#!/usr/bin/python -tt # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2009-2011 Michal Sadowski (sq6jnx at hamradio dot pl) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import re, urllib def between(a,b,c): if (a<=b and b<=c) or (c<=b and b<=a): return True else: return False class taf: tafData = [] weather = None # Borrowed from pymetar.py, "slightly" modified. If element had not be translated type "%", ie.: # # "VC" : "%" _WeatherConditions = { "DZ" : { "" : ["", "mzawka", ""], "-" : ["slaba", "",""], "+" : ["silna", "",""], "VC" : ["", "", "w_poblizu"], "MI" : ["niska", "",""], "BC" : ["","mzawka",""], "PR" : ["czesciowa", "",""], "TS" : ["", "mzawka burza",""], "BL" : ["", "", "z_zawieja"], "SH" : ["przelotna", "",""], "DR" : ["niska", "zamiec", ""], "FZ" : ["marznaca","",""] }, "RA" : { "" : ["", "deszcz", ""], "-" : ["lekki", "", ""], "+" : ["silny", "", ""], "VC" : ["", "", "w_poblizu"], "MI" : ["niski", "", ""], "BC" : ["", "deszcz", ""], "PR" : ["czesciowy","", ""], "TS" : ["","burza",""], "BL" : ["","","z_zawieja"], "SH" : ["przelotny", "", ""], "DR" : ["niski","", ""], "FZ" : ["marznacy","",""] }, "SN" : { "" : ["","snieg", ""], "-" : ["lekki", "", ""], "+" : ["silny", "", ""], "VC" : ["", "", "w_poblizu"], "MI" : ["niski", "",""], "BC" : ["", "platy_sniegu", ""], "PR" : ["","czesciowe_opady śniegu",""], "TS" : ["", "burza_sniezna", ""], "BL" : ["","zamiec_sniezna",""], "SH" : ["", "przelotne opady sniegu", ""], "DR" : ["","niska zamiec_sniezna",""], "FZ" : ["","marznacy snieg",""] }, "SG" : { "" : ["","opady sniegu ziarnistego",""], "-" : ["slabe", "",""], "+" : ["silne", "",""], "VC" : ["", "", "w_poblizu"], "MI" : ["niskie", "",""], "BC" : ["","opady platow sniegu_ziarnistego",""], "PR" : ["","czesciowe opady sniegu_ziarnistego",""], "TS" : ["","burza_sniezna",""], "BL" : ["","","z_zawieją"], "SH" : ["przelotne","",""], "DR" : ["","niska zamiec_sniezna",""], "FZ" : ["marznace","",""] }, "IC" : { "" : "%", "-" : "%", "+" : "%", "BC" : "%", #"Patches of ice crystals", "PR" : "%", #"Partial ice crystals", "TS" : "%", #("Ice crystal storm", "storm"), "BL" : "%", #"Blowing ice crystals", "SH" : "%", #"Showers of ice crystals", "DR" : "%", #"Drifting ice crystals", "FZ" : "%" #"Freezing ice crystals", }, "PE" : { "" : "%", #"Moderate ice pellets", "-" : "%", "+" : "%", "VC" : "%", "MI" : "%", "BC" : "%", #"Patches of ice pellets", "PR" : "%", #"Partial ice pellets", "TS" : "%", #("Ice pellets storm", "storm"), "BL" : "%", #"Blowing ice pellets", "SH" : "%", #"Showers of ice pellets", "DR" : "%", #"Drifting ice pellets", "FZ" : "%" #"Freezing ice pellets", }, "GR" : { "" : ["","grad",""], "-" : ["slaby","",""], "+" : ["silny","",""], "VC" : ["","","w poblizu"], "MI" : ["niski","",""], "BC" : "%", #"Patches of hail", "PR" : "%", #"Partial hail", "TS" : ["","burza_gradowa",""], "BL" : "%", "SH" : ["","przelotne_opady gradu",""], "DR" : "%", #"Drifting hail", "FZ" : ["marznacy","grad",""] }, "GS" : { "" : "%",#"Moderate small hail", "-" : "%", #["słaba", "",""], "+" : "%", #["silna", "",""], "VC" : "%", #["", "", "w pobliżu"], "MI" : "%", #["niska", "",""], "BC" : "%", #"Patches of small hail", "PR" : "%", #"Partial small hail", "TS" : "%", #("Small hailstorm", "storm"), "BL" : "%", #"Blowing small hail", "SH" : "%", #"Showers of small hail", "DR" : "%", #"Drifting small hail", "FZ" : "%", #"Freezing small hail", }, "UP" : { "" : "%", #"Moderate precipitation", "-" : "%", #["słaba", "",""], "+" : "%", #["silna", "",""], "VC" : "%", #["", "", "w pobliżu"], "MI" : "%", #["niska", "",""], "BC" : "%", #"Patches of precipitation", "PR" : "%", #"Partial precipitation", "TS" : "%", #("Unknown thunderstorm", "storm"), "BL" : "%", #"Blowing precipitation", "SH" : "%", #"Showers, type unknown", "DR" : "%", #"Drifting precipitation", "FZ" : "%", #"Freezing precipitation", }, "BR" : { "" : ["","zamglenie",""], "-" : ["lekkie","",""], "+" : ["silne","",""], "VC" : ["","","w_poblizu"], "MI" : ["niskie","",""], "BL" : ["","","z_wiatrem"], "FZ" : ["marznace","",""], }, "FG" : { "" : ["","mgla",""], "-" : ["lekka","",""], "+" : ["silna","",""], "VC" : ["","","w_poblizu"], "MI" : ["niska","",""], "BL" : ["","","z_wiatrem"], "FZ" : ["marznaca","",""], }, "SQ" : { "" : ["","nawalnica",""], "-" : ["slaba", "",""], "+" : ["silna", "",""], "VC" :["", "", "w_poblizu"], } } knots2mps= 0.5144444444444445 kmh2mps = 0.2777777777777778 mi2km = 1.609344 rawTAF=None ICAO = None def __init__(self, ICAO=None, at=(0,0,0), taf=None, address=None): # taf variable will be used for debug purposes. if taf is not None: report = taf.split("\n") header=report[0].split() originDate = header[1] self.rawTAF = taf if address== None: #address = "" #address = "" address = "http://aviationweather.gov/adds/tafs/index.php?station_ids=%ICAO%&std_trans=standard&hoursStr=most+recent+only&chk_tafs=on&submitmet=Submit" if ICAO is not None: self.ICAO=ICAO url = address.replace("%ICAO%",str.upper(ICAO)) taf = self.getFile(url) self.rawTAF = taf report = taf.split("\n") # ICAO = "EPWR" # <--------------------------------- delete me dd,hh,mm=at _period = re.compile('\d{4}/\d{4}') _wind= re.compile('(VRB|\d{3})(\d{2,3})(?:(G)(\d{2,3}))?(KT|MPS|KMH)(?:(\d{3})(V)(\d{3}))?') _vis = re.compile('(?:^|\s)\d\d\d\d(?:$|\s)|P?\dSM') _weather = re.compile('^(?:\+|-|VC)?(?:MI|BC|DR|BL|SH|TS|FZ)?(?:(?:DZ|RA|SN|SG|IC|PE|GR|GS)|(?:BR|FG|FU|VA|DU|SA|HZ)|(?:PO|SQ|FC|SS|DS))$') _skyCnd = re.compile("(SKC|FEW|SCT|BKN|OVC|NSC)(\d\d\d(VV\d\d\d)?)?(CB|TCU)?") _temp = re.compile("""\s(M)?\d\d/(M)?\d\d\s| # METAR T(M)?\d\d/?\d\dG # TAF""") _press = re.compile("Q\d\d\d\d") _cavok = re.compile("CAVOK") _nsw = re.compile("NSW") _valid = re.compile('^TAF\ |TEMPO|B(E)?CMG|PROB|GRADU|RAPID|%s'%ICAO) for line in report: if _valid.search(line) is not None: TAFFound = True tl = {"period":"", "wind":"", "vis":"", "weather":"", "skyCnd":"", "temp":"", "press":"", "cavok":"", "nsw":""} #, "change":None} for word in line.split(" "): tl["period"] = (tl["period"] + " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_period.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() tl["wind"] = (tl["wind"] + " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_wind.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() tl["vis"] = (tl["vis"] + " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_vis.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() tl["weather"]= (tl["weather"]+ " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_weather.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() tl["temp"] = (tl["temp"] + " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_temp.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() tl["press"] = (tl["press"] + " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_press.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() tl["skyCnd"] = (tl["skyCnd"]+ " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_skyCnd.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() tl["cavok"] = (tl["cavok"] + " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_cavok.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() tl["nsw"] = (tl["nsw"] + " " + " ".join((self.flatten(_nsw.findall(word)) or "" ))).strip() # tl["skyCnd"]= tl["skyCnd"]+ " ".join( (_skyCnd.findall(word)) ) self.tafData.append(tl) TAF0 = self.tafData[0] keys = ["period", "wind", "vis", "weather", "skyCnd", "temp", "press","cavok","nsw"] for i in range(0,len(self.tafData)): for elem in keys: if self.tafData[i][elem].strip() == "": self.tafData[i][elem] = TAF0[elem] if self.tafData[i]["cavok"]== "CAVOK" and "".join( (self.tafData[i]["vis"], self.tafData[i]["weather"], self.tafData[i]["skyCnd"]) ) == "": self.tafData[i]["vis"] = "P6SM" self.tafData[i]["weather"] = "NSW" self.tafData[i]["skyCnd"]= "SKC" elif self.tafData[i]["nsw"]=="NSW" and self.tafData[i]["weather"]: self.tafData[i]["weather"]="NSW" self.weather = self.prepare(dd,hh,mm) def flatten(self,x): # http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~meine/python_tricks """flatten(sequence) -> list Returns a single, flat list which contains all elements retrieved from the sequence and all recursively contained sub-sequences (iterables). Examples: >>> [1, 2, [3,4], (5,6)] [1, 2, [3, 4], (5, 6)] >>> flatten([[[1,2,3], (42,None)], [4,5], [6], 7, MyVector(8,9,10)]) [1, 2, 3, 42, None, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]""" result = [] for el in x: #if isinstance(el, (list, tuple)): if hasattr(el, "__iter__") and not isinstance(el, basestring): result.extend(self.flatten(el)) else: result.append(el) return result def getFile(self, url): webFile = urllib.urlopen(url) contents = webFile.read() webFile.close() return contents def changeMoment(self,dd,hh,mm): self.weather = self.prepare(dd,hh,mm) def prepare(self,dd,hh,mm=0): # prepareForecast # Finding proper forecast may be a difficult task. Consider following TAF: # # EPWR 212000Z 2121/2206 18005KT SCT040 (1) # BECMG 2122/2224 29008KT (2) # TEMPO 2121/2206 8000 SHRA BKN026CB (3) # PROB30 # TEMPO 2121/2203 23012G30KT TSRA (4) # # +-----------------------+ # | (4) | # +-----------------------------------+ # | +-------+ | # | | (2) | (3) | # +---+-------+-----------------------+ # | (1) | # -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-----------------------------------> # 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 time (hr) # # # Lets say we want to know the forecast for 21st of this month at 23 UTC. # It' easy to see that we can use *every line* from this TAF message, but # it seems that the 2nd one (2) should be the most appropriate one. # # I'll use the following algorithm to find proper "region": # If we want to find a forecast for the moment t_0 we should: # 1. chceck if forecastStart <= t_0 <= forecastEnd # 2. If yes, "rating" number R = (t0 - forecastStart) + (forecastEnd - t0) = # = forecastEnd-forecastStart, R --> 0. # 3. If there is a forecast with the same R as before it wins # (i.e. forecast (3) is better than "general" forecast (1) @ 4 UTC and # forecast (4) is the best one @ 2 UTC. # # This algorithm does not use BECMG, PROB or TEMPO markers. weather=None R = 44640 # one month in minutes t0= dd*24*60+hh*60+mm for line in self.tafData: if "/" in line["period"].strip(): l = line["period"].strip() fromDD, fromHH, toDD, toHH = (int(l[0:2]), int(l[2:4]), int(l[5:7]), int(l[7:9])) fs, fe = (fromDD*24*60+fromHH*60, toDD*24*60+toHH*60) if between(fs, t0, fe) and R >= abs(fe-fs): weather = line R = abs(fe-fs) return weather def compact(self, list): # Quite useful, from http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2007-May/613113.html return " ".join(list).strip().replace(" "," ").split() def getWindSpeed(self): """ Return the wind speed in meters per second. """ if self.weather == None: return False wind = self.weather["wind"].split()[1:] if "KT" in wind: u, c = ("KT", self.knots2mps) elif "MPS" in wind: u, c = ("MPS", 1) elif "KMH" in wind: u, c = ("KMH", self.kmh2mps) else: return None if "G" in wind: windSpeed = [ int(round(int(wind[wind.index('G')-1])*c)), int(round(int(wind[wind.index('G')+1])*c)) ] else: windSpeed = [ int(round(int(wind[wind.index(u) -1])*c)) ] return windSpeed def getWindDirection(self): if self.weather == None: return False direction = self.weather["wind"].split() if 'V' in direction: return [ int(direction[0]), int(wind[wind.index('V')-1]), int(wind[wind.index('V')+1]) ] else: if direction<>[] and direction[0]<>"VRB": return ([int(direction[0])] or [None]) else: return ["VRB"] def getVisibility(self): # in kilometers, only simple examples if self.weather == None: return False vis = self.weather["vis"].strip() try: if vis == 'P6SM' or vis=='9999': return 10 # 10 km or more elif 'SM' in vis : return int(vis[-3])*self.mi2km else: return int(vis)/1000.0 # or None except: pass return None def getTemperature(self): print "---> lib/taf.py: temperature not supported", self.weather["temp"] return None def getSkyConditions(self): if self.weather["skyCnd"] is None: return None clouds = ['OVC','BKN','SCT','FEW','SKC','NSC'] for cloud in clouds: if cloud in self.weather["skyCnd"]: return cloud return None def getPressure(self): print "---> lib/taf.py: pressure not supported", self.weather["press"] return None def getWeather(self): if self.weather == None: return False wx = ["","",""] rv = "" for w in self.weather["weather"].strip().split(): wx = ["", "", ""] for k in self._WeatherConditions.keys(): if k in w: for elem in self._WeatherConditions[k]: if elem in w: if self._WeatherConditions[k][elem] == "%": print " ".join( ("---> lib/taf.py: couldn't interpret",elem,"in",self.weather["weather"].strip().split()) ) else: if self._WeatherConditions[k][elem][1]!="": wx = self._WeatherConditions[k][elem] elif self._WeatherConditions[k][elem][2]!="": wx[2] = self._WeatherConditions[k][elem][2] elif self._WeatherConditions[k][elem][0]!="" and self._WeatherConditions[k][elem][0] not in wx[0]: wx[0] = " ".join( (wx[0], self._WeatherConditions[k][elem][0]) ) rv= " ".join( ( rv, " ".join( (wx) ) ) ) return rv #a="""EPWR 282300Z 2900/2909 31004KT 6000 BKN015 # PROB40 # TEMPO 2900/2903 3000 SHRA SCT002 BKN010CB # PROB30 2900/2907 1500 BR BKN001""" # #myTAF = taf(taf=a) # ## nie zapomnij o linii 199 # #print myTAF.rawTAF # #for hh in range(0,4): # print myTAF.tafData # myTAF.changeMoment(29,hh,00) # print myTAF.weather # print "godzina ", (hh,0) # print "predkosc wiatru ", myTAF.getWindSpeed(), "m/s" # print "kierunek wiatru ", myTAF.getWindDirection(), " st." # print "widocznosc ", myTAF.getVisibility(), " km" # print "pogoda ", myTAF.getWeather() # print "---------------------------"