const sharp = require('sharp') const crypto = require('crypto') const fs = require('fs') const fsPromises = require('fs').promises const exif = require('exif-reader') const path = require('path') const hasha = require('hasha') const config = require('./config') const db = require('./db') module.exports = { importPhoto: async function(filename, author) { // Hash input file to determine filename let hash = await hasha.fromFile(filename, {algorithm: 'sha256'}) let hashFilename = hash.substr(0, 32) + '.jpg' let originalPath = + '/' + hashFilename.substr(0, 2) + '/' + hashFilename await fsPromises.mkdir(path.dirname(originalPath), {recursive: true}) let metadata = await getMetadata(filename) if (metadata.format !== 'jpeg' && metadata.format != 'png' && metadata.format != 'heif') { throw new Error('Bad input format, must be JPEG, PNG or HEIF') } await fsPromises.copyFile(filename, originalPath) let photo = { filename: hashFilename, width: Math.round(metadata.width), height: Math.round(metadata.height), author, uploadDate: new Date() } if (metadata.orientation && metadata.orientation >= 5) { // Swap width/height let tmp = photo.width photo.width = photo.height photo.height = tmp } if (metadata.exif) { let exifParsed = exif(metadata.exif) if (exifParsed) { if (exifParsed.gps && exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitude && exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitude && (!exifParsed.gps.GPSStatus || exifParsed.gps.GPSStatus === 'A') && !isNaN(exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitude[0]) && !isNaN(exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitude[0]) && (exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitude[0] !== 0 || exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitude[1] !== 0 || exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitude[2] !== 0) && (exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitude[0] !== 0 || exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitude[1] !== 0 || exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitude[2] !== 0)) { photo.coordinates = {} photo.coordinates.latitude = exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitude[0] + exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitude[1]/60 + exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitude[2]/3600 if (exifParsed.gps.GPSLatitudeRef === 'S') { photo.coordinates.latitude = -photo.coordinates.latitude } photo.coordinates.longitude = exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitude[0] + exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitude[1]/60 + exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitude[2]/3600 if (exifParsed.gps.GPSLongitudeRef === 'W') { photo.coordinates.longitude = -photo.coordinates.longitude } if (exifParsed.gps.GPSImgDirection && exifParsed.gps.GPSImgDirection >= 0 && exifParsed.gps.GPSImgDirection < 360) { photo.direction = Math.round(exifParsed.gps.GPSImgDirection) } if (exifParsed.gps.GPSHPositioningError) { photo.positioningError = Math.round(exifParsed.gps.GPSHPositioningError) } } if (exifParsed.image && exifParsed.image.Make && exifParsed.image.Model) { = exifParsed.image.Make + ' ' + exifParsed.image.Model } if (exifParsed.exif) { if (exifParsed.exif.DateTimeDigitized) { = exifParsed.exif.DateTimeDigitized } else if (exifParsed.exif.DateTimeOriginal) { = exifParsed.exif.DateTimeOriginal } } } } let mkdirTasks = [] let resizeTasks = [] Object.keys( => { let outPath =[sizeDescr] + '/' + hashFilename.substr(0, 2) + '/' + hashFilename mkdirTasks.push(fsPromises.mkdir(path.dirname(outPath), {recursive: true})) resizeTasks.push(makeResized(originalPath, outPath,[sizeDescr].width,[sizeDescr].height)) }) await Promise.all(mkdirTasks) await Promise.all(resizeTasks) db.getDb().collection('uploads').insertOne({ uploadDate: new Date(), type: 'photo', filename: hashFilename, author }) return photo } } function getMetadata(src) { return sharp(src).metadata() } function makeResized(src, dst, maxWidth, maxHeight) { return sharp(src).rotate().resize({ height: maxHeight, width: maxWidth, fit: 'inside' }).toFile(dst) }