#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; // check node version before anything else const nodeVersion = process.versions.node.split("."); if (nodeVersion[0] < 16) { console.log("ERROR: Node version 16 or higher is required."); process.exit(1); } // parse .env file into process.env require('dotenv').config(); const fs = require("fs"); const cryptoEngine = require("../lib/cryptoEngine.js"); const codec = require("../lib/codec.js"); const { generateRandomSalt } = cryptoEngine; const { encodeWithHashedPassword } = codec.init(cryptoEngine); const { parseCommandLineArguments, buildStaticryptJS, isOptionSetByUser, genFile, getFileContent, getValidatedSalt, getValidatedPassword, getConfig, writeConfig } = require("./helpers.js"); // parse arguments const yargs = parseCommandLineArguments(); const namedArgs = yargs.argv; async function runStatiCrypt() { const hasSaltFlag = isOptionSetByUser("s", yargs); const hasShareFlag = isOptionSetByUser("share", yargs); const positionalArguments = namedArgs._; // require at least one positional argument unless some specific flags are passed if (!hasShareFlag && !(hasSaltFlag && !namedArgs.salt)) { if (positionalArguments.length === 0) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid number of arguments. Please provide an input file.\n"); yargs.showHelp(); process.exit(1); } } // get config file const configPath = namedArgs.config.toLowerCase() === "false" ? null : "./" + namedArgs.config; const config = getConfig(configPath); // if the 's' flag is passed without parameter, generate a salt, display & exit if (hasSaltFlag && !namedArgs.salt) { const generatedSalt = generateRandomSalt(); // show salt console.log(generatedSalt); // write to config file if it doesn't exist if (!config.salt) { config.salt = generatedSalt; writeConfig(configPath, config); } process.exit(0); } // get the salt & password const salt = getValidatedSalt(namedArgs, config); const password = await getValidatedPassword(namedArgs.password, namedArgs.short); // display the share link with the hashed password if the --share flag is set if (hasShareFlag) { const url = namedArgs.share || ""; const hashedPassword = await cryptoEngine.hashPassword(password, salt); console.log(url + "#staticrypt_pwd=" + hashedPassword); process.exit(0); } // write salt to config file if (config.salt !== salt) { config.salt = salt; writeConfig(configPath, config); } const isRememberEnabled = namedArgs.remember !== "false"; const baseTemplateData = { is_remember_enabled: JSON.stringify(isRememberEnabled), js_staticrypt: buildStaticryptJS(), template_button: namedArgs.templateButton, template_error: namedArgs.templateError, template_instructions: namedArgs.templateInstructions, template_placeholder: namedArgs.templatePlaceholder, template_remember: namedArgs.templateRemember, template_title: namedArgs.templateTitle, template_color_primary: namedArgs.templateColorPrimary, template_color_secondary: namedArgs.templateColorSecondary, }; const hashedPassword = await cryptoEngine.hashPassword(password, salt); positionalArguments.forEach(path => encodeAndGenerateFile( path.toString(), hashedPassword, salt, baseTemplateData, isRememberEnabled, namedArgs )); } async function encodeAndGenerateFile(path, hashedPassword, salt, baseTemplateData, isRememberEnabled, namedArgs) { // if the path is a directory, get into it and process all files if (fs.statSync(path).isDirectory()) { if (!namedArgs.recursive) { console.log("ERROR: The path '" + path + "' is a directory. Use the -r|--recursive flag to process all files in the directory."); // just return instead of exiting the process, that way all other files can be processed return; } fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(filePath => { const fullPath = `${path}/${filePath}`; encodeAndGenerateFile(fullPath, hashedPassword, salt, baseTemplateData, isRememberEnabled, namedArgs); }); return; } // get the file content const contents = getFileContent(path); // encrypt input const encryptedMsg = await encodeWithHashedPassword(contents, hashedPassword); const staticryptConfig = { encryptedMsg, isRememberEnabled, rememberDurationInDays: namedArgs.remember, salt, }; const templateData = { ...baseTemplateData, staticrypt_config: staticryptConfig, }; const outputFilepath = namedArgs.directory.replace(/\/+$/, '') + "/" + path; genFile(templateData, outputFilepath, namedArgs.template); } runStatiCrypt();