
2430 wiersze
71 KiB

* dxlAPRS toolchain
* Copyright (C) Christian Rabler <oe5dxl@oevsv.at>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
#define X2C_int32
#define X2C_index32
#ifndef X2C_H_
#include "X2C.h"
#define udpbox_C_
#ifndef udp_H_
#include "udp.h"
#ifndef osi_H_
#include "osi.h"
#include <osic.h>
#ifndef Select_H_
#include "Select.h"
#ifndef aprspos_H_
#include "aprspos.h"
#ifndef aprsstr_H_
#include "aprsstr.h"
/* axudp in/out ui/aprs stream splitter, filter, digipeater by OE5DXL */
/*FROM mlib IMPORT select*/
/*FROM Lib IMPORT NextArg; */
/*FROM TimeConv IMPORT time; */
#define udpbox_CALLLEN 7
#define udpbox_HASHSIZE 16384
#define udpbox_NOTFIRSTDIGI 3
#define udpbox_NOUPLINKCHECK 4
#define udpbox_SENDTRACE 5
#define udpbox_SENDWIDE 6
#define udpbox_DOWNPATHDIGICALL 7
#define udpbox_DOWNPATHRELAY 8
#define udpbox_DOWNPATHWIDE 9
#define udpbox_NOVIADIGICALL 10
#define udpbox_NOVIARELAY 11
#define udpbox_NOVIATRACE 12
#define udpbox_NOVIAWIDEN 13
#define udpbox_NOCALLBEFOREWIDE 14
#define udpbox_SSIDTOWIDE 15
#define udpbox_NULLSSID 16
#define udpbox_KILLWIDE 17
#define udpbox_VIAGATE 18
#define udpbox_RELAYECHO 19
#define udpbox_STDIN 0
#define udpbox_STDINIP 0x0FFFFFFFF
typedef uint32_t SET256[8];
typedef char RAWCALL[7];
typedef char MONCALL[9];
typedef char FILENAME[1024];
typedef struct DIGIPARMS * pDIGIPARMS;
struct DIGIPARMS {
RAWCALL digicall;
uint32_t pathcheck;
uint32_t duptime;
uint32_t messagetime;
uint32_t timehash[16384];
struct BEACON;
struct BEACON {
uint32_t bintervall;
uint32_t piggytime; /* time send beacons earlier if sending some else */
char piggyback; /* sent something so append beacon immediately */
uint32_t btime;
uint32_t bline;
struct CALLS;
typedef struct CALLS * pCALLS;
struct CALLS {
pCALLS next;
struct OUTPORT;
typedef struct OUTPORT * pOUTPORT;
struct OUTPORT {
pOUTPORT next;
uint32_t toip;
uint32_t toport;
pCALLS filtercalls;
char echo;
char rawwrite;
char crlfwrite;
char passnoUI;
char axudp2;
char satgate;
SET256 aprspass;
pDIGIPARMS digiparm;
struct BEACON beacon0;
struct aprspos_POSITION mypos;
int32_t maxkm;
struct INSOCK;
typedef struct INSOCK * pINSOCK;
struct INSOCK {
pINSOCK next;
int32_t fd;
char rawread;
MONCALL rflinkname;
uint32_t fromip;
uint32_t bindport;
pOUTPORT outchain;
struct MSGHASH;
typedef struct MSGHASH * pMSGHASH;
struct _0;
struct _0 {
uint32_t sums;
uint32_t ackcnt;
uint32_t acktime;
pINSOCK source;
MONCALL froms;
char acks[6];
struct MSGHASH {
pMSGHASH next;
MONCALL usercall;
FILENAME msgfile;
uint32_t wpos;
struct _0 hash[16];
#define udpbox_MAXLEN 338
#define udpbox_MINLEN 17
static char udpbox_BLANKH = '@';
#define udpbox_HBIT 128
#define udpbox_ACKMSG "ack"
static uint32_t udpbox_POLYNOM = 0x8408UL;
#define udpbox_cFILTPASS "p"
#define udpbox_cFILTDEL "d"
#define udpbox_DEFAULTMESSAGETIME 28
/* block seconds user message frames */
#define udpbox_DEFAULTDUPTIME 1740
/* block seconds invariant payload frames */
#define udpbox_CR "\015"
#define udpbox_LF "\012"
#define udpbox_SENDACKS 4
#define udpbox_OLDMSG 600
/* s long kill dupe user message */
#define udpbox_TOCALL "APNL01"
#define udpbox_DEFAULTACK "WIDE2-2"
#define udpbox_cUSERMSG ":"
#define udpbox_cTELEMETRY "T"
static char show;
static pINSOCK insocks;
static uint32_t showip;
static uint32_t showport;
static pMSGHASH msgusers;
static char ackpath[64];
static uint32_t stdinpos;
static char stdinbuf[256];
static void Err(const char text[], uint32_t text_len)
osi_WrStr("udpbox: ", 9ul);
osi_WrStr(text, text_len);
osi_WrStrLn(" error abort", 13ul);
} /* end Err() */
static void Stomsg(pMSGHASH user, const char from[], uint32_t from_len,
const char to[], uint32_t to_len,
const char msg[], uint32_t msg_len,
const char ack[], uint32_t ack_len, pINSOCK fromsock)
uint32_t h;
uint32_t i;
uint32_t t;
int32_t f;
char mb[256];
struct MSGHASH * anonym;
struct _0 * anonym0;
{ /* with */
struct MSGHASH * anonym = user;
i = 0UL;
while (i<=msg_len-1 && msg[i]) ++i;
t = osic_time();
h = aprsstr_Hash(msg, msg_len, 0L, (int32_t)i)&16383UL;
i = 0UL;
while (i<=15UL && !(((h==anonym->hash[i].sums && anonym->hash[i]
.acktime+600UL>=t) && aprsstr_StrCmp(ack, ack_len,
anonym->hash[i].acks, 6ul)) && aprsstr_StrCmp(from, from_len,
anonym->hash[i].froms, 9ul))) ++i;
if (i>15UL) {
/* new msg*/
aprsstr_DateToStr(t, mb, 256ul);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, " from ", 7ul);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, from, from_len);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, " to ", 5ul);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, to, to_len);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, " <", 3ul);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, msg, msg_len);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, "> (", 4ul);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, ack, ack_len);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, ")", 2ul);
if (show) {
osi_WrStr(" <", 3ul);
osi_WrStr(mb, 256ul);
osi_WrStr("> ", 3ul);
aprsstr_Append(mb, 256ul, "\012", 2ul);
if (anonym->msgfile[0U]) {
f = osi_OpenAppend(anonym->msgfile, 1024ul);
if (f<0L) f = osi_OpenWrite(anonym->msgfile, 1024ul);
if (f>=0L) {
osi_WrBin(f, (char *)mb, 256u/1u, aprsstr_Length(mb,
{ /* with */
struct _0 * anonym0 = &anonym->hash[anonym->wpos];
anonym0->sums = h;
aprsstr_Assign(anonym0->acks, 6ul, ack, ack_len);
aprsstr_Assign(anonym0->froms, 9ul, from, from_len);
if ((uint8_t)ack[0UL]>' ') {
anonym0->ackcnt = 4UL;
anonym0->acktime = 0UL;
anonym0->source = fromsock;
if (anonym->wpos>15UL) anonym->wpos = 0UL;
else {
/* old msg */
anonym->hash[i].ackcnt = 4UL;
} /* end Stomsg() */
#define udpbox_THIRDPARTY "}"
#define udpbox_HEADEREND ":"
#define udpbox_FROMEND ">"
#define udpbox_USERACK "{"
static char Usermsg(const char b[], uint32_t b_len,
int32_t len, int32_t p, pINSOCK fromsock,
char * selfmsg)
int32_t pf;
uint32_t j;
pMSGHASH user;
char to[9];
char from[9];
char ack[6];
char msg[69];
char ok0;
*selfmsg = 0;
pf = 0L; /* from whom */
while (b[p]=='}') {
/* remove third party header */
pf = p+1L;
while (p<len && b[p]!=':') ++p;
if ((p+10L<len && b[p]==':') && b[p+10L]==':') {
/* user message */
j = 0UL; /* message from */
if (pf==0L) ok0 = aprsstr_Call2Str(b, b_len, from, 9ul, 7UL, &j);
else {
while ((pf<len && j<=8UL) && b[pf]!='>') {
from[j] = b[pf];
while (j<=8UL) {
from[j] = ' ';
ok0 = 0;
for (j = 0UL; j<=8UL; j++) {
/* message to */
to[j] = b[p+(int32_t)j];
if (to[j]!=from[j]) ok0 = 1;
} /* end for */
if (!ok0) {
/* msg from to same call */
if (show) osi_WrStr(" msg to it self ", 17ul);
*selfmsg = 1;
return 0;
/*WrStr("<"); WrStr(from); WrStr(">"); WrStr("<"); WrStr(to);
WrStrLn(">"); */
user = msgusers;
while (user) {
j = 0UL;
while (j<=8UL && user->usercall[j]==to[j]) ++j;
if (j==9UL) {
IF pf=0 THEN
IF Call2Str(b, from, 7, j) THEN END;
WHILE (pf<len) & (j<=HIGH(from)) & (b[pf]<>FROMEND)
DO from[j]:=b[pf]; INC(pf); INC(j); END;
WHILE j<=HIGH(from) DO from[j]:=" "; INC(j) END;
FOR j:=0 TO 8 DO to[j]:=b[p]; INC(p) END;
p += 10L;
j = 0UL;
while ((p<len && j<68UL) && b[p]!='{') {
msg[j] = b[p];
msg[j] = 0;
j = 0UL;
for (;;) {
if ((uint8_t)"ack"[j]<=' ') return 0;
/* "ack" in text field is not for delete */
if ("ack"[j]!=msg[j]) break;
j = 0UL;
while (p<len && j<5UL) {
ack[j] = b[p];
ack[j] = 0;
Stomsg(user, from, 9ul, to, 9ul, msg, 69ul, ack, 6ul, fromsock);
return 1;
user = user->next;
return 0;
} /* end Usermsg() */
static char udpbox_WILDH = 'T';
static char CallFilt(pCALLS calls, const char s[],
uint32_t s_len, int32_t len)
int32_t j;
int32_t i;
char b;
char ok0;
i = 0L;
do {
c = calls;
while (c) {
j = 0L;
for (;;) {
if (c->call[j]!='T' && c->call[j]!=s[i+j]) break;
if (j>=6L) {
if (c->call[j] && ((uint8_t)(uint8_t)c->call[j]&0x1EU)
!=((uint8_t)(uint8_t)s[i+j]&0x1EU)) break;
return 1;
c = c->next;
i += 7L;
} while (!(i>=len || ((uint32_t)(uint8_t)s[i-1L]&1)));
i += 2L;
if (s[i]=='}') {
for (;;) {
if (i>=len) break;
c = calls;
while (c) {
j = 0L;
ok0 = 1;
for (;;) {
b = s[i+j];
if (((((i+j>=len || b=='*') || b==',') || b=='>') || b==':')
|| b=='-') break;
if (j>=6L || c->call[j]!='T' && b!=(char)((uint32_t)
(uint8_t)c->call[j]>>1)) ok0 = 0;
if (ok0 && (j>=6L || c->call[j]=='@')) return 1;
c = c->next;
while (((i<len && s[i]!=',') && s[i]!='>') && s[i]!=':') ++i;
if (s[i]==':') {
if (s[i]!='}') break;
return 0;
} /* end CallFilt() */
static int32_t DistFilt(struct aprspos_POSITION mypos, char b[],
uint32_t b_len, uint32_t payload, uint32_t len)
uint32_t course;
uint32_t speed;
uint32_t i;
char comment0[501];
int32_t alt;
char postyp;
char symt;
char sym;
struct aprspos_POSITION pos;
int32_t DistFilt_ret;
X2C_PCOPY((void **)&b,b_len);
for (i = 6UL;; i--) {
b[i+1UL] = (char)X2C_LSH((uint8_t)(uint8_t)b[i],8,-1);
if (i==0UL) break;
} /* end for */
b[len] = 0;
aprspos_GetPos(&pos, &speed, &course, &alt, &sym, &symt, b, b_len, 1UL,
payload, comment0, 501ul, &postyp);
if (aprspos_posvalid(pos)) {
DistFilt_ret = (int32_t)(uint32_t)
X2C_TRUNCC(aprspos_distance(mypos, pos),0UL,
else DistFilt_ret = -1L;
return DistFilt_ret;
} /* end DistFilt() */
static char Filter(const char b[], uint32_t b_len,
int32_t len, pOUTPORT parm, pINSOCK fromsock)
int32_t i;
int32_t km;
char selfmsg;
len -= 2L; /* crc */
if (len<=0L) {
if (parm->passnoUI) {
if (show) osi_WrStrLn(" pass axudp2", 13ul);
return 1;
else return 0;
i = 13L;
while (i<len && !((uint32_t)(uint8_t)b[i]&1)) i += 7L;
i += 3L;
if (i>len || ((uint8_t)(uint8_t)b[i-2L]&~0x10U)!=0x3U) {
if (show) osi_WrStr(" not UI ", 9ul);
return parm->passnoUI;
/* not UI frame */
/* is UI frame */
if (Usermsg(b, b_len, len, i, fromsock, &selfmsg)) return 0;
if (parm->filtercalls && CallFilt(parm->filtercalls, b, b_len, len)) {
if (show) osi_WrStrLn(" callfilter match", 18ul);
return 0;
if (!X2C_INL((uint8_t)b[i],256,
parm->aprspass) || selfmsg && !X2C_INL((int32_t)84,256,
parm->aprspass)) {
if (show) osi_WrStrLn(" message type filter", 21ul);
return 0;
if (parm->maxkm>0L && (b[i]!=':' || b[i+10L]!=':')) {
/* dist filter on and no user message */
km = DistFilt(parm->mypos, b, b_len, (uint32_t)i, (uint32_t)len);
if (km<0L) {
if (show) osi_WrStrLn(" no pos", 8ul);
return 0;
if (show) {
osi_WrStrLn(" ", 2ul);
osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)km, 1UL);
osi_WrStr("km", 3ul);
if (km>=parm->maxkm) {
if (show) osi_WrStrLn(" too far", 9ul);
return 0;
if ((parm->satgate && !((uint32_t)(uint8_t)b[13UL]&1)) && (uint8_t)
b[20UL]<(uint8_t)'\200') {
/* has >=1 vias and first via no h-bit */
if (show) osi_WrStrLn(" sat gate and direct heard", 27ul);
return 0;
return 1;
} /* end Filter() */
static int32_t getstdin(char buf[], uint32_t buf_len)
char c;
while (osi_RdBin(0L, (char *) &c, 1u/1u, 1UL)==1L) {
if (c=='\012') c = 0;
if (stdinpos<255UL) {
stdinbuf[stdinpos] = c;
if (c==0) {
aprsstr_Assign(buf, buf_len, stdinbuf, 256ul);
stdinpos = 0UL;
return (int32_t)aprsstr_Length(buf, buf_len);
return -1L;
} /* end getstdin() */
static int32_t getudp(int32_t fd, char buf[], uint32_t buf_len,
uint32_t fromip, char addcrc)
uint32_t fromport;
uint32_t ip;
char crc2;
char crc1;
int32_t len;
len = udpreceive(fd, buf, (int32_t)(buf_len), &fromport, &ip);
if ((len>2L && len<(int32_t)(buf_len)) && (fromip==0UL || fromip==ip)) {
showip = ip;
showport = fromport;
if (!addcrc) return len;
crc1 = buf[len-2L];
crc2 = buf[len-1L];
aprsstr_AppCRC(buf, buf_len, len-2L);
if (crc1==buf[len-2L] && crc2==buf[len-1L]) return len;
if (show) osi_WrStrLn(" raw crc error ", 16ul);
IO.WrHex(ORD(crc1)+ORD(crc2)*256, 1);
IO.WrHex(ORD(buf[len-2])+ORD(buf[len-1])*256, 1);
IO.WrStr(" ");
return -1L;
} /* end getudp() */
static void checkhamnet(char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t * len,
const char rflinkname[], uint32_t rflinkname_len,
RAWCALL hamup0)
int32_t j;
int32_t i;
uint32_t s;
int32_t tmp;
if (rflinkname[0UL]==0) return;
hamup0[0U] = 0;
i = 0L;
while (b[i]!='>') {
/* skip fromcall */
if (i>=*len) {
*len = 0L;
j = 0L;
while (j<=(int32_t)(rflinkname_len-1) && rflinkname[j]) {
/* compare rflink name */
if (b[i]!=rflinkname[j]) {
*len = 0L;
if (b[i]==',') {
j = 0L;
while (((i<*len && b[i]!='-') && b[i]!=',') && b[i]!=':') {
/* make rawcall of rflink uplink */
s = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)b[i]*2UL&255UL;
if (s<=64UL) {
*len = 0L;
hamup0[j] = (char)s;
if (j>=7L) {
*len = 0L;
while (j<6L) {
hamup0[j] = '@';
s = 0UL;
if (b[i]=='-') {
while ((uint8_t)b[i]>='0' && (uint8_t)b[i]<='9') {
s = (s*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)b[i])-48UL;
if (s>15UL) {
*len = 0L;
hamup0[j] = (char)((s+48UL+64UL)*2UL); /* set H bit */
if (b[i]!=',' && b[i]!=':') {
*len = 0L;
while (b[i]!='}') {
/* find end of rflink head */
if (i>=*len) {
*len = 0L;
*len -= i; /* payload len */
tmp = *len;
j = 0L;
if (j<=tmp) for (;; j++) {
b[j] = b[i]; /* remove rflink head */
if (j==tmp) break;
} /* end for */
} /* end checkhamnet() */
FOR i:=p+3 TO p+5 DO
IF (s[i]>="A") & (s[i]<="Z") THEN INC(le) END;
IF (s[i]>="0") & (s[i]<="9") THEN INC(nu) END;
IF (s[p+2]=cUSERMSG) & (le>0) & (nu>0) & (le+nu=3)
THEN (* looks like a user message *)
RETURN parm^.messagetime
RETURN parm^.duptime
END MakeDupeTime;
static char IsCall(const char raw[], uint32_t raw_len,
uint32_t pos, uint32_t div0)
uint32_t i;
uint32_t nu;
uint32_t le;
char c;
uint32_t tmp;
le = 0UL;
nu = 0UL;
tmp = pos+2UL;
i = pos;
if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) {
c = (char)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)raw[i]/div0);
if ((uint8_t)c>='A' && (uint8_t)c<='Z') ++le;
if ((uint8_t)c>='0' && (uint8_t)c<='9') ++nu;
if (i==tmp) break;
} /* end for */
return (le>0UL && nu>0UL) && le+nu==3UL;
/* looks like a call */
} /* end IsCall() */
static char Dup(const char raw[], uint32_t raw_len,
uint32_t pathlen, uint32_t rawlen, uint32_t * sum)
uint32_t i;
uint32_t len;
uint8_t hashh;
uint8_t hashl;
char h[256];
char ok0;
IF c<>" " THEN
b:=CAST(CARD8, CAST(SET8, c) / hashl);
hashl:=CRCL[b] / hashh;
END hash;
hashl = 0U;
hashh = 0U;
pathlen += 2UL; /* skip frametyp pid */
if (raw[pathlen]!='}') {
len = 0UL;
ok0 = aprsstr_Call2Str(raw, raw_len, h, 256ul, 7UL, &len);
i = 0UL;
while (i<len) {
aprsstr_HashCh(h[i], &hashl, &hashh);
len = 0UL;
ok0 = aprsstr_Call2Str(raw, raw_len, h, 256ul, 0UL, &len);
i = 0UL;
while (i<len && h[i]!='-') {
aprsstr_HashCh(h[i], &hashl, &hashh);
else {
i = pathlen+1UL;
for (;;) {
if (pathlen>=rawlen) break;
if (raw[pathlen-1UL]==':') {
if (raw[pathlen]=='}') i = pathlen+1UL;
else break;
while (i<pathlen-1UL && raw[i]!='>') {
aprsstr_HashCh(raw[i], &hashl, &hashh);
while ((i<pathlen-1UL && raw[i]!='-') && raw[i]!=',') {
aprsstr_HashCh(raw[i], &hashl, &hashh);
i = pathlen;
while ((i<rawlen && raw[i]!='\015') && raw[i]!='\012') {
aprsstr_HashCh(raw[i], &hashl, &hashh);
*sum = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)(char)hashl+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)
if (raw[pathlen]!=':') return 0;
return IsCall(raw, raw_len, pathlen+1UL, 1UL);
/* if call it is user msg */
} /* end Dup() */
static char Cmp(const char s[], uint32_t s_len,
uint32_t start, const char word[],
uint32_t word_len)
uint32_t i;
i = 0UL;
while (word[i]) {
if (word[i]!=(char)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)s[start]/2UL)) return 0;
return 1;
} /* end Cmp() */
static char ChkNN(uint32_t ssid, char c)
c = (char)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c/2UL);
return c==' ' && ssid==0UL || ((uint8_t)c>='1' && (uint8_t)c<='7')
&& (uint8_t)c>=(uint8_t)(char)(48UL+ssid);
} /* end ChkNN() */
static char NeqN(uint32_t ssid, char c, int32_t pos)
return pos<=14L && (ssid+48UL==(uint32_t)(uint8_t)
c/2UL || ssid==0UL && c=='@');
} /* end NeqN() */
static void setSSID(char * c, uint32_t ssid)
*c = (char)((uint8_t)(uint8_t)*c&~0x1EU|(uint8_t)(ssid*2UL));
} /* end setSSID() */
static uint32_t getSSID(char c)
return (uint32_t)(uint8_t)c/2UL&15UL;
} /* end getSSID() */
static void killwide(int32_t * startpath, int32_t downpath, char s[],
uint32_t s_len)
int32_t j;
int32_t i;
int32_t tmp;
int32_t tmp0;
tmp = downpath-1L;
i = *startpath;
if (i<=tmp) for (tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp-i)/7L;;) {
if (((s[i]=='\256' && s[i+1L]=='\222') && s[i+2L]=='\210')
&& s[i+3L]=='\212') {
tmp0 = *startpath;
j = i-1L;
if (j>=tmp0) for (;; j--) {
s[j+7L] = s[j];
if (j==tmp0) break;
} /* end for */
*startpath += 7L;
if (!tmp) break;
i += 7L;
} /* end for */
} /* end killwide() */
static void Digi(char raw[], uint32_t raw_len, char send[],
uint32_t send_len, int32_t inlen0, int32_t * outlen0,
const RAWCALL hamup0, pDIGIPARMS parm, char duponly)
int32_t goodpath;
int32_t downpath;
int32_t actdigi;
int32_t startpath;
int32_t pathlen;
int32_t j;
int32_t i;
uint32_t ssidroute;
uint32_t hash;
uint32_t ssid;
uint32_t tt;
uint32_t t;
char noloop;
char nodigicall;
char ok0;
int32_t tmp;
if ((uint8_t)parm->digicall[0U]<='@') duponly = 1;
*outlen0 = 0L;
inlen0 -= 2L; /* crc bytes */
pathlen = 13L;
while (pathlen<inlen0 && !((uint32_t)(uint8_t)raw[pathlen]&1)) {
pathlen += 7L; /* find end of path */
ok0 = 0;
downpath = 0L;
if (!duponly) {
/* IF (FINGERPRINT IN parm^.pathcheck) OR ((raw[6]>=200C)
<>(raw[13]>=200C)) THEN */
actdigi = 14L;
noloop = 1;
if ((0x8UL & parm->pathcheck)) {
/* need not be first repeater */
while (actdigi<pathlen && (uint8_t)raw[actdigi+6L]>=(uint8_t)
'\200') {
/* test if own digicall in path */
ok0 = 0;
for (i = 0L; i<=5L; i++) {
if (raw[i+actdigi]!=parm->digicall[i]) ok0 = 1;
} /* end for */
if (getSSID(raw[(actdigi+7L)-1L])!=getSSID(parm->digicall[6U])) {
ok0 = 1;
if (!ok0) noloop = 0;
actdigi += 7L;
if (noloop) {
/* not looping thru own digi */
startpath = actdigi+7L;
nodigicall = 0;
if ((0x80UL & parm->pathcheck)) downpath = pathlen;
/* test for ssid routing*/
ssid = (uint32_t)(int32_t)(parm->pathcheck&0x7UL);
/* limit ssid routing hopps */
ssidroute = getSSID(raw[6UL]); /* destination call ssid */
goodpath = 14L;
while ((goodpath<pathlen && (uint8_t)raw[goodpath+6L]>=(uint8_t)
'\200') && IsCall(raw, raw_len, (uint32_t)goodpath, 2UL)) {
goodpath += 7L; /* repeated via callsigns */
if ((((ssidroute>0UL && ssid>0UL) && goodpath==pathlen)
&& pathlen<49L) && ((0x8UL & parm->pathcheck)
|| goodpath==14L)) {
ok0 = 1;
if (ssidroute>7UL) ssidroute = 1UL;
if (ssidroute>ssid) ssidroute = ssid;
if (ssidroute==1UL || (0x8000UL & parm->pathcheck)==0) {
/* use decrement dest ssid routing */
setSSID(&raw[6UL], ssidroute-1UL);
/* chain by dec dest ssid */
ssidroute = 0UL;
else {
/* expand to digicall + wideN-N */
setSSID(&raw[6UL], 0UL); /* switch to via routing */
downpath = 0L; /* delete rest of path */
if (show) osi_WrStr(" via ssid routing ", 19ul);
else {
ssidroute = 0UL;
if (goodpath<=14L) goodpath = 0L;
if ((0x10UL & parm->pathcheck)) goodpath = actdigi;
ok0 = pathlen>actdigi && (uint8_t)raw[actdigi+6L]<(uint8_t)
'\200'; /* there are via calls & is not digipeated */
if (ok0) {
ssid = getSSID(raw[actdigi+6L]);
if ((0x400UL & parm->pathcheck)) ok0 = 0;
else {
for (i = 0L; i<=5L; i++) {
if (raw[i+actdigi]!=parm->digicall[i]) {
ok0 = 0;
} /* end for */
if (ssid!=getSSID(parm->digicall[6U])) ok0 = 0;
if (ok0) {
if ((0x80UL & parm->pathcheck)) downpath = pathlen;
if (show) osi_WrStr(" via digicall ", 15ul);
else if ((0x800UL & parm->pathcheck)==0) {
ok0 = Cmp(raw, raw_len, (uint32_t)actdigi, "RELAY ",
if (!ok0 && (0x80000UL & parm->pathcheck)) {
ok0 = Cmp(raw, raw_len, (uint32_t)actdigi, "ECHO ",
if (ok0) {
if ((0x100UL & parm->pathcheck)) downpath = pathlen;
if (show) osi_WrStr(" via RELAY ", 12ul);
if (!ok0) {
if ((0x40000UL & parm->pathcheck)) {
ok0 = Cmp(raw, raw_len, (uint32_t)actdigi, "GATE ",
if (ok0) {
if ((0x100UL & parm->pathcheck)) {
downpath = pathlen;
if (show) osi_WrStr(" via GATE ", 11ul);
if (!ok0) {
if ((((0x1000UL & parm->pathcheck)==0 && Cmp(raw, raw_len,
(uint32_t)actdigi, "TRACE", 6ul)) && ChkNN(ssid,
raw[actdigi+5L])) && (goodpath==actdigi || NeqN(ssid,
raw[actdigi+5L], actdigi))) {
ok0 = 1;
if (ssid>(uint32_t)((0x10000UL & parm->pathcheck)==0)
&& (0x20UL & parm->pathcheck)) {
setSSID(&raw[actdigi+6L], ssid-1UL);
/* dec(N) of WIDEn-N */
startpath = actdigi;
if ((0x100UL & parm->pathcheck)==0) {
downpath = actdigi+7L;
if (show && ok0) osi_WrStr(" via TRACEn-n ", 15ul);
if (!ok0) {
if (((((0x2000UL & parm->pathcheck)==0 && Cmp(raw, raw_len,
(uint32_t)actdigi, "WIDE",
5ul)) && raw[actdigi+5L]=='@') && ChkNN(ssid,
raw[actdigi+4L])) && (goodpath==actdigi || NeqN(ssid,
raw[actdigi+4L], actdigi))) {
ok0 = 1;
if (raw[actdigi+4L]!='@' && (0x40UL & parm->pathcheck)) {
if ((0x4000UL & parm->pathcheck)
|| goodpath!=actdigi && !NeqN(ssid, raw[actdigi+4L],
actdigi)) nodigicall = 1;
if (ssid>(uint32_t)((0x10000UL & parm->pathcheck)
==0)) {
setSSID(&raw[actdigi+6L], ssid-1UL);
startpath = actdigi;
else if (nodigicall) {
raw[actdigi+6L] = '\340'; /* WIDE* */
if (nodigicall) startpath = actdigi;
if ((0x200UL & parm->pathcheck)==0) {
downpath = actdigi+7L;
if (show && ok0) osi_WrStr(" via WIDEn-n ", 14ul);
if (show && !ok0) osi_WrStr(" no source path ", 17ul);
else if (show) osi_WrStr(" already digipeated ", 21ul);
else if (show) osi_WrStr(" we have already digipeated ", 29ul);
/* ELSIF show THEN WrStr(" fingerprint filtered " ) END; */
if (duponly || ok0) {
IO.WrLn; IO.WrStr("<<<");IO.WrHex(ORD(raw[pathlen+2]),1);
IO.WrStr(">>> ");
tt = parm->duptime;
if (Dup(raw, raw_len, (uint32_t)pathlen, (uint32_t)inlen0, &hash)) {
tt = parm->messagetime;
t = osic_time(); /* time in s */
if (parm->timehash[hash]+tt<=t) {
/* not a duplicate */
parm->timehash[hash] = t;
if (duponly) {
/* dupfilter only */
*outlen0 = inlen0+2L;
tmp = *outlen0-1L;
i = 0L;
if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) {
send[i] = raw[i];
if (i==tmp) break;
} /* end for */
else {
/* digipeater */
i = 0L;
while (i<actdigi) {
send[i] = (char)((uint8_t)(uint8_t)raw[i]&0xFEU);
/* copy from-to and clear address end bit */
if (!nodigicall) {
if (hamup0[0U]) {
for (j = 0L; j<=6L; j++) {
send[i] = hamup0[j]; /* append uplink via digicall */
} /* end for */
for (j = 0L; j<=6L; j++) {
send[i] = parm->digicall[j]; /* append new via digicall */
} /* end for */
if (ssidroute>0UL) {
send[i] = '\256';
send[i] = '\222';
send[i] = '\210';
send[i] = '\212';
send[i] = (char)((48UL+ssidroute)*2UL);
send[i] = '@';
send[i] = (char)((48UL+ssidroute)*2UL); /* no H bit set */
if ((0x20000UL & parm->pathcheck)) {
killwide(&startpath, downpath, raw, raw_len);
j = startpath; /* append rest of path */
while (j<downpath && i<70L) {
send[i] = raw[j];
send[i-1L] = (char)((uint8_t)(uint8_t)send[i-1L]|0x1U);
/* set address end bit */
tmp = inlen0-1L;
j = pathlen;
if (j<=tmp) for (;; j++) {
send[i] = raw[j]; /* append data field no crc */
if (j==tmp) break;
} /* end for */
aprsstr_AppCRC(send, send_len, i);
*outlen0 = i+2L;
else if (show) {
osi_WrStr(" ", 2ul);
osic_WrINT32(t-parm->timehash[hash], 1UL);
osi_WrStr("s since same payload ", 22ul);
} /* end Digi() */
static int32_t GetIp(char h[], uint32_t h_len, uint32_t * p,
uint32_t * ip, uint32_t * port)
uint32_t n;
uint32_t i;
char ok0;
int32_t GetIp_ret;
X2C_PCOPY((void **)&h,h_len);
*p = 0UL;
h[h_len-1] = 0;
*ip = 0UL;
for (i = 0UL; i<=4UL; i++) {
n = 0UL;
ok0 = 0;
while ((uint8_t)h[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)h[*p]<='9') {
ok0 = 1;
n = (n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[*p])-48UL;
if (!ok0) {
GetIp_ret = -1L;
goto label;
if (i<3UL) {
if (h[*p]!='.' || n>255UL) {
GetIp_ret = -1L;
goto label;
*ip = *ip*256UL+n;
else if (i==3UL) {
*ip = *ip*256UL+n;
if (h[*p]!=':' || n>255UL) {
GetIp_ret = -1L;
goto label;
else if (n>65535UL) {
GetIp_ret = -1L;
goto label;
*port = n;
} /* end for */
GetIp_ret = 0L;
return GetIp_ret;
} /* end GetIp() */
static int32_t GetSec(char h[], uint32_t h_len, uint32_t * p,
uint32_t * n)
char ok0;
int32_t GetSec_ret;
X2C_PCOPY((void **)&h,h_len);
h[h_len-1] = 0;
*n = 0UL;
ok0 = 0;
while ((uint8_t)h[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)h[*p]<='9') {
ok0 = 1;
*n = ( *n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[*p])-48UL;
if (!ok0) {
GetSec_ret = -1L;
goto label;
IO.WrCard(n,10); IO.WrLn;
GetSec_ret = 0L;
return GetSec_ret;
} /* end GetSec() */
static void MakeRawCall(RAWCALL c, char s[], uint32_t s_len,
uint32_t j)
uint32_t n;
uint32_t i;
X2C_PCOPY((void **)&s,s_len);
i = 0UL;
while (i<6UL) {
if ((s[j] && s[j]!=',') && s[j]!='-') {
c[i] = (char)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)s[j]*2UL);
else c[i] = '@';
n = 0UL;
if (s[j]=='-') {
while ((uint8_t)s[j]>='0' && (uint8_t)s[j]<='9') {
n = (n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)s[j])-48UL;
if (n>15UL) Err("wrong SSID", 11ul);
if (s[j]=='*') c[6U] = 0;
else c[6U] = (char)(n*2UL+224UL);
} /* end MakeRawCall() */
static void Ackpath(const char h[], uint32_t h_len)
aprsstr_Assign(ackpath, 64ul, ">", 2ul);
aprsstr_Append(ackpath, 64ul, "APNL01", 7ul);
if (h[0UL]) {
aprsstr_Append(ackpath, 64ul, ",", 2ul);
aprsstr_Append(ackpath, 64ul, h, h_len);
aprsstr_Append(ackpath, 64ul, "::", 3ul);
} /* end Ackpath() */
static char getfix(float * x, const char s[], uint32_t s_len,
uint32_t * p)
uint32_t i;
char h[256];
i = 0UL;
while (((uint8_t)s[*p]>' ' && s[*p]!='/') && i<255UL) {
h[i] = s[*p];
h[i] = 0;
if (aprsstr_StrToFix(x, h, 256ul)) return 1;
return 0;
} /* end getfix() */
static SET256 _cnst0 = {0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,
static void parms(void)
char h[4096];
char actpassui;
char actsat;
char actecho;
char err;
char lasth;
pINSOCK actsock0;
pOUTPORT onext;
pOUTPORT outsock0;
SET256 actpass;
pDIGIPARMS actdigi;
uint32_t nold;
uint32_t n;
uint32_t i;
struct BEACON actbeacon;
pMSGHASH user;
pCALLS callnext;
pCALLS actcall;
float actkm;
struct aprspos_POSITION actpos;
struct INSOCK * anonym;
struct BEACON * anonym0;
struct DIGIPARMS * anonym1;
struct OUTPORT * anonym2;
struct MSGHASH * anonym3;
SET256 tmp;
msgusers = 0;
actsock0 = 0;
actcall = 0;
err = 0;
show = 0;
Ackpath("WIDE2-2", 8ul);
actkm = 0.0f;
actpassui = 0;
actsat = 0;
for (;;) {
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
if (h[0U]==0) break;
if ((h[0U]=='-' && h[1U]) && h[2U]==0) {
lasth = h[1U];
if (lasth=='a') {
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
if (h[0U]=='-') h[0U] = 0;
Ackpath(h, 4096ul);
else if ((lasth=='R' || lasth=='M') || lasth=='L') {
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
actecho = 0;
actdigi = 0;
actcall = 0;
actkm = 0.0f;
actpassui = 0;
actsat = 0;
actbeacon.bintervall = 0UL;
actbeacon.piggytime = 0UL;
actbeacon.piggyback = 0;
osic_alloc((char * *) &actsock0, sizeof(struct INSOCK));
if (actsock0==0) Err("out of memory", 14ul);
{ /* with */
struct INSOCK * anonym = actsock0;
anonym->outchain = 0;
anonym->rflinkname[0U] = 0;
if (GetIp(h, 4096ul, &i, &anonym->fromip,
&anonym->bindport)<0L) Err("cannot open udp socket", 23ul);
anonym->fd = openudp();
anonym->rawread = lasth=='R';
if (lasth=='L') {
n = 0UL;
if (h[i-1UL]==':') {
for (;;) {
if (i>=4095UL) break;
if (h[i]==0) break;
anonym->rflinkname[n] = h[i];
if (n==0UL) Err("-L ip:port:name", 16ul);
if ((anonym->fd>=0L && anonym->fromip!=X2C_max_longcard)
&& bindudp(anonym->fd, anonym->bindport)<0L) {
Err("cannot bind inport", 19ul);
anonym->next = 0;
if (insocks) actsock0->next = insocks;
insocks = actsock0;
else if (lasth=='f') {
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
if (actsock0==0) Err("need input -M or -R before -f", 30ul);
if (h[0U]!='d' && h[0U]!='p') {
Err("-f (p)ass or (d)elete needed", 29ul);
i = 1UL;
n = 0UL;
nold = 256UL;
for (;;) {
if (i>=4095UL) break;
if ((uint8_t)h[i]>='0' && (uint8_t)h[i]<='9') {
n = (n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[i])-48UL;
else {
for (;;) {
if (n>0UL && n<256UL) X2C_INCL(actpass,n,256);
if (n<=nold) break;
nold = 256UL;
if (h[i]=='-') nold = n;
else if (h[i]!=',') {
n = 0UL;
if (h[0U]=='d') {
/* c translate problem */
else if (lasth=='k') {
FOR i:=0 TO MAX(SET256) DO
IF i IN actpass THEN EXCL(actpass,
i) ELSE INCL(actpass, i) END;
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
if (actsock0==0) Err("need input -M or -R before -k", 30ul);
i = 0UL;
if (!getfix(&actpos.lat, h, 4096ul, &i)) {
Err("latitude in deg", 16ul);
if (h[i-1UL]!='/' || !getfix(&actpos.long0, h, 4096ul, &i)) {
Err("longitude in deg", 17ul);
if ((h[i-1UL]!='/' || !getfix(&actkm, h, 4096ul,
&i)) || actkm>=2.147483647E+9f) Err("distance in km", 15ul);
else if (lasth=='b') {
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
if (actsock0==0) Err("need input -M or -R before -b", 30ul);
{ /* with */
struct BEACON * anonym0 = &actbeacon;
i = 0UL;
if (GetSec(h, 4096ul, &i, &n)>=0L && h[i]==':') {
anonym0->bintervall = n;
anonym0->btime = anonym0->bintervall+osic_time();
anonym0->bline = 0UL;
for (n = 0UL; n<=1023UL; n++) {
if (i<=4095UL) {
anonym0->bfile[n] = h[i];
} /* end for */
else Err("beacon format is time:file", 27ul);
else if (lasth=='d') {
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
if (actsock0==0) Err("need input -M or -R before -d", 30ul);
osic_alloc((char * *) &actdigi, sizeof(struct DIGIPARMS));
if (actdigi==0) Err("out of memory", 14ul);
{ /* with */
struct DIGIPARMS * anonym1 = actdigi;
MakeRawCall(anonym1->digicall, h, 4096ul, 0UL);
if (anonym1->digicall[0U]==0 || anonym1->digicall[6U]==0) {
Err("wrong digi callsign", 20ul);
for (i = 0UL; i<=16383UL; i++) {
anonym1->timehash[i] = 0UL;
} /* end for */
anonym1->duptime = 1740UL;
anonym1->messagetime = 28UL;
anonym1->pathcheck = 0UL;
else if (lasth=='e') actecho = 1;
else if (((lasth=='r' || lasth=='m') || lasth=='c') || lasth=='l') {
if (actsock0==0) {
Err("need input -M or -R before -r or -m or -c", 42ul);
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
osic_alloc((char * *) &outsock0, sizeof(struct OUTPORT));
if (outsock0==0) {
Err("out of memory", 14ul);
{ /* with */
struct OUTPORT * anonym2 = outsock0;
if (GetIp(h, 4096ul, &i, &anonym2->toip,
&anonym2->toport)<0L) Err("wrong udp:port", 15ul);
anonym2->echo = actecho;
anonym2->digiparm = actdigi;
anonym2->axudp2 = lasth=='l';
anonym2->rawwrite = lasth=='r' || anonym2->axudp2;
anonym2->crlfwrite = lasth=='c';
anonym2->beacon0 = actbeacon;
actbeacon.bintervall = 0UL;
anonym2->passnoUI = actpassui;
anonym2->satgate = actsat;
anonym2->next = 0;
anonym2->filtercalls = actcall;
anonym2->mypos.lat = actpos.lat*1.7453292519444E-2f;
anonym2->mypos.long0 = actpos.long0*1.7453292519444E-2f;
anonym2->maxkm = (int32_t)(uint32_t)X2C_TRUNCC(actkm,0UL,
actdigi = 0;
actpassui = 0;
onext = actsock0->outchain;
if (onext==0) actsock0->outchain = outsock0;
else {
while (onext->next) onext = onext->next;
onext->next = outsock0;
else {
if (lasth=='h') {
osi_WrStrLn(" -a <paths> user message ack path eg. WIDE2-2\
or - for no path", 67ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -b <s>:<file> enable beacon every s(econds) pat\
h and text from <file>", 72ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" cycles thru lines in file, empty \
lines = no tx (size max 32kb)", 79ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" \\\\z ddhhmm, \\\\h hhmmss, \\\\:\
filename: insert file, \\\\[filename]", 79ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" insert file and delete after, \\\\
\(filename) if exists insert", 76ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" and delete,\\\\\\ is \\\\, \\\\rm\
delete beacon file", 62ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" file may be modified any time eg.\
by telemetry program", 71ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -c <ip>:<port> send text monitor udp frame with \
cr lf", 55ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -d <call> digipeater enable (and dupe filte\
r) call", 57ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -d - dupe filter without data modifica\
tion", 54ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -e echo last (filtert) output",
osi_WrStrLn(" -f <filterparm> \'p<x>,<x>...\' pass UI frames \
with first char (-f p58,110)", 76ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" \'d<x>,<x>...\' pass UI frames \
with not first char (-f d32,65-79)", 82ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" Messages to itself are treated \
as Telemetry (-f d84)", 72ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -h this", 21ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -k <deg>/<deg>/<km> distance filter, center/radi\
us -k 48.2/13.5/100", 69ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -k 0/0/20000 remove all (not user\
msg) with no position data", 77ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -L <ip>:<port>:<netname> read monitor rflink h\
eader with netname", 68ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -l <ip>:<port> send raw axudp frame and pass thr\
u axudp2 header", 65ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -M <ip>:<port> read text monitor udp frame",
osi_WrStrLn(" ip= read text mo\
nitor from stdin", 66ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" ip= read text mo\
nitor from stdin and terminate", 80ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -m <ip>:<port> send text monitor udp frame 0 ter\
minated", 57ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -p <n>,<...> -p 7,8 igate friendly digi relayi\
ng all direct heared", 70ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -p 5,6,7,8,9 first hop digi, -p 3\
,4 (noisy) last hop digi", 74ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -p 0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,14,16 origin\
al, noisy, path loosing ...", 77ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 0..2 limit ssid-routing to (bit0 \
+ 2*bit1 + 4*bit2)", 68ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" dest-3: dest-2,digicall*, dest-3,\
call*: dest-2,call,digicall*", 78ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 3 allow repeatet before (mostly w\
ith wrong path trace)", 71ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 4 no uplink check for \'looks lik\
e direct heared\'", 65ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" (noisy, wrong path trace possib\
le)", 53ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 5 resend TRACEn-(N-1), 6 resend W\
IDEn-(N-1)", 60ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" so frames may be relayed again \
by loss of downlink trace", 75ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 7 append remaining digi path afte\
r via digicall", 64ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 8 append remaining digi path afte\
osi_WrStrLn(" 9 append remaining digi path afte\
r WIDE", 56ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" so frames may be relayed again \
by loss of downlink trace", 75ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 10, 11, 12, 13 switch off via dig\
icall, RELAY, TRACE, WIDE", 75ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 14 insert not digicall on direct \
heared before WIDEn-N,", 72ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" as others do, your digi is hid\
den, and path is shown wrong", 78ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 15 convert destination ssid routi\
ng to WIDEn-n", 63ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 16 send n-0 without repeated flag\
", 50ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 17 remove all WIDE from downlink \
path", 54ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 18 enable via GATE (use as gate: \
disable via all other)", 72ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" 19 allow ECHO as alias to RELAY",
osi_WrStrLn(" -P <s> piggyback time sending beacon ear\
lier if sent anything now", 75ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -R <ip>:<port> read raw axudp frame, 0 ip read f\
rom all (-R", 75ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -r <ip>:<port> send raw axudp frame", 37ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -S Satgate, filter out uplink (has v\
ia with no h-bit", 66ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -s pass not-UI-frames too (all PR-Fr\
ames, SABM, RR..)", 67ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" (raw axudp only) and axudp2 modem\
to layer2 message frames", 75ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -t <s>,<s> dupe filter time in seconds (all \
types, user messages)", 71ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -t 1740,28 29min not same beacon,\
28s for retrying user message)", 81ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -u <call>:<file> global option, receive & ack us\
ermessages to call store in file", 82ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" repeat -u for more Calls to same \
or different File", 67ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -v show frames and analytics on stdo\
ut", 52ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" -x <call>{,<call>} delete frames with call in a \
address field, -x TCPIP,UID***-*", 82ul);
osi_WrStrLn("udpbox -v -M -d MYCALL-10 -p 0,1,7 -\
t 1800,28 -r", 80ul);
if (lasth=='s') actpassui = 1;
else if (lasth=='S') actsat = 1;
else if (lasth=='t') {
if (actdigi==0) Err("need -d before -t", 18ul);
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
i = 0UL;
if (GetSec(h, 4096ul, &i, &n)>=0L) {
actdigi->duptime = n;
if (h[i-1UL]==',' && GetSec(h, 4096ul, &i, &n)>=0L) {
actdigi->messagetime = n;
else if (lasth=='P') {
if (actsock0==0) Err("need input -M or -R before -P", 30ul);
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
i = 0UL;
if (GetSec(h, 4096ul, &i, &n)>=0L) actbeacon.piggytime = n;
else if (lasth=='p') {
if (actdigi==0) Err("need -d before -p", 18ul);
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
i = 0UL;
while (GetSec(h, 4096ul, &i, &n)>=0L) {
if (n<31UL) actdigi->pathcheck |= (1UL<<n);
if (h[i]==',') ++i;
else if (lasth=='u') {
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
osic_alloc((char * *) &user, sizeof(struct MSGHASH));
if (user==0) Err("out of memory", 14ul);
{ /* with */
struct MSGHASH * anonym3 = user;
anonym3->wpos = 0UL;
anonym3->msgfile[0U] = 0;
for (i = 0UL; i<=15UL; i++) {
anonym3->hash[i].ackcnt = 0UL;
} /* end for */
i = 0UL;
n = 0UL;
while ((n<=8UL && h[i]) && h[i]!=':') {
anonym3->usercall[n] = h[i];
while (n<=8UL) {
anonym3->usercall[n] = ' ';
if (h[i]) {
n = 0UL;
while (n<=1023UL && h[i]) {
anonym3->msgfile[n] = h[i];
anonym3->next = 0;
if (msgusers) user->next = msgusers;
msgusers = user;
else if (lasth=='v') show = 1;
else if (lasth=='x') {
osi_NextArg(h, 4096ul);
if (actsock0==0) Err("need input -M or -R before -x", 30ul);
i = 0UL;
for (;;) {
osic_alloc((char * *) &callnext,
sizeof(struct CALLS));
if (callnext==0) Err("out of memory", 14ul);
MakeRawCall(callnext->call, h, 4096ul, i);
callnext->next = actcall;
actcall = callnext;
while (h[i]!=',') {
if (i>=4095UL || (uint8_t)h[i]<=' ') goto loop_exit;
else err = 1;
else {
err = 1;
if (err) break;
if (err) {
osi_WrStr(">", 2ul);
osi_WrStr(h, 4096ul);
osi_WrStrLn("< use -h", 9ul);
} /* end parms() */
static void showpip(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port)
osic_WrINT32(ip/16777216UL, 1UL);
osi_WrStr(".", 2ul);
osic_WrINT32(ip/65536UL&255UL, 1UL);
osi_WrStr(".", 2ul);
osic_WrINT32(ip/256UL&255UL, 1UL);
osi_WrStr(".", 2ul);
osic_WrINT32(ip&255UL, 1UL);
osi_WrStr(":", 2ul);
osic_WrINT32(port, 1UL);
} /* end showpip() */
d:=CAST(CARDINAL, b*SET8{0..3});
IF d>9 THEN INC(d, ORD("A")-10-ORD("0")) END;
END Hex;
h:ARRAY[0..1023] OF CHAR;
WHILE (i<=HIGH(s)) & (s[i]<>0C) & (j<HIGH(h)-5) DO
IF s[i]<" " THEN
h[j]:="<"; INC(j);
h[j]:=Hex(SHIFT(CAST(SET8, s[i]), -4)); INC(j);
h[j]:=Hex(CAST(SET8, s[i])); INC(j);
ELSE h[j]:=s[i] END;
END showstr;
static void showhex(int32_t * n, int32_t e, char in[],
uint32_t in_len, int32_t * len, const char s[],
uint32_t s_len)
int32_t i;
int32_t tmp;
char tmp0;
if (show) {
osi_WrStrLn(s, s_len);
tmp = *len-1L;
i = 0L;
if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) {
osi_WrHex((uint32_t)(uint8_t)in[i], 3UL);
if (i==tmp) break;
} /* end for */
tmp = e-1L;
i = 0L;
if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) {
*n = (int32_t)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)in[i]/2UL);
if (*n<32L) {
osi_WrStr("<", 2ul);
osi_WrHex((uint32_t)*n, 1UL);
osi_WrStr(">", 2ul);
else osi_WrStr((char *)(tmp0 = (char)*n,&tmp0), 1u/1u);
if (i%7L==6L) osi_WrStr(",", 2ul);
if (i==tmp) break;
} /* end for */
} /* end showhex() */
static void cpraw(char in[], uint32_t in_len, char out[],
uint32_t out_len, int32_t * len)
int32_t e;
int32_t n;
int32_t i;
char c;
char h;
int32_t tmp;
e = 0L;
tmp = *len-1L;
i = 0L;
if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) {
c = in[i];
out[i] = c;
if (e==0L && ((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c&1)) e = i+1L;
if (i==tmp) break;
} /* end for */
if (*len==2L) return;
/* crc only, maybe there is a axudp2 head*/
if (((uint32_t)e%7UL || e<14L) || e>70L) {
showhex(&n, e, in, in_len, len,
" bad raw format, no address end found", 38ul);
*len = 0L;
else {
h = 1;
tmp = e-1L;
i = 20L;
if (i<=tmp) for (tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp-i)/7L;;) {
if ((uint32_t)(uint8_t)in[i]>=128UL) {
if (!h) {
showhex(&n, e, in, in_len, len, " bad H bit in raw frame",
*len = 0L;
h = 1;
else h = 0;
if (!tmp) break;
i += 7L;
} /* end for */
} /* end cpraw() */
#define udpbox_MSYM "\\"
#define udpbox_INSFN ":"
/* insert file and send no beacon if missing */
#define udpbox_INSFNEND ":"
#define udpbox_DELFN "["
/* insert file, delete and send no beacon if missing */
#define udpbox_DELFNEND "]"
#define udpbox_DELFNN "("
/* insert file, delete and insert nothing if missing */
#define udpbox_DELFNNEND ")"
static void beaconmacros(char s[], uint32_t s_len, char * del)
uint32_t i;
int32_t j;
int32_t len;
char ns[256];
char ds[256];
char fn[1024];
int32_t f;
char fnend;
char voidok;
*del = 0;
i = 0UL;
ns[0U] = 0;
while (i<s_len-1 && s[i]) {
if (s[i]=='\\' && s[i+1UL]=='\\') {
i += 2UL;
if (s[i]=='z') {
/* insert day, hour, min */
aprsstr_DateToStr(osic_time(), ds, 256ul);
ds[0U] = ds[8U];
ds[1U] = ds[9U];
ds[2U] = ds[11U];
ds[3U] = ds[12U];
ds[4U] = ds[14U];
ds[5U] = ds[15U];
ds[6U] = 0;
aprsstr_Append(ns, 256ul, ds, 256ul);
else if (s[i]=='h') {
/* insert hour, min, s */
aprsstr_DateToStr(osic_time(), ds, 256ul);
ds[0U] = ds[11U];
ds[1U] = ds[12U];
ds[2U] = ds[14U];
ds[3U] = ds[15U];
ds[4U] = ds[17U];
ds[5U] = ds[18U];
ds[6U] = 0;
aprsstr_Append(ns, 256ul, ds, 256ul);
else if ((s[i]==':' || s[i]=='[') || s[i]=='(') {
/* insert file */
if (s[i]==':') fnend = ':';
else if (s[i]=='(') fnend = ')';
else fnend = ']';
fn[0U] = 0;
while ((i<s_len-1 && s[i]) && s[i]!=fnend) {
aprsstr_Append(fn, 1024ul, (char *) &s[i], 1u/1u);
f = osi_OpenRead(fn, 1024ul);
if (f>=0L) {
len = osi_RdBin(f, (char *)ds, 256u/1u, 255UL);
if (fnend==']' || fnend==')') {
osi_Erase(fn, 1024ul, &voidok);
/* delete insert file after inserting */
j = 0L;
while (((j<len && ds[j]!='\015') && ds[j]!='\012') && ds[j]) {
aprsstr_Append(ns, 256ul, (char *) &ds[j], 1u/1u);
else if (fnend!=')') {
/* skip whole beacon line */
if (show) {
osi_WrStrLn("beacon macro file not readable ", 32ul);
s[0UL] = 0;
else {
if (s[i]=='r' && s[i+1UL]=='m') {
/* delete beacon file */
s[0UL] = 0;
*del = 1;
if (s[i]=='\\') aprsstr_Append(ns, 256ul, "\\\\", 3ul);
else {
if (show) {
osi_WrStrLn("bad beacon macro ", 18ul);
s[0UL] = 0;
else aprsstr_Append(ns, 256ul, (char *) &s[i], 1u/1u);
aprsstr_Assign(s, s_len, ns, 256ul);
} /* end beaconmacros() */
static void beacon(pINSOCK insock, char buf[], uint32_t buf_len,
int32_t * len, pOUTPORT * outsock0)
int32_t lc;
int32_t eol;
int32_t bol;
int32_t i;
int32_t f;
char fb[32768];
uint32_t t;
char ok0;
char del;
struct BEACON * anonym;
*len = 0L;
*outsock0 = insock->outchain;
for (;;) {
if (*outsock0==0) {
*len = 0L;
{ /* with */
struct BEACON * anonym = &(*outsock0)->beacon0;
t = osic_time();
if (anonym->piggyback) t += anonym->piggytime;
anonym->piggyback = 0;
if ((anonym->bintervall>0UL && anonym->bfile[0U])
&& anonym->btime<=t) {
anonym->btime += anonym->bintervall;
if (anonym->btime<=t) anonym->btime = t+anonym->bintervall;
f = osi_OpenRead(anonym->bfile, 1024ul);
if (f>=0L) {
*len = osi_RdBin(f, (char *)fb, 32768u/1u, 32767UL);
while (*len>0L && (uint8_t)fb[*len-1L]<=' ') {
--*len; /* remove junk from eof */
if (*len>0L && *len<32767L) {
fb[*len] = '\012';
do {
lc = (int32_t)anonym->bline;
eol = 0L;
for (;;) {
bol = eol;
while (eol<*len && fb[eol]!='\012') ++eol;
if (eol>=*len) {
bol = eol;
if (anonym->bline) {
lc = 1L;
anonym->bline = 0UL;
if (fb[bol]!='#') {
if (lc==0L) {
} while (lc);
i = 0L;
while (bol<eol) {
fb[i] = fb[bol];
fb[i] = 0;
IF show THEN WrStrLn(fb) END;
*len = 0L;
if (i>0L) {
beaconmacros(fb, 32768ul, &del);
if (del) osi_Erase(anonym->bfile, 1024ul, &ok0);
else aprsstr_mon2raw(fb, 32768ul, buf, buf_len, len);
if (show && *len==0L) {
if (del) osi_WrStrLn("delete beacon file ", 20ul);
else osi_WrStrLn("bad beacon format ", 19ul);
if (show) osi_WrStrLn("beacon file not found", 22ul);
*outsock0 = (*outsock0)->next;
} /* end beacon() */
#define udpbox_ACKTIME 30
static void sendack(char buf[], uint32_t buf_len, int32_t * len,
pINSOCK fromsock)
int32_t m;
uint32_t j;
uint32_t i;
pMSGHASH user;
char fb[256];
uint32_t t;
struct MSGHASH * anonym;
struct _0 * anonym0;
user = msgusers;
t = osic_time();
while (user) {
*len = 0L;
{ /* with */
struct MSGHASH * anonym = user;
for (m = 0L; m<=15L; m++) {
{ /* with */
struct _0 * anonym0 = &anonym->hash[m];
if ((anonym0->ackcnt>0UL && anonym0->acktime<t)
&& fromsock==anonym0->source) {
anonym0->acktime = t+30UL;
j = 0UL;
i = 0UL;
while (i<=8UL && (uint8_t)anonym->usercall[i]>' ') {
fb[j] = anonym->usercall[i];
i = 0UL;
while ((uint8_t)ackpath[i]>' ') {
fb[j] = ackpath[i];
for (i = 0UL; i<=8UL; i++) {
fb[j] = anonym0->froms[i];
} /* end for */
fb[j] = ':';
i = 0UL;
while ((uint8_t)"ack"[i]>' ') {
fb[j] = "ack"[i];
IO.WrLn; IO.WrStr(" <"); IO.WrStr(hash[m].acks);
i = 0UL;
while ((uint8_t)anonym0->acks[i]>' ') {
fb[j] = anonym0->acks[i];
fb[j] = 0;
IO.WrLn; IO.WrStr(" <"); IO.WrStr(fb); IO.WrStrLn(">");
aprsstr_mon2raw(fb, 256ul, buf, buf_len, len);
if (show && *len==0L) {
osi_WrStr(fb, 256ul);
osi_WrStrLn(" message ack path wrong", 24ul);
} /* end for */
user = anonym->next;
} /* end sendack() */
static void appudp2(char ob[], uint32_t ob_len, uint32_t * olen,
const char ud[], uint32_t ud_len, const char ib[],
uint32_t ib_len, int32_t len)
/* append axudp2 header */
int32_t j;
int32_t i;
i = 0L;
j = 0L;
while (ud[i]) {
ob[i] = ud[i];
if (i>0L) {
ob[i] = 0;
len -= 2L;
while (j<len) {
ob[i] = ib[j];
*olen = (uint32_t)(i+2L);
aprsstr_AppCRC(ob, ob_len, i);
} /* end appudp2() */
static char ibuf[338];
static char rawbuf[338];
static char rawout[338];
static char workraw[338];
static char udp2[64]; /* axudp2 header */
static char mbuf[512];
static int32_t inlen;
static int32_t outlen;
static int32_t res;
static uint32_t monlen;
static pINSOCK actsock;
static pOUTPORT outsock;
static pOUTPORT isbeacon;
static char nobeacon;
static char piggy;
static RAWCALL hamup;
static aprsstr_GHOSTSET _cnst1 = {0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL,
extern int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (sizeof(SET256)!=32) X2C_ASSERT(0);
if (sizeof(RAWCALL)!=7) X2C_ASSERT(0);
if (sizeof(MONCALL)!=9) X2C_ASSERT(0);
if (sizeof(FILENAME)!=1024) X2C_ASSERT(0);
stdinpos = 0UL;
insocks = 0;
for (;;) {
actsock = insocks;
if (insocks && insocks->fromip==X2C_max_longcard) fdsetr(0UL);
while (actsock) {
{ /* with */
struct INSOCK * anonym = actsock;
if (anonym->fd>=0L) fdsetr((uint32_t)anonym->fd);
actsock = anonym->next;
if (selectr(1UL, 0UL)>=0L) {
actsock = insocks;
while (actsock) {
do {
piggy = 0;
inlen = 0L;
if (actsock->fd>=0L && issetr((uint32_t)actsock->fd)) {
inlen = getudp(actsock->fd, ibuf, 338ul, actsock->fromip,
else if (issetr(0UL) && actsock->fromip==X2C_max_longcard) {
inlen = getstdin(ibuf, 338ul);
udp2[0U] = 0;
if (inlen>0L && ibuf[0U]=='\001') {
aprsstr_extrudp2(ibuf, 338ul, udp2, 64ul, &inlen);
/* axudp2 */
hamup[0U] = 0;
if (inlen>0L) {
nobeacon = 1;
if (actsock->rawread) {
cpraw(ibuf, 338ul, rawbuf, 338ul, &inlen);
else {
if (inlen<=337L) ibuf[inlen] = 0;
checkhamnet(ibuf, 338ul, &inlen, actsock->rflinkname,
9ul, hamup);
if (inlen>0L) {
aprsstr_mon2raw(ibuf, 338ul, rawbuf, 338ul, &inlen);
if (show && inlen==0L) {
osi_WrStrLn("bad mon format ", 16ul);
else if (show) {
osi_WrStrLn("no rflink head match", 21ul);
isbeacon = 0;
else {
nobeacon = 0;
beacon(actsock, rawbuf, 338ul, &inlen, &isbeacon);
if (isbeacon==0) sendack(rawbuf, 338ul, &inlen, actsock);
if (inlen>=2L) {
if (show && inlen>2L) {
aprsstr_raw2mon(rawbuf, 338ul, mbuf, 512ul,
(uint32_t)(inlen-2L), &monlen, _cnst1);
showpip(showip, showport);
osi_WrStr("(", 2ul);
osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)inlen, 1UL);
osi_WrStr(")", 2ul);
osi_WrStr(":", 2ul);
if (monlen<=0UL) osi_WrStr("<raw to mon error>", 19ul);
aprsstr_CtrlHex(mbuf, 512ul);
osi_WrStrLn(mbuf, 512ul);
outsock = actsock->outchain;
outlen = 0L;
while (outsock) {
if (show && inlen>2L) {
osi_WrStr(" tx: ", 6ul);
showpip(outsock->toip, outsock->toport);
if (((isbeacon==0 || isbeacon==outsock)
|| outsock->echo) && Filter(workraw, 338ul, inlen, outsock,
actsock)) {
if (outsock->digiparm) {
Digi(workraw, 338ul, rawout, 338ul, inlen,
&outlen, hamup, outsock->digiparm, !nobeacon);
if (show && outlen>2L) {
osi_WrStr(" digi", 6ul);
else if (!outsock->echo) {
outlen = inlen;
/* else use last filtert */
if (outlen>0L) {
outsock->beacon0.piggyback = 1;
piggy = 1;
if (outsock->rawwrite) {
if (outsock->axudp2) {
appudp2(mbuf, 512ul, &monlen, udp2, 64ul,
rawout, 338ul, outlen);
res = udpsend(actsock->fd, mbuf,
(int32_t)monlen, outsock->toport, outsock->toip);
else {
aprsstr_AppCRC(rawout, 338ul, outlen-2L);
res = udpsend(actsock->fd, rawout, outlen,
outsock->toport, outsock->toip);
if (show && outlen>2L) {
osi_WrStrLn(" raw", 5ul);
else {
aprsstr_raw2mon(rawout, 338ul, mbuf, 512ul,
(uint32_t)(outlen-2L), &monlen, _cnst1);
if (monlen>0UL) {
if (outsock->crlfwrite) {
mbuf[monlen-1UL] = '\015';
mbuf[monlen] = '\012';
res = udpsend(actsock->fd, mbuf,
(int32_t)monlen, outsock->toport, outsock->toip);
if (show) {
osi_WrStrLn(" mon", 5ul);
else if (show) {
osi_WrStrLn(" monerr", 8ul);
else if (show) {
osi_WrStrLn(" no tx", 7ul);
else if (show && outlen>2L) {
osi_WrStrLn(" deleted", 9ul);
outsock = outsock->next;
if ((insocks && insocks->fromip==X2C_max_longcard)
&& insocks->bindport==1UL) {
goto loop_exit; /* single stdin line mode */
} while (piggy);
actsock = actsock->next;
return 0;