/* * dxlAPRS toolchain * * Copyright (C) Christian Rabler * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #define X2C_int32 #define X2C_index32 #ifndef aprstat_H_ #include "aprstat.h" #endif #define aprstat_C_ #ifndef maptool_H_ #include "maptool.h" #endif #ifndef aprsdecode_H_ #include "aprsdecode.h" #endif #ifndef aprspos_H_ #include "aprspos.h" #endif #ifndef osi_H_ #include "osi.h" #endif #include #ifndef aprsstr_H_ #include "aprsstr.h" #endif #ifndef useri_H_ #include "useri.h" #endif #ifndef aprstext_H_ #include "aprstext.h" #endif /* aprs statistc graphs by oe5dxl */ #define aprstat_KMHTIME 600 static void setpix(maptool_pIMAGE img, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t rr, int32_t gg, int32_t bb) { struct maptool_PIX * anonym; { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym = &img->Adr[(x)*img->Len0+y]; anonym->r = (uint16_t)rr; anonym->g = (uint16_t)gg; anonym->b = (uint16_t)bb; } } /* end setpix() */ static void str(maptool_pIMAGE img, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, char s[], uint32_t s_len) { uint32_t i; uint32_t l; int32_t inc; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP col; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&s,s_len); l = aprsstr_Length(s, s_len); i = 0UL; maptool_Colset(&col, 'W'); while (iAdr[(xx)*img->Len0+yy]; anonym->r += (uint16_t)((rr*l)/512UL); anonym->g += (uint16_t)((gg*l)/512UL); anonym->b += (uint16_t)((bb*l)/512UL); } l = pixl(fx, 1.0f-fy); { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym0 = &img->Adr[(xx+1UL)*img->Len0+yy]; anonym0->r += (uint16_t)((rr*l)/512UL); anonym0->g += (uint16_t)((gg*l)/512UL); anonym0->b += (uint16_t)((bb*l)/512UL); } l = pixl(1.0f-fx, fy); { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym1 = &img->Adr[(xx)*img->Len0+(yy+1UL)]; anonym1->r += (uint16_t)((rr*l)/512UL); anonym1->g += (uint16_t)((gg*l)/512UL); anonym1->b += (uint16_t)((bb*l)/512UL); } l = pixl(fx, fy); { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym2 = &img->Adr[(xx+1UL)*img->Len0+(yy+1UL)]; anonym2->r += (uint16_t)((rr*l)/512UL); anonym2->g += (uint16_t)((gg*l)/512UL); anonym2->b += (uint16_t)((bb*l)/512UL); } } /* end addpix() */ #define aprstat_KL0 512 static void fillpix(maptool_pIMAGE img, uint32_t x, uint32_t yfrom, float yto, uint32_t rr, uint32_t gg, uint32_t bb) { float fy; uint32_t yy; struct maptool_PIX * anonym; yy = aprsdecode_trunc(yto); fy = yto-(float)yy; while (yfrom<=yy) { { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym = &img->Adr[(x)*img->Len0+yfrom]; anonym->r += (uint16_t)rr; anonym->g += (uint16_t)gg; anonym->b += (uint16_t)bb; } ++yfrom; } } /* end fillpix() */ static uint32_t sfact(float y) { uint32_t m; uint32_t s; s = 1UL; m = 2UL; while (X2C_DIVR(y,(float)s)>X2C_DIVR(200.0f, (float)(aprsdecode_lums.fontysize+2UL))) { s = s*m; if (m==2UL) m = 5UL; else m = 2UL; } return s; } /* end sfact() */ static uint32_t dynmaxx(uint32_t margin, uint32_t min0, uint32_t max0) { if (max0+margin*2UL>(uint32_t)maptool_xsize) { if ((uint32_t)maptool_xsize>min0) { max0 = (uint32_t)maptool_xsize-margin*2UL; } else max0 = min0-margin*2UL; } return max0; } /* end dynmaxx() */ #define aprstat_MAXT 7200 #define aprstat_X 620 #define aprstat_Y 150 #define aprstat_MARGIN1 16 #define aprstat_XI 636 #define aprstat_YI 166 extern void aprstat_btimehist(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op) { uint32_t t[7200]; aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST pf; uint32_t textd; uint32_t textx; uint32_t max0; uint32_t expand; uint32_t scale0; uint32_t xm; uint32_t sum; uint32_t y; uint32_t i; uint32_t dt; char s[256]; uint32_t tmp; size_t tmp0[2]; if (op==0) return; for (i = 0UL; i<=7199UL; i++) { t[i] = 0UL; } /* end for */ pf = op->frames; sum = 0UL; if (pf) { while (pf->next) { if (maptool_vistime(pf->time0) && pf->next->time0>=pf->time0) { dt = pf->next->time0-pf->time0; if (dt<=7199UL) { ++t[dt]; ++sum; } } pf = pf->next; } } sum -= sum/20UL; xm = 0UL; y = 0UL; do { y += t[xm]; ++xm; } while (!(xm>=7199UL || y>=sum)); ++xm; if (xm<120UL) xm = 120UL; for (i = xm+1UL; i<=7199UL; i++) { t[xm] += t[i]; /* add not shown rest to last shown element */ } /* end for */ scale0 = ((xm+620UL)-1UL)/620UL; textd = 50UL; if (scale0>30UL) { scale0 = 60UL; textx = 50UL; } else if (scale0>12UL) { scale0 = 30UL; textx = 20UL; } else if (scale0>6UL) { scale0 = 12UL; textx = 10UL; } else if (scale0>3UL) { scale0 = 6UL; textx = 5UL; } else if (scale0>2UL) { scale0 = 3UL; textx = 3UL; textd = 60UL; } else if (scale0>1UL) { scale0 = 2UL; textx = 2UL; textd = 60UL; } else { scale0 = 1UL; textx = 1UL; textd = 60UL; } if (scale0>1UL) { for (i = 1UL; i<=7199UL; i++) { if (i%scale0==0UL) t[i/scale0] = 0UL; t[i/scale0] += t[i]; } /* end for */ } xm = ((xm+scale0)-1UL)/scale0; expand = 1UL; if (xm<310UL) expand = 2UL; else if (xm>620UL) xm = 620UL; else if (xm==0UL) return; xm = xm*expand; max0 = 0UL; tmp = xm-1UL; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { if (t[i]>max0) max0 = t[i]; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ if (max0==0UL) return; tmp = xm-1UL; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { t[i] = (t[i]*150UL)/max0; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ X2C_DYNALLOCATE((char **)img,sizeof(struct maptool_PIX), (tmp0[0] = xm+16UL,tmp0[1] = 166U,tmp0),2u); useri_debugmem.screens += (*img)->Len1*(*img)->Size1; if (*img==0) { osi_WrStrLn("error image alloc", 18ul); return; } maptool_clr(*img); tmp = xm-1UL; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(i+8UL), 7L, 0L, 500L, 800L); if ((i/expand)%10UL==0UL) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(i+8UL), 6L, 0L, 500L, 800L); } if ((i/expand)%textd==0UL) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(i+8UL), 5L, 0L, 500L, 800L); setpix(*img, (int32_t)(i+8UL), 4L, 0L, 500L, 800L); } for (y = 0UL; y<=149UL; y++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(i+8UL), (int32_t)(y+8UL), 50L, (int32_t)(20UL*(uint32_t)(char)((i/expand)/10UL&1) +30UL), 30L); } /* end for */ y = 0UL; while (ycall, 9ul); num(*img, 10L, (int32_t)((166UL-aprsdecode_lums.fontysize)-1UL), (int32_t)max0, s, 256ul); num(*img, (int32_t)((expand*textd+8UL)-12UL), 8L, (int32_t)textx, "m", 2ul); /* DISPOSE(img); */ } /* end btimehist() */ #define aprstat_MAXX 1584 #define aprstat_MINX 584 #define aprstat_MAXY 120 #define aprstat_MARGIN 8 #define aprstat_XSTEPS 8 /* in 1 pixel */ #define aprstat_FILTERLEN 6 /* median filter span in pixels */ #define aprstat_NOINFOTIME 300 /* seconds timeout to no info */ #define aprstat_MINSPAN 3600 #define aprstat_MAXSPAN 28800 extern void aprstat_kmhist(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, char * test) { aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fold; aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fto; aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST ffrom; aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fr; uint32_t ot; uint32_t t1; uint32_t t0; uint32_t markkm; uint32_t markx; uint32_t maxx; uint32_t maxkm10; uint32_t maxkm; uint32_t tf; uint32_t sp; uint32_t i; uint32_t xi; uint32_t xt; float ys; float dy; float maxy; char h[256]; char s[256]; struct aprspos_POSITION po; float vt[12720]; char marks[1584]; uint32_t tops[5]; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; uint32_t tmp; size_t tmp0[2]; if (op==0 || op->frames==0) { *test = 0; return; } fto = 0; ffrom = 0; fr = op->frames; po = fr->vardat->pos; fold = 0; do { /* find first to last move */ if (((maptool_vistime(fr->time0) && !(fr->nodraw&~0x1U)) && aprspos_posvalid(fr->vardat->pos)) && aprspos_distance(po, fr->vardat->pos)>0.05f) { /* find last move */ fto = fr; po = fr->vardat->pos; if (ffrom==0) ffrom = fold; fold = fr; } fr = fr->next; } while (fr); if (fto==0 || ffrom==0) { *test = 0; /* no move */ return; } if (*test) return; *img = 0; for (xi = 0UL; xi<=1583UL; xi++) { marks[xi] = 0; } /* end for */ /* IF ffrom=NIL THEN ffrom:=op^.frames END; */ t1 = fto->time0; while (ffrom->next && (!(~ffrom->nodraw&0x1U) || ffrom->time0+28800ULnext; t0 = ffrom->time0; if (t1nodraw&~0x1U) && aprsdecode_Decode(fr->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) && dat.speed=tops[i]) { tops[i] = dat.speed; break; } ++i; if (i>4UL) break; } } if (fr==fto) break; fr = fr->next; if (fr==0) break; } /*FOR i:=0 TO HIGH(tops) DO WrInt(tops[i], 10) END; */ while ((float)tops[0U]>(float)tops[1U]*1.5f) { for (i = 0UL; i<=3UL; i++) { tops[i] = tops[i+1UL]; } /* end for */ } markx = 0UL; markkm = 0UL; maxx = (1584UL*((t1-t0)+3600UL))/28800UL; /* guess picture width */ if (maxx<584UL) maxx = 584UL; else if (maxx>1584UL) maxx = 1584UL; ot = t0; fr = ffrom; xi = 0UL; maxy = 0.0f; dy = 0.0f; tf = 0UL; for (;;) { if ((!(fr->nodraw&~0x1U) && aprsdecode_Decode(fr->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) && (!useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT) || dat.speed1000.0f) dy = 1000.0f; if (fr->time0>ot+300UL) tf = 48UL; xt = aprsdecode_trunc((X2C_DIVR((float)(fr->time0-t0), (float)(t1-t0)))*(float)(maxx*8UL-1UL)); /* x position in picture */ if (xt>=maxx*8UL-1UL) xt = maxx*8UL; if (xi/8UL>3UL) marks[xi/8UL-3UL] = 1; if (dy>maxy) maxy = dy; while (xi0UL) { --tf; if (tf==0UL) dy = 0.0f; } } ot = fr->time0; if ((dat.pos.lat==aprsdecode_click.markpos.lat && dat.pos.long0==aprsdecode_click.markpos.long0) && aprsdecode_click.markpost==ot) { markx = xi/8UL; markkm = (uint32_t)aprsdecode_knottokmh((int32_t)dat.speed); } } if (fr==fto) break; fr = fr->next; if (fr==0) break; } tf = 48UL; while (xi<=12719UL) { vt[xi] = dy; ++xi; if (tf>0UL) --tf; else dy = 0.0f; } tmp = maxx*8UL-1UL; xi = 0UL; if (xi<=tmp) for (;; xi++) { dy = 0.0f; for (xt = 0UL; xt<=47UL; xt++) { dy = dy+vt[xi+xt]*(1.0f-sq((float)xt*4.1666666666667E-2f-1.0f)); /* FIR lowpass */ } /* end for */ vt[xi] = dy; if (xi==tmp) break; } /* end for */ maxkm = aprsdecode_trunc(maxy); maxkm10 = ((maxkm+9UL)/10UL)*10UL; if (maxy>=2.0f) { maxy = X2C_DIVR(3.75f,(float)maxkm10); /* FIR gain integral 1-x^2 */ for (xi = 0UL; xi<=12719UL; xi++) { vt[xi] = vt[xi]*maxy; /* fit y in picture */ } /* end for */ X2C_DYNALLOCATE((char **)img,sizeof(struct maptool_PIX), (tmp0[0] = maxx+16UL,tmp0[1] = 136U,tmp0),2u); useri_debugmem.screens += (*img)->Len1*(*img)->Size1; if (*img==0) { osi_WrStrLn("error image alloc", 18ul); return; } maptool_clr(*img); /* FOR xt:=MARGIN TO MAXY+MARGIN-1 DO FOR xi:=MARGIN TO MAXX+MARGIN-1 DO WITH img^[xi+xt*(MAXX+2*MARGIN)] DO r:=30; g:=60+50*ORD(ODD(xt DIV 10)); b:=80+200*ORD(marks[xi-MARGIN]); END; END; END; */ dy = (X2C_DIVR(120.0f,(float)maxkm10))*10.0f; ys = 0.0f; xt = 0UL; sp = 0UL; do { /* draw y scale and paper and waypoints*/ for (i = 6UL-2UL*(uint32_t)(sp%5UL==0UL); i<=8UL; i++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)i, (int32_t)(aprsdecode_trunc(ys+0.5f)+8UL), 200L, 1000L, 200L); } /* end for */ ys = ys+dy; while (xt20.0f && ys<=(float)maxx) { if (ys-dy*0.5f>0.0f) { /* draw 1/2 h mark */ for (i = 6UL; i<=7UL; i++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(aprsdecode_trunc(ys-dy*0.5f)+8UL), (int32_t)i, 200L, 1000L, 200L); } /* end for */ } sp = sp+24UL+useri_localtime()/3600UL; do { /* draw h and rest of 1/2h marks */ for (i = 4UL; i<=7UL; i++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(aprsdecode_trunc(ys)+8UL), (int32_t)i, 200L, 1000L, 200L); } /* end for */ if (ys+dy*0.5f<=(float)maxx) { for (i = 6UL; i<=7UL; i++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(aprsdecode_trunc(ys+dy*0.5f)+8UL), (int32_t)i, 200L, 1000L, 200L); } /* end for */ } num(*img, (int32_t)((aprsdecode_trunc(ys)+8UL)-6UL), 8L, (int32_t)(sp%24UL), "h", 2ul); ++sp; ys = ys+dy; } while (ys<=(float)maxx); } if (markx>3UL) { markx -= 3UL; for (xi = 8UL; xi<=128UL; xi++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(markx+8UL), (int32_t)xi, 500L, 200L, 50L); } /* end for */ } tmp = maxx*8UL-1UL; xi = 8UL; if (xi<=tmp) for (;; xi++) { /* draw graph */ dy = vt[xi]; if (dy>=0.1f) { if (dy>120.0f) dy = 120.0f; addpix(*img, (float)xi*0.125f+8.0f, dy+8.0f, 125UL, 125UL, 12UL); } if (xi==tmp) break; } /* end for */ strncpy(s," ",256u); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, op->call, 9ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, " max=", 6ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)maxkm, 1UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); if (markx>0UL) { aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, " cursor=", 9ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)markkm, 1UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "km/h", 5ul); num(*img, 10L, (int32_t)((136UL-aprsdecode_lums.fontysize)-1UL), (int32_t)maxkm10, s, 256ul); } /* IF img<>NIL THEN DISPOSE(img) END; */ } /* end kmhist() */ static void paper(maptool_pIMAGE * img, float yax0, float yax1, uint32_t step, uint32_t margin, uint32_t maxx, uint32_t maxy, char name[], uint32_t name_len) { uint32_t y; uint32_t x; int32_t so; int32_t s; float v; struct maptool_PIX * anonym; uint32_t tmp; uint32_t tmp0; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&name,name_len); so = osi_realint(aprsdecode_floor(X2C_DIVR(yax0,(float)step))); tmp = maxy-1UL; y = 0UL; if (y<=tmp) for (;; y++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)margin, (int32_t)(y+margin), 200L, 1000L, 200L); v = yax0+(yax1-yax0)*(float)y*(X2C_DIVR(1.0f,(float)maxy)); s = osi_realint(aprsdecode_floor(X2C_DIVR(v,(float)step))); tmp0 = (maxx-1UL)+margin; x = margin+1UL; if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) { { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym = &(*img)->Adr[(x)*(*img) ->Len0+(y+margin)]; anonym->r += 60U; anonym->g += (uint16_t)(50UL+40UL*(uint32_t)(char) (s&1)); anonym->b += 60U; } if (x==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ if (s!=so) { tmp0 = margin-1UL; x = margin-3UL; if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)x, (int32_t)(y+margin), 200L, 1000L, 200L); if (x==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ num(*img, (int32_t)(margin+1UL), (int32_t)((y+margin)-6UL), s*(int32_t)step, "", 1ul); so = s; } if (y==tmp) break; } /* end for */ str(*img, margin+50UL, ((maxy+margin*2UL)-aprsdecode_lums.fontysize)-1UL, name, name_len); X2C_PFREE(name); } /* end paper() */ #define aprstat_MAXXX 720 #define aprstat_MAXY0 120 #define aprstat_MARGIN0 8 #define aprstat_XSTEPS0 8 /* in 1 pixel */ #define aprstat_EMPTY (-10000) #define aprstat_MAXALT 50000 static float aprstat_E = (-1.E+4f); static void decodealt(uint32_t * beacons, float * resol, float wdiv, uint32_t * rejs, uint32_t * acks, uint32_t * msgs, struct aprsdecode_DAT * dat, float ground[5760], float alt[5760], char * end, float * waysum, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, int32_t * markalt, uint32_t * markx1, uint32_t * markx, char do0) { aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fr; struct aprspos_POSITION opos; float ognd; float a3; float a2; float a1; float a; uint32_t xc; uint32_t x; *markx = 0UL; *markx1 = 0UL; *markalt = X2C_min_longint; fr = op->frames; aprsdecode_posinval(&opos); *waysum = 0.0f; xc = 1UL; a = (-1.E+4f); a2 = (-1.E+4f); a3 = (-1.E+4f); ognd = (-1.E+4f); *end = 0; for (x = 0UL; x<=5759UL; x++) { alt[x] = (-1.E+4f); } /* end for */ for (x = 0UL; x<=5759UL; x++) { ground[x] = (-1.E+4f); } /* end for */ for (;;) { /* sum up km driven */ if (maptool_vistime(fr->time0) && aprsdecode_Decode(fr->vardat->raw, 500ul, dat)>=0L) { if (dat->type==aprsdecode_MSG) { /* count msg stuff */ if (dat->ackrej==aprsdecode_MSGMSG) ++*msgs; else if (dat->ackrej==aprsdecode_MSGACK) ++*acks; else ++*rejs; } if (!useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT) || !(fr->nodraw&~0x1U)) { if (!aprspos_posvalid(dat->pos)) dat->pos = fr->vardat->pos; if (aprspos_posvalid(dat->pos)) { x = aprsdecode_trunc( *waysum*wdiv); if (aprspos_posvalid(opos)) { *waysum = *waysum+aprspos_distance(opos, dat->pos); } if (dat->altitude>-10000L && dat->altitude<=50000L) { a1 = (float)dat->altitude; if (do0) { if (x>5759UL) x = 5759UL; if (a2>(-1.E+4f)) { if (!useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT) || (float) fabs(((a-a1)+a)-a2)*0.25f<(float)fabs(a2-a1)) { /* median error filter */ if (alt[x]<=(-1.E+4f)) { alt[x] = a; xc = 1UL; } else { ++xc; alt[x] = alt[x]*(1.0f-X2C_DIVR(1.0f, (float)xc))+X2C_DIVR(a,(float)xc); } } } if (*markalt>X2C_min_longint && *markx==0UL) { *markx = x/8UL; } if ((dat->pos.lat==aprsdecode_click.markpos.lat && dat->pos.long0==aprsdecode_click.markpos.long0) && aprsdecode_click.markpost==fr->time0) { *markalt = dat->altitude; } ground[x] = ognd; /* delay same as gps filter */ ognd = maptool_getsrtm(dat->pos, 0UL, resol); if (ognd>=20000.0f) ognd = (-1.E+4f); } if (!*end) a3 = a2; a2 = a; a = a1; } opos = dat->pos; } if (!*end) ++*beacons; } } if (*end) break; if (fr->next) fr = fr->next; else *end = 1; } if (a3<=(-1.E+4f)) *waysum = 0.0f; } /* end decodealt() */ static float aprstat_E0 = (-1.E+4f); static void interpol(float a[], uint32_t a_len) { uint32_t j; uint32_t i; float k; float y; i = 0UL; j = 0UL; y = (-1.E+4f); while (i<=a_len-1) { if (a[i]>(-1.E+4f)) { if (y<=(-1.E+4f)) y = a[i]; if (i>j) { k = X2C_DIVR(1.0f,(float)(i-j)); while (jE THEN WrFixed(alt[i], 10, 20); WrStrLn("=alt") END; */ if (alt[i]>(-1.E+4f) && alt[i]<*minaltd) *minaltd = alt[i]; if (alt[i]>*maxaltd) *maxaltd = alt[i]; if (ground[i]>(-1.E+4f) && ground[i]<*minalt) *minalt = ground[i]; if (ground[i]>*maxalt) *maxalt = ground[i]; } /* end for */ if (*minaltd-((*maxaltd-*minaltd)+100.0f)>*minalt || (*maxaltd-*minaltd) *0.05f>*maxalt-*minalt) { /* ground graph is too far below */ /* ground graph is a flat line */ *minalt = *minaltd; /* make no ground graph */ *maxalt = *maxaltd; } else { if (*minaltd<*minalt) *minalt = *minaltd; if (*maxaltd>*maxalt) *maxalt = *maxaltd; *gndok = 1; } if (*maxalt-*minalt>8.3333333333333E-3f) { *hdiv = X2C_DIVR(120.0f,*maxalt-*minalt); /* normalize */ } else *hdiv = 1.0f; for (i = 0UL; i<=5759UL; i++) { alt[i] = (alt[i]-*minalt)* *hdiv; ground[i] = (ground[i]-*minalt)* *hdiv; } /* end for */ } /* end norm() */ extern void aprstat_althist(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, char * test, float * way, uint32_t * beacons, uint32_t * msgs, uint32_t * acks, uint32_t * rejs) { char h[256]; char s[256]; float maxaltd; float minaltd; float maxalt; float minalt; float ground[5760]; float alt[5760]; float hdiv; float wdiv; uint32_t markx1; uint32_t markx; uint32_t xc; uint32_t sc; uint32_t x; uint32_t Maxx; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; float resol; float waysum; int32_t markalt; char end; char gndok; size_t tmp[2]; uint32_t tmp0; *way = 0.0f; *beacons = 0UL; *msgs = 0UL; *acks = 0UL; *rejs = 0UL; gndok = 0; minaltd = 0.0f; maxaltd = 0.0f; if (op==0 || op->frames==0) { *test = 0; return; } Maxx = dynmaxx(8UL, 400UL, 720UL); decodealt(beacons, &resol, wdiv, rejs, acks, msgs, &dat, ground, alt, &end, &waysum, op, &markalt, &markx1, &markx, 0); *way = waysum; if (waysum<0.05f) { *test = 0; /* no altitudes or km */ return; } if (*test) return; X2C_DYNALLOCATE((char **)img,sizeof(struct maptool_PIX), (tmp[0] = Maxx+16UL,tmp[1] = 136U,tmp),2u); useri_debugmem.screens += (*img)->Len1*(*img)->Size1; if (*img==0) { osi_WrStrLn("error image alloc", 18ul); return; } maptool_clr(*img); wdiv = X2C_DIVR((float)(Maxx*8UL-1UL),waysum); decodealt(beacons, &resol, wdiv, rejs, acks, msgs, &dat, ground, alt, &end, &waysum, op, &markalt, &markx1, &markx, 1); interpol(alt, 5760ul); interpol(ground, 5760ul); norm(&hdiv, &gndok, ground, alt, &maxaltd, &minaltd, &maxalt, &minalt); /* FOR x:=0 TO HIGH(alt) DO IF alt[x]>=0.0 THEN WrFixed(alt[x], 3,11) ELSE WrStr(".") END; END; WrStrLn(""); */ /*sc:=VAL(CARDINAL, maxalt-minalt) DIV sfact(FLOAT(maxalt-minalt)); */ sc = sfact(maxalt-minalt); strncpy(s," ",256u); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, op->call, 9ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, " dist=", 7ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(waysum, 2UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "km min=", 8ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(osi_realint(minaltd), 1UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m max=", 7ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(osi_realint(maxaltd), 1UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); if (markalt>X2C_min_longint) { aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m curs=", 8ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(markalt, 1UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m (NN)", 7ul); paper(img, minalt, maxalt, sc, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); tmp0 = Maxx+8UL; x = 5UL; if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)x, 8L, 200L, 1000L, 200L); if (x==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ strncpy(h,"km",256u); if (waysum<5.0f) { waysum = waysum*1000.0f; strncpy(h,"m",256u); } sc = sfact(waysum); hdiv = X2C_DIVR((float)sc*(float)Maxx,waysum); wdiv = 0.0f; xc = 0UL; do { for (x = 5UL; x<=7UL; x++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)+8UL), (int32_t)x, 200L, 1000L, 200L); } /* end for */ if (xc>0UL && aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)0UL) { for (x = 8UL; x<=128UL; x++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(markx+8UL), (int32_t)x, 50L, 400L, 500L); } /* end for */ } tmp0 = Maxx*8UL-1UL; x = 0UL; if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) { /* draw graph */ addpix(*img, (float)x*0.125f+8.0f, alt[x]+8.0f, 62UL, 75UL, 87UL); if (gndok) { addpix(*img, (float)x*0.125f+8.0f, ground[x]+8.0f, 31UL, 18UL, 0UL); } if (x==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ if (gndok) { tmp0 = Maxx-1UL; x = 0UL; if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) { fillpix(*img, x+8UL, 8UL, ground[x*8UL]+7.0f, 63UL, 38UL, 0UL); if (x==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ } } /* end althist() */ #define aprstat_TIMESPAN 86400 #define aprstat_MAXXX0 720 #define aprstat_MINXSIZE 320 #define aprstat_MAXY1 120 #define aprstat_MARGIN2 8 #define aprstat_ARRSIZE 1440 /* XSTEP=FLOAT(MAXXX)/FLOAT(ARRSIZE); */ #define aprstat_INCHMM 0.254 /* inch/100 to mm */ #define aprstat_INVAL (-1.E+4) #define aprstat_MAXJOIN 65 /* maximum interpolated span min */ struct WX; struct WX { float temp; float hyg; float baro; float wind; float rain; float lumi; float siev; }; #define aprstat_F 0.9 static void scale(float v[], uint32_t v_len, float min0, float max0, float ysize, float maxamp, float * smin, float * smax, uint32_t * step) { uint32_t i; float d; float a; float k; uint32_t tmp; if (min0==(-1.E+4f)) { min0 = 0.0f; d = max0; if (d<=maxamp) d = maxamp; a = X2C_DIVR(ysize,d); k = 0.0f; } else { d = max0-min0; if (d<=maxamp) d = maxamp; a = X2C_DIVR(ysize*0.9f,d); k = ysize*0.05f; } *step = sfact(d); *smin = min0-X2C_DIVR(k,a); *smax = min0+X2C_DIVR(k,a)+d; tmp = v_len-1; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { if (v[i]!=(-1.E+4f)) v[i] = (v[i]-min0)*a+k; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end scale() */ static char newimg(uint32_t Maxx, maptool_pIMAGE * img) { size_t tmp[2]; if (*img==0) { X2C_DYNALLOCATE((char **)img,sizeof(struct maptool_PIX), (tmp[0] = Maxx+16UL,tmp[1] = 136U,tmp),2u); useri_debugmem.screens += (*img)->Len1*(*img)->Size1; } if (*img==0) return 0; maptool_clr(*img); return 1; } /* end newimg() */ static void timeline(uint32_t stime, maptool_pIMAGE * img, uint32_t Maxx) { uint32_t y; uint32_t x; uint32_t to; uint32_t t; uint32_t tmp; to = 0UL; tmp = Maxx-1UL; x = 0UL; if (x<=tmp) for (;; x++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(x+8UL), 8L, 200L, 1000L, 200L); t = ((stime+useri_localtime())-(((Maxx-1UL)-x)*86400UL)/Maxx)/3600UL; if (to==0UL) to = t; if (to!=t) { to = t; for (y = 5UL; y<=7UL; y++) { setpix(*img, (int32_t)(x+8UL), (int32_t)y, 200L, 1000L, 200L); } /* end for */ if (x>28UL && t%3UL==0UL) { num(*img, (int32_t)((x+8UL)-6UL), 8L, (int32_t)(t%24UL), "h", 2ul); } } if (x==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end timeline() */ static void dots(float XStep, maptool_pIMAGE * img, float v[], uint32_t v_len, char join, uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b) { uint32_t i; float dx; float io; float k; float yo; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&v,v_len*sizeof(float)); yo = (-1.E+4f); io = 0.0f; i = 0UL; do { if (v[i]!=(-1.E+4f)) { maptool_waypoint(*img, (float)i*XStep+8.0f+0.5f, v[i]+8.0f, 2.0f, (int32_t)r, (int32_t)g, (int32_t)b); if (((join && yo!=(-1.E+4f)) && i>aprsdecode_trunc(io)) && aprsdecode_trunc(io)+65UL>=i) { k = X2C_DIVR(v[i]-yo,((float)i-io)+1.0f); if ((float)fabs(k)>2.0f) { dx = X2C_DIVR(2.0f,(float)fabs(k)); k = k*dx; } else dx = 1.0f; while (aprsdecode_trunc(io)<=i) { yo = yo+k; maptool_waypoint(*img, io*XStep+8.0f, yo+8.0f, 1.2f, (int32_t)(r/2UL), (int32_t)(g/2UL), (int32_t)(b/2UL)); io = io+dx; } } yo = v[i]; io = (float)(i+1UL); } ++i; } while (i<=v_len-1); X2C_PFREE(v); } /* end dots() */ extern void aprstat_wxgraph(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, uint32_t stime, uint16_t * what, struct aprstat_LASTVAL * lastval) { aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fr; uint32_t Maxx; uint32_t step; uint32_t xt; uint32_t xi; float XStep; float yax1; float yax0; float vh; struct WX min0; struct WX max0; char hh[256]; char h[256]; char s[256]; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; float temp[1440]; float hyg[1440]; float baro[1440]; float winds[1440]; float windd[1440]; float gust[1440]; float rain1[1440]; float rain24[1440]; float rain0[1440]; float lumi[1440]; uint16_t have; char dirvalid; struct WX * anonym; if (op==0 || op->frames==0) { /*OR (op^.lastinftyp<100)*/ return; } Maxx = dynmaxx(8UL, 320UL, 720UL); XStep = X2C_DIVR((float)Maxx,1440.0f); *img = 0; for (xi = 0UL; xi<=1439UL; xi++) { temp[xi] = (-1.E+4f); hyg[xi] = (-1.E+4f); baro[xi] = (-1.E+4f); winds[xi] = (-1.E+4f); windd[xi] = (-1.E+4f); gust[xi] = (-1.E+4f); rain1[xi] = (-1.E+4f); rain24[xi] = (-1.E+4f); rain0[xi] = (-1.E+4f); lumi[xi] = (-1.E+4f); } /* end for */ { /* with */ struct WX * anonym = &max0; anonym->temp = (-1.E+4f); anonym->hyg = (-1.E+4f); anonym->baro = (-1.E+4f); anonym->wind = (-1.E+4f); anonym->rain = (-1.E+4f); anonym->lumi = (-1.E+4f); anonym->siev = (-1.E+4f); } dirvalid = 0; min0.temp = X2C_max_real; min0.baro = X2C_max_real; memset((char *)lastval,(char)0,sizeof(struct aprstat_LASTVAL)); fr = op->frames; do { if (((fr->time0>stime-86400UL && fr->time0<=stime) && aprsdecode_Decode(fr->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) && dat.sym=='_') { xt = aprsdecode_trunc((float)(fr->time0-(stime-86400UL)) *1.6666666666667E-2f); if (xt>=1440UL) xt = 1439UL; vh = X2C_DIVR(dat.wx.temp-32.0f,1.8f); if (vh>=(-99.0f) && vh<=99.0f) { temp[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.temp) max0.temp = vh; if (vhtemp = vh; } if (dat.wx.hygro>=0.0f && dat.wx.hygro<=100.0f) { hyg[xt] = dat.wx.hygro; if (dat.wx.hygro>max0.hyg) max0.hyg = dat.wx.hygro; lastval->hyg = dat.wx.hygro; } vh = dat.wx.baro*0.1f; if (vh>=900.0f && vh<=1100.0f) { baro[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.baro) max0.baro = vh; if (vhbaro = vh; } vh = dat.wx.rain24*0.254f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<300.0f) { rain24[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.rain) max0.rain = vh; lastval->rain24 = vh; } vh = dat.wx.raintoday*0.254f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<300.0f) { rain0[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.rain) max0.rain = vh; } vh = dat.wx.rain1*0.254f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<300.0f) { rain1[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.rain) max0.rain = vh; lastval->rain = vh; } if (dat.wx.lum>=0.0f && dat.wx.lum<=2000.0f) { lumi[xt] = dat.wx.lum; if (dat.wx.lum>max0.lumi) max0.lumi = dat.wx.lum; lastval->lumi = dat.wx.lum; } if (dat.wx.sievert>=0.0f && dat.wx.sievert<1000.0f) { /* siev[xt]:=dat.wx.sievert; */ if (dat.wx.sievert>max0.siev) max0.siev = dat.wx.sievert; lastval->siev = dat.wx.sievert; } if (dat.course>0UL && dat.course<=360UL) { lastval->winddir = (float)(dat.course%360UL); windd[xt] = lastval->winddir; dirvalid = 1; } vh = (float)dat.speed*1.609f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<=1000.0f) { winds[xt] = vh; lastval->winds = vh; if (vh>max0.wind) max0.wind = vh; } vh = dat.wx.gust*1.609f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<=1000.0f) { gust[xt] = vh; lastval->gust = vh; if (vh>max0.wind) max0.wind = vh; } } fr = fr->next; } while (fr); aprstext_DateLocToStr(stime, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 256ul, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 256ul, op->call, 9ul); have = 0U; if (max0.temp!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x1U; if ((0x1U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(temp, 1440ul, min0.temp, max0.temp, 120.0f, 10.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->temp, 2UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "\177C ", 4ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, temp, 1440ul, 1, 200UL, 700UL, 40UL); } } if (max0.baro!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x2U; if ((0x2U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(baro, 1440ul, min0.baro, max0.baro, 120.0f, 2.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->baro, 2UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "hPa ", 5ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, baro, 1440ul, 1, 500UL, 400UL, 500UL); } } if (max0.wind!=(-1.E+4f) && max0.wind>0.0f) { have |= 0x8U; if ((0x8U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(winds, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.wind, 120.0f, 20.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); scale(gust, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.wind, 120.0f, 20.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); s[0U] = 0; if (lastval->winds!=0.0f || lastval->gust==0.0f) { aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->winds, 2UL, hh, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(hh, 256ul, "km/h Wind ", 12ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, hh, 256ul); } if (lastval->gust!=0.0f) { aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->gust, 2UL, hh, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(hh, 256ul, "km/h Gust ", 12ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, hh, 256ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, winds, 1440ul, 1, 100UL, 500UL, 700UL); dots(XStep, img, gust, 1440ul, 1, 600UL, 100UL, 0UL); } if (dirvalid) { have |= 0x10U; if ((0x10U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(windd, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), 360.0f, 120.0f, 365.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->winddir, 0UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "deg Wind Direction ", 20ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, 90UL, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, windd, 1440ul, 0, 200UL, 700UL, 700UL); } } } if (max0.hyg!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x4U; if ((0x4U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(hyg, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), 100.0f, 120.0f, 101.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->hyg, 0UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "% Humidty ", 11ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, hyg, 1440ul, 1, 0UL, 500UL, 700UL); } } if (max0.lumi!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x40U; if ((0x40U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(lumi, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.lumi, 120.0f, 50.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->lumi, 0UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "W/m^2 Luminosity ", 18ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, lumi, 1440ul, 1, 600UL, 600UL, 0UL); } } if (max0.rain!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x20U; if ((0x20U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(rain1, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.rain, 120.0f, 5.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); scale(rain24, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.rain, 120.0f, 5.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); scale(rain0, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.rain, 120.0f, 5.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->rain, 2UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "mm Rain ", 9ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, rain1, 1440ul, 1, 500UL, 100UL, 0UL); dots(XStep, img, rain24, 1440ul, 1, 50UL, 600UL, 50UL); dots(XStep, img, rain0, 1440ul, 1, 100UL, 100UL, 700UL); } } if (max0.siev>0.0f) have |= 0x400U; *what = have; /* IF img<>NIL THEN DISPOSE(img) END; */ } /* end wxgraph() */ extern void aprstat_BEGIN(void) { static int aprstat_init = 0; if (aprstat_init) return; aprstat_init = 1; aprstext_BEGIN(); useri_BEGIN(); aprspos_BEGIN(); osi_BEGIN(); aprsdecode_BEGIN(); aprsstr_BEGIN(); maptool_BEGIN(); }