|101 If a Click hits more than 1 User, you may select the desired with this button or simply click again on the same Position and the Calls will rotate to the preselected top position |102 If a Click hits more than 1 User, you may select the desired with this button or simply click again on the same Position and the Calls will rotate to the preselected top position |104 Show additional Infos of the selected User |106 Zoom the Map to fit this User with Track into the Window (shortcut .) |107 Zoom the Map to fit this User with Track and the Igates which heared it to the Window. |108 Move Map to hold selected moving Object as near to Center of Screen as configured in Config > Map Moving > Center Watchcall |109 Zoom the Map to fit this User with Track and the Igates which heared it to the Window. |110 If Call is Igate, Zoom Map to fit the Stations and Tracks heared to the Window. The thicker the white Lines, the more Beacons took this way |111 Compose a Message to this User or a Query to a Machine |112 Move Map to hold selected Object in View. In Config > Map Moveing > Center Watchcall you define how near to Center of Window. |113 Go to normal Mode and Show all Users |120 Zoom to fit Marker 1 and 2 to Imagesize same as "/" |115 Set Marker 1 to last Clicked Map Position same as "x" |116 Delete Marker 1 and QTH Locator Area |117 Delete Marker 2 |118 Set Marker 2 to last Clicked Map Position same as "y" |123 Config what to do when Click on Symbols/Text/Tracks |125 Shift-Leftclick to Store View, Leftclick or "1" Key to jump to this View View 1 is used at Start |126 Shift-Leftclick to Store View, Leftclick or "2" Key to jump to this View |127 Shift-Leftclick to Store View, Leftclick or "3" Key to jump to this View |128 Shift-Leftclick to Store View, Leftclick or "4" Key to jump to this View |130 Zoom Out, with SHIFT in configurable Stepwidth |131 Move Map, with SHIFT in 1/10 Steps |133 Move Map, with SHIFT in 1/10 Steps |135 Move Map, with SHIFT in 1/10 Steps |137 Move Map, with SHIFT in 1/10 Steps |132 Zoom In, with SHIFT in configurable Stepwidth |134 Center before Leftclicked Position on Map |136 Step back in Zoom/Pan History, same as "b" BACKSPACE or Rightlick |138 close this menu |200 Log, Screenshot, Video, Quit |201 Config Map, Timers, Internet, Rf... |202 Move/Zoom Map, You can invert moving directions and store map positions/zooms to "views" view 1 is used at start |203 Change/Get Maps, Behaviour of Clicks, Send Messages ... |204 List Shortcuts |300 Quit Program |301 Generate a Video file/stream in YUV4MPEG2 format in File/Pipe map.y4m. Adjust all parameters before with the "Animate" function. The File/Stream may be viewed with VLC, Mplayer or packt by x264 eg. x264 -o film.mp4 --muxer mp4 --crf 22 map.y4m |302 Save screen Image (without menues) to File format .png so use filename with .png win: use .bmp %t insert date-time in filename %n insert counter |303 For viewing historical/downloaded data |304 Load/Edit/Save Program Parameters |307 Enable/Disable Appending Data to Logfile |308 Click and enter a Filename for received and sent Data. On next program start Data will be read to RAM and have same state as at program termination. The logfile may be deleted, renamed, changed any time even if it is write enabled. A given File Path is used for watch-call and manual saved Logs too. Append %d for daywise logfile. "logs/rawlog%d" |309 Days Keep (dayly) Rawdata Logfiles. Purge starts on Program start and Midnight. 0 Days is forever. Make dayly files with %d at end of Logfilename like "logs/rawlog%d" |400 List Objects/Items for highlighting keywords enter word in Tools / Find |401 List Objects/Items decoded entries may be sorted by Call or Time click on a Line shows position on map |405 List Weather Stations for highlighting keyword enter word in Tools / Find |406 List Weather Stations decoded entries may be sorted by Call or Time click on a Line shows position on map |410 List Moveing Beacons for highlighting keyword enter word in Tools / Find |411 List Moveing Beacons decoded entries may be sorted by Call or Time click on a Line shows position on map |415 List Stations sending no Position for highlighting keyword enter word in Tools / Find |416 List Stations sending no Position decoded entries may be sorted by Call or Time |420 Toggle Net Data off/raw/decoded |421 Toggle Rf Port1 Data off/raw/decoded |422 Toggle Rf Port2 Data off/raw/decoded |423 Toggle Rf Port3 Data off/raw/decoded |424 Toggle Rf Port4 Data off/raw/decoded |425 Open Monitor Window for watching in/out going Frames. If a line contains a position, a click on the line shows position on map. For highlighting keyword, enter word in Tools / Find or "F". Srolling stops if text is not on top or bottom. "u" key for quick toggle window on/off. Clr clears content. Use cursor keys and copy/paste(out) |430 List Messages |435 List Bulletins |440 Show program internal infos |500 Find Object/Call and Zoom to or Enter QTH-Locator to see its Area on Map or Enter Lat/Long to set a Marker on Map (Shortcut F) |505 Animation start Time is when first Object begins to move, Stop when last stops, change Speed by Menu with Leftclick to Map, "no move phases" are automatic shortened by larger timesteps. Modify Start time with "Time full Bright" Knob (Shortcut a) |515 Remove Marker 1 and 2, the Measure Line and QTH Locator Area |517 toggle radio link calculation on/off |518 Enter antenna 1 and 2 over ground in meters and frequency and if altitude datafile (srtm) is avaliable, a radio link will be calculated between marker 1 and marker 2. Blue is free sight, green fresnelzone is touched, yellow half fresnelzone till red for whole fresnelzone shaped. |522 Show Maps with selected Data like Wx-Maps or choose a Symbol and show Stations with this. Use TAB-Key to toggle 2 Map Views. |535 Manage Sent Messages (Shortcut M) |536 Enter Root directory path of Map-Cache where the Map Downoad Task writes Map Files into or where You have a set of downloaded Maps |538 Manage Map Types. The Lines are typnames like "tiles_topo -128" the optional value is a brightness correction (range -255 to 255), darker with - values. The names use subdirectories in "map directory" and are passed to the map downloader where URLs to the names are associated. First entry is used at program start. Sort entries by "Edit" and "Add". Use first 3 lines by shortcut "7" "8" "9" else "Tools > Choose Map" |540 Choose Maptype, Reload Map You see or Prepare offline Map Collections |545 Listings |550 Config what to do when Click on Symbols/Text/Tracks |555 Switch off Static Toolbar and Open as Popup on Click to Map |560 List Shortcuts |565 Preferences |570 Files Stuff and Quit |575 Switch on Static Toolbar |700 Define Area and Resolution for Downloading a Complete OSM Map Collection for Offline usage. Higher Zoom gives more Details but Storage/Network consumption is 4x every next Level. Level 13 for outside Town Streets 15 inside Town, 16 Houses, Oneways.... |701 Reload the Map-part You see. Do if newer maps may be avaliable or something is wrong. If download failes, the old Maps will come back |710 Shortcut "7" "8" "9" are last 3 Lines Last Line will be used at Program Start Move Lines to bottom in "Add Maptypes" with "Edit" and "Add" |900 What to do on a Click to Map "Center" if You prefere Map movement by Centering clicked Point "Clear Menus" to get rid of this junk ESC key Clears too |901 What to do on a Click to Text "Heard" for Igates "Set Marker 2" if Marker 1 set by Symbol Click for fast distance measurements |902 What to do on a Click to (not WX) Symbol "Raw+Decoded" for Text Info "Set Marker 1" for measurements |903 You may enable as many WX graphics as fit into Your Window |904 What to do on a Click to Track "Zoom to" does good job "Raw+Decoded" for debug |905 What to do on Mouse Over middle of Symbol |1001 Center Clicked Point of Map Disables click to Symbols, Text and Tracks |1006 On click to (empty) map set marker 1 with pressed SHIFT set marker 2 and if enabled do radio link calculations Disables click to Symbols, Text and Tracks |1011 On click to (empty) map set marker 2 and if enabled do radio link calculations. With pressed SHIFT set marker 1 Disables click to Symbols, Text and Tracks |1016 On first click to (empty) map set marker 1 next clicks set marker 2 and if enabled do radio link calculations. To set marker 1 again clear markers (shortcut ":") Disables click to Symbols, Text and Tracks |1021 On click to (empty) map Open Tools Menu |1025 Enable click to Symbols, Text and Tracks |1026 On click to (empty) map clear menues (shortcut Esc) Enable click to Symbols, Text and Tracks |1152 Show Decoded and Raw Data on Mouse Over Wx Symbol |1153 Show Luminosity over Time on Mouse Over Wx Symbol |1154 Show Rain over Time on Mouse Over Wx Symbol |1155 Show Wind Direction over Time on Mouse Over Wx Symbol |1156 Show Wind Speed over Time on Mouse Over Wx Symbol |1157 Show Humidity over Time on Mouse Over Wx Symbol |1158 Show Pressure over Time on Mouse Over Wx Symbol |1159 Show Temperature over Time on Mouse Over Wx Symbol |1160 Swith off Mouse Over |1310 Show driving speed over time as data avaliable, out of sense values are not shown |1311 Show Altitude over km |1312 Pop up a Menu for actions with this Object |1400 Show info to Waypoint or Beacon and go back in time |1401 Toggle show All or Waypoints with Error Flags |1402 Show info to Waypoint or Beacon and go forward in time |1405 List raw Data of this User on the Monitor text Window |1406 List raw and decoded Data of this User on the Monitor text Window |1407 Set Marker 1 with Objects last Position |1408 Set Marker 2 with Objects last Position |1410 If info avaliable show a Speed over Time Diagramm Trackfilter on/off may repair wrong values or manual delete wrong waypoints before. The Cursor line shows a marked waypoint. |1415 Sum driven Distance and if info avaliable, show an Altitude over Distance Diagramm. Trackfilter on/off may repair wrong values or manual delete wrong waypoints before. The Cursor line shows a marked waypoint. If Altitude Data avaliable, the Ground Level is shown too in brown. |1420 Count Beacons and view it in a Histogramm |1425 Write (or Append if exists) Track and all Info to this Call to a file with name of the Call and so may be viewed later by Importing the logfile. |1430 Switch off watching this Call. May be enabled again in Configs Watchlist or another hit to this Button |1435 Append this User to Watchlist to get a Popup Window with a Message if the User is active. More Actions may be switched in Config, Watch Calls. Next Hit to this Button will switch off watching this Call. |1438 Show Objects of this Sender on Map |1440 Delete the first Waypoint nearest to Click continued Hits to this Button deletes Waypoints with error markers. If clicked to Symbol or Text the whole User will be deleted (only in RAM not in Logfile) |1445 Cycle through avaliable Track Colours incl Invisable |1450 Count Sent Messages, Acks, Rejects in Fullbright Time If one or more Messages click to view |1501 Brightness of Objects/Items. This are things not transmitting at this position but set there from another Station. Dimm to 0 to switch off. |1503 Dimm to 1% to show waypoints only |1504 Fit image output to Your Monitor, normal value is 2.2, this does not affect Screenshot or Video function |1506 Text at Symbols on map not in menues Item/Object Text may be dimmed additional Toggle on/off with "L" shortcut |1507 This are the white dots in tracks with transmitted position joined by track lines |1508 Remove timed out Things from Image, maximum Time and keep Data in RAM until "Data im RAM" in Config/Timers |1509 Give Objects/Tracks time to dissapear after "Full Bright Time" |1700 AprsIs Connect Status Leftclick to Start/Stop Connection. Shift-Leftclick to quick Config. No Data Flow: red Data Sent: yellow Data Received: green Full Configure in Config, Online Raw Data in Tools, List, Monitor |1701 UDP Port 1 Status Switch AXUDP Interface to TNC or Soundmodem on/off. Shift-Leftclick to Config. Data sent: yellow Data received: green Idle: red Configure in Config, Rf-Ports Raw Data in Tools, List, Monitor |1702 UDP Port 2 Status Switch AXUDP Interface to TNC or Soundmodem on/off Shift-Leftclick to Config. Data sent: yellow Data received: green Idle: red Configure in Config, Rf-Ports Raw Data in Tools, List, Monitor |1703 UDP Port 3 Status Switch AXUDP Interface to TNC or Soundmodem on/off Shift-Leftclick to Config. Data sent: yellow Data received: green Idle: red Configure in Config, Rf-Ports Raw Data in Tools, List, Monitor |1704 UDP Port 4 Status Switch AXUDP Interface to TNC or Soundmodem on/off Shift-Leftclick to Config. Data sent: yellow Data received: green Idle: red Configure in Config, Rf-Ports Raw Data in Tools, List, Monitor |1705 (End) Viewing data from logfile |1706 (View) stored Messages Shift-Leftclick or "M" to Compose Message |1707 Red: Expanded parts of Map on Screen Green: allow Expand else Expand off "E" Download enabled, "D" Download Task Runs "e" or "d" Download off, toggle with "d"-Key Shift-Leftclick to Config |1708 Trackfilter on/off "f" |1709 Show Objects on/off "o" |1710 Exit this Map Option |1800 path and filename, %t inserts time, %n is 000..999 .bmp at end writes filetype BMP else PPM |1900 Animation Speed, 1 is Realtime if played with 25Hz This Value is used for Generating a Video File too |1905 Stop Animation |1910 Go On Animation with new Speed |1990 Enter Call (with ? Wildcard and * for rest "oe?xbl*") or Locator "jn68pc". If no wildcards, it is case sensitive and needs full word length. or lat/long ddmm.mm dddmm.mm "4806.09N 01318.67E" or lat/long ddmm.mmm dddmm.mmm "4806.091N 01318.676E" or lat/long (-)d.ddddd (-)d.ddddd "48.71 -13.967" In File "poi.txt" (in osm-directory) Repeat Find to step through matches "g?iss*". Cursor up/down steps thru 10 lines of History. |2101 Police, Sheriff |2102 Reserved (Had Been Rain) |2103 DIGI (White Center) |2104 Phone |2105 DX Cluster |2106 HF Gateway |2107 Aircraft (Small) |2109 Available (Was Mic-Rptr Moved to /M) |2110 Snowmobile |2111 Red Cross |2112 Reverse L Shape |2113 House QTH (VHF) |2114 X |2115 Dot |2116 0 Numbered Circle |2117 1 Numbered Circle |2118 2 Numbered Circle |2119 3 Numbered Circle |2120 4 Numbered Circle |2121 5 Numbered Circle |2122 6 Numbered Circle |2123 7 Numbered Circle |2124 8 Numbered Circle |2125 9 Numbered Circle |2126 Fire |2127 Campground |2128 Motorcycle |2129 Railroad Engine |2130 Car |2131 Server For Files |2132 HC Future Predict |2133 Aid Station |2134 BBS |2135 Canoe |2137 Eyeball |2139 Grid Square (6 Digits) |2140 Hotel (Blue Bed Symbol) |2141 TCP-IP |2143 School |2144 Available |2145 MacAPRS |2146 NTS Station |2147 Balloon |2148 Police |2149 T.B.D. |2150 Recreational Vehicle |2151 Shuttle |2152 SSTV |2153 Bus |2154 ATV |2155 National Weather Service Site |2156 Helicopter |2157 Yacht (Sail) |2158 WinAPRS |2159 Jogger |2160 Triangle (DF) |2161 PBBS |2162 Large Aircraft |2163 Weather Station (Blue) |2164 Dish Antenna |2165 Ambulance |2166 Bike |2167 T.B.D. |2168 Dual Garage (Fire Department) |2169 Horse (Equestrian) |2170 Firetruck |2171 Glider |2172 Hospital |2173 IOTA (Islands On The Air) |2174 Jeep |2175 Truck |2176 Available |2177 Mic-Repeater |2178 Node |2179 EOC |2180 Rover (Puppy) |2181 Grid SQ Shown Above 128 Miles |2182 Antenna |2183 Ship (Power Boat) |2184 Truck Stop |2185 Truck (18 Wheeler) |2186 Van |2187 Water Station |2188 xAPRS (UNIX) |2189 Yagi At QTH |2197 Emergency (!) |2198 Rain |2199 Numbered Star (Green) |2200 Bank or ATM (Green Box) |2202 Numbered Diamond |2203 Crash Site |2204 Cloudy |2206 Snow |2207 Church |2220 HAMNET |2212 Numbered Circle |2221 Gas Station (Blue Pump) |2222 Hail |2223 Park/Picnic |2224 Advisory |2226 Numbered Car |2227 Info Kiosk (Blue Box With ? In It) |2228 Hurricane |2229 Numbered Box |2230 Blowing Snow |2231 Coast Guard |2232 Drizzle |2233 Smoke |2234 Freezing Rain |2235 Snow Shower |2236 Haze |2237 Rain Shower |2238 Lightening |2240 Lighthouse |2242 Navigation Buoy |2244 Parking |2245 Quake |2246 Restaurant |2247 Satellite/Pacsat |2248 Thunderstorm |2249 Sunny |2250 Vortac Nav Aid |2251 Nws Site And W-R DIGI (Green) |2252 Pharmacy Rx |2255 Wall Cloud |2258 Numbered Aircraft |2259 WX And W-R DIGI (Green) |2260 Rain |2262 Blowing Dust/Sand |2264 DX Spot By Callsign |2265 Sleet |2266 Funnel Cloud |2267 Gale Flags |2268 Ham Store |2270 Construction (Steam Shovel) |2272 Area Locations (Box,Circles,Etc) |2273 Digit Display |2274 Numbered Triangle |2275 Small Circle |2276 Partly Cloudy |2278 Restrooms |2279 Numbered Ship/Boat (Top View) |2280 Tornado |2281 Numbered Truck |2282 Numbered Van |2283 Flooding |2287 Fog |2289 Diamond (Open With Dot In Center) |2300 Stop map download, download may be continued later |2301 Enter Zoomlevel 1..18 and calculate quantity of map parts to be downloaded for a complete map with all zoomlevels for the visable area. Start with lower levels until testing of having map parts takes a while. If value fits, press download button by moveing mouse not over other menus. To stop download press this button again, download may be continued any time later. |5801 If sound is working and configured in Config/Map moving/Sound a Bell will ring on new Data of this Object |5802 If not in single Object mode, the Map will be moved to Focus the Object as near to Center as configured in Config/Map moving/Center Watchcall |5803 New Data of this Object will be Appended to a file with Name of this Object |5804 Size of Log and Click to Delete does not work with Wildcards |5805 Edit the Call of this Object |5806 Remove this Call from Watchlist |6700 Importing a "Time Fullbright"-Intervall Logfile beginning with this Date/Time. Received actual Data is stored to memory and writelog and is displayed again on "Exit Logview" |6705 Find Call in Logfile, exact match, and import it. Works only with dayly Log |6710 Read data from this path/filename. The format is Timestamp "yyyymmdd:hhmmss " in utc followed by AprsIs Line. The data is sorted at import by Time, indexed and all waypoints compared to each other for removing dupes and stored in compressed form in RAM. Append %d to filename for dayly logs. |6715 |6716 Reload Data from Writelog |6720 Go to Realtime Mode |6721 Reload Data from Writelog |6730 Go to Start of Logfile |6731 Go "Time Fullbright" back in Logfile |6732 Load beginning from Start Date a "Time Fullbright" Intervall |6733 Go "Time Fullbright" forward in Logfile |6734 Go to End of Logfile |6800 Send Message with Acknowledge, If Message arrived Destination, "AckTime" will get filled. On TCP, the Msg is sent once and, if not acked, resent as the next Beacon of the Destination arrives. Modern Igates, gating msg to Rf, will take care of efficient resening to mobile destinations. |6801 Send Message with no Acknowledge. Used for Querys like "?APRSH" "?HELP" sent to Igates. The Msg is sent one time and may be resent manual with "Kick" Button "BLN1" to "BLN9" as [To Call] for sending Bulletins to everyone |6802 Reopen with Shift-Click to "M" button or "M"-Shortcut or Tools / Send Message |6804 A Message Line if Dimmed it is Done if --:--:-- in Acktime it is not Acked if Red Acktime, a later Message to same User will not be sent until this Line is acked deleted or switched to "Hold" "Ret" is the retry Counter "AckTxt" an automatic generated unique Code to be sent back for ack |6810 Message Text up to 67 Char. If Beacon Editor "B" is open too, an "Item Message" line will be copied to send Item as Message |6815 Destination Call with SSID (most in Capital Letters) BLN1 to BLN9 for sending Bulletins (send as Query) |6820 Send Message (if connected) to Net and first for tx enabled Rf Port. If You have more than 1 open Port, select the Port to send NEXT Msg. To change Port for a pending Msg, klick to Port and then to "Set Port" at the Stored Msg Line's Pulldown menu |6821 Send Message to Net Messages to Net are sent immediately 1 time and, if not acked, resent again when a beacon of the destination is received. To change Port for a Pending Msg, klick to Port and then to "Set Port" at the Stored Msg Line's Pulldown menu |6822 Send Message to Radio Port 1 To change Port for a Pending Msg, klick to Port and then to "Set Port" at the Stored Msg Line's Pulldown menu. Msgs (with ack) on Rf Ports are resent in increasing interval until ack'ed or deleted or holded |6823 Send Message to Radio Port 2 To change Port for a Pending Msg, klick to Port and then to "Set Port" at the Stored Msg Line's Pulldown menu |6824 Send Message to Radio Port 3 To change Port for a Pending Msg, klick to Port and then to "Set Port" at the Stored Msg Line's Pulldown menu |6825 Send Message to Radio Port 4 To change Port for a Pending Msg, klick to Port and then to "Set Port" at the Stored Msg Line's Pulldown menu |6905 Delete this Message |6904 Send this Message once now |6903 Reset Send Timer and Counter |6902 Do not go on (re)sending Message until Kick or Restart |6901 First set the (blue) Button to a Port then klick this Button to redirect Msg |6900 Edit the Message and requeue |7000 Toggle automatic Save of Config at Program Quit |7001 Save Config now |7005 Import aprsmap.cfg (Loosing all Entries not Saved before) empty srtm-cache and reimport poi.txt and mypoi.txt Data |7010 Enter Calls You want to be told if they are active. If new Data arrive from this user the enabled action will occur. A * at end is wildcard |7015 Filter out unwanted things by name, object owner, igate or comment (no wildcards yet and exact case match) |7020 How to Move/Zoom Maps and what to do if they are not downloaded yet |7025 For Things Drawn on the Map |7030 except Rf Beacon Times they are at each Beacon entry |7035 Configure Radio Ports |7040 Things we need to get Online and some are usefull for Rf Beacons too |7043 Menus fore/background, Font Size and Colour Radio-Range and Reliefmap Colours |7045 Quick Config Timers/Brightness/Map |7300 Filter out Destination Call often used as sender software identifier |7303 Filter out frames with Keyword anywhere in the raw frame |7305 Filter out data with keyword in Comment from polluteing the Map. Data is stored in logfile for reimport with filter off |7310 Filter out Objects from source |7315 Filter out all received from Igate |7320 Filter out Object/Call seen on Map * is wildcard |7400 Enter Your Callsign, it is not necessary to receive data from servers but would be nice to show the makers of servers who is online. If You run more active Aprs tools, each should have a different SSID at Your Call like -1 -2 ... |7405 If You want overay Symbols Choose the Symbol and then click to edit and change the \ to the desired overlay character |7406 choose a Symbol on the Table and click to enter |7410 Click to open Editor, Move and Zoom Map (zoomlevel 15 or more) to Your Position and Shift-Leftclick to the Map. You get a Position that may be Edited before Add. Do not move delete or add characters. |7415 Net Beacon needs only the Comment like Name, QRV on 145.500Mhz \\h \\z \\v \\ for inserting time, program version or a file \\!wx.csv,,,t,,,,,h,b,r,w,d,,,,,g! insert wx values from csv file filename t=temp h=hygro b=baro g=gust(km/h) w=wind(km/h) d=winddir L=lum r=rain1h(mm) P=rain24h(mm) p=raintoday(mm) use ,w3.6, multiplier if given in m/s |7420 Enter a valid Passcode and enable "Allow Tx to Net" if You want to send Data to AprsIs Network (beacons/objects/messages/acks) |7425 enter AprsIs-Server-URLs like "nuremberg.aprs2.net:14580" or IP-number and if not default port 14580 append ":port". IF more Servers are entered and enabled they will be tried until one is working. |7430 Enter a filter for receive data from AprsIs Network m/200 or center/radius or a lot of call filters are possible |7435 Enable or Disable Connection to AprsIs Network |7440 Sending Net Beacons or Send and Ack Messages makes only sense with a valid passcode. With a "m/..." Serverfilter your Position should be sent to the Server even without a valid passcode to tell the Server Your Position. Without a valid Passcode the Data will not go to the World |7445 Enable Igate In Win version works only with Servers with ping-pong protocoll extension (udpgate) due to TCP-System is not able to report DELAY time on transmission and can not stop a delaying link without trying to send the timed out Data, known as "sending data into a hole in wall problem". This would draw disrupted- and ghost-tracks on Maps. |7446 Choose Rf-Ports to be gated to Internet if gateing is Enabled |7500 Enable/Disable Rf Port 1 |7501 Enter an UDP-IP-number with Port Pair to Send and Receive Data from a (kiss/smack) TNC (with udpflex as interface) or a Soundmodem. with IP:tx:rx a 0 port will disable this direction. If not want to Listen to other IP-numbers as send to, write tx/rx instead of tx:rx No ip number for same computer ":9001:9002" An optional Port Name may be appended |7505 Same as Port 1 |7506 Same as Port 1 |7510 Same as Port 1 |7511 Same as Port 1 |7515 Same as Port 1 |7516 Same as Port 1 |7520 Start/Stop Serial Interface/Soundmodem Task |7521 Enter Name and Parameters of a Program for interface UDP ports to Serial Ports or Soundmodem. example (unix/win): (or use a ".BAT" file for more ports) tnc2/tf/smack: udpflex.exe -U -k -s -t com1:9600 tmd710/th-d72/kiss/USB: udpflex.exe -U :9002:9001 -i kiss.txt -u -t com3:9600 dire-wolf soundmodem: udpflex.exe -U :9002:9001 -T : example (unix): afskmodem -f 22050 -C 0 -p /dev/ttyS0 0 -M 0 -U -m 0 try the line before in a dos-terminal with -h or -v option |7525 Same as Serial 1 |7526 Same as Serial 1 example (win) Your GPS to Map: (see more options gps2aprs -h) gps2aprs.exe -t com1:4800 -I OE0AAA -D -0 30 -b 2 -r |7530 If enabled, all frames with not a valid "callsign" as sender will be discarded Also used as not-call-Beacon Send warning. |7531 If enabled, all frames with not a valid "callsign" as sender will be discarded Also used as not-call-Beacon Send warning. |7535 Switch On/Off showing a Ticker Headline of received and sent Callsigns |7536 Number of shown Callsigns in Window Title 0 show new Calls only, 1 call with time. Linux hint:Some Windowmakers seem to not free memory of old headline entries so, if RAM is small, use 0 or option off. |7537 Configure Rf to Rf Digipeating |7540 Beacon/Object editor |7545 If two Beacons (especially with same Text) are sent in that Time Igate delete dupes (57s), You will never see the Beacon in AprsIs Network even if sent on different Frequecys. To avoid this, the Shift Time is used to spread Transmissions over the Time. |7550 What to do if a Message or Query arrives and config reply/send message Path |7695 Enable/Disable the Line. Disabled lines do nothing but wait for being reenable later |7696 Delete Line, the text is copied to edit line for changes and Add |7706 Enter beacon time in seconds (600 is widely used) or 0 to send Netbeacon only at start of connection. Sending 1 Netbeacon makes sense even with no Passcode to tell the Server Your position for usage of m/... filters |7701 Minutes to Hold Objects and Items in RAM then Purge except with WX-Data to have fulltime WX-Graphs |7700 Minutes hold any Data in RAM then Purge This is the maximum "Show Fullbright" Time too |7705 Minutes Show Symbols and Tracks on Screen |7704 Minutes Fading out Symbols and Tracks after Full Bright Time on Screen |7703 Seconds Show km/h after last move |7702 Minutes back from now try to detect double received waypoints and filter out if Trackfilter is enabled |7707 Initial animation speed in multiples of realtime if played with 25hz change by click to map |7708 delay in animation/video before speedup if no one moves |7709 Shift System Time by up to +-24h in shown times. Log times are not affected. |7745 After moving and zooming the Map, wait this Time befor starting missing Map Download if not want to Load fine zoomed strips along a Map moving way. |7860 If enabled show Lat/Long and QTH-Locator of Mouse Position, Distance and Direction to Marker 1 and if File "poi.txt" in osm-directory contains info to this position, it will be shown Toggle with "p" |7861 On Mouse-Over, from this Zoomlevel or higher, show Point-of-Interest Content from files poi.txt and mypoi.txt. On/off with "p". Hint: "Config > Reload Config" (re)reads this files after changes. Press "Save Config" before. |7855 Enable Trackfilter to remove possibly wrong waypoints of tracks. This does not affect stored data. |7850 If enabled, missing map-parts are tried to be downloaded by writing "gettiles" file. A task that reads this file may get the parts of map from internet in background. What arrives within 30s will be updated on screen otherwise updates by next activity in map |7851 Program Name and Parameters to be started if Map Download is requested. The Program reads "gettiles" file, loads maps and if done, deletes "gettiles" file. |7845 Show a Scaler on the map. A small Zoomlevel would distort distances so Scaler will not be shown. |7840 If enabled, and data avaliable, show a driving direction arrow. |7835 If enabled, and data avaliable, show a windvane at WX-Symbols |7830 If enabled, and data avaliable, show Temperature |7825 If enabled, and data avaliable, show driving speed |7826 edit text for driving speed "km/h" or shorter "km" to save place on map |7820 if data avaliable and above this value, show higth in m |7815 Brightness of notmovers if dimm notmovers (m) is on |7810 Use only if You have missconfigured Image Parameters and dont find way back IF cannot read this :-) use shortcut ctrl-L |7945 Zoom steps for Shift-Click to +- or mouse-wheel negative value inverts mouse-wheel or multitouch zoom |7940 Map move step width |7935 Limit Zoom Level to avoid download of maps with no more infos on |7930 Limit zoomlevel for autozoom to small objects to avoid download of maps not really needed |7925 % of screen to center hold watched objects in 0: the object moves to margin before map is shifted 100: the object is alway centered |7920 window size used on next program start updated as window size is changed |7917 Design and switch on/off event sounds |7915 "move Map" or "move Window over Map" according to Cursor Key Arrows |7910 If a part of Map is not in the Map-Cache, allow to double size of yet avaliable lower resolution part until the part is loaded from a Map server. You will see a red Button during this Mode |7905 If a selected object gets to be zoomed to fit in screen, zooming is done as far as Maps in full resolution are in Cache else You get a black map and, if enabled, download starts |7900 Enable to get a message if an object approaches and is in the configured radius. A file "proxwarn" contains call an distance for an external program |7901 Enter Radius for Approxymation Message If a Station moves toward You, a File "proxwarn" will be generated with Call and Distance for a Speech Program |8010 Toggle Approximation Sound On/Off |8011 Approximation Sound (in Hz and milliseconds) first value pair at entering configured Warn Radius, changing to second pair until zero distance to You |8015 Toggle Watchcall Sound On/Off |8016 Watchcall Sound (in Hz and milliseconds) |8020 Toggle Message Sound On/Off |8021 Message Sound (in Hz and milliseconds) first value pair for receiving new Message second pair for acknowledged a sent Message |8100 Append edited Beacon to the Schedule Table. Objects/Items with same Name will be deleted. To start Beaconing by timer, enable the line with On/Off-button. |8101 Draw on local Map for testing. Hold Shift and click to Map to change Position. Delete on Map with click to symbol and DEL-Key. |8102 Send edited Beacon immediately to Rf or Net Port as configured. Use for sending "Delete Objects" one time on Net |8103 Cancel edit window to see more Lines of Schedule Table. |8104 Exit Beacon editor |8110 Make default (mostly empty) edit Lines With click to a Symbol on map the Data will be cloned and may be edited to make your own beacon out of. |8111 Close Beacon editor |8115 For "Beacons" this should be one of your Calls + ssid. The Position is fixed as configured in Config > Online > My Position For Items an Objects this is the Name seen by the Symbol on Map. This need not be a Callsign. |8120 Position for Items and Objects in DDMM.MMM or D.DDDDD or :File containing Position or simply hold SHIFT Key and click on the Map. To quick reposit Objects: "B" to open Beacon Editor, Click to Symbol on Map, "DEL" to remove, SHIFT-Click to new position, "Draw" or "Send" |8122 Text with Macros \\z insert day of month and time DDHHMMz \\h insert time HHMMSSz \\ insert file (with Weather Data) \\[filename] insert file and delete after tx \\!wx.csv,,,t,,,,,h,b,r,w,d,,,,,g! insert wx values from csv file filename t=temp h=hygro b=baro g=gust(km/h) w=wind(km/h) d=winddir L=lum r=rain1h(mm) P=rain24h(mm) p=raintoday(mm) use ,w3.6, multiplier if given in m/s \\v insert program version \\l insert position \\\ insert \\ |8124 Time between 2 beacons in Seconds. Additional each Beacon in scheduler is shifted from each other by Config > Rf-Ports > Beacon Shift Time because same beacons will be deleted by Igates if seen before at less than 27s to 1 minute. If sending beacons to Net and same time to rf, you will never see who received it. |8126 Radio Path, like WIDE2-2 or, if the Digis in Your area are configured correct, simpley use -1 or -2 which will be appended to the Destination Call to do same es WIDE but with zero bytes overhead. |8128 Enter Altitude in m over NN or negative for below. Only positive values in Commpressed Mode. This will take some Bytes more except in Compressed Mode with no speed/direction. |8130 Speed in km/h |8132 Course in 0..359 degrees |8134 Choose Symbol and if You know what You do enter overlay Symbols here. |8136 Destination "Call" is generated automatic in Mic-e Mode else is used as hint to which hard/software is used. If desired, Append a SSID in "Via Path" like "-1". |8138 Click at a Symbol in the Thumbnail Picture |8140 Set Type "Beacon", to send Symbol and Info with your Position and Call with SSID. The Symbol has the Call as Label and possibly Altitute and Speed or Wx Data. |8141 Set Type "Object" with HHMMSS Timestamp. Send Object to set Symbol and object Name to other as your Position. The Symbol shows the Object Name (need not be a Callsign) as label. |8142 Set Type "Object" with DDHHMM Timestamp. |8143 Set Type "Item". This is like "Object" but witout Timestamp and needs less bytes with short Name and compressed position. On Rf prefer this if no Time info needed. If Message editor (M) is open, a Copy of the Item will be ready to transmit as Item Message. |8144 Set Type "Delete Item". This wipes out Items with This Name on all Maps. Important: Tx only once on Net or manual a view times on Rf Ports. |8145 Set Type "Delete Object". Depending on Viewer should delete Items too. |8150 Send normal DDMM.MM format, long, only 18m resolution but man-readable. May be extendet with DAO to 20cm resolution with "Lat/Long+" and 5 bytes more. |8151 Send Mic-e format, this is compressed to minimal size with 18m resolution and no extra bytes for speed and course. May contain not-printable characters so be carefull by copy/edit raw data. May be extendet with DAO to 20cm resolution with "Mic-e+" and 5 Bytes more. For Objects and Items enable Multiline Editing Shift + Leftclick or "x" on Map to Add Lines. When first Line is entered a "fine configure" Submenue will Open. Switch to "Lat/Long" to reposit whole Object with Shift Click or "x" |8152 Send "Compressed" format, this is fixed size and may contain speed/course OR (positive) altitude but not both. If needs both, the long /A=...... extention will be appended. Resolution is 30cm |8153 Same as "Lat/Long" but with DAO extention if you need finer resolution than 18m. |8154 Same as "Mic-e" but with DAO extention if you need finer resolution than 18m. |8160 Sent Beacon to AprsIs on TCPIP Net. "Via Path" is not needed here. |8161 Send Beacon to Radio Port 1 as configured and enabled in "Config > Rf-Ports" |8162 Send Beacon to Radio Port 2 as configured and enabled in "Config > Rf-Ports" |8163 Send Beacon to Radio Port 3 as configured and enabled in "Config > Rf-Ports" |8164 Send Beacon to Radio Port 4 as configured and enabled in "Config > Rf-Ports" |8170 Port:Time:rawtext Yellow Field is a "delete object" so if sent i will wipe out the object/item on all maps. Red Field contains any error and should not be transmitted. Dimmed Text is if line is opened in editor. Green Dot makes beacon active, toggle with On/off |8180 Move this Beacon to Editor |8182 Send this Beacon once immediately |8184 Send this Beacon to local View on Map Delete on Map with click to symbol and DEL-Key. |8186 Raw Line Edit (not implemented now) |8188 Delete Beacon |8190 Copy this Beacon to Editor |8192 Toggle On/Off Switch of this Beacon Important: Check repeat Time to avoid too much Tx, 3600s for static Beacons 1200s to 1800s for Wx on Rf Ports. |8200 Enter Keywords : and what to reply if a Query arrives ?VER:VERSION \\v \\v inserts Version ?APRST:PATH= \\p \\p inserts Path of Sender ?APRSP:\\l \\l inserts Lat/Long TALK:\\>filename Time \\h sends a File and Time ?HELP:?VER,?APRST,?APRSP,TALK,?WX |8205 if stay on Rf use "RFONLY" or "NOGATE" else the software-ID "APLM01" or some other valid string. On Net always software-ID is used. |8210 Empty string for direkt number for SSID-Routing "2" makes -2 to destination call or some old chunk like "RELAY" "WIDE"... |8215 Toggle big/small popup window if a msg arrives |8220 Show (not ack) Messages to My Call but other SSID too |8225 Show Messages from/to same Call and same SSID (Telemetry Headlines) |8305 Make a new Digi. If same Line does not exist yet, a new Line will be stored. Adjust in/out-port and behavior at the stored Line. Every digi Line does digipeating from one input port (rx) to output port (tx). This may be same port or another (crossband digi). More Lines may share same input and output port, the Dupe -filter, sitting on output port eliminates automatic double transmissions of same content. It is also possible to have more Rx sending UDP to one input port, eg. listening soundmodems every 50hz on SW or more Rx for Antenna-Diversity. |8306 Store Digi Line at the place where clicked "Edit" before (dimmed Line). |8310 Enter Words/Calls that should not be digipeated if in source/destination or via-Field like "NOCALL". " in the "done" via path is always filtert out because it was repeated by You just before. "i" excludes from digipeating in the active path. "-" switches off the powerfull SSID -Routing. This should only be done in a crossband Digi from SW to VHF because on SW the "NOGATE" and "RFONLY" -Mechanism is (still) working but not so on VHF. Some misconfigured igates may copy Your digipeated SW-data to Internet. (SSID-Routing is done by SSID on Destination Call 1..7) |8315 Enter Words for Digipeating with the N-n Mode, for Example "WIDE". A "WIDE2-2" in the next active "via" will be replaced by "*,WIDE2-1". A "WIDE2-1" migrates to "*". "WIDE2" will not be digipeated here but may be part of "Via Alias" Line. "TRACE", "WIDE" or what else will be treated same way because is always appended to (done) Path. For gate Net-to-Rf this line contains max. Bit/s and optional VIA path like "20 WIDE1-1" negative Bit/s will only gate Messages to on send-port heard Users. |8320 Enter Words or Calls for Digipeating which will be replaced by * is automatic part of this Line if not switched off with "i" in Block-Field. Common words are "RELAY" "WIDE" "ECHO" and for crossband digipeating from SW use "GATE" as the only word in Line. |8325 Limit Radius of digipeated Data. This is the Distance of the Beacon-sending -station to You. A 0 disables this, a "30000" means the whole earth but makes sense because all non-position junk will be filtert out except of messages, they will always be digipeated. |8330 This is a Powerful trafic-reduction mechanism. If set to eg. 29 Minutes (1740s) it will filter out all Beacons with same Content for this Period. (Repeatedly sent) messages pass (after the internal fixed minimum time of 27s). Moving- and Weather-Stations will have different content so pass always. Values less than 27s will be replaced by 27s, this is standard to avoid rotating beacons. |8335 Toggle On/Off this Line, a not green dot line does nothing. Switch on only if Your KISS TNC/Serial Line never looses Bytes else Your Digi will spread wrong Positions seen on whole world. With normal (not USB) com-port use only with SMACK CRC. |8336 Cycle thru possible Input (rx) "Rf-Ports". "N" is for gate Net to Rf, "*" listens on All Ports except Net. |8337 Cycle thru possible output (tx) "Rf-Ports" |8338 If enabled, only "direct heard" (First digi in chain) Beacons will be digipeated. Since most digi-paths are discarded or destroyed by other digis, this does not work any more. It would dramatically reduce traffic and make a high efficient, low-noise (home) Digi. |8339 If enabled the still not active rest of via-path will be cut off at retransmission. This reduces own "noise" by shorter frames and a lot of network noise because the beacon is not further digipeated (Last digi in chain). This may be helful to bring things INTO a local area if no (eg) 70cm Port is avaliable to do this better. |8340 Edit this part with "Edit" Function and Restore. |8350 Quick On/Off Digi. Inactive Lines may be preserved for later use |8351 Input (Rx) Rf-Port or "N" Net source to Rf Gate |8352 Output (Tx) Rf-Port |8353 Use Direct Heard only (direct heard is not detectable any longer) |8354 Cut off rest of via path |8355 Dupe Time in seconds, 840s (14Min) is good value In this Time Beacons with always same content will be digipeated only once. |8356 Radius in km around You will be digipeated |8360 Copy this Line to editor Field for viewing or modify and Restore or Add for a New digi Line. |8430 1st Value: Brightness of white Lines showing Rf-Paths in "Heard" and "+Rf" Mode. More Values may be applied for Altitude (srtm) Maps: 2nd: default Brightness of Radiorange "R" Image 3rd: Contrast, 0 hard shaped, 30 flat area till 200 for mountain area. Set 2 markers above Map and enter "R". More Contrast with Brightness of OSM-map near 0 |8440 Enter Fontsize, Range 8..18 Pixel |8435 Toggle on/off Transparent Menus |8436 1..100 black to maximum transparency or if transparency off then background luminance. try for best readability |8450 click to choose a colour |8529 Antenna at Marker 1 Altitude over Ground. If " A" is appended like "10 A", the Altitude (if avaliable) from a klicked Object will be added |8527 Antenna at Marker 2 Altitude over Ground. |8525 Antenna 3 is used for Radio Range Map (shortcut R) as receiver for radiation of Antenna 1 and optional Antenna 2 for a Reflection Areas Map of optical sight. Mixed Colour Areas show possible places for Repeaters. Set to 0m for natural Reflektors. Where areas Touch, there might be a Diffraction Line. |8520 Frequency for Fresnelzone. The zone is calculated 3-dimensional to see obstacles under and beside of Radiation |8518 Refraction Factor of Atmosphere 0.00 in Vacuum 1.00 Vacuum on Flat Earth or refraction equals earthradius 0.25 Typical Value in Atmosphere |8515 0 is hard shaped area. More realistic Image will make values around 5 to 10 (meters) for soft fading away sight. Values from 20 to more hundred meters (in high mountain areas) are usefull for calculating relief-Maps as overlay to OSM Maps or with zero-brigthness Map. Set Marker 1 (and optional 2) as "light source" to 100 or more 1000 meters high and nice colours, 100% brightness and press "R" |8510 Brightness in % of Radiation Map |8508 Cache for altitude data in RAM in Megabytes Set to more for faster work with altitude Maps or long distance radiation sight graphs |8505 Colour of Radiation Area from Antenna 1 |8500 Colour of Radiation Area from Antenna 2 Where both antennas have sight, the two colours will be mixed to a third colour which shows possible reflection areas. Where the 2 colours get in touch there may be a diffraction edge |8535 Select Quality |8536 Redraw if quality changed |8537 Toggle on/off Relief/Radiation Map (or use "R"-key) |10005 Tipp: Move and Zoom Map to Your Home Area then open "Zoom" and SHIFT+Leftclick to "P1" to Store View for next Program Start |10006 Tipp: To get Data from Internet Configure "Config>Online>" |10007 Tipp: Usage of "m/" Filters needs configured MyPosition and "Allow Tx to Net" |10010 Tipp: If problem with map download check network and map download program |10016 Tipp: Don't like black or expanded Maps? switch on "Config>Map Moving>Zoom as have Maps" set "Config>Map Moving>Expand Map" as wanted |10015 Tipp: Zoom to Objects even if Maps are not downloaded yet, switch off "Config>Mapmoving>Zoom as have Maps" |8600 Switch off all Selections and show all (Shortcut "0" or ESC) |8605 Show Stations with last Beacon has Wx-Data (Shortcut w) Off with "Show All" "0" oder ESC |8610 Make a Colour Image out of Temperatures of WX Stations, Map is converted to B/W, Topo-Maps are nice here (Shortcut 2 times w). Off with "Show All" "0" oder ESC |8615 Make a Colour Image out of Rain in 24h (blue) and last hour (red) (Shortcut W) Map is converted to B/W. Off with "Show All" "0" oder ESC |8620 To see moving stations (Shortcut m) |8625 Only Stations with the selected Symbol will be shown. This may be toggled on/off here or with "s"-Key. Use TAB-Key to toggle between 2 Map configurations. |8626 Select a Symbol, for Overlay Symbols an additional Character or Number may be choosed