import axios from 'axios' export default class Wikipedia { static loadSummitPhoto (summit, size) { return axios.get('', { params: { action: 'query', format: 'json', prop: 'coordinates|pageimages|info|pageviews', inprop: 'url', generator: 'geosearch', ggscoord: summit.coordinates.latitude + '|' + summit.coordinates.longitude, ggsradius: 500, origin: '*', pilicense: 'free' } }).then(pageimages => { if (! { return null } // Filter and sort pages by distance from the summit coordinates let pages = [] Object.keys( => { let page =[pageid] if (!page.coordinates[0] || !page.thumbnail || page.thumbnail.source.match(/relief|location_map/i)) { return } page.distance = this.calcDistance(page.coordinates[0].lat, page.coordinates[0].lon, summit.coordinates.latitude, summit.coordinates.longitude) pages.push(page) }) pages.sort((a, b) => { return a.distance - b.distance }) // Take all pages within 100 m of the closest page if (pages.length > 0) { let closestPage = pages[0] pages = pages.filter(page => { return (page.distance - closestPage.distance) < 0.1 }) } // Take the page with the most views from the remaining pages let bestPage let bestPageViews pages.forEach(page => { let pageViews = Object.values(page.pageviews).reduce((acc, val) => { return acc + val }, 0) if (!bestPage || (pageViews > bestPageViews)) { bestPage = page bestPageViews = pageViews } }) if (bestPage) { // Fetch image info for attribution and description return axios.get('', { params: { action: 'query', format: 'json', prop: 'imageinfo', iiprop: 'url|extmetadata', titles: 'file:' + bestPage.pageimage, iiurlwidth: size, iiurlheight: size, origin: '*' } }).then(imageinfo => { imageinfo =['-1'].imageinfo[0] let image = { width: imageinfo.thumbwidth, height: imageinfo.thumbheight, src: imageinfo.thumburl, link: bestPage.fullurl, title: bestPage.title, mediaLink: bestPage.fullurl + '#/media/File:' + bestPage.pageimage } if (imageinfo.extmetadata) { if (imageinfo.extmetadata.ImageDescription && imageinfo.extmetadata.ImageDescription.value) { image.description = this.stripHtml(imageinfo.extmetadata.ImageDescription.value).trim() } if (imageinfo.extmetadata.AttributionRequired && imageinfo.extmetadata.AttributionRequired.value === 'true') { let attribution = '' if (imageinfo.extmetadata.Attribution && imageinfo.extmetadata.Attribution.value) { attribution = this.stripHtml(imageinfo.extmetadata.Attribution.value) } else if (imageinfo.extmetadata.Artist) { attribution = this.stripHtml(imageinfo.extmetadata.Artist.value) } if (!attribution) { attribution = 'Wikipedia' } if (imageinfo.extmetadata.LicenseShortName) { attribution += ' [' + this.stripHtml(imageinfo.extmetadata.LicenseShortName.value) + ']' } if (attribution) { image.attribution = attribution } } } return image }) } else { return null } }) } static calcDistance (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) { let R = 6371 let dLat = this.deg2rad(lat2 - lat1) let dLon = this.deg2rad(lon2 - lon1) let a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(this.deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.cos(this.deg2rad(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) let c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)) let d = R * c return d } static deg2rad (deg) { return deg * (Math.PI / 180) } static stripHtml (value) { let div = document.createElement('div') div.innerHTML = value let text = div.textContent || div.innerText || '' return text } }