/* * dxlAPRS toolchain * * Copyright (C) Christian Rabler * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #define X2C_int32 #define X2C_index32 #ifndef X2C_H_ #include "X2C.h" #endif #define l2cat_C_ #ifndef Execlogin_H_ #include "Execlogin.h" #endif #include #include #ifndef Select_H_ #include "Select.h" #endif #ifndef cleanup_H_ #include "cleanup.h" #endif #ifndef aprsstr_H_ #include "aprsstr.h" #endif #ifndef osi_H_ #include "osi.h" #endif #include #ifndef mlib_H_ #include "mlib.h" #endif #ifndef udp_H_ #include "udp.h" #endif #ifndef l2_H_ #include "l2.h" #endif #ifndef frameio_H_ #include "frameio.h" #endif #ifndef deflate_H_ #include "deflate.h" #endif /* layer2 to std in/out or start a task*/ /* FROM mlib IMPORT tcsetattr, tcgetattr, tcflag_t, TCSAFLUSH, TIOCMGET, TIOCMBIS, TIOCMBIC, TCSANOW, ISIG, CS8, CLOCAL, CREAD, CRTSCTS, B1200, B2400, B4800, B9600, B19200, B38400, B57600, B115200, B230400, B460800, TIOCM_CD, TIOCM_DTR, TIOCSCTTY; */ #define l2cat_MAXCMDWORDS 64 #define l2cat_NL "\012" #define l2cat_PPPFLAG 0x7E #define l2cat_PPPESC 0x7D #define l2cat_LF "\012" #define l2cat_LOOPTIME 10000 #define l2cat_MINRECONTIME 2000000 #define l2cat_MAXRECONTIME 120000000 #define l2cat_RCTIMEBASE 1000 typedef char IOBUF[256]; struct JUNKBUF; struct JUNKBUF { IOBUF buf; int32_t len; int32_t time0; }; struct DEFLATBUF; struct DEFLATBUF { char outbuf[20001]; /* 20000 */ int32_t outlen; char xoutbuf[4096]; char pppbuf[4096]; int32_t ppplen; int32_t xoutlen; int32_t inp0; int32_t xinp; char pppstate; struct deflate_CONTEXT deflatcontext; struct deflate_XCONTEXT expandcontext; char done; char pppframing; }; struct TASK; typedef struct TASK * pTASK; struct TASK { pTASK next; IOBUF inbuf; IOBUF outbuf; int32_t inlen; int32_t outlen; struct JUNKBUF junkbuf; struct l2_GETADRESS l2addr; l2_pLINK link0; uint16_t events; int32_t infd; int32_t outfd; uint8_t state; uint32_t crlfmode; uint32_t detectdone; uint32_t inignor; struct DEFLATBUF * pcdeflat; }; static char terminate; static char keepconnected; static char verb; static char verb2; static char usedeflat; static char pppmode; static char autodet; static pTASK tasks; static uint32_t sockc; static uint32_t convlfcr; static uint32_t convtopipe; static uint32_t montyp; static uint32_t recontime; static uint32_t minrecontime; static uint32_t maxrecontime; static int32_t timesum; static int32_t pppdiscard; static char mycall[113]; static char cmdline[4096]; static char pipename[4096]; static char connectto0[256]; /* if active connect to this server */ static struct l2_PARMS0 parms; struct _0; struct _0 { int32_t port; int32_t parmnum; int32_t val; }; static struct _0 numpar[256]; static l2_pLINK pmon; static void Error(char text[], uint32_t text_len) { X2C_PCOPY((void **)&text,text_len); osi_Werr(text, text_len); osi_Werr(" error abort\012", 14ul); X2C_ABORT(); X2C_PFREE(text); } /* end Error() */ #define l2cat_QUOT "\"" #define l2cat_SEP " " static void NextArgs(char s[], uint32_t s_len) { char h[65536]; int32_t l; s[0UL] = 0; l = 0L; do { osi_NextArg(h, 65536ul); if (l==0L) { if (h[0U]=='\"') aprsstr_Delstr(h, 65536ul, 0UL, 1UL); else { aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, h, 65536ul); return; } } l = (int32_t)aprsstr_Length(h, 65536ul); if (l==0L) return; if (h[l-1L]=='\"') { aprsstr_Delstr(h, 65536ul, (uint32_t)(l-1L), 1UL); l = 0L; } aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, h, 65536ul); } while (l); } /* end NextArgs() */ static void Whex(char hd[], uint32_t hd_len, const char bu[], uint32_t bu_len, int32_t len) { int32_t i0; uint32_t b; int32_t tmp; char tmp0; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&hd,hd_len); osi_Werr(hd, hd_len); tmp = len-1L; i0 = 0L; if (i0<=tmp) for (;; i0++) { b = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)bu[i0]/16UL; if (b>=10UL) { osi_Werr((char *)(tmp0 = (char)(b+55UL),&tmp0), 1u/1u); } else osi_Werr((char *)(tmp0 = (char)(b+48UL),&tmp0), 1u/1u); b = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)bu[i0]&15UL; if (b>=10UL) { osi_Werr((char *)(tmp0 = (char)(b+55UL),&tmp0), 1u/1u); } else osi_Werr((char *)(tmp0 = (char)(b+48UL),&tmp0), 1u/1u); if ((i0&31L)==31L) osi_Werr("\012", 2ul); else osi_Werr(" ", 2ul); if (i0==tmp) break; } /* end for */ osi_Werr("\012", 2ul); X2C_PFREE(hd); } /* end Whex() */ static void CallStr(char c[], uint32_t c_len, uint32_t n, char withssid, char s[], uint32_t s_len) { uint32_t p; uint32_t i0; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&c,c_len); n = n*7UL; p = 0UL; for (i0 = 0UL; i0<=5UL; i0++) { if (c[i0+n]!=' ') { s[p] = c[i0+n]; ++p; } } /* end for */ s[p] = 0; if (withssid) { i0 = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)c[n+6UL]&15UL; if (i0) { s[p] = '-'; ++p; if (i0>=10UL) { s[p] = (char)(i0/10UL+48UL); ++p; } s[p] = (char)(i0%10UL+48UL); ++p; } s[p] = 0; } X2C_PFREE(c); } /* end CallStr() */ static void WerrCall(pTASK task) { char h[256]; if (verb && task) { CallStr(task->l2addr.adress, 72ul, 0UL, 1, h, 256ul); osi_Werr(h, 256ul); } } /* end WerrCall() */ static void GetCall(const char from[], uint32_t from_len, uint32_t * p, l2_pSTRING to) { uint16_t len; uint16_t i0; len = (uint16_t)aprsstr_Length(from, from_len); while (*p<(uint32_t)len && (uint8_t)from[*p]<=' ') ++*p; for (i0 = 0U; i0<=5U; i0++) { if ((*p<(uint32_t)len && from[*p]!='-') && from[*p]!=' ') { to[i0] = X2C_CAP(from[*p]); ++*p; } else to[i0] = ' '; } /* end for */ i0 = 0U; if (from[*p]=='-') { ++*p; if ((uint8_t)from[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)from[*p]<='9') { i0 = (uint16_t)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)from[*p]-48UL); ++*p; } if ((uint8_t)from[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)from[*p]<='9') { i0 = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)(i0*10U)+(uint32_t)(uint8_t) from[*p])-48UL); ++*p; } } to[6U] = (char)((i0&15U)+48U); } /* end GetCall() */ static void Event(char * *, l2_pLINK, uint8_t); static void Event(char * * atask, l2_pLINK link0, uint8_t event) { struct l2_GETADRESS gadr; pTASK ntask; struct l2_CONNECT connect; pTASK ptask; if (event==l2_eCONNREQ) { osic_alloc((char * *) &ntask, sizeof(struct TASK)); if (ntask==0) return; memset((char *)ntask,(char)0,sizeof(struct TASK)); ntask->infd = -1L; ntask->outfd = -1L; ntask->link0 = link0; ntask->state = 1U; ntask->crlfmode = convlfcr; ntask->detectdone = (uint32_t)autodet; l2_GetAdress0(link0, &ntask->l2addr); memset((char *) &connect,(char)0,sizeof(struct l2_CONNECT)); connect.port = ntask->l2addr.port; connect.baud = 1U; connect.cpid = 240U; connect.l2adr = (l2_pSTRING)ntask->l2addr.adress; connect.typ = l2_cCONNAK; ntask->link0 = l2_Connect0((char *)ntask, &connect); ntask->next = tasks; tasks = ntask; if (verb) { WerrCall(ntask); osi_Werr(" connreq\012", 10ul); } } else if (event==l2_eFLEXDATA) l2_GetAdress0(link0, &gadr); else if (event==l2_eCONNECTED) { /*WrStr(gadr.adress); */ /*WrInt(dbuf^.len, 10); */ /*WrStrLn(" flexdata"); */ if (verb) { WerrCall((pTASK)*atask); osi_Werr(" connected!\012", 13ul); } if (*atask) { ptask = (pTASK)*atask; ptask->state = 1U; } } else if (*atask) { /* ELSIF event=eDISCONNECTED THEN */ /*WrInt(ORD(event), 1);WrStrLn(":host got event"); */ ptask = (pTASK)*atask; ptask->events |= (1U<s_len-1 || s[i0]==0) break; if (s[i0]==e) { s[i0] = ' '; break; } if (j=argbuf_len-1) { /*argbuffer full*/ argbuf[argbuf_len-1] = 0; osi_Werr("ArgBuf full!\012", 14ul); break; } argbuf[argp] = h[i0]; ++argp; if (h[i0]==0) break; ++i0; } ++argc; if (argc>=argwords_len-1) break; } argwords[argc] = 0; X2C_PFREE(s); } /* end taskparms() */ #define l2cat_M "%" static void Makros(char c[], uint32_t c_len, char a[], uint32_t a_len, char s[], uint32_t s_len) { uint32_t i0; char h[16]; char m; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&c,c_len); X2C_PCOPY((void **)&a,a_len); s[0UL] = 0; i0 = 0UL; m = 0; while (i0<=c_len-1 && c[i0]) { if (m) { if (c[i0]=='%') aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, "%", 2ul); else if (c[i0]=='m') { CallStr(a, a_len, 1UL, 1, h, 16ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, h, 16ul); } else if (c[i0]=='u') { CallStr(a, a_len, 0UL, 1, h, 16ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, h, 16ul); } else if (c[i0]=='U') { CallStr(a, a_len, 0UL, 0, h, 16ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, h, 16ul); } else { aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, "%", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, (char *) &c[i0], 1u/1u); } m = 0; } else if (c[i0]=='%') m = 1; else aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, (char *) &c[i0], 1u/1u); ++i0; } X2C_PFREE(c); X2C_PFREE(a); } /* end Makros() */ static void Login(int32_t * fd, char l2adr[], uint32_t l2adr_len) { struct Execlogin_tEXEC cmdvec; char argstr[8192]; char argbuf[8192]; char * argwords[65]; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&l2adr,l2adr_len); /*args:="/bin/login login"; */ Makros(cmdline, 4096ul, l2adr, l2adr_len, argstr, 8192ul); taskparms(argstr, 8192ul, argbuf, 8192ul, argwords, 65ul); /*p:=argwords[0];WrLn;WrInt(CAST(CARDINAL, argwords[0]), 15); WrInt(CAST(CARDINAL, p), 15);WrLn; */ /*WrStrLn(p^);p:=argwords[1];WrStrLn(p^);WrStrLn(argbuf); */ *fd = -1L; cmdvec.cmdfn = (char *)argwords[0U]; cmdvec.args = (X2C_pCHAR *) &argwords[1U]; if (verb) { osi_Werr("start: ", 8ul); osi_Werr(cmdline, 4096ul); osi_Werr("\012", 2ul); } *fd = Execlogin_StartLogin(&cmdvec); /* IF fd>=0 THEN ret:=tcgetattr(fd, tio); tio.c_lflag:=CAST(tcflag_t, CAST(BITSET, tio.c_lflag) + CAST(BITSET, ISIG)); ret:=tcsetattr (fd, TCSAFLUSH, tio); END; */ if (*fd>=2L && *fd<=255L) { if (verb) { osi_Werr("login fd=", 10ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(*fd, 1UL, argbuf, 8192ul); osi_Werr(argbuf, 8192ul); osi_Werr("\012", 2ul); } } else { if (verb) osi_Werr("login fd error\012", 16ul); *fd = -1L; } X2C_PFREE(l2adr); } /* end Login() */ static char GetNum(const char h[], uint32_t h_len, char eot, uint32_t * p, uint32_t * n) { *n = 0UL; while ((uint8_t)h[*p]>='0' && (uint8_t)h[*p]<='9') { *n = ( *n*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)h[*p])-48UL; ++*p; } return h[*p]==eot; } /* end GetNum() */ static void Parms(void) { char err; char hh[1024]; char h[1024]; uint32_t l2parcnt; uint32_t p; uint32_t k; uint32_t j; uint32_t i0; struct frameio_UDPSOCK * anonym; err = 0; sockc = 0UL; for (i0 = 0UL; i0<=255UL; i0++) { numpar[i0].port = 0L; } /* end for */ l2parcnt = 0UL; for (;;) { osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); if (h[0U]==0) break; if (h[0U]=='-' && h[2U]==0) { if (h[1U]=='C') { /* -C ax25 destination */ NextArgs(h, 1024ul); i0 = 0UL; j = 0UL; while (j<63UL && i0=112UL || h[i0]!=' ')); if (j<=112UL) mycall[j] = 0; for (i0 = 0UL; i0<=6UL; i0++) { mycall[i0] = mycall[i0+7UL]; /* first mycall is digi call*/ } /* end for */ } else if (h[1U]=='j') { /* -j convert cr lf to pipe */ osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); i0 = 0UL; if (!GetNum(h, 1024ul, 0, &i0, &convtopipe) || convtopipe>6UL) { err = 1; osi_WrStrLn("-j <0..6>", 10ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='m') { /* -j convert cr lf to pipe */ osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); i0 = 0UL; if (!GetNum(h, 1024ul, 0, &i0, &montyp)) { err = 1; osi_WrStrLn("-m <0..1>", 10ul); } } else if (h[1U]=='D') { /* -D discard frame len */ osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); i0 = 0UL; if (!GetNum(h, 1024ul, 0, &i0, &j)) { err = 1; osi_WrStrLn("-D <0..1500>", 13ul); } pppdiscard = (int32_t)j; } else if (h[1U]=='r') { /* -j convert cr lf to pipe */ osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); i0 = 0UL; if (!GetNum(h, 1024ul, 0, &i0, &j) || j>4000000UL) { err = 1; osi_WrStrLn("-r (max 4000000)", 22ul); } else minrecontime = j*1000UL; keepconnected = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='R') { /* -r min reconn time */ osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); i0 = 0UL; if (!GetNum(h, 1024ul, 0, &i0, &j) || j>4000000UL) { err = 1; osi_WrStrLn("-R (max 4000000)", 22ul); } else { maxrecontime = j*1000UL; } keepconnected = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='n') { /* -R max reconn time */ osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); if (h[0U]=='a') p = 16UL; else { i0 = 0UL; if (!GetNum(h, 1024ul, 0, &i0, &p) || p>15UL) { err = 1; osi_WrStrLn("-n ", 30ul); } } osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); switch ((unsigned)h[0U]) { case 't': /* txwait */ j = 17UL; break; case 'd': /* dwait */ j = 20UL; break; case 'o': /* maxframes */ j = 23UL; break; case 'f': /* t1 */ j = 24UL; break; case 'F': /* t3 */ j = 25UL; break; case 'I': /* ipoll */ j = 26UL; break; case 'n': /* retr */ j = 27UL; break; case 'h': /* halfduplex */ j = 24UL; break; default:; i0 = 0UL; if (!GetNum(h, 1024ul, 0, &i0, &j) || j>255UL) { err = 1; osi_WrStrLn("-n ", 30ul); } break; } /* end switch */ osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); i0 = 0UL; if (!GetNum(h, 1024ul, 0, &i0, &k)) { err = 1; osi_WrStrLn("-n ", 30ul); } if (!err) { if (l2parcnt>255UL) Error("parameter table full", 21ul); numpar[l2parcnt].port = (int32_t)p; numpar[l2parcnt].parmnum = (int32_t)j; numpar[l2parcnt].val = (int32_t)k; ++l2parcnt; } } else if (h[1U]=='U') { osi_NextArg(h, 1024ul); if (sockc>14UL) Error("too many ports", 15ul); { /* with */ struct frameio_UDPSOCK * anonym = &frameio_udpsocks0[sockc]; if (aprsstr_GetIp2(h, 1024ul, &anonym->ipnum, &anonym->toport, &anonym->fromport, &anonym->checkip)<0L) { Error("-U wrong ip:port:port number", 29ul); } anonym->fd = openudp(); if (anonym->fd<0L || bindudp(anonym->fd, anonym->fromport)<0L) { strncpy(h,"-U cannot open udp port ",1024u); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)anonym->fromport, 0UL, hh, 1024ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1024ul, hh, 1024ul); Error(h, 1024ul); } } ++sockc; } else if (h[1U]=='a') autodet = 1; else if (h[1U]=='P') { pppmode = 1; usedeflat = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='d') usedeflat = 1; else if (h[1U]=='v') { verb = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='V') { verb = 1; verb2 = 1; } else if (h[1U]=='l') convlfcr = 1UL; else if (h[1U]=='L') convlfcr = 2UL; else { if (h[1U]=='h') { osic_WrLn(); osi_WrStrLn(" -a autodetect def\ late + ppp on first bytes", 75ul); osi_WrStrLn(" ppp + deflat\ e:\"!p\",deflate;\"!d\"", 69ul); osi_WrStrLn(" LF to CR:\"!\ l\", strip LF:\"!L\"", 66ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -C slave connect \ destination -C \"OE0AAA-12 OE5XBL\"", 83ul); osi_WrStrLn(" if no \"-C\"\ run as server waiting for connect", 82ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -c execute comman\ d on connect -c \"/bin/bash bash %m %u\"", 88ul); osi_WrStrLn(" %m=mycall %u\ =usercall %U=same no SSID %%=%", 80ul); osi_WrStrLn(" if no \"-c\"\ data path is stdin/stdout", 74ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -D discard longer\ ppp frames if pr tx buffer full", 82ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -d deflate on", 46ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -h this", 40ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -i ... connectable ca\ lls -i \"OE0AAA OE0AAA-15\"", 75ul); osi_WrStrLn(" first mycall\ is digi and used to connect out", 82ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -j <1..6> 1:del LF, 2:de\ l LF+CR>LF, 3:CR>LF, 4:del CR", 79ul); osi_WrStrLn(" 5:del CR+LF>\ CR, 6:LF>CR in stream from pr", 79ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -l convert LF to \ CR in stream to pr", 68ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -L strip LF in st\ ream to pr", 60ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -m <0..2> ax25 Monitor t\ o stderr (2 with info)", 72ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -n layer 2 parms,\ \"-n a\" set on all ports", 74ul); osi_WrStrLn(" parm t:txwai\ t d:dwait o:maxfr f:t1 F:t3", 77ul); osi_WrStrLn(" parm I:ipoll\ n:retr h:halfdup", 67ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -P ppp + deflate \ on", 52ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -p data to/from t\ his device/pipe -p /dev/ttyS0", 79ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -R enable slave \\ "keep connected\" with max reconnet delay", 89ul); osi_WrStr(" (max 4000000ms\ ) (", 55ul); osic_WrINT32(maxrecontime/1000UL, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn(")", 2ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -r enable slave \\ "keep connected\" with min reconnet delay", 89ul); osi_WrStr(" and doubles de\ lay each conn try till \"-R\" (", 82ul); osic_WrINT32(minrecontime/1000UL, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn(")", 2ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -U axudp (autodet\ ect axudp2)", 61ul); osi_WrStrLn(" repeat -U fo\ r more ports", 62ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -v verbous", 43ul); osi_WrStrLn(" -V more verbous", 48ul); osic_WrLn(); X2C_ABORT(); } if (h[1U]=='-') Error("- - ?", 6ul); if (h[1U]==0) Error("- ?", 5ul); err = 1; } } else err = 1; if (err) break; } if (connectto0[0U]) { /* insert mycall as it is valid after whole cmd line */ if (mycall[7U]==0) Error("need -i for -C ", 23ul); X2C_MOVE((char *) &mycall[7U],(char *) &connectto0[7U],7UL); } } /* end Parms() */ static void Connectto(void) { pTASK ntask; struct l2_CONNECT connect; osic_alloc((char * *) &ntask, sizeof(struct TASK)); if (ntask==0) return; memset((char *)ntask,(char)0,sizeof(struct TASK)); ntask->infd = -1L; ntask->outfd = -1L; /* GetAdress(link, ADR(ntask^.l2addr)); */ memset((char *) &connect,(char)0,sizeof(struct l2_CONNECT)); connect.port = 1U; connect.baud = 1U; connect.cpid = 240U; connect.l2adr = (l2_pSTRING)connectto0; connect.l3adr = 0; connect.typ = l2_cNORMAL; ntask->link0 = l2_Connect0((char *)ntask, &connect); ntask->state = 5U; ntask->next = tasks; ntask->crlfmode = convlfcr; tasks = ntask; } /* end Connectto() */ static void killdisc(int32_t); static void killdisc(int32_t signum) { if (verb) osi_Werr("sigint\012", 8ul); /* IF (tasks<>NIL) & (tasks^.state=2) THEN WrStrLn("disc!"); Disconnect(tasks^.link, TRUE); */ /* ELSE HALT(signum) END; */ if (terminate) X2C_ABORT(); terminate = 1; } /* end killdisc() */ static void initcompress(pTASK pt0) { /*IntToStr(SIZE(pt^.pcdeflat^), 1, deb); Werr(deb);Werr("=mem"); */ osic_alloc((char * *) &pt0->pcdeflat, sizeof(struct DEFLATBUF)); if (pt0->pcdeflat==0) Error("alloc compres memory", 21ul); deflate_Initdeflate(&pt0->pcdeflat->deflatcontext); deflate_Initexpand(&pt0->pcdeflat->expandcontext); pt0->pcdeflat->outlen = 0L; pt0->pcdeflat->xoutlen = 0L; pt0->pcdeflat->inp0 = 0L; pt0->pcdeflat->xinp = 0L; pt0->pcdeflat->done = 0; if (pppmode) pt0->pcdeflat->pppframing = 1; pt0->pcdeflat->pppstate = 0; if (verb) osi_Werr("init compression\012", 18ul); } /* end initcompress() */ static char pppcrc(char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t len) { char crc2; char crc1; char ok0; /*ShowHex(b, len); */ if (len<2L) return 0; len -= 2L; crc1 = b[len]; crc2 = b[len+1L]; aprsstr_AppCRC(b, b_len, len); ok0 = crc1==b[len] && crc2==b[len+1L]; if (!ok0) osi_Werr(" crc-err \012", 11ul); return ok0; } /* end pppcrc() */ static void compress(pTASK pt0) { int32_t i0; struct TASK * anonym; int32_t tmp; { /* with */ struct TASK * anonym = pt0; if (anonym->pcdeflat->pppframing) { for (;;) { if (anonym->pcdeflat->inp0>=anonym->inlen) { /* out of data */ anonym->pcdeflat->inp0 = 0L; anonym->inlen = 0L; break; } /*IF verb2 THEN WrHex(ORD(inbuf[pcdeflat^.inp]), 3) END; */ if (anonym->pcdeflat->pppstate==0 && anonym->inbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->inp0] =='~') { /* hunt mode */ anonym->pcdeflat->pppstate = '\001'; /* in frame */ anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen = 0L; } else if (anonym->pcdeflat->pppstate=='\001') { if (anonym->inbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->inp0]=='}') { anonym->pcdeflat->pppstate = '\002'; /* escaped char follows */ } else { if (anonym->inbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->inp0]=='~') { /* frame complete */ if (anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen>0L) { if (pppcrc(anonym->pcdeflat->pppbuf, 4096ul, anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen)) { /* frame good */ /*IntToStr(pcdeflat^.ppplen, 7, deb);Werr(deb); Werr("=c "); */ if (anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen<=pppdiscard || l2_SendStr(anonym->link0, 0U, 0)) { tmp = anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen-1L; i0 = 0L; if (i0<=tmp) for (;; i0++) { deflate_Deflatbyte(&anonym->pcdeflat->deflatcontext, anonym->pcdeflat->pppbuf[i0], 0, anonym->pcdeflat->outbuf, 20001ul, &anonym->pcdeflat->outlen); if (i0==tmp) break; } /* end for */ deflate_Deflatbyte(&anonym->pcdeflat->deflatcontext, 0, '\002', anonym->pcdeflat->outbuf, 20001ul, &anonym->pcdeflat->outlen); } else if (verb) { osi_Werr("ppp frame discarded\012", 21ul); } } else osi_Werr("ppp frame crc error\012", 21ul); /*IntToStr(pcdeflat^.outlen, 7, deb);Werr(deb); Werr("=co "); */ anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen = 0L; } ++anonym->pcdeflat->inp0; break; } anonym->pcdeflat->pppbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen] = anonym->inbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->inp0]; if (anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen<4095L) { ++anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen; } } } else if (anonym->pcdeflat->pppstate=='\002') { /* stuffed byte */ anonym->pcdeflat->pppbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen] = (char)((uint8_t)(uint8_t) anonym->inbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->inp0]^0x20U); if (anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen<4095L) { ++anonym->pcdeflat->ppplen; } anonym->pcdeflat->pppstate = '\001'; } ++anonym->pcdeflat->inp0; } } else { while (anonym->pcdeflat->inp0inlen && anonym->pcdeflat->outlen<3601L) { deflate_Deflatbyte(&anonym->pcdeflat->deflatcontext, anonym->inbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->inp0], 0, anonym->pcdeflat->outbuf, 20001ul, &anonym->pcdeflat->outlen); ++anonym->pcdeflat->inp0; } if (anonym->pcdeflat->inp0>=anonym->inlen) { /* inbuffer empty so send compressed block */ deflate_Deflatbyte(&anonym->pcdeflat->deflatcontext, 0, '\002', anonym->pcdeflat->outbuf, 20001ul, &anonym->pcdeflat->outlen); /* flush */ anonym->pcdeflat->inp0 = 0L; anonym->inlen = 0L; } } } /*ShowHex(pcdeflat^.outbuf, pcdeflat^.outlen); WrStrLn(""); */ } /* end compress() */ static void expand(pTASK pt0) { char done; char pb[3001]; int32_t j; int32_t i0; struct TASK * anonym; /*ShowHex(outbuf, outlen); */ int32_t tmp; { /* with */ struct TASK * anonym = pt0; for (;;) { /*IF pcdeflat^.xoutlen>=SIZE(pcdeflat^.xoutbuf) -300 THEN Werr(" outfull ") END; */ if ((anonym->pcdeflat->xinp>=anonym->outlen || anonym->pcdeflat->xoutlen>=3796L) || anonym->pcdeflat->xoutlen<0L) break; /*WrHex(ORD(outbuf[pcdeflat^.xinp]), 3);INC(deb1); */ deflate_Expandbyte(&anonym->pcdeflat->expandcontext, anonym->outbuf[anonym->pcdeflat->xinp], anonym->pcdeflat->xoutbuf, 4096ul, &anonym->pcdeflat->xoutlen, &done); /*IF pcdeflat^.xoutlen<0 THEN Werr(" expand error"+NL) END; */ /*Werr("(");IntToStr(pcdeflat^.xoutlen, 1, deb);Werr(deb);Werr(")"); */ ++anonym->pcdeflat->xinp; if (done && anonym->pcdeflat->pppframing) { /* rebuild ppp frame */ /*IntToStr(deb1, 7, deb);Werr(deb);Werr("=xi ");deb1:=0; */ /*IntToStr(pcdeflat^.xoutlen, 7, deb);Werr(deb);Werr("=x "); */ /*WrStrLn("done");ShowHex(pcdeflat^.xoutbuf, pcdeflat^.xoutlen); */ if (pppcrc(anonym->pcdeflat->xoutbuf, 4096ul, anonym->pcdeflat->xoutlen)) { /*WrStrLn("");WrStr("Y:"); ShowHex(pcdeflat^.xoutbuf, pcdeflat^.xoutlen); WrStrLn(""); */ pb[0U] = '~'; j = 1L; tmp = anonym->pcdeflat->xoutlen-1L; i0 = 0L; if (i0<=tmp) for (;; i0++) { if ((anonym->pcdeflat->xoutbuf[i0] =='~' || anonym->pcdeflat->xoutbuf[i0]=='}') || (uint8_t) anonym->pcdeflat->xoutbuf[i0]<' ') { /* stuff */ pb[j] = '}'; if (j<3000L) ++j; pb[j] = (char)((uint8_t)(uint8_t) anonym->pcdeflat->xoutbuf[i0]^0x20U); } else pb[j] = anonym->pcdeflat->xoutbuf[i0]; if (j<3000L) ++j; if (i0==tmp) break; } /* end for */ pb[j] = '~'; ++j; i0 = 0L; while (i0<4095L && i0pcdeflat->xoutbuf[i0] = pb[i0]; ++i0; } anonym->pcdeflat->xoutlen = i0; anonym->pcdeflat->done = 1; /*WrStrLn("");WrStr("X:"); ShowHex(pcdeflat^.xoutbuf, pcdeflat^.xoutlen); WrStrLn(""); */ break; } anonym->pcdeflat->xoutlen = -1L; /* crc error */ } } if (anonym->pcdeflat->xinp>=anonym->outlen) { /* outbuffer empty */ anonym->pcdeflat->xinp = 0L; anonym->outlen = 0L; } } } /* end expand() */ static void wrpipe(int32_t fd, char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t * blen) { int32_t i0; int32_t len; int32_t tmp; /*WrStrLn("");WrStr("P:"); ShowHex(b, blen); WrStrLn(""); */ len = write(fd, (char *)b, (uint32_t)*blen); if (len>*blen) len = *blen; if (len>0L) { *blen -= len; tmp = *blen-1L; i0 = 0L; if (i0<=tmp) for (;; i0++) { b[i0] = b[i0+len]; if (i0==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* IF blen>0 THEN MOVE(ADR(b[len]), ADR(b), blen) END; */ } /* end wrpipe() */ static void sendjunk(l2_pLINK link0, struct JUNKBUF * junk) { if (junk->len==256L || junk->len>=0L && junk->time0<=0L) { if (l2_SendStr(link0, (uint16_t)junk->len, (l2_pSTRING)junk->buf)) { junk->len = 0L; } } } /* end sendjunk() */ static void wrl2(l2_pLINK link0, char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t * blen, struct JUNKBUF * junk) { int32_t j; int32_t i0; int32_t len; /*WrStr("L:"); WrInt(blen, 1); WrStr(" "); */ if (*blen==0L) return; if (junk->len<256L) { len = 0L; while (junk->len<256L && len<*blen) { junk->buf[junk->len] = b[len]; ++junk->len; ++len; } j = len; i0 = 0L; while (j<*blen) { b[i0] = b[j]; ++j; ++i0; } *blen -= len; junk->time0 = 4L; } sendjunk(link0, junk); } /* end wrl2() */ static void wrclose(pTASK pt0, int32_t fd, char c[], uint32_t c_len) { char s[100]; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&c,c_len); WerrCall(pt0); aprsstr_IntToStr(fd, 1UL, s, 100ul); osi_Werr(c, c_len); osi_Werr(s, 100ul); osi_Werr("\012", 2ul); X2C_PFREE(c); } /* end wrclose() */ static void crlf(char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t * len, uint32_t mode) { int32_t j; int32_t i0; if (mode>0UL) { /* convert LF to pr */ i0 = 0L; j = 0L; while (i0<*len) { if (b[i0]=='\012') { if (mode==1UL) { b[j] = '\015'; ++j; } } else { b[j] = b[i0]; ++j; } ++i0; } *len = j; } } /* end crlf() */ static void crlfp(char b[], uint32_t b_len, int32_t * len, uint32_t mode) /*1 del lf, 2 del lf cr>lf, 3 cr>lf, 4 del cr, 5 del cr lf>cr, 6 lf>cr */ { int32_t j; int32_t i0; if (mode>0UL) { /* convert LF to pr */ i0 = 0L; j = 0L; while (i0<*len) { if (mode==1UL) { if (b[i0]!='\012') { b[j] = b[i0]; ++j; } } else if (mode==2UL) { if (b[i0]=='\015') { b[j] = '\012'; ++j; } else if (b[i0]!='\012') { b[j] = b[i0]; ++j; } } else if (mode==3UL) { if (b[i0]=='\015') b[j] = '\012'; else b[j] = b[i0]; ++j; } else if (mode==4UL) { if (b[i0]!='\015') { b[j] = b[i0]; ++j; } } else if (mode==5UL) { if (b[i0]=='\012') { b[j] = '\015'; ++j; } else if (b[i0]!='\015') { b[j] = b[i0]; ++j; } } else if (mode==6UL) { if (b[i0]=='\012') b[j] = '\015'; else b[j] = b[i0]; ++j; } ++i0; } *len = j; } } /* end crlfp() */ static void detect(pTASK pt0) /* startet task first sends command on stdout */ { int32_t j; int32_t i0; struct TASK * anonym; { /* with */ struct TASK * anonym = pt0; while (anonym->inlen>0L && anonym->detectdone>0UL) { i0 = 0L; if (anonym->detectdone==1UL) { if (anonym->inbuf[0U]=='!') { anonym->detectdone = 2UL; i0 = 1L; } else anonym->detectdone = 0UL; } else if (anonym->detectdone==2UL) { if (anonym->inbuf[0U]=='d') { initcompress(pt0); i0 = 1L; if (verb) osi_Werr("task switched deflate on\012", 26ul); } else if (anonym->inbuf[0U]=='p') { initcompress(pt0); anonym->pcdeflat->pppframing = 1; i0 = 1L; if (verb) { osi_Werr("task switched ppp + deflate on\012", 32ul); } } else if (anonym->inbuf[0U]=='l') { anonym->crlfmode = 1UL; i0 = 1L; if (verb) osi_Werr("task switched LF to CR on\012", 27ul); } else if (anonym->inbuf[0U]=='L') { anonym->crlfmode = 2UL; i0 = 1L; if (verb) osi_Werr("task switched delete LF on\012", 28ul); } anonym->detectdone = 0UL; } else anonym->detectdone = 0UL; if (i0>0L) { /* delete command */ j = 0L; while (i0inlen) { anonym->inbuf[j] = anonym->inbuf[i0]; ++i0; ++j; } anonym->inlen = j; } } } } /* end detect() */ static void AppendTime(char s[], uint32_t s_len) { char h[31]; aprsstr_TimeToStr(osic_time()%86400UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, " - ", 4ul); aprsstr_Append(s, s_len, h, 31ul); } /* end AppendTime() */ static uint16_t l2cat_UA = 0x63U; static uint16_t l2cat_DM = 0xFU; static uint16_t l2cat_SABM = 0x2FU; static uint16_t l2cat_DISC = 0x43U; static uint16_t l2cat_FRMR = 0x87U; static uint16_t l2cat_UI = 0x3U; static uint16_t l2cat_RR = 0x1U; static uint16_t l2cat_REJ = 0x9U; static uint16_t l2cat_RNR = 0x5U; #define l2cat_LF0 "\015" #define l2cat_LINELEN 78 static char l2cat_oneline = 0; static void Nibble(int32_t * p, char rxbuf[2048], uint16_t n) { rxbuf[*p] = (char)((uint32_t)(48U+n)+7UL*(uint32_t)(n>9U)); ++*p; } /* end Nibble() */ static void WriteHex(char rxbuf[2048], int32_t * p, char c) { Nibble(p, rxbuf, (uint16_t)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c/16UL)); Nibble(p, rxbuf, (uint16_t)((uint32_t)(uint8_t)c&15UL)); } /* end WriteHex() */ static void ShowCall(int32_t * p, char rxbuf[2048], struct l2_GETADRESS * getadress, uint16_t cp, char hbit) { uint32_t i0; char c; uint32_t tmp; tmp = (uint32_t)(cp+5U); i0 = (uint32_t)cp; if (i0<=tmp) for (;; i0++) { c = getadress->adress[i0]; if (c!=' ') { if ((uint8_t)c>' ') { rxbuf[*p] = c; ++*p; } else WriteHex(rxbuf, p, c); } if (i0==tmp) break; } /* end for */ i0 = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)getadress->adress[cp+6U]&15UL; if (i0) { rxbuf[*p] = '-'; ++*p; if (i0>9UL) { rxbuf[*p] = (char)(48UL+i0/10UL); ++*p; } rxbuf[*p] = (char)(48UL+i0%10UL); ++*p; } if (hbit && (0x40U & (uint16_t)(uint32_t)(uint8_t) getadress->adress[cp+6U])) { rxbuf[*p] = '*'; ++*p; } } /* end ShowCall() */ static void MonHead(char rxbuf[2048], struct l2_GETADRESS * getadress, l2_pLINK l, int32_t ilen, const char info[], uint32_t info_len) { int32_t p; int32_t i0; uint32_t com; uint16_t cmd; char cr; char pf; char PF0[4]; char s[21]; /* udp2:ARRAY[0..99] OF CHAR; */ int32_t tmp; l2_GetAdress0(l, getadress); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)getadress->port, 1UL, rxbuf, 2048ul); aprsstr_Append(rxbuf, 2048ul, ":fm ", 5ul); p = (int32_t)aprsstr_Length(rxbuf, 2048ul); ShowCall(&p, rxbuf, getadress, 7U, 0); rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 't'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'o'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; ShowCall(&p, rxbuf, getadress, 0U, 0); rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; i0 = 14L; while (i0+7L<71L && getadress->adress[i0]) { if (i0==14L) { rxbuf[p] = 'v'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'i'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'a'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; } ShowCall(&p, rxbuf, getadress, (uint16_t)i0, 1); rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; i0 += 7L; } rxbuf[p] = 'c'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 't'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'l'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; cmd = (uint16_t)getadress->my; com = (uint32_t)((0x40U & (uint16_t)(uint32_t)(uint8_t) getadress->adress[6U])!=0)+2UL*(uint32_t) ((0x40U & (uint16_t)(uint32_t)(uint8_t) getadress->adress[13U])!=0); pf = (0x10U & cmd)!=0; cmd = cmd&~0x10U; if ((cmd&0xFU)==0x1U) { strncpy(PF0,"RR ",4u); PF0[2U] = (char)(48U+(uint16_t)cmd/32U); } else if ((cmd&0xFU)==0x5U) { strncpy(PF0,"RNR ",4u); PF0[3U] = (char)(48U+(uint16_t)cmd/32U); } else if ((cmd&0xFU)==0x9U) { strncpy(PF0,"REJ ",4u); PF0[3U] = (char)(48U+(uint16_t)cmd/32U); } else if ((cmd&0x1U)==0U) { strncpy(PF0,"I ",4u); PF0[2U] = (char)(48U+((uint16_t)cmd/2U&7U)); PF0[1U] = (char)(48U+(uint16_t)cmd/32U); } else if (cmd==0x3U) strncpy(PF0,"UI ",4u); else if (cmd==0xFU) strncpy(PF0,"DM ",4u); else if (cmd==0x2FU) strncpy(PF0,"SABM",4u); else if (cmd==0x43U) strncpy(PF0,"DISC",4u); else if (cmd==0x63U) strncpy(PF0,"UA ",4u); else if (cmd==0x87U) strncpy(PF0,"FRMR",4u); else WriteHex(rxbuf, &p, (char)getadress->my); for (i0 = 0L; i0<=3L; i0++) { if (PF0[i0]!=' ') { rxbuf[p] = PF0[i0]; ++p; } } /* end for */ strncpy(PF0,"v^-+",4u); cr = 1; if (com==0UL || com==3UL) { rxbuf[p] = 'v'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = '1'; ++p; } else { rxbuf[p] = PF0[(com&1UL)+2UL*(uint32_t)pf]; ++p; } if (getadress->cpid<=255U) { rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'p'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'i'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'd'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; WriteHex(rxbuf, &p, (char)getadress->cpid); } if ((0x10U & (uint16_t)(uint32_t)(uint8_t)getadress->adress[13U]) ==0) { rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'd'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'a'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'm'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = 'a'; ++p; rxbuf[p] = ' '; ++p; } /* Getudp2info(l, udp2); IF udp2[0]<>0C THEN rxbuf[p]:=" "; INC(p); i:=0; WHILE (p0C) DO rxbuf[p]:=udp2[i]; INC(p); INC(i) END; END; */ rxbuf[p] = 0; if (ilen>0L && montyp==1UL) { aprsstr_IntToStr(ilen, 1UL, s, 21ul); aprsstr_Append(rxbuf, 2048ul, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(rxbuf, 2048ul, s, 21ul); aprsstr_Append(rxbuf, 2048ul, "B", 2ul); } AppendTime(rxbuf, 2048ul); if (ilen>0L && montyp>1UL) { p = (int32_t)aprsstr_Length(rxbuf, 2048ul); rxbuf[p] = '\012'; ++p; tmp = ilen-1L; i0 = 0L; if (i0<=tmp) for (;; i0++) { if ((uint8_t)info[i0]>=' ' && (uint8_t)info[i0]<'\177') { rxbuf[p] = info[i0]; } else rxbuf[p] = '.'; ++p; if (i0==tmp) break; } /* end for */ rxbuf[p] = 0; } osi_Werr(rxbuf, 2048ul); osi_Werr("\012", 2ul); } /* end MonHead() */ static void Monitor(void) { char rxbuf[2048]; struct l2_GETADRESS getadress; int32_t ilen; char ibuf[300]; if (pmon==0) pmon = l2_GetMon(); if (pmon) { ilen = (int32_t)l2_GetStr(pmon, 256U, (l2_pSTRING)ibuf); MonHead(rxbuf, &getadress, pmon, ilen, ibuf, 300ul); l2_Disconnect(&pmon, 1); /*release buffer*/ } } /* end Monitor() */ static void sleeprecon(void) { char s[21]; if (!terminate) { if (verb) { aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)(recontime/1000UL), 1UL, s, 21ul); osi_Werr(" delay ", 8ul); osi_Werr(s, 21ul); osi_Werr("ms before next connect\012", 24ul); } usleep(recontime); } if (recontime>maxrecontime/2UL) recontime = maxrecontime; else recontime = recontime*2UL; } /* end sleeprecon() */ static uint32_t i; static uint32_t ts; static uint32_t timeout; static int32_t ret; static l2_CALLBACKPROC eventproc; static pTASK pt; static pTASK pth; static int32_t pp0; static int32_t pp1; static uint16_t sockset; X2C_STACK_LIMIT(100000l) extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t tmp; X2C_BEGIN(&argc,argv,1,4000000l,8000000l); if (sizeof(IOBUF)!=256) X2C_ASSERT(0); deflate_BEGIN(); frameio_BEGIN(); l2_BEGIN(); osi_BEGIN(); aprsstr_BEGIN(); Execlogin_BEGIN(); memset((char *)frameio_udpsocks0,(char)0, sizeof(struct frameio_UDPSOCK [15])); cmdline[0] = 0; pipename[0] = 0; connectto0[0] = 0; memset((char *)mycall,(char)0,113UL); convlfcr = 0UL; convtopipe = 0UL; terminate = 0; keepconnected = 0; usedeflat = 0; verb2 = 0; verb = 0; pppmode = 0; autodet = 0; pppdiscard = X2C_max_longint; montyp = 0UL; minrecontime = 2000000UL; maxrecontime = 120000000UL; Parms(); pmon = 0; eventproc = Event; sockset = 0U; tmp = sockc; i = 0UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { sockset |= (1U<0L) { /* port configured */ pp0 = numpar[i].port; pp1 = pp0; if (pp0>15L) { /* set parameter to all ports */ pp0 = 1L; pp1 = 15L; } do { parms.test = 0; parms.port = (uint16_t)pp0; parms.parm = (uint16_t)numpar[i].parmnum; parms.val = (uint32_t)numpar[i].val; if (verb2) { osi_WrStr("set port ", 10ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)parms.port, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" parmnum ", 10ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)parms.parm, 1UL); osi_WrStr(" to value ", 11ul); osic_WrINT32(parms.val, 1UL); osi_WrStrLn("", 1ul); } l2_Parm(&parms); ++pp0; } while (pp0<=pp1); } } /* end for */ if (connectto0[0U]) { signal(SIGTERM, killdisc); signal(SIGINT, killdisc); signal(SIGPIPE, killdisc); } recontime = minrecontime; tasks = 0; timesum = 0L; for (;;) { if (tasks==0) { if (terminate) X2C_ABORT(); if (connectto0[0U]) { for (;;) { Connectto(); if (terminate || tasks) break; sleeprecon(); } } } fdclr(); pt = tasks; while (pt) { if (pt->state==1U) { /* recontime:=minrecontime; */ if (cmdline[0U]) { /* start task */ Login(&pt->infd, pt->l2addr.adress, 72ul); pt->outfd = pt->infd; /*WrInt(pt^.fd, 1); WrStrLn(" fd"); */ if (pt->infd>=0L) { /*ioctl(pt^.fd, TIOCSCTTY, ADR(iocbuf)); */ pt->state = 2U; } else { pt->state = 3U; if (verb) osi_Werr("task start failed\012", 19ul); } } else if (pipename[0U]) { /* use pipe */ pt->infd = osi_OpenRW(pipename, 4096ul); pt->outfd = pt->infd; if (pt->infd>=0L) pt->state = 2U; else { pt->state = 3U; if (verb) osi_Werr("pipe open error\012", 17ul); } } else { pt->state = 2U; /* use stdin stdout */ pt->infd = 0L; pt->outfd = 1L; } if (usedeflat) initcompress(pt); else pt->pcdeflat = 0; } else if (pt->state==2U) { if ((terminate || (0x2U & pt->events)) || (0x4U & pt->events)) { pt->state = 3U; if (verb) { WerrCall(pt); osi_Werr(" layer2 disconnect\012", 20ul); } if (cmdline[0U]==0 && connectto0[0U]==0) X2C_ABORT(); } if ((pt->infd>=0L && pt->inlen==0L) && pt->inignor==0UL) { fdsetr((uint32_t)pt->infd); } if (pt->inignor>0UL) --pt->inignor; } else if (pt->state==3U) { if (verb) { WerrCall(pt); osi_Werr(" disconnect\012", 13ul); } if (cmdline[0U]) { if (pt->infd>=0L && pt->infd!=pt->outfd) { if (verb) wrclose(pt, pt->infd, " close in pipe ", 16ul); osic_Close(pt->infd); } if (pt->outfd>=0L) { if (verb) wrclose(pt, pt->outfd, " close out pipe ", 17ul); osic_Close(pt->outfd); } pt->infd = -1L; pt->outfd = -1L; fdclr(); } l2_Disconnect(&pt->link0, 0); pt->state = 4U; } if (pt->state==4U || pt->state==5U) { if ((terminate || (0x2U & pt->events)) || (0x4U & pt->events)) { if (verb) { WerrCall(pt); osi_Werr(" deallocate link\012", 18ul); } l2_Disconnect(&pt->link0, 1); if (verb) { WerrCall(pt); osi_Werr(" disconnect close layer2\012", 26ul); } if (tasks==pt) tasks = pt->next; else { pth = tasks; while (pth->next!=pt) pth = pth->next; pth->next = pt->next; } if (pt->pcdeflat) { osic_free((char * *) &pt->pcdeflat, sizeof(struct DEFLATBUF)); } osic_free((char * *) &pt, sizeof(struct TASK)); pt = 0; if (tasks==0) { if (!keepconnected) terminate = 1; else if (connectto0[0U]) sleeprecon(); } } else pt = pt->next; } else pt = pt->next; } ts = 0UL; timeout = 10000UL; ret = selectrwt(&ts, &timeout); timesum += (int32_t)(10000UL-timeout); if (timesum>=10000L) { /* IF timeout<=0 THEN */ l2_Layer2(); if (montyp>0UL) Monitor(); timesum -= 10000L; } pt = tasks; while (pt) { if (pt->state==2U && pt->infd>=0L) { /*WrInt(pt^.state, 1); WrStrLn(" st"); */ if (issetr((uint32_t)pt->infd)) { if (pt->inlen==0L) { if (!terminate) { /* read blocks after a SIGINT - why ever */ pt->inlen = osi_RdBin(pt->infd, (char *)pt->inbuf, 256u/1u, 256UL); if (pt->inlen==0L) { pt->inignor = 20UL; /* read from pipe why ever */ } } } if (verb2 && pt->inlen>0L) { Whex("IN ", 4ul, pt->inbuf, 256ul, pt->inlen); } } /*WrStrLn("");WrStr("I:"); ShowHex(pt^.inbuf, pt^.inlen); */ if (pt->inlen>0L) { if (~pt->detectdone>0UL) { detect(pt); /* switch option with first bytes in stdin */ } if (pt->pcdeflat) { /* compress */ if (pt->pcdeflat->outlen==0L) compress(pt); wrl2(pt->link0, pt->pcdeflat->outbuf, 20001ul, &pt->pcdeflat->outlen, &pt->junkbuf); } else { crlf(pt->inbuf, 256ul, &pt->inlen, pt->crlfmode); wrl2(pt->link0, pt->inbuf, 256ul, &pt->inlen, &pt->junkbuf); } } else if (pt->inlen<0L) { if (pt->junkbuf.len>0L) { /* send rest */ pt->junkbuf.time0 = 0L; sendjunk(pt->link0, &pt->junkbuf); } else { pt->state = 3U; if (verb) osi_Werr("read pipe from task broken\012", 28ul); } } if (pt->state==2U) { for (;;) { if (pt->outlen>0L) { if (verb2) { Whex("OUT ", 5ul, pt->outbuf, 256ul, pt->outlen); } if (pt->pcdeflat) { /* decompress */ if (!pt->pcdeflat->done) { expand(pt); if (pt->pcdeflat->xoutlen<0L) { /* expand or crc error */ pt->state = 3U; if (verb) { osi_Werr("deflate or crc error\012", 22ul); } break; } } if (!pt->pcdeflat->pppframing || pt->pcdeflat->done) { if (pt->pcdeflat->xoutlen>0L) { wrpipe(pt->outfd, pt->pcdeflat->xoutbuf, 4096ul, &pt->pcdeflat->xoutlen); } if (pt->pcdeflat->xoutlen==0L) { pt->pcdeflat->done = 0; } } } else { crlfp(pt->outbuf, 256ul, &pt->outlen, convtopipe); wrpipe(pt->outfd, pt->outbuf, 256ul, &pt->outlen); } } if (pt->outlen==0L) { pt->outlen = (int32_t)l2_GetStr(pt->link0, 256U, (l2_pSTRING)pt->outbuf); if (pt->outlen<=0L) break; } else break; } } } if (pt->junkbuf.len>0L) { if (pt->junkbuf.time0>0L) --pt->junkbuf.time0; else sendjunk(pt->link0, &pt->junkbuf); } pt = pt->next; } } X2C_EXIT(); return 0; } X2C_MAIN_DEFINITION