kopia lustrzana https://github.com/manuelkasper/sotlas-api
205 wiersze
6.5 KiB
205 wiersze
6.5 KiB
const axios = require('axios');
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const config = require('../config');
const assert = require('assert');
const {parse} = require('csv-parse/sync');
const fs = require('fs');
const removeDiacritics = require('diacritics').remove;
const client = new MongoClient(config.mongodb.url);
client.connect(function (err) {
assert.equal(null, err);
async function processSummitList(db) {
let associations = new Map();
let now = new Date();
let prefixToIsoCode = parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/isocodes.txt'));
let response = await axios.get(config.summitListUrl);
let body = response.data.substring(response.data.indexOf("\n")+1, response.data.length);
let summits = parse(body, {columns: true, relax_column_count: true});
let csvSummitCodes = new Set();
if (summits.length < 100000) {
console.error("Bad number of summits, expecting more than 100000");
let bulkWrites = [];
for (let summit of summits) {
summit.SummitCode = summit.SummitCode.trim(); //anomaly GW/NW-003
summit.ValidFrom = dateToMongo(summit.ValidFrom);
summit.ValidTo = dateToMongo(summit.ValidTo, true);
if (summit.ActivationDate) {
summit.ActivationDate = dateToMongo(summit.ActivationDate);
} else {
summit.ActivationDate = null;
summit.ActivationCall = null;
bulkWrites.push({updateOne: {
filter: {code: summit.SummitCode},
update: { $set: {
code: summit.SummitCode,
name: summit.SummitName,
nameNd: removeDiacritics(summit.SummitName),
altitude: parseInt(summit.AltM),
points: parseInt(summit.Points),
bonusPoints: parseInt(summit.BonusPoints),
coordinates: {
longitude: Number(parseFloat(summit.Longitude).toFixed(5)),
latitude: Number(parseFloat(summit.Latitude).toFixed(5))
validFrom: summit.ValidFrom,
validTo: summit.ValidTo,
activationCount: parseInt(summit.ActivationCount),
activationCall: summit.ActivationCall,
activationDate: summit.ActivationDate
$unset: {
retired: ""
upsert: true
if (bulkWrites.length >= config.mongodb.batchSize) {
await db.collection('summits').bulkWrite(bulkWrites);
bulkWrites = [];
let SummitAssociation = getAssociation(summit.SummitCode);
let SummitRegion = getRegion(summit.SummitCode);
let isValid = (summit.ValidFrom <= now && summit.ValidTo >= now);
let association = associations.get(SummitAssociation);
if (!association) {
let info = isoCodeForPrefix(SummitAssociation, prefixToIsoCode)
association = {code: SummitAssociation, name: summit.AssociationName, isoCode: info.isoCode, continent: info.continent, regions: new Map(), summitCount: 0};
associations.set(SummitAssociation, association);
let region = association.regions.get(SummitRegion);
if (!region) {
region = {code: SummitRegion, name: summit.RegionName, summitCount: 0};
association.regions.set(SummitRegion, region);
if (isValid) {
let lat = parseFloat(summit.Latitude);
let lon = parseFloat(summit.Longitude);
if (!region.bounds) {
region.bounds = [[lon, lat], [lon, lat]];
} else {
region.bounds[0][0] = Math.min(region.bounds[0][0], lon);
region.bounds[0][1] = Math.min(region.bounds[0][1], lat);
region.bounds[1][0] = Math.max(region.bounds[1][0], lon);
region.bounds[1][1] = Math.max(region.bounds[1][1], lat);
if (!association.bounds) {
association.bounds = [[lon, lat], [lon, lat]];
} else {
association.bounds[0][0] = Math.min(association.bounds[0][0], lon);
association.bounds[0][1] = Math.min(association.bounds[0][1], lat);
association.bounds[1][0] = Math.max(association.bounds[1][0], lon);
association.bounds[1][1] = Math.max(association.bounds[1][1], lat);
if (bulkWrites.length > 0) {
await db.collection('summits').bulkWrite(bulkWrites);
// Fetch all non-retired summit codes in DB and find those that don't exist in the CSV anymore
let dbSummitCodes = new Set(await db.collection('summits').distinct('code', {'retired': {$in: [null, false]}}));
let retiredSummitCodes = new Set([...dbSummitCodes].filter(x => !csvSummitCodes.has(x)));
// Mark those summits as retired in DB, and also warn if one of them has photos
for (const code of retiredSummitCodes) {
let summit = await db.collection('summits').findOne({code});
if (summit.photos) {
console.error(`[ALERT] Summit ${code} has been retired, but still has photos!`);
await db.collection('summits').updateOne({code}, {$set: {retired: true}});
// Update associations
for (let association of associations.values()) {
association.regions = [...association.regions.values()];
let session = client.startSession();
await session.withTransaction(async () => {
let associationCollection = db.collection('associations');
await associationCollection.deleteMany({}, { session });
await associationCollection.insertMany([...associations.values()], { session });
function dateToMongo(date, endOfDay = false) {
let dateRegex = /^(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d\d\d)$/;
let dateRegex2 = /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/;
let matches = dateRegex.exec(date);
let matches2 = dateRegex2.exec(date);
if (matches) {
if (endOfDay) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(matches[3], matches[2]-1, matches[1], 23, 59, 59, 999));
} else {
return new Date(Date.UTC(matches[3], matches[2]-1, matches[1]));
} else if (matches2) {
if (endOfDay) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(matches2[1], matches2[2]-1, matches2[3], 23, 59, 59, 999));
} else {
return new Date(Date.UTC(matches2[1], matches2[2]-1, matches2[3]));
} else {
throw Error("Bad date " + date);
let summitRegex = /^(.+)\/(.+)-(\d+)$/;
function getAssociation(summitRef) {
let matches = summitRegex.exec(summitRef);
if (matches) {
return matches[1];
} else {
throw Error("Bad summit ref '" + summitRef + "'");
function getRegion(summitRef) {
let matches = summitRegex.exec(summitRef);
if (matches) {
return matches[2];
} else {
throw Error("Bad summit ref '" + summitRef + "'");
function isoCodeForPrefix(prefix, prefixToIsoCode) {
let isoCodeEnt = prefixToIsoCode.find(el => {
if (prefix.startsWith(el[0])) {
return true;
if (isoCodeEnt) {
return {isoCode: isoCodeEnt[1], continent: isoCodeEnt[2]};
} else {
console.error(`ISO code not found for prefix ${prefix}`);
return null;