#!/usr/bin/python -tt # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2009-2012 Michal Sadowski (sq6jnx at hamradio dot pl) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import urllib2 import re import logging import json import socket from sr0wx_module import SR0WXModule class MeteoalarmSq9atk(SR0WXModule): """Klasa przetwarza dane na temat zagrożeń meteorologicznych.""" def __init__(self,region): self.__region = region self.__logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.warningsPrefix = "zagrozenia_meteorologiczne_dla_wojewodztwa" self.warningsLevel = "poziom_zagrozenia" self.warningsLevels = ["nieokreslony","","niski","sredni","wysoki"] self.warnings = [ "","silny_wiatr","snieg_lub_oblodzenie", "burze","mgly","wysokie_temperatury", "niskie_temperatury","zjawiska_strefy_brzegowej","pozary_lasow", "lawiny","intensywne_opady_deszczu","inne_zagrozenia"] self.regions = { 'PL001':"mazowieckiego", 'PL002':"lubuskiego", 'PL003':"zachodniopomorskiego", 'PL004':"pomorskiego", 'PL005':"dolnoslaskiego", 'PL006':"opolskiego", 'PL007':"śląskiego", 'PL008':"malopolskiego", 'PL009':"podkarpackiego", 'PL010':"świętokrzyskiego", 'PL011':"łódzkiego", 'PL012':"wielkopolskiego", 'PL013':"kujawsko_pomorskiego", 'PL014':"warminsko_mazurskiego", 'PL015':"lubelskiego", 'PL016':"podlaskiego", 'IT003':"lombardia", } def getDataFromUrl(self, url): self.__logger.info("::: Odpytuję adres: " + url) dane = '' try: dane = urllib2.urlopen(url, None, 30); return json.load(dane) except URLError, e: print e except socket.timeout: print "Timed out!" return {} def downloadFile(self, url): try: self.__logger.info("::: Odpytuję adres: " + url) webFile = urllib2.urlopen(url, None, 30) return webFile.read() except urllib2.URLError, e: print e except socket.timeout: print "Timed out!" return "" def getWarnings(self, region, tomorrow=False): r = re.compile('pictures/aw(\d[01]?)([0234]).jpg') url = "http://www.meteoalarm.eu/index3.php?area=%s&day=%s&lang=EN" % (str(region),str(int(tomorrow))) result = [] for line in self.downloadFile(url).split('\n'): matches = r.findall(line) if len(matches) is not 0 and int(matches[0][0])!=0: warn = " ".join([ self.warnings[ int(matches[0][0]) ], self.warningsLevel, self.warningsLevels[ int(matches[0][1]) ], ]) result.append(warn) result.append("_") return " ".join(result) def get_data(self): self.__logger.info("::: Pobieram i przetwarzam dane...\n") today="" tomorrow="" today = self.getWarnings(self.__region, False) tomorrow = self.getWarnings(self.__region, True) message = ""; if today== "" and tomorrow== "": pass elif today!= "" and tomorrow=="": message += " ".join([self.warningsPrefix," ",self.regions[self.__region],"_","dzis","_", today]) elif today== "" and tomorrow!="": message += " ".join([self.warningsPrefix," ",self.regions[self.__region],"_", "jutro","_", tomorrow]) else: message += " ".join([self.warningsPrefix," ",self.regions[self.__region],"_", "dzis","_", today,"_","jutro","_",tomorrow]) message += " _ " print "\n" return { "message": message, "source": "meteoalarm_eu", }