# StatiCrypt Based on the [crypto-js](https://github.com/brix/crypto-js) library, StatiCrypt uses AES-256 to encrypt your input with your passphrase and put it in a HTML file with a password prompt that can decrypted in-browser (client side). You can then upload your static html file anywhere and it'll be password protected (see [how it looks](https://robinmoisson.github.io/staticrypt/example.html)). Obviously, pick a lengthy passphrase ! ## HOW IT WORKS StatiCrypt generates a static, password protected page that can be decrypted in-browser: just send or upload the generated page to a place serving static content (github pages, for example) and you're done: the javascript will prompt users for password, decrypt the page and load your HTML. StatiCrypt basically encrypts your page and puts everything with a user-friendly way to use a password in the new file. AES-256 is state of the art but brute-force/dictionary attacks would be trivial to do at a really fast pace: **use a long, unusual passphrase!** The concept is simple and should work ok but I am not a cryptographer, if you have extra sensitive banking data you might want to use something else :) Feel free to contribute or report any thought to the [GitHub project](https://robinmoisson.github.io/staticrypt) ! ## USAGE Staticrypt is available through npm as a CLI, install with `npm install -g staticrypt` and use as follow: Usage: staticrypt [options] Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -e, --embed Whether or not to embed crypto-js in the page (or use an external CDN) [boolean] [default: false] -o, --output File name / path for generated encrypted file [string] [default: null] -t, --title Title for output HTML page [string] [default: "Protected Page"] -i, --instructions Special instructions to display to the user. [string] [default: null] -f, --file-template Path to custom HTML template with password prompt. [string] [default: "[...]/cli/password_template.html"] Example usages: - `staticrypt test.html mypassword` -> creates a `test_encrypted.html` file - `find . -type f -name "*.html" -exec staticrypt {} mypassword \;` -> create encrypted files for all HTML files in your directory (recursively) You can use a custom template for the password prompt - just copy `cli/password_template.html` and modify it to suit your presentation style and point to your template file with the `-f` flag. Be careful to not break the encrypting javascript part, the variables replaced by staticrypt are between curly brackets: `{instructions}`.