Leaflet.Coordinates =================== ### What is this? A [Leaflet](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet) plugin to view mouse coordinates. Also the user can change the coordinates and get a marker on that position viewing the coordinates. *Tested with Leaflet 0.5+* ### Demo anyone? [Have a look](http://mrmufflon.github.io/Leaflet.Coordinates/examples/demo.html) ### How to use? ```javascript L.control.coordinates({ position:"bottomleft", //optional default "bootomright" decimals:2, //optional default 4 decimalSeperator:".", //optional default "." labelTemplateLat:"Latitude: {y}", //optional default "Lat: {y}" labelTemplateLng:"Longitude: {x}", //optional default "Lng: {x}" enableUserInput:true, //optional default true useDMS:false, //optional default false useLatLngOrder: true, //ordering of labels, default false-> lng-lat markerType: L.marker, //optional default L.marker markerProps: {}, //optional default {}, labelFormatterLng : funtion(lng){return lng+" lng"}, //optional default none, labelFormatterLat : funtion(lat){return lat+" lat"}, //optional default none customLabelFcn: function(latLonObj, opts) { "Geohash: " + encodeGeoHash(latLonObj.lat, latLonObj.lng)} //optional default none }).addTo(map); ``` ### Releases - [0.1.3](https://github.com/MrMufflon/Leaflet.Coordinates/tree/0.1.3) - [0.1.2](https://github.com/MrMufflon/Leaflet.Coordinates/tree/0.1.2) - [0.1.1](https://github.com/MrMufflon/Leaflet.Coordinates/tree/0.1.1) - [0.1.0](https://github.com/MrMufflon/Leaflet.Coordinates/tree/0.1.0) ### License Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.