
114 wiersze
3.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
"use strict";
const fs = require("fs");
// parse .env file into process.env
const cryptoEngine = require("../lib/cryptoEngine.js");
const codec = require("../lib/codec.js");
const { generateRandomSalt, generateRandomString } = cryptoEngine;
const { encode } = codec.init(cryptoEngine);
const { parseCommandLineArguments, buildStaticryptJS, exitWithError, isOptionSetByUser, genFile, getPassword, getFileContent, getSalt } = require("./helpers.js");
// parse arguments
const yargs = parseCommandLineArguments();
const namedArgs = yargs.argv;
async function runStatiCrypt() {
// if the 's' flag is passed without parameter, generate a salt, display & exit
if (isOptionSetByUser("s", yargs) && !namedArgs.salt) {
// validate the number of arguments
const positionalArguments = namedArgs._;
if (positionalArguments.length === 0) {
// parse input
const inputFilepath = positionalArguments[0].toString(),
password = await getPassword(namedArgs.password);
if (password.length < 16 && !namedArgs.short) {
`\nWARNING: Your password is less than 16 characters (length: ${password.length}). Brute-force attacks are easy to `
+ `try on public files, and you are most safe when using a long password.\n\n`
+ `👉️ Here's a strong generated password you could use: `
+ generateRandomString(21)
+ "\n\nThe file was encrypted with your password. You can hide this warning by increasing your password length or"
+ " adding the '--short' flag."
// get config file
const isUsingconfigFile = namedArgs.config.toLowerCase() !== "false";
const configPath = "./" + namedArgs.config;
let config = {};
if (isUsingconfigFile && fs.existsSync(configPath)) {
config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, "utf8"));
// get the salt
const salt = getSalt(namedArgs, config);
// validate the salt
if (salt.length !== 32 || /[^a-f0-9]/.test(salt)) {
"the salt should be a 32 character long hexadecimal string (only [0-9a-f] characters allowed)"
+ "\nDetected salt: " + salt
// write salt to config file
if (isUsingconfigFile && config.salt !== salt) {
config.salt = salt;
fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 4));
// display the share link with the hashed password if the --share flag is set
if (isOptionSetByUser("share", yargs)) {
const url = namedArgs.share || "";
const hashedPassword = await cryptoEngine.hashPassphrase(password, salt);
console.log(url + "#staticrypt_pwd=" + hashedPassword);
// get the file content
const contents = getFileContent(inputFilepath);
// encrypt input
const encryptedMsg = await encode(contents, password, salt);
const isRememberEnabled = namedArgs.remember !== "false";
const data = {
is_remember_enabled: JSON.stringify(isRememberEnabled),
js_staticrypt: buildStaticryptJS(),
staticrypt_config: {
rememberDurationInDays: namedArgs.remember,
template_button: namedArgs.templateButton,
template_error: namedArgs.templateError,
template_instructions: namedArgs.templateInstructions,
template_placeholder: namedArgs.templatePlaceholder,
template_remember: namedArgs.templateRemember,
template_title: namedArgs.templateTitle,
const outputFilepath = namedArgs.output.replace(/\/+$/, '') + "/" + inputFilepath;
genFile(data, outputFilepath, namedArgs.template);