRound;
* Add a third round of iterations to bring total number to 600k. This is because we used to use 1k, then 15k, so for
* backwards compatibility with remember-me/autodecrypt links, we need to support going from that to more iterations.
* @param hashedPassword
* @param salt
* @returns {Promise<string>}
function hashThirdRound(hashedPassword, salt) {
return pbkdf2(hashedPassword, salt, 585000, "SHA-256");
exports.hashThirdRound = hashThirdRound;
* Salt and hash the password so it can be stored in localStorage without opening a password reuse vulnerability.
* @param {string} password
* @param {string} salt
* @param {int} iterations
* @param {string} hashAlgorithm
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async function pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, hashAlgorithm) {
const key = await subtle.importKey("raw", UTF8Encoder.parse(password), "PBKDF2", false, ["deriveBits"]);
const keyBytes = await subtle.deriveBits(
name: "PBKDF2",
hash: hashAlgorithm,
salt: UTF8Encoder.parse(salt),
return HexEncoder.stringify(new Uint8Array(keyBytes));
function generateRandomSalt() {
const bytes = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(128 / 8));
return HexEncoder.stringify(new Uint8Array(bytes));
exports.generateRandomSalt = generateRandomSalt;
async function signMessage(hashedPassword, message) {
const key = await subtle.importKey(
name: "HMAC",
hash: "SHA-256",
const signature = await subtle.sign("HMAC", key, UTF8Encoder.parse(message));
return HexEncoder.stringify(new Uint8Array(signature));
exports.signMessage = signMessage;
function getRandomAlphanum() {
const possibleCharacters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
let byteArray;
let parsedInt;
// Keep generating new random bytes until we get a value that falls
// within a range that can be evenly divided by possibleCharacters.length
do {
byteArray = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1));
// extract the lowest byte to get an int from 0 to 255 (probably unnecessary, since we're only generating 1 byte)
parsedInt = byteArray[0] & 0xff;
} while (parsedInt >= 256 - (256 % possibleCharacters.length));
// Take the modulo of the parsed integer to get a random number between 0 and totalLength - 1
const randomIndex = parsedInt % possibleCharacters.length;
return possibleCharacters[randomIndex];
* Generate a random string of a given length.
* @param {int} length
* @returns {string}
function generateRandomString(length) {
let randomString = "";
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
randomString += getRandomAlphanum();
return randomString;
exports.generateRandomString = generateRandomString;
return exports;
const codec = ((function(){
const exports = {};
* Initialize the codec with the provided cryptoEngine - this return functions to encode and decode messages.
* @param cryptoEngine - the engine to use for encryption / decryption
function init(cryptoEngine) {
const exports = {};
* Top-level function for encoding a message.
* Includes password hashing, encryption, and signing.
* @param {string} msg
* @param {string} password
* @param {string} salt
* @returns {string} The encoded text
async function encode(msg, password, salt) {
const hashedPassword = await cryptoEngine.hashPassword(password, salt);
const encrypted = await cryptoEngine.encrypt(msg, hashedPassword);
// we use the hashed password in the HMAC because this is effectively what will be used a password (so we can store
// it in localStorage safely, we don't use the clear text password)
const hmac = await cryptoEngine.signMessage(hashedPassword, encrypted);
return hmac + encrypted;
exports.encode = encode;
* Encode using a password that has already been hashed. This is useful to encode multiple messages in a row, that way
* we don't need to hash the password multiple times.
* @param {string} msg
* @param {string} hashedPassword
* @returns {string} The encoded text
async function encodeWithHashedPassword(msg, hashedPassword) {
const encrypted = await cryptoEngine.encrypt(msg, hashedPassword);
// we use the hashed password in the HMAC because this is effectively what will be used a password (so we can store
// it in localStorage safely, we don't use the clear text password)
const hmac = await cryptoEngine.signMessage(hashedPassword, encrypted);
return hmac + encrypted;
exports.encodeWithHashedPassword = encodeWithHashedPassword;
* Top-level function for decoding a message.
* Includes signature check and decryption.
* @param {string} signedMsg
* @param {string} hashedPassword
* @param {string} salt
* @param {int} backwardCompatibleAttempt
* @param {string} originalPassword
* @returns {Object} {success: true, decoded: string} | {success: false, message: string}
async function decode(signedMsg, hashedPassword, salt, backwardCompatibleAttempt = 0, originalPassword = "") {
const encryptedHMAC = signedMsg.substring(0, 64);
const encryptedMsg = signedMsg.substring(64);
const decryptedHMAC = await cryptoEngine.signMessage(hashedPassword, encryptedMsg);
if (decryptedHMAC !== encryptedHMAC) {
// we have been raising the number of iterations in the hashing algorithm multiple times, so to support the old
// remember-me/autodecrypt links we need to try bringing the old hashes up to speed.
originalPassword = originalPassword || hashedPassword;
if (backwardCompatibleAttempt === 0) {
const updatedHashedPassword = await cryptoEngine.hashThirdRound(originalPassword, salt);
return decode(signedMsg, updatedHashedPassword, salt, backwardCompatibleAttempt + 1, originalPassword);
if (backwardCompatibleAttempt === 1) {
let updatedHashedPassword = await cryptoEngine.hashSecondRound(originalPassword, salt);
updatedHashedPassword = await cryptoEngine.hashThirdRound(updatedHashedPassword, salt);
return decode(signedMsg, updatedHashedPassword, salt, backwardCompatibleAttempt + 1, originalPassword);
return { success: false, message: "Signature mismatch" };
return {
success: true,
decoded: await cryptoEngine.decrypt(encryptedMsg, hashedPassword),
exports.decode = decode;
return exports;
exports.init = init;
return exports;
const decode = codec.init(cryptoEngine).decode;
* Initialize the staticrypt module, that exposes functions callbable by the password_template.
* @param {{
* staticryptEncryptedMsgUniqueVariableName: string,
* isRememberEnabled: boolean,
* rememberDurationInDays: number,
* staticryptSaltUniqueVariableName: string,
* }} staticryptConfig - object of data that is stored on the password_template at encryption time.
* @param {{
* rememberExpirationKey: string,
* rememberPassphraseKey: string,
* replaceHtmlCallback: function,
* clearLocalStorageCallback: function,
* }} templateConfig - object of data that can be configured by a custom password_template.
function init(staticryptConfig, templateConfig) {
const exports = {};
* Decrypt our encrypted page, replace the whole HTML.
* @param {string} hashedPassword
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async function decryptAndReplaceHtml(hashedPassword) {
const { staticryptEncryptedMsgUniqueVariableName, staticryptSaltUniqueVariableName } = staticryptConfig;
const { replaceHtmlCallback } = templateConfig;
const result = await decode(
if (!result.success) {
return false;
const plainHTML = result.decoded;
// if the user configured a callback call it, otherwise just replace the whole HTML
if (typeof replaceHtmlCallback === "function") {
} else {
return true;
* Attempt to decrypt the page and replace the whole HTML.
* @param {string} password
* @param {boolean} isRememberChecked
* @returns {Promise<{isSuccessful: boolean, hashedPassword?: string}>} - we return an object, so that if we want to
* expose more information in the future we can do it without breaking the password_template
async function handleDecryptionOfPage(password, isRememberChecked) {
const { isRememberEnabled, rememberDurationInDays, staticryptSaltUniqueVariableName } = staticryptConfig;
const { rememberExpirationKey, rememberPassphraseKey } = templateConfig;
// decrypt and replace the whole page
const hashedPassword = await cryptoEngine.hashPassword(password, staticryptSaltUniqueVariableName);
const isDecryptionSuccessful = await decryptAndReplaceHtml(hashedPassword);
if (!isDecryptionSuccessful) {
return {
isSuccessful: false,
// remember the hashedPassword and set its expiration if necessary
if (isRememberEnabled && isRememberChecked) {
window.localStorage.setItem(rememberPassphraseKey, hashedPassword);
// set the expiration if the duration isn't 0 (meaning no expiration)
if (rememberDurationInDays > 0) {
(new Date().getTime() + rememberDurationInDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toString()
return {
isSuccessful: true,
exports.handleDecryptionOfPage = handleDecryptionOfPage;
* Clear localstorage from staticrypt related values
function clearLocalStorage() {
const { clearLocalStorageCallback, rememberExpirationKey, rememberPassphraseKey } = templateConfig;
if (typeof clearLocalStorageCallback === "function") {
} else {
async function handleDecryptOnLoad() {
let isSuccessful = await decryptOnLoadFromUrl();
if (!isSuccessful) {
isSuccessful = await decryptOnLoadFromRememberMe();
return { isSuccessful };
exports.handleDecryptOnLoad = handleDecryptOnLoad;
* Clear storage if we are logging out
* @returns {boolean} - whether we logged out
function logoutIfNeeded() {
const logoutKey = "staticrypt_logout";
// handle logout through query param
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(;
if (queryParams.has(logoutKey)) {
return true;
// handle logout through URL fragment
const hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
if (hash.includes(logoutKey)) {
return true;
return false;
* To be called on load: check if we want to try to decrypt and replace the HTML with the decrypted content, and
* try to do it if needed.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} true if we derypted and replaced the whole page, false otherwise
async function decryptOnLoadFromRememberMe() {
const { rememberDurationInDays } = staticryptConfig;
const { rememberExpirationKey, rememberPassphraseKey } = templateConfig;
// if we are login out, terminate
if (logoutIfNeeded()) {
return false;
// if there is expiration configured, check if we're not beyond the expiration
if (rememberDurationInDays && rememberDurationInDays > 0) {
const expiration = localStorage.getItem(rememberExpirationKey),
isExpired = expiration && new Date().getTime() > parseInt(expiration);
if (isExpired) {
return false;
const hashedPassword = localStorage.getItem(rememberPassphraseKey);
if (hashedPassword) {
// try to decrypt
const isDecryptionSuccessful = await decryptAndReplaceHtml(hashedPassword);
// if the decryption is unsuccessful the password might be wrong - silently clear the saved data and let
// the user fill the password form again
if (!isDecryptionSuccessful) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
function decryptOnLoadFromUrl() {
const passwordKey = "staticrypt_pwd";
// get the password from the query param
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const hashedPasswordQuery = queryParams.get(passwordKey);
// get the password from the url fragment
const hashRegexMatch = window.location.hash.substring(1).match(new RegExp(passwordKey + "=(.*)"));
const hashedPasswordFragment = hashRegexMatch ? hashRegexMatch[1] : null;
const hashedPassword = hashedPasswordFragment || hashedPasswordQuery;
if (hashedPassword) {
return decryptAndReplaceHtml(hashedPassword);
return false;
return exports;
exports.init = init;
return exports;
const templateError = "Bad password!",
isRememberEnabled = true,
staticryptConfig = {"staticryptEncryptedMsgUniqueVariableName":"da67de28fb1fec9f04aaf615aa0e80a9675a43473e21b51a1dee72cb6153728dde06e9c242c6de08ab4608d18e73c9f922466a4695fe60e8f684f7d5d7b54149d7749bc2e626e39844d6757289f17696ea7992d1c87b49f76903c57d6506bb5aee0f0cdf4183bb20f71ad0f719c5a3ee338a486c70a1d433c00fd4384c2ec65471c436dc4cf0c4ba13a2189db1ee335f113652439c1feb2c02bf237ddada4ae46bd404f3f8417cc6b27d2e7960024afe2323edb19e8f38c699b9f4ce0db36d37","isRememberEnabled":true,"rememberDurationInDays":0,"staticryptSaltUniqueVariableName":"b93bbaf35459951c47721d1f3eaeb5b9"};
// you can edit these values to customize some of the behavior of StatiCrypt
const templateConfig = {
rememberExpirationKey: "staticrypt_expiration",
rememberPassphraseKey: "staticrypt_passphrase",
replaceHtmlCallback: null,
clearLocalStorageCallback: null,
// init the staticrypt engine
const staticrypt = staticryptInitiator.init(staticryptConfig, templateConfig);
// try to automatically decrypt on load if there is a saved password
window.onload = async function () {
const { isSuccessful } = await staticrypt.handleDecryptOnLoad();
// if we didn't decrypt anything on load, show the password prompt. Otherwise the content has already been
// replaced, no need to do anything
if (!isSuccessful) {
// hide loading screen
// show the remember me checkbox
if (isRememberEnabled) {
// handle password form submission
document.getElementById("staticrypt-form").addEventListener("submit", async function (e) {
const password = document.getElementById("staticrypt-password").value,
isRememberChecked = document.getElementById("staticrypt-remember").checked;
const { isSuccessful } = await staticrypt.handleDecryptionOfPage(password, isRememberChecked);
if (!isSuccessful) {