/* * dxlAPRS toolchain * * Copyright (C) Christian Rabler * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #define X2C_int32 #define X2C_index32 #ifndef X2C_H_ #include "X2C.h" #endif #define aprsmap_C_ #ifndef useri_H_ #include "useri.h" #endif #ifndef maptool_H_ #include "maptool.h" #endif #ifndef aprspos_H_ #include "aprspos.h" #endif #ifndef aprsdecode_H_ #include "aprsdecode.h" #endif #ifndef xosi_H_ #include "xosi.h" #endif #ifndef osi_H_ #include "osi.h" #endif #include #ifndef aprsstr_H_ #include "aprsstr.h" #endif #ifndef aprstext_H_ #include "aprstext.h" #endif #include /* aprs tracks on osm map by oe5dxl */ #define aprsmap_MINLIG 60 #define aprsmap_MAXZOOMOBJ 14 #define aprsmap_MAXCOLORS 10 #define aprsmap_MINCOLOR 48 #define aprsmap_MAPGETTIMEOUT 30 #define aprsmap_HISTSIZE 20 #define aprsmap_VIDEOFN "map.y4m" #define aprsmap_FLOATERRCORR (-6.E-7) /* try to correct summed rounding errors by multiple zoom in */ #define aprsmap_VIDEORATE 25 #define aprsmap_MARKERTIME 10 /* marker life time for unimportant marker settings */ #define aprsmap_NOSYMT "/" /* show this symbol if user has none */ #define aprsmap_NOSYMB "/" enum MHOPS {aprsmap_OPHEARD, aprsmap_OPSENT, aprsmap_OPOBJ}; struct VIEW; struct VIEW { struct aprspos_POSITION pos; float zoom; aprsdecode_MONCALL mhop; struct aprsdecode_SYMBOL onesymbol; aprsdecode_SYMBOLSET onesymbolset; int32_t rf; uint8_t mhtxv; char wxcol; int32_t lumtrack; int32_t lumwaypoint; int32_t lummap; int32_t lumsym; int32_t lumobj; int32_t lumtext; aprsdecode_MAPNAME mapname; /* altimap, */ char focus; }; struct TABS; struct TABS { uint32_t stkpo; uint32_t stktop; struct VIEW posstk[20]; }; static char logdone; static maptool_pIMAGE image; static maptool_pIMAGE rfimg; static char withx; static uint32_t lastxupdate; static uint32_t maptime; static uint32_t laststatref; static uint32_t realday; static uint32_t cycleorder; static uint32_t maptrys; static uint32_t uptime; static struct aprspos_POSITION newpos0; static struct aprspos_POSITION newpos1; /* squerpos: RECORD pos0, pos1:POSITION END; */ static int32_t videofd; static char gammatab[1024]; static uint8_t mhtx; static char pandone; static char onetipp; static struct TABS tabview; static struct TABS alttabview; static char * vidbuf; static char mestxt[201]; struct _0; struct _0 { char wasaltimap; char wasradio; struct aprspos_POSITION markpos; struct aprspos_POSITION measurepos; struct aprspos_POSITION mappos; int32_t initzoom; float finezoom; int32_t ant1; int32_t ant2; int32_t ant3; int32_t bri; int32_t contr; int32_t qual; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP c1; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP c2; }; static struct _0 radio; static struct aprspos_POSITION clickwatchpos; static void Error(char text0[], uint32_t text_len) { X2C_PCOPY((void **)&text0,text_len); osi_WrStr(text0, text_len); osi_WrStrLn(" error abort", 13ul); X2C_ABORT(); X2C_PFREE(text0); } /* end Error() */ static float sqr(float x) { return x*x; } /* end sqr() */ #define aprsmap_GAMMA 4.5454545454545E-1 static uint32_t gammac(uint32_t c) { if (c==0UL) return 0UL; if (c<1024UL) { return aprsdecode_trunc(osic_exp(osic_ln(X2C_DIVR((float)c, 1024.0f))*4.5454545454545E-1f)*255.5f); } return 255UL; } /* end gammac() */ static void makegammatab(void) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0UL; i<=1023UL; i++) { gammatab[i] = (char)gammac(i); } /* end for */ } /* end makegammatab() */ static void tooltips(char typ) { char s[21]; struct aprspos_POSITION pos; if (typ==' ') { if (aprsdecode_initzoom<=1L && uptime+2UL==aprsdecode_realtime) { useri_starthint(10005UL, 1); } } else if (typ=='n') { if (useri_configon(useri_fCONNECT) && uptime+60UL>aprsdecode_realtime) { useri_confstr(useri_fSERVERFILT, s, 21ul); if (X2C_CAP(s[0U])=='M' && !(aprstext_getmypos(&pos) && useri_configon(useri_fALLOWNETTX))) { useri_starthint(10007UL, 1); } else useri_starthint(10006UL, 1); } } else if (typ=='m') { if (uptime+180UL>aprsdecode_realtime) useri_starthint(10010UL, 1); } else if (typ=='b') { if (!onetipp) useri_starthint(10015UL, 1); onetipp = 1; } else if (typ=='B') { if (!onetipp) useri_starthint(10016UL, 1); onetipp = 1; } } /* end tooltips() */ static void mapbri(int32_t v) { char h[100]; char s[100]; v += (int32_t)((uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.map/10UL); if (v<0L) v = 0L; else if (v>100L) v = 100L; aprsdecode_lums.map = v*10L; useri_int2cfg(useri_fLMAP, v); strncpy(s,"Brightness Map ",100u); aprsstr_IntToStr(v, 1UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "%", 2ul); useri_say(s, 100ul, 4UL, 'b'); } /* end mapbri() */ static void fullbritime(char down) { char h[100]; char s[100]; uint32_t n; uint32_t d; d = 1800UL; if (aprsdecode_lums.firstdim<900UL) d = 60UL; else if (aprsdecode_lums.firstdim<3600UL) d = 300UL; else if (aprsdecode_lums.firstdim<10800UL) d = 900UL; n = aprsdecode_lums.firstdim/d; if (down) { if (n>1UL) --n; } else ++n; aprsdecode_lums.firstdim = n*d; if (aprsdecode_lums.firstdim>aprsdecode_lums.purgetime) { aprsdecode_lums.firstdim = aprsdecode_lums.purgetime; } useri_int2cfg(useri_fTFULL, (int32_t)(aprsdecode_lums.firstdim/60UL)); strncpy(s,"Fullbright Time ",100u); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)(aprsdecode_lums.firstdim/60UL), 1UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "Min", 4ul); useri_say(s, 100ul, 4UL, 'b'); } /* end fullbritime() */ static float movest(uint32_t width) { return osic_power(2.0f, -maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom))*(float)width*(float) aprsdecode_lums.movestep*0.0002f; } /* end movest() */ static float shiftfine(void) { float s; if (xosi_Shift) s = 0.1f; else s = 1.0f; if (useri_configon(useri_fINVMOV)) s = -s; return s; } /* end shiftfine() */ static uint32_t aprsmap_MON[13] = {0UL,0UL,31UL,59UL,90UL,120UL,151UL, 181UL,212UL,243UL,273UL,304UL,334UL}; static uint32_t _cnst[13] = {0UL,0UL,31UL,59UL,90UL,120UL,151UL,181UL, 212UL,243UL,273UL,304UL,334UL}; static char rdlogdate(const char s[], uint32_t s_len, uint32_t * t, uint32_t * p) /* 20130526:235959 */ { uint32_t i; uint32_t y; uint32_t d; char c; char dt; /* second since 1970 or yyyymmdd:hhmmss */ dt = s[8UL]==':'; i = 0UL; d = 0UL; for (;;) { c = s[i]; if ((uint8_t)c<'0' || (uint8_t)c>'9') break; d = (d*10UL+(uint32_t)(uint8_t)c)-48UL; ++i; if (dt) { if (i==4UL) { /* year */ if (d<1970UL || d>2100UL) return 0; *t = (d-1970UL)*365UL+(d-1969UL)/4UL; /* days since 1970 */ y = d; d = 0UL; } else if (i==6UL) { /* month */ if (d>12UL) return 0; *t += _cnst[d]; if ((y&3UL)==0UL && d>2UL) ++*t; d = 0UL; } else if (i==8UL) { /* day */ if (d<=0UL) return 0; *t = ((*t+d)-1UL)*86400UL; ++i; d = 0UL; } else if (i==11UL) { *t += d*3600UL; d = 0UL; } else if (i==13UL) { *t += d*60UL; d = 0UL; } else { if (i==15UL) { *t += d; break; } if (i>15UL) return 0; } } } if (!dt) *t = d; *p = i; return 1; } /* end rdlogdate() */ static char cmpcall(const char a[], uint32_t a_len, uint32_t i, const char b[], uint32_t b_len) { uint32_t j; j = 0UL; do { if (a[i]!=b[j]) return 0; ++i; ++j; } while (b[j]); return a[i]=='>'; } /* end cmpcall() */ #define aprsmap_MINSTEP 5000 /* stop binary search */ #define aprsmap_SEEKBUF 1024 /* buffer size while binary search */ #define aprsmap_RETR 200 /* if unsort file break binary search */ static void binseek(uint32_t * i, int32_t fc, uint32_t * wp, uint32_t time0, char bof, uint32_t * first, uint32_t * last) { int32_t seekstep; int32_t len; int32_t rp; char sb[1024]; aprsdecode_FRAMEBUF mbuf; uint32_t retry; uint32_t lfc; uint32_t ftime; retry = 0UL; *first = 0UL; *last = 0UL; seekstep = 1073741823L; for (;;) { len = 0L; rp = 0L; *wp = 0UL; if (bof) lfc = 2UL; else lfc = 0UL; bof = 0; for (;;) { if (rp>=len) { len = osi_RdBin(fc, (char *)sb, 1024u/1u, 1024UL); rp = 0L; } if (len<=0L) { lfc = 0UL; break; } mbuf[*wp] = sb[rp]; if (mbuf[*wp]=='\012') { mbuf[*wp] = 0; *wp = 0UL; ++lfc; if (lfc>=2UL) break; } else if (*wp<510UL) ++*wp; else { *wp = 0UL; lfc = 0UL; } ++rp; } if (lfc>=2UL && rdlogdate(mbuf, 512ul, &ftime, i)) { /* we are in file */ if (*first==0UL) { *first = ftime; if (time0<*first) { time0 = 0UL; break; } } if (ftime>*last) *last = ftime; } else ftime = X2C_max_longcard; if (ftime=0L && seekstep<5000L || retry>=200UL) break; osic_Seekcur(fc, seekstep-1024L); ++retry; } if (time0<=*first) osic_Seek(fc, 0UL); else if (retry>=200UL) { osic_Seek(fc, 0UL); useri_say("unsort logfile, trying linear search", 37ul, 180UL, 'r'); } else { /* WrStrLn("unsort logfile, trying linear search"); */ osic_Seekcur(fc, -6024L); /* set back for safety */ } } /* end binseek() */ static void rdlonglog(aprsdecode_pOPHIST * optab, char fn[], uint32_t fn_len, uint32_t from, uint32_t to, uint32_t * firstread, uint32_t * lastread, int32_t * lines) { int32_t fc; int32_t ret; int32_t len; int32_t rp; char ib[32768]; uint32_t j; uint32_t i; uint32_t wp; aprsdecode_FRAMEBUF mbuf; uint32_t ot; uint32_t end; uint32_t start; aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; uint32_t lfc; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&fn,fn_len); *lines = 0L; aprsstr_cleanfilename(fn, fn_len); if (fn[0UL]==0) goto label; fc = osi_OpenReadLong(fn, fn_len); if (!osic_FdValid(fc)) goto label; *firstread = 0UL; *lastread = 0UL; end = 0UL; if (from>0UL) { binseek(&i, fc, &wp, from, 1, &start, &end); if (from>end) from = end; if (from=len) { len = osi_RdBin(fc, (char *)ib, 32768u/1u, 32768UL); if (len<=0L) break; rp = 0L; } mbuf[wp] = ib[rp]; if (mbuf[wp]=='\012') { ++lfc; mbuf[wp] = 0; if ((lfc>=2UL && rdlogdate(mbuf, 512ul, &start, &i)) && start>=from) { if (*firstread==0UL) *firstread = start; if (from=to) break; /* systime:=start; */ ++i; j = 0UL; do { mbuf[j] = mbuf[i]; ++j; ++i; } while (!(i>=511UL || mbuf[i]==0)); mbuf[j] = 0; if (aprsdecode_Decode(mbuf, 512ul, &dat)>=0L) { aprsdecode_systime = *lastread; ret = aprsdecode_Stoframe(optab, mbuf, 512ul, start, 1, &ot, dat); ++*lines; if (*firstread==0UL) *firstread = start; *lastread = start; } } wp = 0UL; } else if (wp<510UL) ++wp; ++rp; } osic_Close(fc); op = *optab; while (op) { aprsdecode_Checktrack(op, 0); op = op->next; } label:; X2C_PFREE(fn); } /* end rdlonglog() */ static void rdlog(aprsdecode_pOPHIST * optab, char fn[], uint32_t fn_len, uint32_t from, uint32_t to, char find0[], uint32_t find_len, uint32_t * firstread, uint32_t * lastread, int32_t * lines) { int32_t fc; int32_t ret; int32_t len; int32_t rp; char ib[32768]; char s[100]; uint32_t j; uint32_t i; uint32_t wp; aprsdecode_FRAMEBUF mbuf; aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; uint32_t ot; uint32_t start; uint32_t t; aprsdecode_FILENAME fnd; aprsdecode_FILENAME fnn; char fo; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&fn,fn_len); X2C_PCOPY((void **)&find0,find_len); *firstread = 0UL; *lastread = 0UL; *lines = -1L; /* file not found */ aprsstr_cleanfilename(fn, fn_len); if (fn[0UL]==0) goto label; aprsstr_Assign(fnn, 1024ul, fn, fn_len); /* check if dayly log */ memcpy(fnd,fnn,1024u); aprstext_logfndate(from, fnd, 1024ul); if (X2C_STRCMP(fnd,1024u,fnn,1024u)==0) { if (find0[0UL]) { useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 5UL, 6UL, 'e', "\012Call search only in d\ ayly-Log Mode\012", 37ul); } rdlonglog(optab, fn, fn_len, from, to, firstread, lastread, lines); /* single log file mode */ goto label; } /*WrInt(to-from, 10); WrStrLn(fnd); */ find0[find_len-1] = 0; len = 0L; rp = 0L; wp = 0UL; t = from; aprsstr_Assign(fnn, 1024ul, fn, fn_len); fo = 0; for (;;) { while (rp>=len) { if (len<32768L) { do { if (t>to) goto loop_exit; memcpy(fnd,fnn,1024u); aprstext_logfndate(t, fnd, 1024ul); t = (t/86400UL+1UL)*86400UL; if (fo) osic_Close(fc); fc = osi_OpenRead(fnd, 1024ul); } while (!osic_FdValid(fc)); fo = 1; if (*lines<0L) *lines = 0L; } useri_say(fnd, 1024ul, 0UL, 'b'); len = osi_RdBin(fc, (char *)ib, 32768u/1u, 32768UL); rp = 0L; } mbuf[wp] = ib[rp]; if (mbuf[wp]=='\012') { mbuf[wp] = 0; if (rdlogdate(mbuf, 512ul, &start, &i) && start>=from) { if (find0[0UL]==0 || cmpcall(mbuf, 512ul, i+1UL, find0, find_len)) { if (start>=to) break; ++i; j = 0UL; do { mbuf[j] = mbuf[i]; ++j; ++i; } while (!(i>=511UL || mbuf[i]==0)); mbuf[j] = 0; if (aprsdecode_Decode(mbuf, 512ul, &dat)>=0L) { aprsdecode_systime = *lastread; ret = aprsdecode_Stoframe(optab, mbuf, 512ul, start, 1, &ot, dat); ++*lines; if ( *lines%500L==0L && aprsdecode_realtime+2ULnext; } } label:; X2C_PFREE(fn); X2C_PFREE(find0); } /* end rdlog() */ static char moving(aprsdecode_pOPHIST op) { struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym; { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym = op; return !aprsdecode_lums.moving || ((anonym->lastinftyp>0U && anonym->lastinftyp<100U) && anonym->lastkmh>0) && aprsdecode_systimelasttime+aprsdecode_lums.kmhtime; } } /* end moving() */ static uint32_t fade(uint32_t t1, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op) { uint32_t l; uint32_t t0; if (!moving(op)) return (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.nomov; t0 = aprsdecode_systime-aprsdecode_lums.firstdim; if (t0aprsdecode_lums.maxdim) t0 = aprsdecode_lums.maxdim; if (aprsdecode_lums.maxdim>0UL) { l = 60UL+(196UL*(aprsdecode_lums.maxdim-t0))/aprsdecode_lums.maxdim; } else l = 256UL; return l; } /* end fade() */ /* PROCEDURE runaway(x0,y0,x1,y1:REAL); BEGIN IF (x0<0.0)<>(x1<0.0) THEN y0:=y0+(y1-y0)*x0/(x1-x0); x0:=0; ELSIF (x0(x1(y1<0.0) THEN x0:=x0+(x1-x0)*y0/(y1-y0); y0:=0; ELSIF (y0(y1trackcol; if (c<48UL) { pos = opn->lastpos; cs = 0UL; if (aprspos_posvalid(pos)) { op = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (op) { if ((op->trackcol>=48 && op->trackcol<58) && aprspos_distance(op->lastpos, pos)<50.0f) { cs |= (1UL<trackcol-48); } op = op->next; } } c = 0UL; i = 0UL; while (i<=8UL && opn->call[i]) { c += (uint32_t)(uint8_t)opn->call[i]; ++i; } c = c%10UL; /* checksum default color */ if (X2C_IN(c,32,cs)) { /* color in use */ n = 0UL; max1 = 0UL; imax = 0UL; for (i = 0UL; i<=9UL; i++) { if (X2C_IN(i,32,cs)) n = 0UL; else { ++n; /* count free colors */ if (n>max1) { max1 = n; imax = i; } } } /* end for */ if (max1>0UL) c = imax-max1/2UL; } c = c%10UL+48UL; } return c; } /* end findfreecol() */ static void changecolor(aprsdecode_pOPHIST op) { if (op && op->trackcol>=48) op->trackcol = ((op->trackcol-48)+1)%11+48; } /* end changecolor() */ static char isvis(const uint8_t vismask) { struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym; { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym = aprsdecode_click.ops; return (((anonym->drawhints&vismask)!=0U && anonym->sym.tab!='\001') && maptool_vistime(anonym->lasttime)) && (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol==0 || anonym->lastinftyp>=100U && anonym->temptime+3600UL>aprsdecode_systime) ; } } /* end isvis() */ static char isdrivespeed(uint8_t inf) { return inf>=10U && inf<100U; } /* end isdrivespeed() */ static char IsTrackObj(aprsdecode_pOPHIST op) { aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST f; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; if ((0x2U & op->drawhints)==0 || isdrivespeed(op->lastinftyp)) return 1; f = op->frames; while (f) { if (aprsdecode_Decode(f->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L && (dat.speed>0UL && dat.speed0UL) ) return 1; /* draw track if has any speed or course */ f = f->next; } return 0; /* object with no speed or course */ } /* end IsTrackObj() */ #define aprsmap_MAXDIST 5.E+5 #define aprsmap_MINWPDIST 9.0 /* waypoints on tracks minimum distance */ static void tracks(maptool_pIMAGE img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, char highlight0, uint32_t tilltime) { float y1; float x1; float y00; float x0; uint32_t ligw; uint32_t lig; struct aprspos_POSITION oldpos; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP col; signed char coln; char otrk; char nfilt; struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym; aprsdecode_click.ops = op; if (!highlight0) aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tTRACK; nfilt = !useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT); otrk = useri_configon(useri_fOBJTRACK); while (aprsdecode_click.ops) { if ((((isvis(0x18U) && aprsdecode_click.ops->trackcol<58) && aprsdecode_click.ops->areasymb.typ==0) && !aprsdecode_click.ops->poligon) && (otrk || IsTrackObj(aprsdecode_click.ops))) { /* make a random track color */ coln = (signed char)findfreecol(aprsdecode_click.ops); maptool_Colset(&col, (char)coln); aprsdecode_click.pf0 = 0; aprsdecode_click.pf = aprsdecode_click.ops->frames; aprsdecode_posinval(&oldpos); while (aprsdecode_click.pf && aprsdecode_click.pf->time0<=tilltime) { { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym = aprsdecode_click.pf->vardat; if (((nfilt || !(aprsdecode_click.pf->nodraw&~0x1U)) && aprspos_posvalid(anonym->pos)) && maptool_vistime(aprsdecode_click.pf->time0)) { if (aprspos_posvalid(oldpos)) { if (highlight0) lig = 700UL; else { lig = (fade(aprsdecode_click.pf->time0, aprsdecode_click.ops)*600UL)/256UL; } if ((maptool_mapxy(oldpos, &x0, &y00)>=-1L && maptool_mapxy(anonym->pos, &x1, &y1)>=-1L) && sqr(x0-x1)+sqr(y00-y1)>=9.0f) { /* collect short tracks to 1 */ aprsdecode_click.ops->trackcol = coln; ligw = (lig*(uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.waypoint) /1024UL; lig = (lig*(uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.track)/1024UL; maptool_vector(img, x0, y00, x1, y1, (int32_t)((lig*col.r)/256UL), (int32_t)((lig*col.g)/256UL), (int32_t)((lig*col.b)/256UL), 450UL, 0.0f); if (!aprsdecode_click.dryrun) { maptool_waypoint(img, x0, y00, 1.5f, (int32_t)ligw, (int32_t)ligw, (int32_t)ligw); } oldpos = anonym->pos; aprsdecode_click.pf0 = aprsdecode_click.pf; } else aprsdecode_click.pf0 = aprsdecode_click.pf; } else { oldpos = anonym->pos; aprsdecode_click.pf0 = aprsdecode_click.pf; } } } aprsdecode_click.pf = aprsdecode_click.pf->next; } aprsdecode_click.pf0 = 0; if (highlight0) return; } aprsdecode_click.ops = aprsdecode_click.ops->next; } } /* end tracks() */ static void stormcicle(maptool_pIMAGE image0, struct aprspos_POSITION center, float hurr, float storm, float whole, uint32_t lig) { struct aprsdecode_AREASYMB asymb; asymb.dpos.long0 = 0.0f; if (hurr!=0.0f) { asymb.typ = '5'; /* circle */ asymb.color = 4U; asymb.dpos.lat = hurr*2.5274112897407E-4f; maptool_drawareasym(image0, center, asymb, lig); } if (storm!=0.0f) { asymb.typ = '5'; /* circle */ asymb.color = 1U; asymb.dpos.lat = storm*2.5274112897407E-4f; maptool_drawareasym(image0, center, asymb, lig); } if (whole!=0.0f) { asymb.typ = '0'; /* circle */ asymb.color = 0U; asymb.dpos.lat = whole*2.5274112897407E-4f; maptool_drawareasym(image0, center, asymb, lig); } } /* end stormcicle() */ static void tolastframe(aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST * pfm) { if (*pfm==0) { *pfm = aprsdecode_click.ops->frames; if (*pfm) while ((*pfm)->next) *pfm = (*pfm)->next; } } /* end tolastframe() */ #define aprsmap_HOVERDIST 64 static void symbols(aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, char objects, char highlight0, struct aprsdecode_CLICKOBJECT * hoverobj) { float hovery; float hoverx; float hdmin; float hd; float y; float x; uint32_t lig; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP col; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST pfm; aprsdecode_click.ops = op; if (!highlight0) { if (objects) aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tOBJECT; else aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tSYMBOL; } hdmin = X2C_max_real; hoverx = (float)useri_xmouse.x; hovery = (float)useri_mainys()-(float)useri_xmouse.y; if (aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL) { pfm = aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].pff0; /* to step thru multiline path */ } else pfm = 0; while (aprsdecode_click.ops) { if ((isvis(0x8U) && ((0x2U & aprsdecode_click.ops->drawhints)!=0) ==objects) && maptool_mapxy(aprsdecode_click.ops->lastpos, &x, &y)>=0L) { hd = (x-hoverx)*(x-hoverx)+(y-hovery)*(y-hovery); /* dist mouse to symbol */ if (hdopf = aprsdecode_click.ops; hoverobj->pff = 0; hoverobj->pff0 = 0; } } if (highlight0) lig = 1000UL; else { lig = fade(aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttime, aprsdecode_click.ops); } if (objects) lig = (lig*(uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.obj)/1024UL; else lig = (lig*(uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.sym)/1024UL; if (aprsdecode_click.ops->areasymb.typ) { if (pfm==0) { maptool_drawareasym(image, aprsdecode_click.ops->lastpos, aprsdecode_click.ops->areasymb, lig); } else if (aprsdecode_Decode(pfm->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) { maptool_drawareasym(image, dat.pos, dat.areasymb, lig); } } else if (aprsdecode_click.ops->poligon) { tolastframe(&pfm); if (pfm && aprsdecode_Decode(pfm->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) { maptool_drawpoligon(image, dat.pos, dat.multiline, dat.symt, dat.sym, lig); } } else { maptool_drawsym(image, aprsdecode_click.ops->sym.tab, aprsdecode_click.ops->sym.pic, (0x1U & aprsdecode_click.ops->drawhints)!=0, osic_floor(x), osic_floor(y), lig); if (aprsdecode_click.ops->sym.pic=='@') { /* storm circles */ tolastframe(&pfm); if ((pfm && aprsdecode_Decode(pfm->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) && dat.wx.storm>aprsdecode_WXNORMAL) { stormcicle(image, dat.pos, dat.wx.radiushurr, dat.wx.radiusstorm, dat.wx.wholegale, lig); } } } if (aprsdecode_click.ops->lastkmh>0) { if (isdrivespeed(aprsdecode_click.ops->lastinftyp)) { if (useri_configon(useri_fARROW) && aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttime+aprsdecode_lums.kmhtime>aprsdecode_systime) { col.r = 500UL; col.g = 500UL; col.b = 0UL; maptool_drawarrow(image, x, y, 22.0f, (float)(aprsdecode_click.ops->lastinftyp-10U) *(-6.9813170079773E-2f), 0UL, lig, col); } } else if (aprsdecode_click.ops->lastinftyp>=110U && aprsdecode_click.ops->lastinftyp<200U) { if (useri_configon(useri_fWINDSYM) && aprsdecode_click.ops->temptime+3600UL>aprsdecode_systime) { col.r = 0UL; col.g = 400UL; col.b = 400UL; maptool_drawarrow(image, x, y, 19.0f, (float)(aprsdecode_click.ops->lastinftyp-110U) *(-6.9813170079773E-2f), (uint32_t)(uint16_t)aprsdecode_click.ops->lastkmh, lig, col); } } } } if (highlight0) return; aprsdecode_click.ops = aprsdecode_click.ops->next; } } /* end symbols() */ static void text(aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, char yesno, char objmove, char highlight0, char withvalues) { float y; float x; uint32_t lumtext; uint32_t lig; char s1[256]; char s[256]; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP colo; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP colw; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP col; char temponly; char object; char fix; temponly = aprsdecode_lums.wxcol && aprsdecode_lums.text==0L; /* labels off but wxonly */ if (temponly) lumtext = 700UL; else lumtext = (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.text; aprsdecode_click.ops = op; useri_ColConfset(&colw, useri_fCOLMAPTEXT); useri_ColConfset(&colo, useri_fCOLOBJTEXT); while (aprsdecode_click.ops) { object = (0x2U & aprsdecode_click.ops->drawhints)!=0; if ((isvis(0x8U) && (objmove && object==yesno || !objmove && moving(aprsdecode_click.ops) ==yesno)) && maptool_mapxy(aprsdecode_click.ops->lastpos, &x, &y)>=0L) { lig = (fade(aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttime, aprsdecode_click.ops)*lumtext)/256UL; if (object) { if (lig>(uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.obj) { lig = (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.obj; } col = colo; } else col = colw; fix = aprsdecode_click.dryrun; if (highlight0) { lig = 1000UL; fix = 1; } else aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tTEXT; aprsstr_Assign(s, 256ul, aprsdecode_click.ops->call, 9ul); if (!temponly) { maptool_drawstr(image, s, 256ul, osic_floor(x+7.0f), osic_floor(y-(float)(aprsdecode_lums.fontysize/2UL)), lig, 1UL, col, &aprsdecode_click.ops->textpos, 3UL, fix, aprsdecode_click.dryrun); } if (withvalues) { if (aprsdecode_click.ops->lastinftyp>=100U) { /* temperature */ if (((useri_configon(useri_fTEMP) && aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttempalt>=-99) && aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttempalt<=99) && aprsdecode_click.ops->temptime+3600UL>aprsdecode_systime) { if (object) aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tDEGREEOBJ; else aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tDEGREE; aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t) aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttempalt, 1UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "\177C", 3ul); if (aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttempalt<0) { col.r = 20UL; col.g = 180UL; col.b = 255UL; } else if (aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttempalt<40) { maptool_Colset(&col, 'Y'); } else maptool_Colset(&col, 'R'); /* drawstr(image, s, VAL(INTEGER,x+6), VAL(INTEGER,y-6), lig, 1, col, click.ops^.valuepos, 4, fix); */ maptool_drawstr(image, s, 256ul, osic_floor(x+6.0f), osic_floor(y-(float)(aprsdecode_lums.fontysize/2UL)), lig, 0UL, col, &aprsdecode_click.ops->valuepos, 4UL, fix, aprsdecode_click.dryrun); } } else { /* ELSIF click.ops^.lastinftyp<100 THEN (* kmh *) */ s[0] = 0; if (useri_configon(useri_fKMH)) { /* & (click.ops^.lastinftyp>0) THEN */ if (object) aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tKMHOBJ; else aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tKMH; if ((aprsdecode_click.ops->lastinftyp>0U && aprsdecode_click.ops->lastkmh>0) && aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttime+aprsdecode_lums.kmhtime>aprsdecode_systime) { aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t) aprsdecode_click.ops->lastkmh, 1UL, s, 256ul); useri_confappend(useri_fKMH, s, 256ul); } } if ((int32_t)aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttempalt+22768L>useri_conf2int(useri_fALTMIN, 0UL, -10000L, 65535L, -10000L)) { if (s[0U]) aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t) aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttempalt+22768L, 1UL, s1, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, s1, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m", 2ul); } if (s[0U]) { maptool_Colset(&col, 'Y'); maptool_drawstr(image, s, 256ul, osic_floor(x+7.0f), osic_floor(y-(float)(aprsdecode_lums.fontysize/2UL)), lig, 0UL, col, &aprsdecode_click.ops->valuepos, 4UL, fix, aprsdecode_click.dryrun); } } } } if (highlight0) return; aprsdecode_click.ops = aprsdecode_click.ops->next; } } /* end text() */ static char getgate(aprsdecode_pVARDAT v, aprsdecode_pOPHIST * gate) { aprsdecode_MONCALL digi; struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym; { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym = v; if (anonym->igatelen==0U) return 0; aprstext_strcp(anonym->raw, 500ul, (uint32_t)anonym->igatepos, (uint32_t)anonym->igatelen, digi, 9ul); *gate = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (*gate && X2C_STRCMP((*gate)->call,9u,digi,9u)) { *gate = (*gate)->next; } if (((*gate==0 || !maptool_vistime((*gate)->lasttime)) || !aprspos_posvalid((*gate)->lastpos)) || (uint8_t)(*gate) ->sym.tab<=' ') return 0; } return 1; } /* end getgate() */ static void rftracks(const aprsdecode_MONCALL opcall, char * clrimg) { aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; aprsdecode_pOPHIST ig; float y; float x; float y00; float x0; uint32_t lig; /* track filter off */ char trk; /* show no waypoints so show no rfpath to this */ char nofilt; struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym; op = aprstext_oppo(opcall); aprsdecode_click.ops = op; aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tRFPATH; nofilt = !useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT); trk = aprsdecode_lums.track>1L; if (aprsdecode_click.ops) { aprsdecode_click.pf = aprsdecode_click.ops->frames; while (aprsdecode_click.pf) { if ((trk || aprsdecode_click.pf->next==0) && maptool_vistime(aprsdecode_click.pf->time0)) { { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym = aprsdecode_click.pf->vardat; if (anonym->lastref==aprsdecode_click.pf && (nofilt || !(aprsdecode_click.pf->nodraw&~0x9U) )) { if ((getgate(aprsdecode_click.pf->vardat, &ig) && maptool_mapxy(anonym->pos, &x0, &y00)>=0L) && maptool_mapxy(ig->lastpos, &x, &y)>=-1L) { /* lig:=fade(click.pf^,time, click.ops); lig:=lig*240 DIV 1024*(refcnt+1); */ if (*clrimg) { maptool_clr(rfimg); *clrimg = 0; } lig = 60UL*(anonym->refcnt+1UL); maptool_vector(rfimg, x0, y00, x, y, (int32_t)lig, (int32_t)lig, (int32_t)lig, 256UL, 25.0f); } } } } aprsdecode_click.pf = aprsdecode_click.pf->next; } } } /* end rftracks() */ static void mhtracks(const aprsdecode_MONCALL hcall, char * clrimg) { float y; float x; float y00; float x0; uint32_t lig; aprsdecode_MONCALL digi; aprsdecode_pOPHIST hop; /* track filter off */ char trk; /* show no waypoints so show no rfpath to this */ char nofilt; struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym; hop = aprstext_oppo(hcall); if (hop==0) return; aprsdecode_click.ops = aprsdecode_ophist0; aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tRFPATH; nofilt = !useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT); trk = aprsdecode_lums.track>1L; while (aprsdecode_click.ops) { if (((0x2U & aprsdecode_click.ops->drawhints) ==0 && (0x8U & aprsdecode_click.ops->drawhints)) && (uint8_t)aprsdecode_click.ops->sym.tab>' ') { aprsdecode_click.pf = aprsdecode_click.ops->frames; while (aprsdecode_click.pf) { if ((trk || aprsdecode_click.pf->next==0) && maptool_vistime(aprsdecode_click.pf->time0)) { { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym = aprsdecode_click.pf->vardat; if (anonym->lastref==aprsdecode_click.pf && (nofilt || !(aprsdecode_click.pf->nodraw&~0x9U) )) { if (anonym->igatelen>0U && maptool_mapxy(anonym->pos, &x0, &y00)>=0L) { aprstext_strcp(anonym->raw, 500ul, (uint32_t)anonym->igatepos, (uint32_t)anonym->igatelen, digi, 9ul); if (X2C_STRCMP(hop->call,9u,digi, 9u)==0 && maptool_mapxy(hop->lastpos, &x, &y)>=-1L) { if (*clrimg) { maptool_clr(rfimg); *clrimg = 0; } lig = 50UL*(anonym->refcnt+1UL); maptool_vector(rfimg, x0, y00, x, y, (int32_t)lig, (int32_t)lig, (int32_t)lig, 256UL, 25.0f); } } } } } aprsdecode_click.pf = aprsdecode_click.pf->next; } } aprsdecode_click.ops = aprsdecode_click.ops->next; } } /* end mhtracks() */ #define aprsmap_TMIN (-30) #define aprsmap_TMAX 50 #define aprsmap_INCH 0.254 #define aprsmap_WXNIL 10000.0 static int32_t aprsmap_RED[39] = {33L,63L,112L,156L,199L,47L,104L,156L, 255L,255L,7L,7L,7L,7L,7L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,255L,255L,255L,255L, 255L,255L,255L,255L,255L,219L,156L,128L,104L,82L,63L,43L,26L, 13L,4L}; static int32_t aprsmap_GRN[39] = {33L,63L,112L,156L,199L,7L,7L,7L,7L,82L, 0L,33L,82L,156L,255L,47L,81L,128L,186L,255L,255L,219L,186L, 156L,128L,104L,82L,47L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L}; static int32_t aprsmap_BLU[39] = {33L,63L,112L,156L,199L,47L,104L,156L, 255L,255L,156L,255L,255L,255L,255L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,7L,7L,7L, 7L,7L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L}; #define aprsmap_MAX24 50.0 #define aprsmap_MAX1 5.0 #define aprsmap_TIMESPAN 3600 static int32_t getrain(char what, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op) { aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST f; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; float max1; float r; int32_t ret; ret = 0L; f = op->frames; while (f) { if ((f->next==0 && f->time0+3600UL>=aprsdecode_systime) && aprsdecode_Decode(f->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) { if (what=='1') { max1 = 5.0f; r = dat.wx.rain1; } else { max1 = 50.0f; r = dat.wx.rain24; } if (r<10000.0f) { r = r*0.254f; if (r>200.0f) r = 0.0f; if (r>max1) r = max1; if (r>=0.1f) { ret = (int32_t)aprsdecode_trunc((X2C_DIVR(r, max1))*32767.0f); } } } f = f->next; } return ret; } /* end getrain() */ static int32_t gettemp(aprsdecode_pOPHIST op) { int32_t t; t = (int32_t)op->lasttempalt; if (t>=-30L && t<=50L || (t>=-80L && t<80L) && !useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT)) { /* show or not garbage */ if (t<-30L) t = -30L; else if (t>50L) t = 50L; t = ((t-(-30L))*32766L)/80L+1L; } else t = 0L; return t; } /* end gettemp() */ static int32_t _cnst2[39] = {33L,63L,112L,156L,199L,47L,104L,156L,255L, 255L,156L,255L,255L,255L,255L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,7L,7L,7L,7L,7L, 0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L}; static int32_t _cnst1[39] = {33L,63L,112L,156L,199L,7L,7L,7L,7L,82L,0L,33L, 82L,156L,255L,47L,81L,128L,186L,255L,255L,219L,186L,156L, 128L,104L,82L,47L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L}; static int32_t _cnst0[39] = {33L,63L,112L,156L,199L,47L,104L,156L,255L, 255L,7L,7L,7L,7L,7L,0L,0L,0L,0L,0L,255L,255L,255L,255L,255L, 255L,255L,255L,255L,219L,156L,128L,104L,82L,63L,43L,26L,13L, 4L}; static void metercolor(char what) { float oor; float f1; float f; float qq; float y; float x; int32_t xii; int32_t rbr; int32_t radius; int32_t q; int32_t y00; int32_t x0; int32_t my; int32_t mx; int32_t yi; int32_t xi; int32_t t; uint32_t gb1; uint32_t gb; struct maptool_PIX * anonym; struct maptool_PIX * anonym0; int32_t tmp; int32_t tmp0; radius = (int32_t)aprsdecode_trunc(osic_power(2.0f, maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)+0.2f)); if (radius>1000L) radius = 1000L; if (what=='1') radius = radius/2L; rbr = radius*radius; oor = X2C_DIVR(1.0f,(float)radius); aprsdecode_click.ops = aprsdecode_ophist0; aprsdecode_click.typ = aprsdecode_tMETEOCOLOR; while (aprsdecode_click.ops) { if ((((((aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.ops->lastpos) && (uint8_t) aprsdecode_click.ops->sym.tab>' ') && (aprsdecode_lums.obj>0L || (0x2U & aprsdecode_click.ops->drawhints) ==0)) && maptool_vistime(aprsdecode_click.ops->lasttime)) && maptool_mapxy(aprsdecode_click.ops->lastpos, &x, &y)>=-1L) && aprsdecode_click.ops->temptime+3600UL>aprsdecode_systime) && ((aprsdecode_click.ops->lastinftyp>=100U || what=='1') || what=='R')) { x0 = (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(x,X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); y00 = (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(y,X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); if (((x0>-radius && x0-radius) && y000L) { tmp = radius; yi = -radius; if (yi<=tmp) for (;; yi++) { my = y00+yi; if (my>0L && my0L && mxAdr[(mx) *rfimg->Len0+my]; gb = aprsdecode_trunc(f*1.E+7f)+1UL; if (what=='T' && anonym->r==0U) { anonym->r = (uint16_t)t; } else { gb1 = (uint32_t)anonym->g+(uint32_t) anonym->b*65536UL; f1 = (float)gb1*1.E-7f; if (what=='T') { anonym->r = (uint16_t)(int32_t) X2C_TRUNCI(X2C_DIVR((float)t*f+(float)anonym->r*f1, f+f1),X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint); } else { anonym->r = (uint16_t)(int32_t) X2C_TRUNCI(X2C_DIVR((float)t*f*(1.0f-X2C_DIVR((float)q, (float)rbr))+(float)anonym->r*f1,f+f1),X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint); } if (anonym->r<=0U) { anonym->r = 1U; } gb += gb1; } anonym->g = (uint16_t)((uint32_t) gb&0xFFFFUL); anonym->b = (uint16_t)X2C_LSH((uint32_t) gb,32,-16); } } } else { if (xii<0L) break; xi = 0L; xii = -1L; } xi += xii; } } if (yi==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } } } aprsdecode_click.ops = aprsdecode_click.ops->next; } tmp = maptool_ysize-1L; yi = 0L; if (yi<=tmp) for (;; yi++) { tmp0 = maptool_xsize-1L; xi = 0L; if (xi<=tmp0) for (;; xi++) { { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym0 = &rfimg->Adr[(xi)*rfimg->Len0+yi]; if (anonym0->r>0U) { if (what=='T') { t = (int32_t)(((uint32_t)anonym0->r*80UL)/32768UL); t = t/2L; if (t<0L) t = 0L; else if (t>38L) t = 38L; anonym0->r = (uint16_t)(_cnst0[t]*2L); anonym0->g = (uint16_t)(_cnst1[t]*2L); anonym0->b = (uint16_t)(_cnst2[t]*2L); } else if (what=='1') { anonym0->r = (uint16_t)((((uint32_t) anonym0->r*1000UL+1048576UL)/2097152UL)*64UL); anonym0->b = 0U; anonym0->g = 0U; } else { anonym0->b = (uint16_t)((((uint32_t) anonym0->r*1000UL+1048576UL)/2097152UL)*64UL); anonym0->r = 0U; anonym0->g = anonym0->b; } } } if (xi==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ if (yi==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end metercolor() */ static void revert(void) { aprsdecode_pOPHIST on; aprsdecode_pOPHIST oo; aprsdecode_pOPHIST o; oo = 0; o = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (o) { on = o->next; o->next = oo; oo = o; o = on; } aprsdecode_ophist0 = oo; } /* end revert() */ #define aprsmap_DAY 86400 static char deletelogfile(char all) { aprsdecode_FILENAME fn; aprsdecode_FILENAME fnd; uint32_t days; uint32_t t; uint32_t cnt; char ok0; char s[101]; t = aprsdecode_realtime; if (!all) { days = (uint32_t)useri_conf2int(useri_fLOGDAYS, 0UL, 0L, 1000000L, 31L); if (days==0UL) return 0; /* keep files forever */ if (t>days*86400UL) t -= days*86400UL; else t = 0UL; if (t<1388534400UL) return 1; } useri_confstr(useri_fLOGWFN, fn, 1024ul); aprsstr_Assign(fnd, 1024ul, fn, 1024ul); cnt = 0UL; do { memcpy(fnd,fn,1024u); aprstext_logfndate(t, fnd, 1024ul); if (X2C_STRCMP(fnd,1024u,fn,1024u)==0) return 0; /* not dayly log */ osi_Erase(fnd, 1024ul, &ok0); if (ok0) ++cnt; t -= 86400UL; } while (t>=1388534400UL); /* oldest possible file */ if (cnt>0UL) { aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)cnt, 1UL, s, 101ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 101ul, " Rawlog(s) Deleted", 19ul); useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 5UL, 6UL, 'b', s, 101ul); } return 1; } /* end deletelogfile() */ #define aprsmap_TODATE "\003" #define aprsmap_TOSTART "\001" #define aprsmap_BACK "\002" #define aprsmap_FORW "\004" #define aprsmap_TOEND "\005" #define aprsmap_TONOW "\006" #define aprsmap_RDWLOG "\007" #define aprsmap_ASKDELLOG "\010" #define aprsmap_NODELLOG "\011" #define aprsmap_DELLOG "\012" #define aprsmap_DAY0 86400 static void toend(int32_t * logredcnt, uint32_t * lastread, uint32_t * logstarttime, char find0[13], char fn[1025], uint32_t * fromto) { *fromto = aprsdecode_realtime; for (;;) { if (aprsdecode_quit) break; *fromto -= aprsdecode_lums.firstdim; rdlog(&aprsdecode_ophist0, fn, 1025ul, *fromto, *fromto+aprsdecode_lums.firstdim, find0, 13ul, logstarttime, lastread, logredcnt); if (*logredcnt<0L) *fromto = ( *fromto/86400UL)*86400UL; if (*logredcnt>0L || *fromto<1388534400UL) break; } } /* end toend() */ static void tobegin(int32_t * logredcnt, uint32_t * lastread, uint32_t * logstarttime, char find0[13], char fn[1025], uint32_t * fromto) { *fromto = 1388534400UL; for (;;) { if (aprsdecode_quit) break; rdlog(&aprsdecode_ophist0, fn, 1025ul, *fromto, *fromto+aprsdecode_lums.firstdim, find0, 13ul, logstarttime, lastread, logredcnt); if (*logredcnt>0L || *fromto>aprsdecode_realtime) break; if (find0[0U] && *logredcnt>=0L) { /* look for call so read whole day */ *fromto += aprsdecode_lums.firstdim; } else *fromto = ( *fromto/86400UL+1UL)*86400UL; } } /* end tobegin() */ static void clrstk(void) { tabview.stkpo = 0UL; tabview.stktop = 0UL; aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] = 0; aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab = 0; aprsdecode_click.entries = 0UL; } /* end clrstk() */ static void importlog(char cmd) { uint32_t th; uint32_t logstarttime; uint32_t lastread; uint32_t fromto; char h1[1025]; char h[1025]; char fn[1025]; char find0[13]; char color; char ok0; int32_t logredcnt; char tmp; h[0U] = 0; find0[0U] = 0; fn[0U] = 0; color = 'e'; logredcnt = 0L; logstarttime = 0UL; /*WrInt(ORD(cmd), 1); WrStrLn(" cmd"); */ if (cmd=='\012') { useri_confstr(useri_fLOGWFN, fn, 1025ul); ok0 = 0; if (fn[0U]) { if (deletelogfile(1)) ok0 = 1; else osi_Erase(fn, 1025ul, &ok0); } if (ok0) { strncpy(h,"[",1025u); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, fn, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, "] deleted", 10ul); } else { strncpy(h,"cannot delete [",1025u); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, fn, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, "]", 2ul); } } else if (cmd=='\010') { useri_confstr(useri_fLOGWFN, fn, 1025ul); if (fn[0U]==0) strncpy(h,"no logfile defined",1025u); else { if (useri_guesssize(fn, 1025ul, h, 1025ul)>=0L) { aprsstr_Append(fn, 1025ul, "] ", 3ul); aprsstr_Append(fn, 1025ul, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(fn, 1025ul, h, 1025ul); strncpy(h,"Logfile [",1025u); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, fn, 1025ul); } else strncpy(h,"no logfile found",1025u); color = 'r'; } } else if (cmd!='\011') { useri_confstr(useri_fLOGDATE, h, 1025ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToTime(h, 1025ul, &fromto)) fromto = 0UL; else if (fromto>useri_localtime()) fromto -= useri_localtime(); lastread = fromto; if (cmd=='\006' || cmd=='\007') { if (aprsdecode_lums.logmode) { /* exit logmode */ clrstk(); aprsdecode_purge(&aprsdecode_ophist0, X2C_max_longcard, X2C_max_longcard); aprsdecode_ophist0 = aprsdecode_ophist2; aprsdecode_ophist2 = 0; aprsdecode_lums.logmode = 0; aprsdecode_systime = aprsdecode_realtime; } if (cmd=='\007') { useri_confstr(useri_fLOGWFN, fn, 1025ul); clrstk(); aprsdecode_purge(&aprsdecode_ophist0, X2C_max_longcard, X2C_max_longcard); aprsdecode_systime = osic_time(); if (fn[0U]) { rdlog(&aprsdecode_ophist0, fn, 1025ul, aprsdecode_systime-aprsdecode_lums.purgetime, aprsdecode_systime, "", 1ul, &logstarttime, &lastread, &logredcnt); revert(); aprsdecode_purge(&aprsdecode_ophist0, aprsdecode_systime-aprsdecode_lums.purgetime, aprsdecode_systime-aprsdecode_lums.purgetimeobj); aprsdecode_tracenew.winevent = 0UL; } else strncpy(h,"need filename",1025u); } fromto = aprsdecode_systime; } else { useri_confstr(useri_fLOGFN, fn, 1025ul); if (aprsdecode_lums.logmode) { clrstk(); aprsdecode_purge(&aprsdecode_ophist0, X2C_max_longcard, X2C_max_longcard); } else { aprsdecode_ophist2 = aprsdecode_ophist0; aprsdecode_ophist0 = 0; aprsdecode_lums.logmode = 1; } useri_confstr(useri_fLOGDATE, h, 1025ul); if (!aprsstr_StrToTime(h, 1025ul, &fromto)) fromto = 0UL; else if (fromto>useri_localtime()) fromto -= useri_localtime(); logredcnt = 0L; if (fromto>aprsdecode_realtime) fromto = aprsdecode_realtime; else if (fromto<1388534400UL) fromto = 1388534400UL; useri_confstr(useri_fLOGFIND, find0, 13ul); /* find call in log */ if (cmd=='\001') { tobegin(&logredcnt, &lastread, &logstarttime, find0, fn, &fromto); } else if (cmd=='\002') { for (;;) { if (aprsdecode_quit) break; fromto -= aprsdecode_lums.firstdim; rdlog(&aprsdecode_ophist0, fn, 1025ul, fromto, fromto+aprsdecode_lums.firstdim, find0, 13ul, &logstarttime, &lastread, &logredcnt); if (logredcnt<0L) fromto = (fromto/86400UL)*86400UL; if (logredcnt>0L || fromto<1388534400UL) break; } if (logredcnt<=0L) { tobegin(&logredcnt, &lastread, &logstarttime, find0, fn, &fromto); } } else if (cmd=='\005') { toend(&logredcnt, &lastread, &logstarttime, find0, fn, &fromto); } else if (cmd=='\004') { for (;;) { if (aprsdecode_quit) break; fromto += aprsdecode_lums.firstdim; rdlog(&aprsdecode_ophist0, fn, 1025ul, fromto, fromto+aprsdecode_lums.firstdim, find0, 13ul, &logstarttime, &lastread, &logredcnt); if (logredcnt>0L || fromto>aprsdecode_realtime) break; } if (logredcnt<=0L) { toend(&logredcnt, &lastread, &logstarttime, find0, fn, &fromto); } } else if (cmd=='\003') { rdlog(&aprsdecode_ophist0, fn, 1025ul, fromto, fromto+aprsdecode_lums.firstdim, find0, 13ul, &logstarttime, &lastread, &logredcnt); } if (logredcnt>0L) { aprsdecode_systime = lastread; revert(); aprsdecode_purge(&aprsdecode_ophist0, aprsdecode_systime-aprsdecode_lums.purgetime, aprsdecode_systime-aprsdecode_lums.purgetime); lastread = fromto; } aprsdecode_tracenew.winevent = 0UL; } aprsstr_DateToStr(lastread+useri_localtime(), h, 1025ul); h[16U] = 0; useri_AddConfLine(useri_fLOGDATE, 0U, h, 1025ul); if (logredcnt>0L) { aprsstr_IntToStr(logredcnt, 1UL, h, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, " Lines ", 8ul); th = (aprsdecode_systime-logstarttime)/60UL; aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)(th/60UL), 1UL, h1, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, h1, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, "h", 2ul); th = th%60UL; aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, (char *)(tmp = (char)(th/10UL+48UL),&tmp), 1u/1u); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, (char *)(tmp = (char)(th%10UL+48UL),&tmp), 1u/1u); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, "m from\012", 8ul); aprstext_DateLocToStr(logstarttime, h1, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, h1, 1025ul); /* Append(h, LF+"to "); DateLocToStr(systime, h1); Append(h, h1); */ color = 'b'; } else if (logstarttime>0UL) { strncpy(h,"no data at ",1025u); aprstext_DateLocToStr(fromto+useri_localtime(), h1, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, h1, 1025ul); if (aprsdecode_systime=1UL) { aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, " (log start ", 13ul); aprstext_DateLocToStr(logstarttime, h1, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, h1, 1025ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 1025ul, ")", 2ul); } } else if (fn[0U]) strncpy(h,"no Data found",1025u); if (cmd=='\006') strncpy(h,"back to Realtime",1025u); } useri_say(h, 1025ul, 0UL, color); useri_refrlog(); } /* end importlog() */ static void bootreadlog(void) { char fn[1000]; char s[1000]; uint32_t lastt; uint32_t logt; int32_t logredcnt; useri_confstr(useri_fLOGWFN, fn, 1000ul); if (!useri_configon(useri_fLOGWFN) || fn[0U]==0) { useri_say("No Log File Enabled", 20ul, 5UL, 'b'); useri_redraw(image); } else { useri_say("Reading Log ...", 16ul, 0UL, 'b'); useri_redraw(image); aprsdecode_realtime = osic_time(); logt = aprsdecode_realtime-aprsdecode_lums.purgetime; /* start from now - data in ram */ logredcnt = 0L; rdlog(&aprsdecode_ophist0, fn, 1000ul, logt, aprsdecode_realtime, "", 1ul, &logt, &lastt, &logredcnt); if (logredcnt>0L) { aprsstr_IntToStr(logredcnt, 1UL, s, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, " lines \'", 9ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, fn, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\' imported", 11ul); useri_say(s, 1000ul, 4UL, 'b'); useri_redraw(image); } else { strncpy(s,"logile \'",1000u); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, fn, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\' not found", 12ul); useri_say(s, 1000ul, 6UL, 'r'); useri_redraw(image); } } revert(); aprsdecode_purge(&aprsdecode_ophist0, osic_time()-aprsdecode_lums.purgetime, osic_time()-aprsdecode_lums.purgetimeobj); logdone = 1; } /* end bootreadlog() */ static char IsInbMultisymb(char tab, char pic) { uint32_t t; t = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)pic; if (t<32UL) return 0; t -= 32UL; if (t>=192UL) return 0; if (tab!='/') t += 96UL; return X2C_INL(t,192,aprsdecode_click.onesymbolset); } /* end IsInbMultisymb() */ static void markvisable(const aprsdecode_MONCALL singlecall) { aprsdecode_pOPHIST singleop; aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; struct aprspos_POSITION rightdown; struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym; singleop = aprstext_oppo(singlecall); maptool_xytodeg((float)maptool_xsize, 0.0f, &rightdown); op = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (op) { { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym = op; if ((((aprspos_posvalid(anonym->lastpos) && maptool_vistime(anonym->lasttime)) && (op==singleop || ((((singleop==0 && anonym->margin0.long0<=rightdown.long0) && anonym->margin0.lat>=rightdown.lat) && anonym->margin1.long0>=aprsdecode_mappos.long0) && anonym->margin1.lat<=aprsdecode_mappos.lat) && ((aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab==0 || aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab=='*' ) || anonym->sym.pic==aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.pic && (anonym->sym.tab==aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab || aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab=='\\' && anonym->sym.tab!='/') ))) && (aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab!='*' || IsInbMultisymb(anonym->sym.tab, anonym->sym.pic))) && ((op==singleop || aprsdecode_lums.obj>0L) || (0x2U & anonym->drawhints)==0)) anonym->drawhints |= 0x8U; else anonym->drawhints = anonym->drawhints&~0x18U; op = anonym->next; } } aprsdecode_tracenew.winpos0 = aprsdecode_mappos; aprsdecode_tracenew.winpos1 = rightdown; } /* end markvisable() */ static aprsdecode_pOPHIST findop(const char call[], uint32_t call_len, char totable) { aprsdecode_pOPHIST opfound; aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; aprsdecode_MONCALL Mc; aprsdecode_MONCALL mc0; uint32_t i; char c; c = 0; for (i = 0UL; i<=8UL; i++) { if (i<=call_len-1) { mc0[i] = call[i]; if (c!='*') c = X2C_CAP(call[i]); if (c=='*') Mc[i] = '?'; else Mc[i] = c; } else { mc0[i] = 0; Mc[i] = 0; } } /* end for */ if (totable) { aprsdecode_click.entries = 0UL; aprsdecode_click.selected = 0UL; } op = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (op) { opfound = 0; if (X2C_STRCMP(op->call,9u,mc0,9u)==0) opfound = op; else { i = 0UL; for (;;) { if (Mc[i]!='?' && Mc[i]!=op->call[i]) break; ++i; if (i>8UL) { opfound = op; break; } } } if (opfound && maptool_vistime(opfound->lasttime)) { if (!totable) return opfound; if (aprsdecode_click.entries>9UL) { return aprsdecode_click.table[0UL].opf; } aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.entries].opf = opfound; aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.entries].pff = 0; aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.entries].pff0 = 0; aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.entries] .typf = aprsdecode_tSYMBOL; aprsdecode_click.selected = 0UL; ++aprsdecode_click.entries; } op = op->next; } if (aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL) return aprsdecode_click.table[0UL].opf; else return 0; return 0; } /* end findop() */ static void reset(struct aprspos_POSITION * pos1, struct aprspos_POSITION * pos0) { pos0->lat = (-10.0f); pos0->long0 = 10.0f; pos1->lat = 10.0f; pos1->long0 = (-10.0f); } /* end reset() */ static void max0(struct aprspos_POSITION * pos1, struct aprspos_POSITION * pos0, struct aprspos_POSITION p) { if (aprspos_posvalid(p)) { if (pos0->latlat = p.lat; if (pos1->lat>p.lat) pos1->lat = p.lat; if (pos0->long0>p.long0) pos0->long0 = p.long0; if (pos1->long0long0 = p.long0; } } /* end max() */ static void findsize(struct aprspos_POSITION * pos0, struct aprspos_POSITION * pos1, const aprsdecode_MONCALL opcall, char typ) { aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST f; aprsdecode_pVARDAT v; aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; aprsdecode_pOPHIST ig; uint32_t gl; uint32_t j; uint32_t i; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; char nofilt; char trk; struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym; struct aprsdecode_FRAMEHIST * anonym0; reset(pos1, pos0); op = aprstext_oppo(opcall); nofilt = !useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT); trk = aprsdecode_lums.track>1L; if (op) { if (typ=='S') { *pos0 = op->lastpos; *pos1 = *pos0; } else if (typ=='T' || typ=='R') { if (typ=='R') { ig = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (ig) { ig->drawhints = ig->drawhints&~0x18U; ig = ig->next; } op->drawhints |= 0x8U; } f = op->frames; while (f) { v = f->vardat; if ((trk || f->next==0) && aprspos_posvalid(v->pos)) { { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym = v; if (maptool_vistime(f->time0) && (nofilt || !(f->nodraw&~0x9U))) { max0(pos1, pos0, anonym->pos); if (typ=='R' && getgate(v, &ig)) { ig->drawhints |= 0x8U; max0(pos1, pos0, ig->lastpos); } } } } f = f->next; } } else if (typ=='H') { /* WrStr(typ); WrFixed(pos0.lat, 4,10);WrFixed(pos0.lat, 4,10); WrFixed(pos0.long, 4,10); WrFixed(pos1.lat, 4,10); WrFixed(pos1.long, 4,10); WrStr(op^.call); WrLn; */ /* mark all heard this op */ gl = aprsstr_Length(op->call, 9ul); if (gl>0UL) { ig = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (ig) { ig->drawhints = ig->drawhints&~0x18U; if ((0x2U & ig->drawhints)==0 && maptool_vistime(ig->lasttime) ) { f = ig->frames; for (;;) { if (f==0) break; { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_FRAMEHIST * anonym0 = f; if (((((trk || f->next==0) && maptool_vistime(anonym0->time0)) && aprspos_posvalid(anonym0->vardat->pos)) && (nofilt || !(f->nodraw&~0x9U))) && (uint32_t) anonym0->vardat->igatelen==gl) { j = (uint32_t)anonym0->vardat->igatepos; i = 0UL; while (anonym0->vardat->raw[j]==op->call[i]) { ++j; ++i; if (i>=gl) { ig->drawhints |= 0x8U; max0(pos1, pos0, anonym0->vardat->pos); goto loop_exit; } } } } f = f->next; } loop_exit:; if ((0x8U & ig->drawhints)) { max0(pos1, pos0, ig->lastpos); /* show symbol in map size */ } } ig = ig->next; } op->drawhints |= 0x8U; max0(pos1, pos0, op->lastpos); } } } if (typ=='O') { /* mark all objects of this op */ ig = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (ig) { ig->drawhints = ig->drawhints&~0x18U; if (((0x2U & ig->drawhints) && aprspos_posvalid(ig->lastpos)) && maptool_vistime(ig->lasttime)) { f = ig->frames; if (f) { while (f->next) f = f->next; if ((aprsdecode_Decode(f->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L && (dat.type==aprsdecode_OBJ || dat.type==aprsdecode_ITEM) ) && X2C_STRCMP(dat.objectfrom,9u,opcall,9u)==0) { ig->drawhints |= 0x8U; max0(pos1, pos0, ig->lastpos); } } } ig = ig->next; } } if ((((float)fabs(pos0->lat)>1.5707963267949f || (float) fabs(pos1->lat)>1.5707963267949f) || (float) fabs(pos0->long0)>3.1415926535898f) || (float) fabs(pos1->long0)>3.1415926535898f) { aprsdecode_posinval(pos0); aprsdecode_posinval(pos1); } maptool_limpos(pos0); maptool_limpos(pos1); /* WrFixed(pos0.long*180.0/pi, 5,10); WrFixed(pos0.lat*180.0/pi, 5,10); WrFixed(pos1.long*180.0/pi, 5,10); WrFixed(pos1.lat*180.0/pi, 5,10); WrLn; */ } /* end findsize() */ static void pantoop(aprsdecode_pOPHIST op) { struct aprspos_POSITION p; struct aprspos_POSITION rightdown; float cf; float m; if (op && aprspos_posvalid(op->lastpos)) { maptool_xytodeg((float)maptool_xsize, 0.0f, &rightdown); p = op->lastpos; cf = (float)aprsdecode_lums.centering*0.005f; /* hold obj in percent of image to center */ m = (rightdown.long0-aprsdecode_mappos.long0)*cf; if (p.long0-mrightdown.long0) { aprsdecode_mappos.long0 = (aprsdecode_mappos.long0+p.long0+m) -rightdown.long0; } m = (aprsdecode_mappos.lat-rightdown.lat)*cf; if (p.lat+m>aprsdecode_mappos.lat) aprsdecode_mappos.lat = p.lat+m; else if (p.lat-m0C) THEN pantoop(findop(click.mhop, FALSE)) END; END; END toggview; */ static void push(float newzoom) { uint32_t i; struct TABS * anonym; struct VIEW * anonym0; uint32_t tmp; { /* with */ struct TABS * anonym = &tabview; if (((anonym->stkpo==0UL || anonym->posstk[anonym->stkpo-1UL] .pos.lat!=aprsdecode_mappos.lat) || anonym->posstk[anonym->stkpo-1UL] .pos.long0!=aprsdecode_mappos.long0) || (int32_t) X2C_TRUNCI(anonym->posstk[anonym->stkpo-1UL].zoom*10.0f, X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint)!=(int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(newzoom*10.0f, X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint)) { { /* with */ struct VIEW * anonym0 = &anonym->posstk[anonym->stkpo]; anonym0->pos = aprsdecode_mappos; anonym0->zoom = newzoom; memcpy(anonym0->mhop,aprsdecode_click.mhop,9u); anonym0->onesymbol = aprsdecode_click.onesymbol; memcpy(anonym0->onesymbolset,aprsdecode_click.onesymbolset,24u); anonym0->rf = aprsdecode_lums.rf; anonym0->lumtrack = aprsdecode_lums.track; anonym0->lumwaypoint = aprsdecode_lums.waypoint; anonym0->lummap = aprsdecode_lums.map; anonym0->lumsym = aprsdecode_lums.sym; anonym0->lumobj = aprsdecode_lums.obj; anonym0->mhtxv = mhtx; anonym0->wxcol = aprsdecode_lums.wxcol; anonym0->lumtext = aprsdecode_lums.text; memcpy(anonym0->mapname,aprsdecode_lums.mapname,41u); /* altimap:=click.altimap; */ anonym0->focus = aprsdecode_click.watchmhop; } if (anonym->stkpo<19UL) ++anonym->stkpo; else { tmp = anonym->stkpo-1UL; i = 1UL; if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) { anonym->posstk[i] = anonym->posstk[i+1UL]; if (i==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } if (anonym->stktopstkpo) anonym->stktop = anonym->stkpo; } } } /* end push() */ static void pop(void) { struct TABS * anonym; struct VIEW * anonym0; { /* with */ struct TABS * anonym = &tabview; if (anonym->stkpo>0UL) { --anonym->stkpo; if (((anonym->stkpo>0UL && anonym->posstk[anonym->stkpo] .pos.lat==aprsdecode_mappos.lat) && anonym->posstk[anonym->stkpo] .pos.long0==aprsdecode_mappos.long0) && (int32_t) X2C_TRUNCI(anonym->posstk[anonym->stkpo].zoom*10.0f, X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint)==(int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)*10.0f,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint)) --anonym->stkpo; { /* with */ struct VIEW * anonym0 = &anonym->posstk[anonym->stkpo]; aprsdecode_mappos = anonym0->pos; aprsdecode_finezoom = anonym0->zoom; aprsdecode_initzoom = (int32_t) aprsdecode_trunc(aprsdecode_finezoom); aprsdecode_finezoom = (aprsdecode_finezoom-(float) aprsdecode_initzoom)+1.0f; memcpy(aprsdecode_click.mhop,anonym0->mhop,9u); aprsdecode_click.onesymbol = anonym0->onesymbol; memcpy(aprsdecode_click.onesymbolset,anonym0->onesymbolset,24u); aprsdecode_lums.rf = anonym0->rf; mhtx = anonym0->mhtxv; aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = anonym0->wxcol; aprsdecode_lums.text = anonym0->lumtext; if (anonym0->lumtext>0L) { useri_int2cfg(useri_fLTEXT, anonym0->lumtext/10L); } aprsdecode_lums.track = anonym0->lumtrack; if (anonym0->lumtrack>0L) { useri_int2cfg(useri_fLTRACK, anonym0->lumtrack/10L); } aprsdecode_lums.waypoint = anonym0->lumwaypoint; if (anonym0->lumwaypoint>0L) { useri_int2cfg(useri_fLWAY, anonym0->lumwaypoint/10L); } aprsdecode_lums.map = anonym0->lummap; if (anonym0->lummap>0L) { useri_int2cfg(useri_fLMAP, anonym0->lummap/10L); } aprsdecode_lums.sym = anonym0->lumsym; if (anonym0->lumsym>0L) { useri_int2cfg(useri_fLSYM, anonym0->lumsym/10L); } aprsdecode_lums.obj = anonym0->lumobj; if (anonym0->lumobj>0L) { useri_int2cfg(useri_fLOBJ, anonym0->lumobj/10L); } memcpy(aprsdecode_lums.mapname,anonym0->mapname,41u); /* click.altimap:=altimap; */ aprsdecode_click.watchmhop = anonym0->focus; } aprsdecode_lums.moving = 0; } maptool_mercator(aprsdecode_mappos.long0, aprsdecode_mappos.lat, aprsdecode_initzoom, &aprsdecode_inittilex, &aprsdecode_inittiley, &maptool_shiftx, &maptool_shifty); } /* lums.wxcol:=0C; */ } /* end pop() */ static void toggview(void) { /* switch to alternate view stack */ struct TABS tmp; push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); tmp = tabview; if (alttabview.stkpo==0UL) { /* alternate stack empty so clone actual entry */ alttabview.posstk[0U] = tabview.posstk[tabview.stkpo-1UL]; alttabview.stkpo = 1UL; alttabview.stktop = 1UL; } tabview = alttabview; alttabview = tmp; aprsdecode_lums.moving = 0; pop(); if (aprsdecode_click.watchmhop && aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL]) { pantoop(findop(aprsdecode_click.mhop, 9ul, 0)); } } /* end toggview() */ static int32_t getant(uint8_t a) { return useri_conf2int(a, 0UL, -1000000L, 100000L, -1000000L); } /* end getant() */ static void closeradio(void) { if (aprsdecode_click.withradio) maptool_closesrtmfile(); aprsdecode_click.withradio = 0; aprsdecode_click.panorama = 0; } /* end closeradio() */ static void measureline(maptool_pIMAGE img, struct aprspos_POSITION pos0, struct aprspos_POSITION pos1, int32_t pos0alt) { float el2; float el1; float mhz; float a2; float a1; float dist; float y1; float x1; float y00; float x0; int32_t ret; int32_t wave; int32_t ant2; int32_t ant1; char vec; char altok; char ant1obj; char ok0; char h[100]; char s[100]; if ((((aprspos_posvalid(pos0) && aprspos_posvalid(pos1)) && (pos0.lat!=pos1.lat || pos0.long0!=pos1.long0)) && maptool_mapxy(pos0, &x0, &y00)>=-1L) && maptool_mapxy(pos1, &x1, &y1)>=-1L) { vec = 1; ok0 = 0; altok = 0; if (!aprsdecode_click.withradio || aprsdecode_click.altimap) { ant1 = getant(useri_fANT1); ant2 = getant(useri_fANT2); mhz = useri_conf2real(useri_fFRESNELL, 0UL, 0.0f, X2C_max_real, 0.0f); if (mhz>=0.1f) { wave = (int32_t)aprsdecode_trunc(X2C_DIVR(3.E+5f,mhz)); } else wave = 0L; if ((ant1>-1000000L && ant2>-1000000L) && useri_configon(useri_fGEOPROFIL)) { ant1obj = (useri_gpsalt(useri_fANT1) && pos0alt<100000L) && pos0alt>-10000L; /* take alt from waypoint NN */ if (ant1obj) ant1 += pos0alt; ret = maptool_geoprofile(img, pos0, pos1, (float)wave*0.001f, ant1obj, ant1, ant2, &dist, &a1, &a2, &el1, &el2); if (ret==0L) { ok0 = 1; vec = 0; altok = 1; } else if (ret==-1L) { strncpy(s,"Radiolink: need altitude data on Marker Positions", 100u); } else strncpy(s,"Radiolink: distance too long",100u); } else { dist = aprspos_distance(pos0, pos1)*1000.0f; ok0 = 1; } if (ok0) { aprsstr_FixToStr(dist*0.001f, 4UL, s, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "km ", 4ul); if (altok) { aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "\367", 2ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(a1,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint), 0UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "m/", 3ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(a2,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint), 0UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "m \376", 4ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "az:", 4ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(aprspos_azimuth(pos0, pos1), 2UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "\177/", 3ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(aprspos_azimuth(pos1, pos0), 2UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "\177 ", 3ul); if (altok) { aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "\367ele:", 6ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(el1, 2UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "\177/", 3ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(el2, 2UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "\177 \376", 4ul); } if (mhz>=0.1f) { aprsstr_FixToStr(32.2f+8.685889638065f*osic_ln(dist*0.001f*mhz) , 2UL, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, h, 100ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 100ul, "dBi", 4ul); } useri_textautosize(-3L, 0L, 7UL, 20UL, 'h', s, 100ul); } else useri_textautosize(-3L, 0L, 3UL, 2UL, 'r', s, 100ul); } if (vec) { maptool_vector(img, x0, y00, x1, y1, 20L, 220L, 20L, 350UL, 0.0f); } } } /* end measureline() */ static int32_t geobri(void) { return useri_conf2int(useri_fGEOBRIGHTNESS, 0UL, 0L, 100L, 30L); } /* end geobri() */ static int32_t geocontr(void) { return useri_conf2int(useri_fGEOCONTRAST, 0UL, 0L, 10000L, 0L); } /* end geocontr() */ /* PROCEDURE panorama(img:pIMAGE; pos:POSITION; col:COLTYP; VAR abo:BOOLEAN); CONST ALTINVAL=-10000; VAR ant:INTEGER; BEGIN IF posvalid(pos) THEN ant:=getant(fANT1); IF ant>ALTINVAL THEN Panorama(img, pos, ant, col, abo); ELSE textautosize(0, 0, 3, 2, "r", "Panorama: need Antenna higth") END END; END panorama; */ #define aprsmap_ALTINVAL (-10000) static void radioimage(maptool_pIMAGE img, struct aprspos_POSITION pos, uint32_t colnum, char * abo) { int32_t qual; int32_t ant3; int32_t ant2; int32_t ant1; if (aprspos_posvalid(pos)) { ant1 = getant(useri_fANT1); ant2 = getant(useri_fANT2); ant3 = getant(useri_fANT3); if (colnum && ant2>-10000L) ant1 = ant2; if (ant1>-10000L && ant3>-10000L) { qual = (int32_t)useri_confflags(useri_fSRTMCACHE, 0UL); maptool_Radiorange(img, pos, ant1, ant3, (uint32_t)geocontr(), (uint32_t)(colnum!=0UL), (uint32_t)qual, abo); } else { useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 3UL, 2UL, 'r', "Radiolink: need Antenna h\ igths", 31ul); } } } /* end radioimage() */ static void getgeocol(uint8_t c, int32_t bri, uint32_t dr, uint32_t dg, uint32_t db, struct aprsdecode_COLTYP * col) { col->r = (uint32_t)((useri_conf2int(c, 0UL, 0L, 100L, (int32_t)dr)*bri)/100L); col->g = (uint32_t)((useri_conf2int(c, 1UL, 0L, 100L, (int32_t)dg)*bri)/100L); col->b = (uint32_t)((useri_conf2int(c, 2UL, 0L, 100L, (int32_t)db)*bri)/100L); } /* end getgeocol() */ static void reliefcolors(maptool_pIMAGE img, char color) { uint32_t bri2; uint32_t bri; int32_t def; uint32_t y; uint32_t x; struct maptool_PIX * anonym; uint32_t tmp; uint32_t tmp0; def = geobri(); getgeocol(useri_fCOLMARK1, def, 100UL, 0UL, 0UL, &radio.c1); /* marker 1 defaults to red */ getgeocol(useri_fCOLMARK2, def, 0UL, 100UL, 0UL, &radio.c2); /* marker 2 defaults to green */ tmp = img->Len0-1; y = 0UL; if (y<=tmp) for (;; y++) { tmp0 = img->Len1-1; x = 0UL; if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) { { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym = &img->Adr[(x)*img->Len0+y]; if (color) { bri = (uint32_t)anonym->r; bri2 = (uint32_t)anonym->g; anonym->r = (uint16_t)((radio.c1.r*bri+radio.c2.r*bri2) /100UL); anonym->g = (uint16_t)((radio.c1.g*bri+radio.c2.g*bri2) /100UL); anonym->b = (uint16_t)((radio.c1.b*bri+radio.c2.b*bri2) /100UL); } else { /* ELSE r:=r*bri DIV 100; g:=r; b:=r END; */ bri = (uint32_t)(((int32_t)anonym->r*def)/100L); anonym->r = (uint16_t)bri; anonym->g = (uint16_t)bri; anonym->b = (uint16_t)bri; } } if (x==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ if (y==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end reliefcolors() */ static void copypastepos(struct aprspos_POSITION pos) /* in decimal deg */ { char h[101]; char s[101]; aprsstr_FixToStr(X2C_DIVR(pos.lat,1.7453292519444E-2f), 6UL, s, 101ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 101ul, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(X2C_DIVR(pos.long0,1.7453292519444E-2f), 6UL, h, 101ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 101ul, h, 101ul); useri_copypaste(s, 101ul); /* PROCEDURE testlist(op:pOPHIST); VAR pf:pFRAMEHIST; BEGIN WrStrLn(op^.call); pf:=op^.frames; WHILE pf<>NIL DO WrCard(CAST(CARDINAL, pf^.vardat), 15); WrInt(pf^.vardat^.igatelen, 10); WrFixed(pf^.vardat^.pos.long, 4, 10); WrFixed(pf^.vardat^.pos.lat, 4, 10); WrLn; pf:=pf^.next; END; WrLn; END testlist; */ } /* end copypastepos() */ static void centerpos(struct aprspos_POSITION centpos, struct aprspos_POSITION * newpos) { maptool_center(maptool_xsize, maptool_ysize, maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom), centpos, newpos); } /* end centerpos() */ #define aprsmap_MARGIN 0.07 #define aprsmap_YMARGIN 0.025 static void mapzoom(struct aprspos_POSITION pos0, struct aprspos_POSITION pos1, uint32_t maxz, char withmargin) { float wmax; float wy; float wx; float fo; struct aprspos_POSITION testpos; struct aprspos_POSITION pos2; struct aprspos_POSITION mid; struct aprspos_POSITION mo; char blown; char nofit; char done; int32_t testty; int32_t testtx; float steps; float testshy; float testshx; if (!aprspos_posvalid(pos0) || !aprspos_posvalid(pos1)) return; push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); wx = pos1.long0-pos0.long0; wy = pos0.lat-pos1.lat; pos0.lat = pos0.lat+X2C_DIVR(wy*(float)aprsdecode_lums.fontysize, (float)maptool_ysize); pos1.lat = pos1.lat-X2C_DIVR(wy*(float)aprsdecode_lums.fontysize*0.25f, (float)maptool_ysize); wy = pos0.lat-pos1.lat; wmax = wx; if (wmax0L) { centerpos(mid, &testpos); maptool_mercator(testpos.long0, testpos.lat, aprsdecode_initzoom, &testtx, &testty, &testshx, &testshy); maptool_loadmap(image, testtx, testty, aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom, testshx, testshy, &done, &blown, useri_configon(useri_fALLOWEXP), 1); } else done = 1; /* test if map is complete */ if (maptool_mapxy(pos2, &wx, &wy)<0L) nofit = 1; else { if (done) break; nofit = 0; } /* IF (mapxy(pos2, wx, wy)>=0) OR (initzoom<=MINZOOM) THEN EXIT END; */ --aprsdecode_initzoom; } if (aprsdecode_initzoom!=(int32_t)maxz) tooltips('b'); /* fine zoom */ aprsdecode_finezoom = 1.0f; /*IF initzoom1.95f || maptool_mapxy(pos2, &wx, &wy)<0L) { break; } } aprsdecode_finezoom = fo; } mo = aprsdecode_mappos; centerpos(mid, &aprsdecode_mappos); if (aprsdecode_mappos.lat=-1L) && maptool_mapxy(aprsdecode_click.squerpos1, &x1, &y00)>=-1L) { col.r = 0UL; col.g = 60UL; col.b = 0UL; maptool_area(img, (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(x0,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint), (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(y00,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint), (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(x1,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint), (int32_t)X2C_TRUNCI(y1,X2C_min_longint, X2C_max_longint), col, 1); } } /* end drawsquer() */ #define aprsmap_R 300 #define aprsmap_G 300 #define aprsmap_B 200 #define aprsmap_W 350 static void drawzoomsquer(maptool_pIMAGE img) { float y1; float x1; float y; float x; if (aprsdecode_click.zoomtox>=0L) { x = (float)aprsdecode_click.x; y = (float)aprsdecode_click.y; x1 = (float)aprsdecode_click.zoomtox; y1 = (float)aprsdecode_click.zoomtoy; maptool_vector(img, x, y, x1, y, 300L, 300L, 200L, 350UL, 0.0f); maptool_vector(img, x1, y, x1, y1, 300L, 300L, 200L, 350UL, 0.0f); maptool_vector(img, x1, y1, x, y1, 300L, 300L, 200L, 350UL, 0.0f); maptool_vector(img, x, y1, x, y, 300L, 300L, 200L, 350UL, 0.0f); } /* col.r:=60; col.g:=60; col.b:=100; */ /* area(image, click.x, click.y, click.zoomtox, click.zoomtoy, col, TRUE); */ } /* end drawzoomsquer() */ #define aprsmap_FIELD 7.272205216643E-4 static char qth(char loc[], uint32_t loc_len) { struct aprspos_POSITION pos1; struct aprspos_POSITION pos; char qth_ret; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&loc,loc_len); maptool_loctopos(&pos, loc, loc_len); if (!aprspos_posvalid(pos)) { qth_ret = 0; goto label; } aprstext_setmark1(pos, 1, X2C_max_longint, 0UL); pos.long0 = (X2C_DIVR((float) aprsdecode_trunc((pos.long0*5.7295779513082E+1f+180.0f) *12.0f),12.0f)-1.7995833333333E+2f)*1.7453292519943E-2f; pos.lat = (X2C_DIVR((float) aprsdecode_trunc((pos.lat*5.7295779513082E+1f+90.0f)*24.0f), 24.0f)-8.9979166666667E+1f)*1.7453292519943E-2f; maptool_limpos(&pos); aprsdecode_click.squerpos0.lat = pos.lat+3.6361026083215E-4f; aprsdecode_click.squerpos1.lat = pos.lat-3.6361026083215E-4f; aprsdecode_click.squerpos0.long0 = pos.long0-7.272205216643E-4f; aprsdecode_click.squerpos1.long0 = pos.long0+7.272205216643E-4f; maptool_limpos(&aprsdecode_click.squerpos0); maptool_limpos(&aprsdecode_click.squerpos1); pos1.lat = pos.lat-7.272205216643E-4f; pos.lat = pos.lat+7.272205216643E-4f; pos1.long0 = pos.long0+1.4544410433286E-3f; pos.long0 = pos.long0-1.4544410433286E-3f; maptool_limpos(&pos); maptool_limpos(&pos1); mapzoom(pos, pos1, (uint32_t)useri_conf2int(useri_fDEFZOOM, 0UL, 1L, 18L, 14L), 1); centerpos(aprsdecode_click.markpos, &aprsdecode_mappos); qth_ret = 1; label:; X2C_PFREE(loc); return qth_ret; } /* end qth() */ static void midscreenpos(struct aprspos_POSITION * pos) { maptool_xytodeg((float)maptool_xsize*0.5f, (float)maptool_ysize*0.5f, pos); } /* end midscreenpos() */ static void zoominout(char in, char fine, char allowrev) { float fz; float z; struct aprspos_POSITION mid; int32_t maxz; z = maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom); midscreenpos(&mid); mid.lat = mid.lat+(-6.E-7f); if (fine) { fz = useri_conf2real(useri_fZOOMSTEP, 0UL, (-1.0f), 1.0f, 0.1f); if (!allowrev) fz = (float)fabs(fz); if (in) aprsdecode_finezoom = aprsdecode_finezoom+fz; else aprsdecode_finezoom = aprsdecode_finezoom-fz; if (aprsdecode_finezoom<1.0f && aprsdecode_finezoom>1.0f-fz*0.5f) { aprsdecode_finezoom = 1.0f; } if (aprsdecode_finezoom<1.0f) { if (aprsdecode_initzoom>0L) { --aprsdecode_initzoom; aprsdecode_finezoom = 2.0f-fz; } else aprsdecode_finezoom = 1.0f; } else if (aprsdecode_finezoom>=2.0f-fz*0.5f) { ++aprsdecode_initzoom; aprsdecode_finezoom = 1.0f; } } else { if (in) { ++aprsdecode_initzoom; if (aprsdecode_finezoom>1.75f) ++aprsdecode_initzoom; } else if (aprsdecode_finezoom<1.25f) --aprsdecode_initzoom; aprsdecode_finezoom = 1.0f; } if (z==(float)aprsdecode_trunc(z)) push(z); maxz = useri_conf2int(useri_fMAXZOOM, 0UL, 1L, 18L, 18L); if (aprsdecode_initzoom<1L) { aprsdecode_initzoom = 1L; aprsdecode_finezoom = 1.0f; } else if (aprsdecode_initzoom>=maxz) { aprsdecode_initzoom = maxz; aprsdecode_finezoom = 1.0f; } z = maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom); maptool_shiftmap(maptool_xsize/2L, maptool_ysize/2L, maptool_ysize, z, &mid); aprsdecode_mappos = mid; } /* end zoominout() */ static void find(void) { char h[201]; aprsdecode_MONCALL hm; char err; aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; struct aprspos_POSITION pos1; struct aprspos_POSITION pos; useri_confstr(useri_fFIND, h, 201ul); if (!qth(h, 201ul)) { /* not a locator */ aprstext_deganytopos(h, 201ul, &pos); if (!aprspos_posvalid(pos)) maptool_POIfind(&pos, h, 201ul); if (aprspos_posvalid(pos)) { /* lat / long */ aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] = 0; aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab = 0; aprstext_setmark1(pos, 1, X2C_max_longint, 0UL); /* click.markpos:=pos; click.marktime:=0; click.markalti:=MAX(INTEGER); */ centerpos(pos, &aprsdecode_mappos); pandone = 0; useri_textautosize(-3L, 0L, 3UL, 4UL, 'b', "marker set", 11ul); } else { /* object name */ op = findop(h, 201ul, 1); if (op) { aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] = 0; aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab = 0; useri_mainpop(); push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); if (aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL && aprsdecode_click.table[0UL] .opf) { op = aprstext_oppo(aprsdecode_click.table[0UL].opf->call); if (op) memcpy(aprsdecode_click.mhop,op->call,9u); } mhtx = aprsmap_OPSENT; pandone = 0; aprsdecode_lums.rf = 0L; if (op) { err = 0; aprsstr_Assign(h, 201ul, op->call, 9ul); if (!aprspos_posvalid(op->lastpos)) { err = 1; aprsstr_Append(h, 201ul, " No valid Position!", 20ul); } if ((uint8_t)op->sym.tab<' ') { err = 1; aprsstr_Append(h, 201ul, " No valid Symbol!", 18ul); if (aprspos_posvalid(op->lastpos)) { /* set marker instead of missing symbol */ aprstext_setmark1(op->lastpos, 0, X2C_max_longint, aprsdecode_realtime); } } /* click.markpos:=op^.lastpos; */ /* click.marktime:=realtime; */ /* click.markalti:=MAX(INTEGER); */ if (err) useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 3UL, 0UL, 'b', h, 201ul); } } else { aprsstr_Assign(hm, 9ul, h, 201ul); findsize(&pos, &pos1, hm, 'O'); if (aprspos_posvalid(pos)) { push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); memcpy(aprsdecode_click.mhop,hm,9u); mhtx = aprsmap_OPOBJ; pandone = 0; } else { useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 3UL, 10UL, 'e', "\012not found!\012\ ", 13ul); } } } } } /* end find() */ static void internstat(void) { aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fr; uint32_t bytec; uint32_t varc; uint32_t frc; uint32_t opc; uint32_t newest; uint32_t oldest; char s[10001]; char h[31]; uint32_t ut; uint32_t i; newest = 0UL; oldest = X2C_max_longcard; opc = 0UL; frc = 0UL; varc = 0UL; bytec = 0UL; op = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (op) { ++opc; fr = op->frames; while (fr) { ++frc; if (fr->time0time0; if (fr->time0>newest) newest = fr->time0; if (fr->vardat->lastref==fr) { ++varc; bytec += aprsstr_Length(fr->vardat->raw, 500ul); } fr = fr->next; } op = op->next; } aprsstr_Assign(s, 10001ul, "System Stat", 12ul); ut = osic_time(); if (ut>uptime) { aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Uptime:", 9ul); aprsstr_TimeToStr(ut-uptime, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Objects:", 10ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)opc, 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Frames:", 9ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)frc, 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Different Frames:", 19ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)varc, 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Rawdata Bytes:", 16ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)bytec, 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); if (frc>0UL) { aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Compressed to:", 16ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)((100UL*varc)/frc), 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "%", 2ul); } if (newest>0UL) { aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Oldest:", 9ul); aprstext_DateLocToStr(oldest, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Newest:", 9ul); aprstext_DateLocToStr(newest, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Heap Rawdata:", 15ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)useri_debugmem.mon, 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Heap Screen: ", 15ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)useri_debugmem.screens, 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Heap Menus: ", 15ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)useri_debugmem.menus, 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, "\012Srtm Cache: ", 15ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)useri_debugmem.srtm, 1UL, h, 31ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 10001ul, h, 31ul); aprsdecode_tcpconnstat(s, 10001ul); for (i = 0UL; i<=3UL; i++) { aprsdecode_udpconnstat(i, s, 10001ul); } /* end for */ useri_say(s, 10001ul, 0UL, 'b'); } /* end internstat() */ static void setshowall(void) { aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] = 0; aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab = 0; aprsdecode_click.watchmhop = 0; aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = 0; useri_say("Show All", 9ul, 2UL, 'g'); } /* end setshowall() */ static void View(uint32_t n) { float z; struct aprspos_POSITION mid; struct aprspos_POSITION pos; char h[101]; char s[101]; if (xosi_Shift) { z = maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom); aprsstr_FixToStr(z+0.05f, 2UL, s, 101ul); midscreenpos(&mid); aprsstr_Append(s, 101ul, " ", 2ul); aprstext_postostr(mid, '2', h, 101ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 101ul, h, 101ul); useri_setview((int32_t)n, s, 101ul); useri_killallmenus(); useri_say("View stored!", 13ul, 4UL, 'r'); } else { z = 0.0f; aprsdecode_posinval(&pos); useri_getview(useri_fVIEW, n, &z, &pos); push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); if (z!=0.0f) { midscreenpos(&mid); mid.lat = mid.lat+(-6.E-7f); aprsdecode_initzoom = (int32_t)aprsdecode_trunc(z); aprsdecode_finezoom = (1.0f+z)-(float)aprsdecode_initzoom; maptool_shiftmap(maptool_xsize/2L, maptool_ysize/2L, maptool_ysize, maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom), &mid); aprsdecode_mappos = mid; } if (aprspos_posvalid(pos)) centerpos(pos, &aprsdecode_mappos); pandone = 0; if (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL]) setshowall(); useri_rdonesymb(0, 1); /* show all symbols */ } } /* end View() */ static void follow(void) { aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; aprsdecode_tracenew.winevent = 0UL; op = findop(aprsdecode_tracenew.call, 9ul, 0); if (op) { /* WrInt(ORD(tracenew.follow), 2); WrInt(ORD(click.mhop[0]=0C), 2); WrInt(ORD(click.mhop=op^.call), 2); WrInt(ORD(tracenew.beep), 2); WrStrLn(" follow"); */ /* IF tracenew.follow & (click.mhop[0]=0C) OR (click.mhop=op^.call) THEN pantoop(op) END; */ if (aprsdecode_tracenew.follow && (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] ==0 || X2C_STRCMP(aprsdecode_click.mhop,9u,op->call,9u)==0)) { pantoop(op); } if (aprsdecode_tracenew.beep && useri_configon(useri_fBEEPWATCH)) { aprsdecode_beeplim(100L, (uint32_t)useri_conf2int(useri_fBEEPWATCH, 0UL, 20L, 8000L, 800L), (uint32_t)useri_conf2int(useri_fBEEPWATCH, 1UL, 0L, 5000L, 100L)); } clickwatchpos = op->lastpos; useri_popwatchcall(aprsdecode_tracenew.call, 9ul); if (aprsdecode_tracenew.follow) aprsdecode_click.markpos = op->lastpos; maptrys = 30UL; } aprsdecode_tracenew.call[0UL] = 0; } /* end follow() */ static void MapPackage(void) { struct aprspos_POSITION rd; struct aprspos_POSITION lu; char s1[1000]; char s[1000]; maptool_xytodeg(0.0f, (float)maptool_ysize, &lu); maptool_xytodeg((float)maptool_xsize, 0.0f, &rd); useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 16UL, 0UL, 'b', "Calculating Sizes", 18ul); useri_redraw(image); maptool_StartMapPackage(lu, rd, useri_conf2int(useri_fDOWNLOADZOOM, 0UL, 1L, 18L, 6L), 1); strncpy(s,"Left up : ",1000u); aprstext_postostr(maptool_mappack.leftup, '2', s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\012Right down: ", 14ul); aprstext_postostr(maptool_mappack.rightdown, '2', s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\012From Zoom 1 to ", 17ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(maptool_mappack.tozoom, 1UL, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, s1, 1000ul); if (!aprsdecode_click.chkmaps) { aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\012Map Check aborted!", 20ul); } else { aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\012Total Tiles : ", 20ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)maptool_mappack.mapscnt, 1UL, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\012Download Tiles: ", 18ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t)maptool_mappack.needcnt, 1UL, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "\012Estimated ", 12ul); aprsstr_FixToStr((float)maptool_mappack.needcnt*0.018f, 3UL, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, s1, 1000ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, "MByte", 6ul); } useri_killmenuid(16UL); if (maptool_mappack.needcnt>0UL) { useri_textautomenu(-3L, 0L, 16UL, 0UL, 'r', s, 1000ul, " Start D\ ownload", 23ul, "\242", 2ul); } else useri_textautosize(-3L, 0L, 16UL, 0UL, 'b', s, 1000ul); } /* end MapPackage() */ static void zoomtomarks(struct aprspos_POSITION mpos, struct aprspos_POSITION clickpos) { float h; if (aprspos_posvalid(mpos)) { if (!aprspos_posvalid(clickpos)) clickpos = mpos; if (mpos.latclickpos.long0) { h = mpos.long0; mpos.long0 = clickpos.long0; clickpos.long0 = h; } mapzoom(mpos, clickpos, (uint32_t)useri_conf2int(useri_fMAXZOOM, 0UL, 1L, 18L, 18L), 1); } } /* end zoomtomarks() */ #define aprsmap_TOSMALL 5 static void zoomtosquare(void) { struct aprspos_POSITION p2; struct aprspos_POSITION p1; if (aprsdecode_click.zoomtox>=0L && (labs(aprsdecode_click.x-aprsdecode_click.zoomtox) >5L || labs(aprsdecode_click.y-aprsdecode_click.zoomtoy)>5L)) { maptool_xytodeg((float)aprsdecode_click.x, (float)aprsdecode_click.y, &p1); maptool_xytodeg((float)aprsdecode_click.zoomtox, (float)aprsdecode_click.zoomtoy, &p2); zoomtomarks(p1, p2); } aprsdecode_click.zoomtox = -1L; /* zoom done */ } /* end zoomtosquare() */ #define aprsmap_TEXTH 9 static void highlight(void) { uint32_t entc; int32_t texth; struct aprsdecode_CLICKOBJECT hoverobj; struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym; entc = aprsdecode_click.entries; if (entc>0UL) { --entc; if (aprsdecode_click.table[entc].opf) { texth = (int32_t)(aprsdecode_lums.fontysize-3UL); { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym = aprsdecode_click.table[entc] .opf; if ((int32_t)abs(anonym->textpos-anonym->valuepos)textposvaluepos) { anonym->valuepos = (signed char)((int32_t) anonym->textpos+texth); } else { anonym->valuepos = (signed char)((int32_t) anonym->textpos-texth); } } } if ((aprsdecode_click.table[entc] .typf==aprsdecode_tSYMBOL || aprsdecode_click.table[entc] .typf==aprsdecode_tTEXT) || aprsdecode_click.table[entc].typf==aprsdecode_tDEGREE) { symbols(aprsdecode_click.table[entc].opf, 0, 1, &hoverobj); text(aprsdecode_click.table[entc].opf, 0, 1, 1, 1); } else if ((aprsdecode_click.table[entc] .typf==aprsdecode_tOBJECT || aprsdecode_click.table[entc] .typf==aprsdecode_tOBJECTTEXT) || aprsdecode_click.table[entc].typf==aprsdecode_tDEGREEOBJ) { symbols(aprsdecode_click.table[entc].opf, 1, 1, &hoverobj); text(aprsdecode_click.table[entc].opf, 1, 1, 1, 1); } else if ((aprsdecode_click.table[entc] .typf==aprsdecode_tTRACK || aprsdecode_click.table[entc] .typf==aprsdecode_tRFPATH) || aprsdecode_click.table[entc].typf==aprsdecode_tKMH) { tracks(image, aprsdecode_click.table[entc].opf, 1, X2C_max_longcard); symbols(aprsdecode_click.table[entc].opf, 0, 1, &hoverobj); text(aprsdecode_click.table[entc].opf, 0, 1, 1, 1); } } } /* click.table[entc].opf^.tracklited:=TRUE; */ } /* end highlight() */ static void screenshot(void) { char hh[1000]; char h[1000]; char s[1000]; char c; uint32_t n; uint32_t j; uint32_t i; int32_t ok0; useri_confstr(useri_fFOTOFN, s, 1000ul); s[999U] = 0; memcpy(h,s,1000u); i = 0UL; while (s[i] && s[i]!='%') ++i; if (s[i]=='%') { if (s[i+1UL]=='t') { /* insert date in filename */ s[i] = 0; aprsstr_DateToStr(osic_time()+useri_localtime(), hh, 1000ul); n = 0UL; while (hh[n]) { if ((uint8_t)hh[n]<'0' || (uint8_t)hh[n]>'9') hh[n] = '-'; ++n; } aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, hh, 1000ul); i += 2UL; while (h[i]) { aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, (char *) &h[i], 1u/1u); ++i; } } else if (s[i+1UL]=='n') { /* insert serial number until new file */ n = 0UL; do { s[i] = (char)((n/100UL)%10UL+48UL); s[i+1UL] = (char)((n/10UL)%10UL+48UL); s[i+2UL] = (char)(n%10UL+48UL); s[i+3UL] = 0; j = i+2UL; while (h[j]) { aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, (char *) &h[j], 1u/1u); ++j; } ++n; } while (!(n>999UL || !osi_Exists(s, 1000ul))); } } if (s[0]) { useri_killallmenus(); /* dump panorama image pointer */ if (useri_panoimage) { ok0 = maptool_saveppm(s, 1000ul, useri_panoimage, (int32_t)((useri_panoimage->Len1-1)+1UL), (int32_t)((useri_panoimage->Len0-1)+1UL)); } else { ok0 = maptool_saveppm(s, 1000ul, image, maptool_xsize, maptool_ysize); } if (ok0<0L) { aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, " write error", 13ul); c = 'e'; } else { aprsstr_Append(s, 1000ul, " saved", 7ul); c = 'b'; } useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 6UL, 0UL, c, s, 1000ul); } else { useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 6UL, 0UL, 'e', "\012no filename\012", 14ul); } } /* end screenshot() */ typedef uint32_t sCHGEN[2]; static sCHGEN aprsmap_CHGEN[13] = {{0xA318C62EUL,0x00000003UL} ,{0x884214C4UL,0x00000003UL},{0xC444422EUL,0x00000007UL} ,{0xA107420EUL,0x00000003UL},{0x11F4A521UL,0x00000002UL} ,{0xA3083C3FUL,0x00000003UL},{0xA3178444UL,0x00000003UL} ,{0x8422221FUL,0x00000000UL},{0xA317462EUL,0x00000003UL} ,{0xA10F462EUL,0x00000003UL},{0x40000000UL,0x00000000UL} ,{0x02000400UL,0x00000000UL},{0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL}}; #define aprsmap_POSX 4 #define aprsmap_POSY 18 #define aprsmap_dimmlev 51200.0 static sCHGEN _cnst3[13] = {{0xA318C62EUL,0x00000003UL} ,{0x884214C4UL,0x00000003UL},{0xC444422EUL,0x00000007UL} ,{0xA107420EUL,0x00000003UL},{0x11F4A521UL,0x00000002UL} ,{0xA3083C3FUL,0x00000003UL},{0xA3178444UL,0x00000003UL} ,{0x8422221FUL,0x00000000UL},{0xA317462EUL,0x00000003UL} ,{0xA10F462EUL,0x00000003UL},{0x40000000UL,0x00000000UL} ,{0x02000400UL,0x00000000UL},{0x00000000UL,0x00000000UL}}; static void drawtime(maptool_pIMAGE img, uint32_t t, int32_t fast) { char s[32]; uint32_t ch; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP col; uint32_t l; uint32_t px; uint32_t y; uint32_t x; uint32_t i; float lum; struct maptool_PIX * anonym; uint32_t tmp; aprsstr_DateToStr(t+useri_localtime(), s, 32ul); s[16U] = 0; /* strip off seconds */ if (fast<0L) fast = 0L; else if (fast>200L) fast = 200L; fast = fast*4L; col.r = 1000UL; col.g = (uint32_t)(1000L-fast); col.b = (uint32_t)(200L+fast); l = 0UL; i = 0UL; px = 4UL; while ((uint8_t)s[i]>0) { ch = (uint32_t)(uint8_t)s[i]; if (ch>=48UL && ch<=57UL) ch -= 48UL; else if (ch==46UL) ch = 10UL; else if (ch==58UL) ch = 11UL; else ch = 12UL; if (ch<=12UL) { s[l] = (char)ch; ++l; } if (ch<=9UL) px += 12UL; else px += 5UL; ++i; } for (y = 19UL; y>=3UL; y--) { tmp = px; x = 4UL; if (x<=tmp) for (;; x++) { { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym = &img->Adr[(x)*img->Len0+y]; lum = (float)((uint32_t)anonym->r*87UL+(uint32_t) anonym->g*140UL+(uint32_t)anonym->b*28UL); if (lum>51200.0f) { lum = X2C_DIVR(51200.0f,lum); anonym->r = (uint16_t)aprsdecode_trunc((float) anonym->r*lum); anonym->g = (uint16_t)aprsdecode_trunc((float) anonym->g*lum); anonym->b = (uint16_t)aprsdecode_trunc((float) anonym->b*lum); } } if (x==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end for */ px = 4UL; i = 0UL; while (i0UL) { pf = aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].pff0; if (pf && aprspos_posvalid(pf->vardat->pos)) { oldpos = pf->vardat->pos; maptool_xytodeg((float)aprsdecode_click.x, (float)aprsdecode_click.y, &clickpos); d0 = aprspos_distance(clickpos, pf->vardat->pos); /*WrInt(trunc(d0*1000.0), 10); WrLn; */ for (;;) { pf = pf->next; if (pf==0) break; if (aprspos_posvalid(pf->vardat->pos) && (pf->vardat->pos.lat!=oldpos.lat || pf->vardat->pos.long0!=oldpos.long0) ) { d1 = aprspos_distance(clickpos, pf->vardat->pos); /*WrInt(trunc(d1*1000.0), 15);WrInt(trunc(d0*1000.0), 15); WrLn; */ if (d1d0) break; } } } } } /* end nearwaypoint() */ static void clickdelwaypoint(void) { char s[101]; struct aprsdecode_CLICKOBJECT * anonym; nearwaypoint(); { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_CLICKOBJECT * anonym = &aprsdecode_click.table[0UL]; aprsdecode_delwaypoint(anonym->opf, &anonym->pff0); aprsstr_Assign(s, 101ul, anonym->opf->call, 9ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 101ul, " waypoint Deleted", 18ul); useri_say(s, 101ul, 4UL, 'r'); } } /* end clickdelwaypoint() */ #define aprsmap_LF "\012" static int32_t flo(short c) { if (c<=1023) return (int32_t)(uint32_t)(uint8_t)gammatab[c]; else return 255L; return 0; } /* end flo() */ static void savevideo420(maptool_pIMAGE img, char fn[], uint32_t fn_len, char format, float * bytecnt) { int32_t y; int32_t x; int32_t bb; int32_t gg; int32_t rr; int32_t ww; uint32_t pb; uint32_t pr; uint32_t pw; char s[256]; char h[256]; struct maptool_PIX * anonym; struct maptool_PIX * anonym0; struct maptool_PIX * anonym1; struct maptool_PIX * anonym2; struct maptool_PIX * anonym3; int32_t tmp; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&fn,fn_len); if (!osic_FdValid(videofd)) { /* videofd:=Create(fn); */ if (osi_Exists(fn, fn_len)) videofd = osi_OpenWrite(fn, fn_len); else videofd = osi_OpenWrite(fn, fn_len); if (!osic_FdValid(videofd)) goto label; if (format=='M') { strncpy(h,"YUV4MPEG2 C420jpeg W",256u); aprsstr_IntToStr(maptool_xsize, 1UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 256ul, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 256ul, " H", 3ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(maptool_ysize, 1UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 256ul, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 256ul, " F25000000:1000000 Ip\012", 23ul); osi_WrBin(videofd, (char *)h, 256u/1u, aprsstr_Length(h, 256ul)); } } if (vidbuf==0) { osic_alloc((char * *) &vidbuf, (uint32_t)((maptool_xsize*maptool_ysize*3L)/2L)); useri_debugmem.req = (uint32_t)((maptool_xsize*maptool_ysize*3L)/2L); useri_debugmem.screens += useri_debugmem.req; if (vidbuf==0) Error("video buffer alloc", 19ul); } if (format=='M') { strncpy(h,"FRAME\012",256u); osi_WrBin(videofd, (char *)h, 256u/1u, 6UL); } pw = 0UL; pb = (uint32_t)(maptool_xsize*maptool_ysize); pr = pb+pb/4UL; for (y = maptool_ysize-1L; y>=0L; y--) { tmp = maptool_xsize-1L; x = 0L; if (x<=tmp) for (;; x++) { { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym = &img->Adr[(x)*img->Len0+y]; if (format=='M') { vidbuf[pw] = (char)flo((short)(((uint32_t) anonym->r*76UL+(uint32_t)anonym->g*150UL+(uint32_t) anonym->b*29UL)/256UL)); } else { vidbuf[pw] = (char)((flo((short)(((uint32_t) anonym->r*76UL+(uint32_t)anonym->g*150UL+(uint32_t) anonym->b*29UL)/256UL))*219L)/256L+16L); } ++pw; } if ((y&1) && (x&1)) { { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym0 = &img->Adr[(x-1L)*img->Len0+y]; rr = (int32_t)anonym0->r; gg = (int32_t)anonym0->g; bb = (int32_t)anonym0->b; } { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym1 = &img->Adr[(x)*img->Len0+y]; rr += (int32_t)anonym1->r; gg += (int32_t)anonym1->g; bb += (int32_t)anonym1->b; } { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym2 = &img->Adr[(x-1L) *img->Len0+(y-1L)]; rr += (int32_t)anonym2->r; gg += (int32_t)anonym2->g; bb += (int32_t)anonym2->b; } { /* with */ struct maptool_PIX * anonym3 = &img->Adr[(x)*img->Len0+(y-1L) ]; rr += (int32_t)anonym3->r; gg += (int32_t)anonym3->g; bb += (int32_t)anonym3->b; } rr = flo((short)(rr/4L)); gg = flo((short)(gg/4L)); bb = flo((short)(bb/4L)); ww = (rr*76L+gg*150L+bb*29L)/256L; rr = ((rr-ww)*145L)/256L+128L; if (rr<0L) rr = 0L; else if (rr>255L) rr = 255L; bb = ((bb-ww)*182L)/256L+128L; if (bb<0L) bb = 0L; else if (bb>255L) bb = 255L; if (format!='M') { vidbuf[pr] = (char)bb; vidbuf[pb] = (char)rr; } else { vidbuf[pr] = (char)rr; vidbuf[pb] = (char)bb; } ++pr; ++pb; } if (x==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end for */ osi_WrBin(videofd, (char *)vidbuf, 10000001u/1u, (uint32_t)((maptool_xsize*maptool_ysize*3L)/2L)); *bytecnt = *bytecnt+(float)((maptool_xsize*maptool_ysize*3L)/2L); label:; X2C_PFREE(fn); } /* end savevideo420() */ /* PROCEDURE savevideo444(img:pIMAGE; n:CARDINAL); VAR x,y,p:INTEGER; buf:ARRAY[0..65535] OF CHAR; c, yy, rr, gg, bb:REAL; PROCEDURE flo(c:CARD16):REAL; BEGIN IF c<=HIGH(gammatab) THEN RETURN FLOAT(ORD(gammatab[c])) ELSE RETURN 255.0 END; END flo; BEGIN IF NOT FdValid(videofd) THEN RETURN END; p:=0; FOR y:=ysize-1 TO 0 BY -1 DO FOR x:=0 TO xsize-1 DO WITH img^[x+y*xsize] DO rr:=flo(r); gg:=flo(g); bb:=flo(b) END; yy:=rr*0.299 + gg*0.587 +bb*0.114; buf[p]:=CHR(TRUNC(yy*(219.0/255.0))+16); INC(p); IF p>HIGH(buf) THEN WrBin(videofd, buf, p); p:=0 END; c:=(bb-yy)*0.565+128.0; IF c<0.0 THEN c:=0.0 ELSIF c>255.9 THEN c:=255.0 END; buf[p]:=CHR(TRUNC(c)); INC(p); IF p>HIGH(buf) THEN WrBin(videofd, buf, p); p:=0 END; c:=(rr-yy)*0.713+128.0; IF c<0.0 THEN c:=0.0 ELSIF c>255.9 THEN c:=255.0 END; buf[p]:=CHR(TRUNC(c)); INC(p); IF p>HIGH(buf) THEN WrBin(videofd, buf, p); p:=0 END; END; END; IF p>0 THEN WrBin(videofd, buf, p) END; END savevideo444; */ static void wrvidsize(float b) { char s[101]; aprsstr_FixToStr(X2C_DIVR(b,1.E+6f), 2UL, s, 101ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 101ul, " MBytes written", 16ul); useri_say(s, 101ul, 0UL, 'b'); } /* end wrvidsize() */ static void copy(struct maptool_PIX dest[], uint32_t dest_len, uint32_t dest_len0, struct maptool_PIX src[], uint32_t src_len, uint32_t src_len0) { uint32_t x; uint32_t tmp; tmp = dest_len-1; x = 0UL; if (x<=tmp) for (;; x++) { X2C_MOVE((char *)(src+(x)*src_len0), (char *)(dest+(x)*dest_len0), dest_len0*sizeof(struct maptool_PIX)); if (x==tmp) break; } /* end for */ } /* end copy() */ static char cmpcol(struct aprsdecode_COLTYP c1, struct aprsdecode_COLTYP c2) { return (c1.r!=c2.r || c1.g!=c2.g) || c1.b!=c2.b; } /* end cmpcol() */ static void addradio(void) { /* radiation visability map */ char abort0; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP c2; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP c1; if (aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos) || aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.measurepos)) { aprsdecode_lums.rf = 0L; getgeocol(useri_fCOLMARK1, geobri(), 100UL, 0UL, 0UL, &c1); getgeocol(useri_fCOLMARK2, geobri(), 0UL, 100UL, 0UL, &c2); if (((((((((((((((((!radio.wasradio || radio.wasaltimap) || radio.markpos.lat!=aprsdecode_click.markpos.lat) || radio.markpos.long0!=aprsdecode_click.markpos.long0) || radio.measurepos.lat!=aprsdecode_click.measurepos.lat) || radio.measurepos.long0!=aprsdecode_click.measurepos.long0) || radio.mappos.lat!=aprsdecode_mappos.lat) || radio.mappos.long0!=aprsdecode_mappos.long0) || radio.initzoom!=aprsdecode_initzoom) || radio.finezoom!=aprsdecode_finezoom) || radio.ant1!=getant(useri_fANT1)) || radio.ant2!=getant(useri_fANT2)) || radio.ant3!=getant(useri_fANT3)) || radio.bri!=geobri()) || radio.contr!=geocontr()) || cmpcol(radio.c1, c1)) || cmpcol(radio.c2, c2)) || radio.qual!=(int32_t) useri_confflags(useri_fSRTMCACHE, 0UL)) { abort0 = 0; maptool_clr(rfimg); if (aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos)) { radioimage(rfimg, aprsdecode_click.markpos, 0UL, &abort0); } if (!abort0 && aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.measurepos)) { radioimage(rfimg, aprsdecode_click.measurepos, (uint32_t)aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos), &abort0); } /* IF (lums.map>0) & posvalid(click.measurepos) & posvalid(click.markpos) THEN makebw(image) END; */ radio.wasradio = 1; radio.wasaltimap = 0; radio.markpos = aprsdecode_click.markpos; radio.measurepos = aprsdecode_click.measurepos; radio.mappos = aprsdecode_mappos; radio.initzoom = aprsdecode_initzoom; radio.finezoom = aprsdecode_finezoom; radio.ant1 = getant(useri_fANT1); radio.ant2 = getant(useri_fANT2); radio.ant3 = getant(useri_fANT3); radio.bri = geobri(); radio.contr = geocontr(); radio.c1 = c1; radio.c2 = c2; radio.qual = (int32_t)useri_confflags(useri_fSRTMCACHE, 0UL); reliefcolors(rfimg, aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.measurepos) && aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos)); if (abort0) { useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 5UL, 2UL, 'r', "radiorange aborted", 19ul); closeradio(); radio.wasradio = 0; useri_sayonoff("Radiorange Map", 15ul, aprsdecode_click.withradio); } } if (radio.wasradio) maptool_addmap(image, rfimg); } } /* end addradio() */ /* simple relieaf map layer */ static void altitudemap(void) { aprsdecode_lums.rf = 0L; if ((((((!radio.wasradio || !radio.wasaltimap) || radio.mappos.lat!=aprsdecode_mappos.lat) || radio.mappos.long0!=aprsdecode_mappos.long0) || radio.initzoom!=aprsdecode_initzoom) || radio.finezoom!=aprsdecode_finezoom) || radio.bri!=geobri()) { maptool_clr(rfimg); if (maptool_SimpleRelief(rfimg)) { radio.wasaltimap = 1; radio.wasradio = 1; radio.mappos = aprsdecode_mappos; radio.initzoom = aprsdecode_initzoom; radio.finezoom = aprsdecode_finezoom; radio.bri = geobri(); } else { useri_textautosize(0L, 0L, 3UL, 2UL, 'r', "no altitude data found", 23ul); } } if (radio.wasradio) maptool_addmap(image, rfimg); } /* end altitudemap() */ static void xytomark(void) { struct aprspos_POSITION pos; /* xytodeg(VAL(REAL,click.x), VAL(REAL,click.y), pos); */ maptool_xytodeg((float)useri_xmouse.x, (float)((int32_t)useri_mainys()-useri_xmouse.y), &pos); aprstext_setmark1(pos, 1, X2C_max_longint, 0UL); useri_postoconfig(pos); aprsdecode_click.waysum = 0.0f; } /* end xytomark() */ static void xytomark2(void) { struct aprspos_POSITION pos; maptool_xytodeg((float)useri_xmouse.x, (float)((int32_t)useri_mainys()-useri_xmouse.y), &pos); if (aprspos_posvalid(pos)) aprsdecode_click.measurepos = pos; } /* end xytomark2() */ static void centermouse(char shortcut) { struct aprspos_POSITION pos; float y1; float y00; float x1; float x0; aprsdecode_posinval(&pos); if (shortcut) { maptool_xytodeg((float)useri_xmouse.x, (float)((int32_t)useri_mainys()-useri_xmouse.y), &pos); if ((((aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.bubblpos) && maptool_mapxy(aprsdecode_click.bubblpos, &x0, &y00)>=-1L) && aprspos_posvalid(pos)) && maptool_mapxy(pos, &x1, &y1)>=-1L) && sqr(x0-x1)+sqr(y00-y1)<25.0f) { pos = aprsdecode_click.bubblpos; /* POI is near mouse so use POI position to center */ } } else if ((aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL && aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .opf) && aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf->lastpos) ) { pos = aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf->lastpos; } else if (aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.clickpos)) { pos = aprsdecode_click.clickpos; } if (aprspos_posvalid(pos)) { push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); centerpos(pos, &aprsdecode_mappos); } } /* end centermouse() */ static void clicktomark(void) { if ((aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL && aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .opf) && aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf->lastpos) ) { aprstext_setmarkalti(aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .pff0, aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf, 1); } else { aprstext_setmark1(aprsdecode_click.clickpos, 1, X2C_max_longint, 0UL); } } /* end clicktomark() */ #define aprsmap_ADDDELAY 55 static uint32_t slowupdate(void) /* add image update time on cpu intensiv options */ { return (uint32_t)((aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='R' || aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='W') || aprsdecode_click.withradio)*55UL; } /* end slowupdate() */ static void addrftracks(char dryrun, char tx) { char clr; clr = !dryrun; /* clr old image before draw */ if (tx) mhtracks(aprsdecode_click.mhop, &clr); else rftracks(aprsdecode_click.mhop, &clr); if (!(dryrun || clr)) { /* not dryrun and something drawn */ radio.wasradio = 0; /* no radiolink data in rfimg now */ maptool_shine(rfimg, aprsdecode_lums.rfbri); maptool_addmap(image, rfimg); } } /* end addrftracks() */ #define aprsmap_QUICKMOV 10 /* faster if nothing visable moves */ #define aprsmap_FASTDELAY 70 /* delay switching to fast */ #define aprsmap_SLOWER 3 /* steps befor next move switch to slow */ #define aprsmap_TRAILER 10 /* steps at end of move till video end */ static void animate(const aprsdecode_MONCALL singlecall, uint32_t step, char tofile[], uint32_t tofile_len) { aprsdecode_pOPHIST singleop; aprsdecode_pOPHIST op; aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST pf1; aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST pf; uint8_t efil; uint32_t fractime; uint32_t showt; uint32_t stime; uint32_t endtime; uint32_t vtime; uint32_t nextmov; int32_t fastdelay; int32_t fast; uint32_t ii; uint32_t skip; float nomove; float y; float x; struct aprsdecode_COLTYP col; signed char textpos; char stop; char blown; char mapok; char dir; struct aprspos_POSITION ipos; float iitime; float itime; float bytew; char s1[41]; char s[41]; int32_t minalt; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat1; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; struct aprsdecode_CLICKOBJECT hoverobj; struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym; struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym0; struct aprspos_POSITION * anonym1; /* interpolate areasymbol form */ struct aprspos_POSITION * anonym2; struct aprspos_POSITION * anonym3; aprsdecode_MONCALL tmp; X2C_PCOPY((void **)&tofile,tofile_len); closeradio(); singleop = aprstext_oppo(singlecall); if (!pandone) { findsize(&newpos0, &newpos1, aprsdecode_click.mhop, 'T'); mapzoom(newpos0, newpos1, (uint32_t)useri_conf2int(useri_fDEFZOOM, 0UL, 1L, 18L, 14L), 1); pandone = 1; maptool_mercator(aprsdecode_mappos.long0, aprsdecode_mappos.lat, aprsdecode_initzoom, &aprsdecode_inittilex, &aprsdecode_inittiley, &maptool_shiftx, &maptool_shifty); } showt = 0UL; bytew = 0.0f; aprsdecode_click.dryrun = 0; vtime = aprsdecode_systime; /* last whole data time */ endtime = vtime-(aprsdecode_lums.firstdim+aprsdecode_lums.maxdim); /* start time minimum */ stime = endtime; nomove = movest(500UL)*5.0f; /* min km/s for a moving object */ if (step==0UL) { step = aprsdecode_trunc(osic_sqrt(nomove)*(float) (25L*useri_conf2int(useri_fANIMSPEED, 0UL, 0L, 10000L, 400L)))+1UL; } fastdelay = -useri_conf2int(useri_fVIDEOFAST, 0UL, 0L, 10000L, 0L); markvisable(*(aprsdecode_MONCALL *)memcpy(&tmp,"",1u)); op = aprsdecode_ophist0; maptool_xytodeg((float)maptool_xsize, 0.0f, &ipos); if (useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT)) efil = 0x1U; else efil = 0x25U; minalt = useri_conf2int(useri_fALTMIN, 0UL, -10000L, 65535L, -10000L); stop = 0; while (op) { { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_OPHIST * anonym = op; anonym->drawhints &= ~0x10U; if ((0x8U & anonym->drawhints)) { if ((aprspos_distance(anonym->margin0, anonym->margin1)>nomove*400.0f && (singleop==0 || op==singleop) ) && op->sym.tab!='\001') { /* they will move */ pf1 = 0; pf = op->frames; while (pf) { if ((pf->nodraw&~efil) ==0U && aprspos_posvalid(pf->vardat->pos)) { if (pf1) { { /* with */ struct aprsdecode_VARDAT * anonym0 = pf1->vardat; if ((((((pf1->time0>=stime && aprspos_posvalid(anonym0->pos) ) && anonym0->pos.long0<=ipos.long0) && anonym0->pos.lat>=ipos.lat) && anonym0->pos.long0>=aprsdecode_mappos.long0) && anonym0->pos.lat<=aprsdecode_mappos.lat) && aprspos_distance(anonym0->pos, pf->vardat->pos)>nomove*10.0f) { /* & (pf^.next<>NIL) & posvalid(pf^.next^.vardat^.pos) */ /* moving */ if (pf->time0>endtime) { endtime = pf->time0; /* show till latest mover */ } if (pf1->time0time0; /* from 1st mover */ } anonym->drawhints |= 0x10U; } } } pf1 = pf; } pf = pf->next; } /* INCL(drawhints, MOVES); */ anonym->drawhints &= ~0x8U; } } /* IF lasttime>endtime THEN endtime:=lasttime END; (* show till latest mover *) */ /* IF (frames<>NIL) & (frames^.timenext; } } aprsdecode_lums.moving = 1; /* make not moving darker */ if (aprsdecode_lums.map>0L) { maptool_loadmap(image, aprsdecode_inittilex, aprsdecode_inittiley, aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom, maptool_shiftx, maptool_shifty, &mapok, &blown, useri_configon(useri_fALLOWEXP), 0); } else maptool_clr(image); /* IF lums.obj>0 THEN symbols(ophist, TRUE, FALSE); text(ophist, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); END; */ if (aprsdecode_lums.sym>0L) symbols(aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, 0, &hoverobj); if (aprsdecode_lums.text>0L) { text(aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, 0, 0, 1); /* first draw dimmed */ text(aprsdecode_ophist0, 1, 0, 0, 1); /* overdraw dimmed */ } maptool_cc(image, vtime, endtime); op = aprsdecode_ophist0; while (op) { op->drawhints &= ~0x8U; /* now use only mover(s) */ op = op->next; } aprsdecode_lums.moving = 0; videofd = -1L; if (vtime>stime) stime = vtime; /* icnt:=0; */ fast = fastdelay; skip = 0UL; fractime = 0UL; do { if (skip==0UL) { /* MOVE(image, rfimg, SIZE(PIX)*xsize*ysize); */ copy(rfimg->Adr, rfimg->Len1, rfimg->Len0, image->Adr, image->Len1, image->Len0); if (aprsdecode_lums.track>1L) { tracks(rfimg, aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, vtime); } } op = aprsdecode_ophist0; nextmov = endtime; while (op) { if ((0x10U & op->drawhints)) { pf = 0; pf1 = op->frames; while (pf1 && vtime>pf1->time0) { if ((pf1->nodraw&~efil)==0U) pf = pf1; pf1 = pf1->next; } while (pf1 && (pf1->nodraw&~efil)!=0U) pf1 = pf1->next; if (pf) { if ((pf1 && pf1->time0>pf->time0) && vtime>pf->time0) { /* interpolate waypoints */ itime = X2C_DIVR((float)(vtime-pf->time0)+(float) fractime*0.04f,(float)(pf1->time0-pf->time0)); /* IF itime>1.0 THEN itime:=1.0 ELSIF itime<0.0 THEN itime:=0.0 END; */ iitime = 1.0f-itime; ipos.long0 = pf->vardat->pos.long0*iitime+pf1->vardat->pos.long0*itime; ipos.lat = pf->vardat->pos.lat*iitime+pf1->vardat->pos.lat*itime; dir = pf->vardat->pos.long0>pf1->vardat->pos.long0; /* mirror symbol on long deg */ } else { /* end of track */ ipos = pf->vardat->pos; dir = (0x1U & op->drawhints)!=0; itime = (-1.0f); } if (maptool_mapxy(ipos, &x, &y)>=0L && maptool_vistime(pf->time0)) { if (skip==0UL) { if (op->poligon && aprsdecode_Decode(pf->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) { if ((itime>0.0f && aprsdecode_Decode(pf1->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat1)>=0L) && dat.multiline.size==dat1.multiline.size) { /* interpolate poligon form */ ii = 0UL; while (iilat = anonym1->lat*iitime+dat1.multiline.vec[ii] .lat*itime; anonym1->long0 = anonym1->long0*iitime+dat1.multiline.vec[ii] .long0*itime; } ++ii; } } maptool_drawpoligon(rfimg, ipos, dat.multiline, dat.symt, dat.sym, (uint32_t)(aprsdecode_lums.sym/4L)); } else if (op->areasymb.typ && aprsdecode_Decode(pf->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) { /* decode each frame if form changed */ if (itime>0.0f && aprsdecode_Decode(pf1->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat1)>=0L) { { /* with */ struct aprspos_POSITION * anonym2 = &dat.areasymb.dpos; anonym2->lat = anonym2->lat*iitime+dat1.areasymb.dpos.lat*itime; anonym2->long0 = anonym2->long0*iitime+dat1.areasymb.dpos.long0*itime; } } maptool_drawareasym(rfimg, ipos, dat.areasymb, (uint32_t)(aprsdecode_lums.obj/4L)); } else { maptool_drawsym(rfimg, op->sym.tab, op->sym.pic, dir, x, y, (uint32_t)(aprsdecode_lums.sym/4L)); if (op->sym.pic=='@' && aprsdecode_Decode(pf->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) { if (itime>0.0f && aprsdecode_Decode(pf1->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat1)>=0L) { /* interpolate storm areas */ { /* with */ struct aprspos_POSITION * anonym3 = &dat.areasymb.dpos; anonym3->lat = anonym3->lat*iitime+dat1.areasymb.dpos.lat*itime; anonym3->long0 = anonym3->long0*iitime+dat1.areasymb.dpos.long0*itime; } stormcicle(rfimg, ipos, dat.wx.radiushurr*iitime+dat1.wx.radiushurr*itime, dat.wx.radiusstorm*iitime+dat1.wx.radiusstorm*itime, dat.wx.wholegale*iitime+dat1.wx.wholegale*itime, (uint32_t)(aprsdecode_lums.sym/4L)); } } } if (useri_configon(useri_fKMH) && aprsdecode_Decode(pf->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) { s[0] = 0; if (dat.speed>0UL && dat.speed<2147483647UL) { useri_confstr(useri_fKMH, s1, 41ul); if (s1[0U]) { aprsstr_IntToStr((int32_t) aprsdecode_trunc((float)dat.speed*1.852f), 1UL, s, 41ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 41ul, s1, 41ul); } } if (dat.altitude=minalt) { if (s[0U]) { aprsstr_Append(s, 41ul, " ", 2ul); } aprsstr_IntToStr(dat.altitude, 1UL, s1, 41ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 41ul, s1, 41ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 41ul, "m", 2ul); } if (s[0U]) { maptool_Colset(&col, 'Y'); textpos = -8; maptool_drawstr(rfimg, s, 41ul, x+7.0f, y-(float)(aprsdecode_lums.fontysize+3UL), (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.text, 0UL, col, &textpos, 0UL, 1, aprsdecode_click.dryrun); } } maptool_Colset(&col, 'W'); textpos = 0; maptool_drawstr(rfimg, op->call, 9ul, x+8.0f, y-(float)(aprsdecode_lums.fontysize/2UL), (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.text, 0UL, col, &textpos, 0UL, 1, aprsdecode_click.dryrun); } if ((pf1 && X2C_DIVR(aprspos_distance(pf->vardat->pos, pf1->vardat->pos), (float)(pf1->time0-pf->time0))>nomove) && pf1->time0time0; } } } op = op->next; } if (vtime+step*3ULFASTDELAY*/ if (endtime>stime) { col.r = 100UL; col.g = 800UL; col.b = 1000UL; maptool_area(rfimg, 0L, 1L, (int32_t)aprsdecode_trunc(X2C_DIVR((float) maptool_xsize*(float)(vtime-stime), (float)(endtime-stime))), 3L, col, 0); } if (tofile[0UL]) { savevideo420(rfimg, tofile, tofile_len, 'M', &bytew); /* INC(icnt); */ if (showt!=osic_time()) { showt = osic_time(); wrvidsize(bytew); useri_redraw(rfimg); } xosi_Eventloop(1UL); } else { useri_refresh = 1; for (;;) { /* while stop pressed */ if (useri_refresh) useri_redraw(rfimg); aprsdecode_lums.actfps = (int32_t)step; /* for faster/slower button */ xosi_Eventloop(1000UL); step = (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.actfps; if (aprsdecode_click.cmd==' ') { if (stop) { stop = 0; aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'A'; } else { stop = 1; aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'v'; } } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd!='v') stop = 0; if (!stop && aprsdecode_click.cmd!='v') break; aprsdecode_realtime = osic_time(); } } if (fast>250L) fast = 250L; if (fast>0L) skip = (uint32_t)(fast/25L); else skip = 0UL; } else --skip; fractime += step; vtime += fractime/25UL; fractime = fractime%25UL; /* IF fast>FASTDELAY THEN INC(vtime, step*STEPMUL) ELSE INC(vtime, step) END; */ aprsdecode_realtime = osic_time(); } while (!((vtime>endtime+(step*10UL)/25UL || (aprsdecode_click.cmd!='A' && aprsdecode_click.cmd!='a') && aprsdecode_click.cmd!='\312') || useri_newxsize>0UL)); if (osic_FdValid(videofd)) { osic_Close(videofd); useri_say("map.y4m Saved", 14ul, 0UL, 'b'); } if (vidbuf) { useri_debugmem.screens -= (uint32_t)((maptool_xsize*maptool_ysize*3L) /2L); osic_free((char * *) &vidbuf, (uint32_t)((maptool_xsize*maptool_ysize*3L)/2L)); vidbuf = 0; } X2C_PFREE(tofile); } /* end animate() */ static void makeimage(char dryrun) { char mapok; struct aprspos_POSITION mpos; struct aprsdecode_CLICKOBJECT hoverobj; hoverobj.opf = 0; markvisable(aprsdecode_click.mhop); if (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] && mhtx==aprsmap_OPHEARD) { findsize(&newpos0, &newpos1, aprsdecode_click.mhop, 'H'); } else if (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] && mhtx==aprsmap_OPOBJ) { findsize(&newpos0, &newpos1, aprsdecode_click.mhop, 'O'); } else if (aprsdecode_lums.rf>1L) { findsize(&newpos0, &newpos1, aprsdecode_click.mhop, 'R'); } else findsize(&newpos0, &newpos1, aprsdecode_click.mhop, 'T'); if (!pandone) { mapzoom(newpos0, newpos1, (uint32_t)useri_conf2int(useri_fDEFZOOM, 0UL, 1L, 18L, 14L), 1); pandone = 1; aprsdecode_lums.moving = 0; } maptool_mercator(aprsdecode_mappos.long0, aprsdecode_mappos.lat, aprsdecode_initzoom, &aprsdecode_inittilex, &aprsdecode_inittiley, &maptool_shiftx, &maptool_shifty); aprsdecode_click.dryrun = dryrun; if (dryrun) { aprsdecode_click.min0 = 8L; aprsdecode_click.entries = 0UL; aprsdecode_click.pf0 = 0; } else if (aprsdecode_lums.map>0L) { maptool_loadmap(image, aprsdecode_inittilex, aprsdecode_inittiley, aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom, maptool_shiftx, maptool_shifty, &mapok, &useri_isblown, useri_configon(useri_fALLOWEXP), 0); /* IF maploadpid.runs & NOT mapok THEN */ if (!mapok && useri_configon(useri_fGETMAPS)) { tooltips('B'); maptrys = 30UL; } else maptrys = 0UL; } else maptool_clr(image); if (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='R' || aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='W') { /* "w" is show wx stations only */ if (!dryrun) { closeradio(); if (aprsdecode_lums.map>0L) maptool_makebw(image); maptool_clr(rfimg); if (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='R') { metercolor('R'); maptool_addmap(image, rfimg); maptool_clr(rfimg); metercolor('1'); } else metercolor('T'); maptool_addmap(image, rfimg); } } else if ((aprsdecode_lums.rf>1L && aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL]) && mhtx==aprsmap_OPSENT) addrftracks(dryrun, 0); else if (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] && mhtx==aprsmap_OPHEARD) { addrftracks(dryrun, 1); } if (aprsdecode_lums.moving) { text(aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, 0, 0, 1); if (aprsdecode_lums.track>1L) { tracks(image, aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, X2C_max_longcard); } symbols(aprsdecode_ophist0, 1, 0, &hoverobj); if (aprsdecode_lums.sym>0L) { symbols(aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, 0, &hoverobj); } text(aprsdecode_ophist0, 1, 0, 0, 1); } else { if (aprsdecode_lums.track>1L) { tracks(image, aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, X2C_max_longcard); } if (aprsdecode_lums.obj>0L) { symbols(aprsdecode_ophist0, 1, 0, &hoverobj); text(aprsdecode_ophist0, 1, 1, 0, 1); } if (aprsdecode_lums.sym>0L) { symbols(aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, 0, &hoverobj); } if (aprsdecode_lums.text>0L || aprsdecode_lums.wxcol) { text(aprsdecode_ophist0, 0, 1, 0, 1); } } if (!dryrun) { if (aprsdecode_click.marktime==0UL || aprsdecode_click.marktime+10UL>aprsdecode_realtime) { maptool_setmark(image, aprsdecode_click.markpos, aprsdecode_click.marktime==0UL); } drawsquer(image); if (!aprsdecode_click.withradio || aprsdecode_click.altimap) { mpos = aprsdecode_click.measurepos; if ((!aprspos_posvalid(mpos) && hoverobj.opf) && useri_configon(useri_fGEOPROFIL)) { mpos = hoverobj.opf->lastpos; } measureline(image, aprsdecode_click.markpos, mpos, aprsdecode_click.markalti); } maptool_cc(image, osic_time(), 0UL); if (useri_configon(useri_fRULER)) maptool_ruler(image); drawzoomsquer(image); if (aprsdecode_click.withradio) { if (aprsdecode_click.altimap) altitudemap(); else addradio(); } else radio.wasradio = 0; } else { nearwaypoint(); aprsdecode_click.dryrun = 0; if (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL]==0) highlight(); } if (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='w') { useri_say("Wx Stations (exit with ESC)", 28ul, 10UL, 'g'); } else if (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='W') { useri_say("Temperatue Map (exit with ESC)", 31ul, 5UL, 'g'); } else if (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='R') { useri_say("Rain Map (exit with ESC)", 25ul, 5UL, 'g'); } if (hoverobj.opf) { useri_hoverinfo(hoverobj); hoverobj.opf = 0; } if (useri_beaconediting && useri_beaconed) maptool_drawpoliobj(image); useri_refresh = 1; lastxupdate = aprsdecode_realtime; } /* end makeimage() */ static void MainEvent(void) { char ch; char cfgs[21]; char void0; char menu; char raw; menu = 0; raw = 0; aprsdecode_realtime = osic_time(); if (!aprsdecode_lums.logmode) aprsdecode_systime = aprsdecode_realtime; if (aprsdecode_realtime1UL && aprsdecode_click.entries<9UL) { /* rotate find order */ cycleorder = (cycleorder+1UL)%aprsdecode_click.entries; aprsdecode_click.table[9UL] = aprsdecode_click.table[0UL]; aprsdecode_click.table[0UL] = aprsdecode_click.table[cycleorder]; aprsdecode_click.table[cycleorder] = aprsdecode_click.table[9UL]; } mestxt[0U] = 0; maptool_xytodeg((float)aprsdecode_click.x, (float)aprsdecode_click.y, &aprsdecode_click.clickpos); if (aprsdecode_click.entries>=1UL) aprsdecode_lums.errorstep = 0; aprsdecode_click.cmd = 0; if (xosi_Shift) aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'X'; else if (aprsdecode_click.entries==1UL) { if (aprsdecode_click.table[0UL] .typf==aprsdecode_tSYMBOL || aprsdecode_click.table[0UL] .typf==aprsdecode_tOBJECT) { if (aprsdecode_click.table[0UL].opf->lastinftyp>=100U) { /* wx symbol */ useri_confstr(useri_fCLICKWXSYM, cfgs, 21ul); if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, ".", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = '.'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "=", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = '='; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "H", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'h'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "C", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'c'; } } else { /* not wx symbol */ useri_confstr(useri_fCLICKSYM, cfgs, 21ul); if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, ".", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = '.'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "=", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = '='; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "H", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'h'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "C", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'c'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "A", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'a'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "X", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'x'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "Y", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'y'; } } } else if (aprsdecode_click.table[0UL].typf==aprsdecode_tTEXT) { useri_confstr(useri_fCLICKTEXT, cfgs, 21ul); if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, ".", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = '.'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "=", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = '='; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "H", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'h'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "C", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'c'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "A", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'a'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "X", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'x'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "Y", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'y'; } } else if (aprsdecode_click.table[0UL].typf==aprsdecode_tTRACK) { useri_confstr(useri_fCLICKTRACK, cfgs, 21ul); if (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] && X2C_STRCMP(aprsdecode_click.mhop,9u, aprsdecode_click.table[0UL].opf->call,9u)==0) { /* in single user mode and click same track */ if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "q", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'q'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "A", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'a'; } } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, ".", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = '.'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "=", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = '='; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "A", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'a'; } else if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "q", 2ul)>=0L) { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'q'; } nearwaypoint(); /* set marker on click to track */ aprstext_setmarkalti(aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .pff0, aprsdecode_click.table[0UL].opf, 1); aprsdecode_click.marktime = aprsdecode_realtime; } if (aprsstr_InStr(cfgs, 21ul, "u", 2ul)>=0L) { raw = 1; menu = 1; } if (aprsdecode_click.cmd==0) menu = 1; if (aprsdecode_click.marktime==0UL) { /* hard marker */ aprstext_measure(aprsdecode_click.markpos, aprsdecode_click.clickpos, mestxt, 201ul, 0); } else { aprstext_measure(aprsdecode_click.markpos, aprsdecode_click.measurepos, mestxt, 201ul, 0); } } else { /* importbeacon(click.table[click.selected].opf); (* copy to beacon editor *) */ /* clicked empty map */ if (aprsdecode_click.marktime==0UL || aprsdecode_click.marktime+10UL>=aprsdecode_realtime) { aprstext_measure(aprsdecode_click.markpos, aprsdecode_click.clickpos, mestxt, 201ul, 1); } menu = 1; } useri_confstr(useri_fCLICKMAP, (char *) &ch, 1u/1u); if (!xosi_Shift && ch=='2') { if (aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos)) ch = 'Y'; else ch = 'X'; } if (ch=='C') aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'C'; else if (!xosi_Shift && ch=='X' || xosi_Shift && ch=='Y') { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'X'; } else if (!xosi_Shift && ch=='Y' || xosi_Shift && ch=='X') { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'Y'; aprstext_measure(aprsdecode_click.markpos, aprsdecode_click.clickpos, mestxt, 201ul, 0); } if ((aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL && aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .typf==aprsdecode_tTEXT) && aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf) { useri_copypaste(aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .opf->call, 9ul); } if (!xosi_Shift) { /* not close menus on shift click to map */ if (useri_beaconediting && useri_beaconed) { if (maptool_findmultiline(aprsdecode_click.clickpos, &aprsdecode_click.markpos)) { aprsdecode_click.marktime = 0UL; aprsdecode_click.cmd = ' '; } } if (!aprsdecode_lums.headmenuy && ((aprsdecode_click.entries==0UL || menu) || aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL]) || (aprsdecode_lums.headmenuy && aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL) && (menu || aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL])) { ch = aprsdecode_click.cmd; useri_mainpop(); aprsdecode_click.cmd = ch; } else useri_killallmenus(); } /* THEN mainpop; click.cmd:=" "; ELSE killallmenus END; */ if (mestxt[0U]) { useri_textautosize(-3L, 0L, 6UL, 10UL, 'b', mestxt, 201ul); } } if (raw || aprsdecode_click.cmd) { /*WrStrLn(click.cmd); */ /*WrInt(ORD(click.cmd), 1); WrStrLn(click.cmd); */ maptool_startmapdelay(); if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\030') { aprsdecode_mappos.lat = aprsdecode_mappos.lat-movest((uint32_t) maptool_ysize)*shiftfine(); maptool_limpos(&aprsdecode_mappos); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\005') { aprsdecode_mappos.lat = aprsdecode_mappos.lat+movest((uint32_t) maptool_ysize)*shiftfine(); maptool_limpos(&aprsdecode_mappos); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\023') { aprsdecode_mappos.long0 = aprsdecode_mappos.long0-movest((uint32_t) maptool_xsize)*shiftfine(); maptool_limpos(&aprsdecode_mappos); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\004') { aprsdecode_mappos.long0 = aprsdecode_mappos.long0+movest((uint32_t) maptool_xsize)*shiftfine(); maptool_limpos(&aprsdecode_mappos); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='T') { if (aprspos_posvalid(newpos0) && aprspos_posvalid(newpos1)) { mapzoom(newpos0, newpos1, (uint32_t)useri_conf2int(useri_fDEFZOOM, 0UL, 1L, 18L, 14L), 1); } } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='o') { aprsdecode_click.dryrun = 0; push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); aprsdecode_objsender(aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .opf, aprsdecode_click.mhop, 9ul); mhtx = aprsmap_OPOBJ; aprsdecode_lums.obj = 10L*useri_conf2int(useri_fLOBJ, 0UL, 0L, 100L, 100L); /* switch on objects */ pandone = 0; } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='h') { aprsdecode_click.dryrun = 0; if (aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL) { push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); if (aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf) { memcpy(aprsdecode_click.mhop, aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf->call, 9u); } mhtx = aprsmap_OPHEARD; pandone = 0; } } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='.' || aprsdecode_click.cmd=='=') { /* tracenew.call:=click.mhop; (* watch call for incoming data *) */ aprsdecode_click.dryrun = 0; if (aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL) { push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); if (aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf) { memcpy(aprsdecode_click.mhop, aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf->call, 9u); } /* IF beaconediting() THEN importbeacon(click.table[click.selected].opf) END; (* copy to beacon editor *) */ mhtx = aprsmap_OPSENT; pandone = 0; aprsdecode_lums.errorstep = 0; if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='=') { aprsdecode_lums.rf = useri_conf2int(useri_fLRF, 0UL, 0L, 100L, 30L)*10L; } else aprsdecode_lums.rf = 0L; } } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='a') { if (aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL) { push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); if (aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf) { memcpy(aprsdecode_click.mhop, aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf->call, 9u); } pandone = 0; } animate(aprsdecode_click.mhop, (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.fps, "", 1ul); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='0') setshowall(); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='1' || aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\001') { View(0UL); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='2') View(1UL); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='3') View(2UL); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='4') { View(3UL); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='b' || aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\010') { pop(); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\014') { /* mercator(mappos.long, mappos.lat, initzoom, inittilex, inittiley, shiftx, shifty); */ push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); useri_resetimgparms(); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='+') zoominout(1, xosi_Shift, 0); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='-') zoominout(0, xosi_Shift, 0); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\310') zoominout(1, 1, 1); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\311') zoominout(0, 1, 1); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\237') MapPackage(); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='S') screenshot(); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='s') { useri_rdonesymb(aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab==0, 1); /* toggle onesymbol */ } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='E') { aprsdecode_lums.errorstep = !aprsdecode_lums.errorstep; useri_sayonoff("Show errors", 12ul, aprsdecode_lums.errorstep); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='f') { useri_configbool(useri_fTRACKFILT, !useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT)); useri_sayonoff("Trackfilter", 12ul, useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT)); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='m') { aprsdecode_lums.moving = !aprsdecode_lums.moving; useri_sayonoff("Dimm not Moving", 16ul, aprsdecode_lums.moving); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='R') { if (aprsdecode_lums.rf==0L) aprsdecode_lums.rf = 300L; else aprsdecode_lums.rf = 0L; } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\022') { if (aprsdecode_click.withradio && !aprsdecode_click.altimap) { closeradio(); } else { aprsdecode_click.withradio = 1; aprsdecode_click.altimap = 0; } aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = 0; if (aprsdecode_click.withradio && !(aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos) || aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.measurepos))) { useri_say("Radiorange Map On, Set 1 oder 2 Markers", 40ul, 4UL, 'b'); } else { useri_sayonoff("Radiorange Map", 15ul, aprsdecode_click.withradio); } } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='H') { if (aprsdecode_click.withradio && aprsdecode_click.altimap) { closeradio(); } else { aprsdecode_click.withradio = 1; aprsdecode_click.altimap = 1; } aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = 0; useri_sayonoff("Altitude Map", 13ul, aprsdecode_click.withradio); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='O') { /* ELSIF click.cmd="P" THEN IF click.withradio THEN closeradio ELSE click.withradio:=TRUE; click.panorama:=TRUE END; lums.wxcol:=0C; sayonoff("Panorama", click.withradio); */ if (aprsdecode_lums.obj==0L) { aprsdecode_lums.obj = 10L*useri_conf2int(useri_fLOBJ, 0UL, 0L, 100L, 100L); if (aprsdecode_lums.obj<30L) { /* switch on objects but are too dark */ useri_AddConfLine(useri_fLOBJ, 0U, "90", 3ul); /* set to default brightness */ aprsdecode_lums.obj = 10L*useri_conf2int(useri_fLOBJ, 0UL, 0L, 100L, 100L); } } else aprsdecode_lums.obj = 0L; useri_sayonoff("Show Items/Objects", 19ul, aprsdecode_lums.obj!=0L); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='L') { if (aprsdecode_lums.text==0L) { aprsdecode_lums.text = 10L*useri_conf2int(useri_fLTEXT, 0UL, 0L, 100L, 100L); } else aprsdecode_lums.text = 0L; useri_sayonoff("Labels", 7ul, aprsdecode_lums.text!=0L); } else if (X2C_CAP(aprsdecode_click.cmd)=='W') { if (xosi_Shift && aprsdecode_click.cmd=='W') { aprsdecode_click.cmd = 'w'; } /* IF click.cmd="W" THEN IF lums.wxcol<>"W" THEN lums.wxcol:="W" ELSE lums.wxcol:=0C END; ELSIF lums.wxcol<>"R" THEN lums.wxcol:="R" ELSE lums.wxcol:=0C END; sayonoff("Wx Colormap", lums.wxcol<>0C); */ if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='W') { if (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='W') aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = 0; else if (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol=='w') aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = 'W'; else aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = 'w'; } else if (aprsdecode_lums.wxcol!='R') aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = 'R'; else aprsdecode_lums.wxcol = 0; aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] = 0; aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab = 0; closeradio(); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='C') centermouse(1); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='t' && aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos)) { /* click to listwin line */ push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); centerpos(aprsdecode_click.markpos, &aprsdecode_mappos); aprsdecode_click.marktime = aprsdecode_realtime; if (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL]) setshowall(); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\322' && aprspos_posvalid(clickwatchpos)) { /* click to watchcall popup */ aprsdecode_click.markpos = clickwatchpos; push(maptool_realzoom(aprsdecode_initzoom, aprsdecode_finezoom)); centerpos(aprsdecode_click.markpos, &aprsdecode_mappos); aprsdecode_click.marktime = aprsdecode_realtime; if (aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL]) setshowall(); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='c') centermouse(0); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='X') xytomark(); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='x') { /* set marker 1 to object lastpos */ clicktomark(); useri_mainpop(); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='y') { /* set marker 2 to object lastpos */ if ((aprsdecode_click.entries>0UL && aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .opf) && aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf->lastpos) ) { aprsdecode_click.measurepos = aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected] .opf->lastpos; } else aprsdecode_click.measurepos = aprsdecode_click.clickpos; } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='q') clickdelwaypoint(); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='/') { zoomtomarks(aprsdecode_click.markpos, aprsdecode_click.measurepos); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\307') zoomtosquare(); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd==':') { aprsdecode_posinval(&aprsdecode_click.markpos); aprsdecode_posinval(&aprsdecode_click.measurepos); aprsdecode_click.waysum = 0.0f; aprsdecode_posinval(&aprsdecode_click.squerpos0); useri_killallmenus(); useri_sayonoff("Markers", 8ul, 0); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='@') { useri_AddConfLine(useri_fCLICKMAP, 0U, "", 1ul); useri_AddConfLine(useri_fCLICKSYM, 0U, "", 1ul); useri_AddConfLine(useri_fCLICKTRACK, 0U, "", 1ul); useri_AddConfLine(useri_fCLICKTEXT, 0U, "", 1ul); useri_AddConfLine(useri_fCLICKWXSYM, 0U, "", 1ul); useri_killallmenus(); useri_say("\'ON Next Click\' Reset to Defaults", 34ul, 10UL, 'b'); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='Y') { /* click.measurepos:=click.clickpos; */ /* copypastepos(click.clickpos); */ xytomark2(); if (aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.clickpos)) { copypastepos(aprsdecode_click.clickpos); } } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='~') { changecolor(aprsdecode_click.table[aprsdecode_click.selected].opf); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='A') { animate(aprsdecode_click.mhop, (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.fps, "", 1ul); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\312') { useri_say("Saving map.y4m", 15ul, 0UL, 'b'); animate(aprsdecode_click.mhop, (uint32_t)aprsdecode_lums.actfps, "\ map.y4m", 8ul); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='I') internstat(); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\245') { aprsdecode_click.dryrun = 0; find(); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\\') { useri_helptext(0UL, 0UL, 0UL, 0UL, "en-shortcuts", 13ul); } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='7') useri_Setmap(0UL); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='8') useri_Setmap(1UL); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='9') useri_Setmap(2UL); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='Q') aprsdecode_quit = 1; else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='e') aprsdecode_click.dryrun = 0; else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\216' && aprsdecode_click.cmdatt) { importlog(aprsdecode_click.cmdatt); aprsdecode_click.cmdatt = 0; } else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='\011') toggview(); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='(') mapbri(-5L); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd==')') mapbri(5L); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd=='[') fullbritime(1); else if (aprsdecode_click.cmd==']') fullbritime(0); makeimage(0); aprsdecode_click.cmd = 0; if ((useri_beaconediting && useri_beaconed) && aprsdecode_ismultiline(1)) useri_poligonmenu(); } else if ((aprsdecode_tracenew.call[0UL] && lastxupdate+2UL+slowupdate() <=aprsdecode_realtime) && !(aprsdecode_click.withradio && (aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos) || aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.measurepos)))) { follow(); if (maptrys>0UL) { if (aprsdecode_click.watchlast) useri_refrinfo(); makeimage(0); } } else if (aprsdecode_tracenew.winevent>1000UL || aprsdecode_tracenew.winevent>0UL && lastxupdate+5UL+slowupdate() <=aprsdecode_realtime) { aprsdecode_tracenew.winevent = 0UL; if (aprsdecode_click.watchlast) useri_refrinfo(); if (!(aprsdecode_click.withradio || aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.markpos) && aprspos_posvalid(aprsdecode_click.measurepos))) { maptool_closesrtmfile(); } makeimage(0); } else if (useri_newxsize>0UL) { /* window resize request */ if ((useri_newxsize&1)) --useri_newxsize; if ((useri_newysize&1)) --useri_newysize; xosi_allocxbuf(useri_newxsize, useri_newysize); useri_allocimage(&image, (int32_t)useri_newxsize, (int32_t)useri_newysize, 0); useri_allocimage(&rfimg, (int32_t)useri_newxsize, (int32_t)useri_newysize, 0); maptool_xsize = (int32_t)useri_newxsize; maptool_ysize = (int32_t)useri_newysize; if (!useri_maximized) { useri_saveXYtocfg(useri_fXYSIZE, maptool_xsize, maptool_ysize); } useri_newxsize = 0UL; useri_newysize = 0UL; radio.wasradio = 0; aprsdecode_posinval(&radio.mappos); makeimage(0); } else if ((aprsdecode_lasttcprx+60UL>aprsdecode_realtime || aprsdecode_lastanyudprx+60UL>aprsdecode_realtime) && laststatref+5UL0UL && maptime!=aprsdecode_realtime) { maptime = aprsdecode_realtime; --maptrys; if (maptool_IsMapLoaded()) makeimage(0); else if (maptrys==20UL) tooltips('m'); } if (aprsdecode_click.bubblstr[0UL] && !xosi_pulling) { useri_textbubble(aprsdecode_click.bubblpos, aprsdecode_click.bubblstr, 50ul, aprsdecode_click.lastpoi); aprsdecode_click.bubblstr[0UL] = 0; } if (useri_refresh) useri_redraw(image); if (!logdone) { bootreadlog(); ++aprsdecode_tracenew.winevent; } if (realday!=aprsdecode_realtime/86400UL) { realday = aprsdecode_realtime/86400UL; void0 = deletelogfile(0); } } /* end MainEvent() */ static void getinitview(void) { float z; aprsdecode_initzoom = 8L; aprsdecode_finezoom = 1.0f; z = 0.0f; useri_getview(useri_fVIEW, 0UL, &z, &aprsdecode_mappos); if (z!=0.0f) { aprsdecode_initzoom = (int32_t)aprsdecode_trunc(z); aprsdecode_finezoom = (1.0f+z)-(float)aprsdecode_initzoom; } maptool_limpos(&aprsdecode_mappos); if (aprsdecode_parmzoom>0L) { aprsdecode_initzoom = aprsdecode_parmzoom; aprsdecode_finezoom = aprsdecode_parmfinezoom; } if (aprsdecode_initzoom<1L) aprsdecode_initzoom = 1L; else if (aprsdecode_initzoom>18L) aprsdecode_initzoom = 18L; } /* end getinitview() */ static void killsave(int32_t); static void killsave(int32_t signum) { if (!aprsdecode_quit && useri_configon(useri_fAUTOSAVE)) { useri_saveconfig(); } osi_WrStr("exit ", 6ul); osic_WrINT32((uint32_t)signum, 0UL); osi_WrStrLn("!", 2ul); X2C_HALT((uint32_t)signum); } /* end killsave() */ /* PROCEDURE rdmountains(fn:ARRAY OF CHAR); (* import csv file with mountain name, pos, altitude *) VAR p,len,r:INTEGER; fd:File; pm:pMOUNTAIN; pos:POSITION; alt:REAL; b:ARRAY[0..4095] OF CHAR; s:ARRAY[0..1023] OF CHAR; com, lat, long, name:ARRAY[0..99] OF CHAR; PROCEDURE getch():CHAR; BEGIN IF p>=len THEN len:=RdBin(fd, b, SIZE(b)); IF len<=0 THEN RETURN 0C END; p:=0; END; INC(p); RETURN b[p-1] END getch; PROCEDURE getword(VAR s:ARRAY OF CHAR):INTEGER; VAR i:CARDINAL; BEGIN i:=0; LOOP s[i]:=getch(); IF s[i]=0C THEN RETURN -1 END; IF s[i]=LF THEN s[i]:=0C; RETURN 0 END; IF s[i]="," THEN s[i]:=0C; RETURN 1 END; IF (i=" ") THEN INC(i) END; END; END getword; BEGIN b[0]:=0C; confstr(fOSMDIR, s); Append(b, s); Append(b, DIRSEP); Append(b, fn); fd:=OpenRead(b); IF NOT FdValid(fd) THEN RETURN END; p:=0; len:=0; LOOP r:=getword(com); IF r>0 THEN r:=getword(name); IF r>0 THEN r:=getword(s); IF r>0 THEN r:=getword(lat); IF r>0 THEN r:=getword(long); IF r>0 THEN r:=getword(s); IF (r<0) OR NOT StrToFix(alt, s) THEN alt:=0.0 END; WHILE r>0 DO r:=getword(s) END; END; END; END; END; END; IF r<0 THEN EXIT END; IF (com[0]<>"#") & (name[0]<>0C) & StrToFix(pos.lat, lat) & StrToFix(pos.long, long) & posvalid(pos) THEN ALLOCATE(pm, SIZE(pm^)); IF pm=NIL THEN EXIT END; INC(debugmem.srtm, SIZE(pm^)); Assign(pm^.name, name); pm^.pos.lat:= pos.lat * RAD; pm^.pos.long:=pos.long* RAD; IF (alt<0.0) OR (alt>9999.0) THEN alt:=0.0 END; pm^.alt:=trunc(alt); pm^.next:=mountains; mountains:=pm; END; END; Close(fd); END rdmountains; */ X2C_STACK_LIMIT(100000l) extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { X2C_BEGIN(&argc,argv,1,4000000l,1000000000l); aprstext_BEGIN(); aprsstr_BEGIN(); aprspos_BEGIN(); aprsdecode_BEGIN(); maptool_BEGIN(); xosi_BEGIN(); osi_BEGIN(); useri_BEGIN(); memset((char *) &useri_debugmem,(char)0,sizeof(struct useri__D0)); useri_clrconfig(); aprsdecode_initparms(); aprsdecode_posinval(&aprsdecode_click.markpos); aprsdecode_mountains = 0; useri_loadconfig(0); maptool_loadfont(); useri_maximized = 0; useri_getstartxysize(&maptool_xsize, &maptool_ysize); if (aprsdecode_initxsize>0L) maptool_xsize = aprsdecode_initxsize; if (aprsdecode_initysize>0L) maptool_ysize = aprsdecode_initysize; aprsdecode_mappos.long0 = 2.0943951023333E-1f; aprsdecode_mappos.lat = 8.5521133345278E-1f; getinitview(); maptool_mercator(aprsdecode_mappos.long0, aprsdecode_mappos.lat, aprsdecode_initzoom, &aprsdecode_inittilex, &aprsdecode_inittiley, &maptool_shiftx, &maptool_shifty); centerpos(aprsdecode_mappos, &aprsdecode_mappos); makegammatab(); vidbuf = 0; image = 0; rfimg = 0; useri_allocimage(&image, maptool_xsize, maptool_ysize, 0); useri_allocimage(&rfimg, maptool_xsize, maptool_ysize, 0); aprsdecode_posinval(&clickwatchpos); tabview.stkpo = 0UL; tabview.stktop = 0UL; alttabview.stkpo = 0UL; alttabview.stktop = 0UL; maptrys = 0UL; memset((char *) &aprsdecode_serialpid,(char)0, sizeof(struct xosi_PROCESSHANDLE)); memset((char *) &aprsdecode_serialpid2,(char)0, sizeof(struct xosi_PROCESSHANDLE)); aprsdecode_click.mhop[0UL] = 0; aprsdecode_click.onesymbol.tab = 0; aprsdecode_click.zoomtox = -1L; aprsdecode_posinval(&aprsdecode_click.squerpos0); aprsdecode_posinval(&aprsdecode_click.measurepos); memset((char *) &aprsdecode_tracenew,(char)0, sizeof(struct aprsdecode__D2)); pandone = 1; useri_newxsize = 0UL; useri_newysize = 0UL; cycleorder = 0UL; realday = 0UL; onetipp = 0; logdone = 0; uptime = osic_time(); withx = xosi_InitX("Aprsmap", 8ul, "Aprsmap", 8ul, (uint32_t)maptool_xsize, (uint32_t)maptool_ysize)>=0L; if (!withx) { osi_WrStrLn("cannot open xwindow, image generation only", 43ul); } xosi_Gammatab(aprsdecode_lums.gamma); aprsdecode_realtime = osic_time(); useri_initmenus(); aprsdecode_quit = 0; aprsdecode_tracenew.winevent = 1UL; aprsdecode_posinval(&newpos0); aprsdecode_posinval(&newpos1); signal(SIGTERM, killsave); signal(SIGINT, killsave); signal(SIGPIPE, killsave); if (withx) { aprsdecode_realtime = osic_time(); aprsdecode_rxidle = 0UL; useri_refresh = 1; aprsdecode_lastlooped = aprsdecode_realtime; while (!aprsdecode_quit) { MainEvent(); xosi_Eventloop(250000UL); } if (useri_configon(useri_fAUTOSAVE)) useri_saveconfig(); xosi_StopProg(&aprsdecode_maploadpid); xosi_StopProg(&aprsdecode_serialpid); xosi_StopProg(&aprsdecode_serialpid2); xosi_closewin(); } /* data structure op ophist (ophist2 is online ophist in logmode) ophist > op1.next > op2.next > NIL op.frames > frame1.next > frame2.next > NIL frame1 > vardat1.lastref > frame5 frame2 > vardat2.lastref > frame4 frame3 > vardat1.lastref > frame5 frame4 > vardat2.lastref > frame4 frame5 > vardat1.lastref > frame5 */ X2C_EXIT(); return 0; } X2C_MAIN_DEFINITION