// Copyright 2019 SoloKeys Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license , at your option. This file may not be // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. #include #include #include #include "device.h" #include "ctaphid.h" #include "ctap.h" #include "u2f.h" #include "time.h" #include "util.h" #include "log.h" #include "extensions.h" #include "version.h" // move custom SHA512 command out, // and the following headers too #include "sha2.h" #include "crypto.h" #include APP_CONFIG typedef enum { IDLE = 0, HANDLING_REQUEST, } CTAP_STATE; typedef enum { EMPTY = 0, BUFFERING, BUFFERED, HID_ERROR, HID_IGNORE, } CTAP_BUFFER_STATE; typedef struct { uint8_t cmd; uint32_t cid; uint16_t bcnt; int offset; int bytes_written; uint8_t seq; uint8_t buf[HID_MESSAGE_SIZE]; } CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER; struct CID { uint32_t cid; uint64_t last_used; uint8_t busy; uint8_t last_cmd; }; #define SUCESS 0 #define SEQUENCE_ERROR 1 static int state; static struct CID CIDS[10]; #define CID_MAX (sizeof(CIDS)/sizeof(struct CID)) static uint64_t active_cid_timestamp; static uint8_t ctap_buffer[CTAPHID_BUFFER_SIZE]; static uint32_t ctap_buffer_cid; static int ctap_buffer_cmd; static uint16_t ctap_buffer_bcnt; static int ctap_buffer_offset; static int ctap_packet_seq; static void buffer_reset(); #define CTAPHID_WRITE_INIT 0x01 #define CTAPHID_WRITE_FLUSH 0x02 #define CTAPHID_WRITE_RESET 0x04 #define ctaphid_write_buffer_init(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER)) static void ctaphid_write(CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER * wb, void * _data, int len); void ctaphid_init() { state = IDLE; buffer_reset(); //ctap_reset_state(); } static uint32_t get_new_cid() { static uint32_t cid = 1; do { cid++; }while(cid == 0 || cid == 0xffffffff); return cid; } static int8_t add_cid(uint32_t cid) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < CID_MAX-1; i++) { if (!CIDS[i].busy) { CIDS[i].cid = cid; CIDS[i].busy = 1; CIDS[i].last_used = millis(); return 0; } } return -1; } static int8_t cid_exists(uint32_t cid) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < CID_MAX-1; i++) { if (CIDS[i].cid == cid) { return 1; } } return 0; } static int8_t cid_refresh(uint32_t cid) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < CID_MAX-1; i++) { if (CIDS[i].cid == cid) { CIDS[i].last_used = millis(); CIDS[i].busy = 1; return 0; } } return -1; } static int8_t cid_del(uint32_t cid) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < CID_MAX-1; i++) { if (CIDS[i].cid == cid) { CIDS[i].busy = 0; return 0; } } return -1; } static int is_broadcast(CTAPHID_PACKET * pkt) { return (pkt->cid == CTAPHID_BROADCAST_CID); } static int is_init_pkt(CTAPHID_PACKET * pkt) { return (pkt->pkt.init.cmd == CTAPHID_INIT); } static int is_cont_pkt(CTAPHID_PACKET * pkt) { return !(pkt->pkt.init.cmd & TYPE_INIT); } static int buffer_packet(CTAPHID_PACKET * pkt) { if (pkt->pkt.init.cmd & TYPE_INIT) { ctap_buffer_bcnt = ctaphid_packet_len(pkt); int pkt_len = (ctap_buffer_bcnt < CTAPHID_INIT_PAYLOAD_SIZE) ? ctap_buffer_bcnt : CTAPHID_INIT_PAYLOAD_SIZE; ctap_buffer_cmd = pkt->pkt.init.cmd; ctap_buffer_cid = pkt->cid; ctap_buffer_offset = pkt_len; ctap_packet_seq = -1; memmove(ctap_buffer, pkt->pkt.init.payload, pkt_len); } else { int leftover = ctap_buffer_bcnt - ctap_buffer_offset; int diff = leftover - CTAPHID_CONT_PAYLOAD_SIZE; ctap_packet_seq++; if (ctap_packet_seq != pkt->pkt.cont.seq) { return SEQUENCE_ERROR; } if (diff <= 0) { // only move the leftover amount memmove(ctap_buffer + ctap_buffer_offset, pkt->pkt.cont.payload, leftover); ctap_buffer_offset += leftover; } else { memmove(ctap_buffer + ctap_buffer_offset, pkt->pkt.cont.payload, CTAPHID_CONT_PAYLOAD_SIZE); ctap_buffer_offset += CTAPHID_CONT_PAYLOAD_SIZE; } } return SUCESS; } static void buffer_reset() { ctap_buffer_bcnt = 0; ctap_buffer_offset = 0; ctap_packet_seq = 0; ctap_buffer_cid = 0; } static int buffer_status() { if (ctap_buffer_bcnt == 0) { return EMPTY; } else if (ctap_buffer_offset == ctap_buffer_bcnt) { return BUFFERED; } else { return BUFFERING; } } static int buffer_cmd() { return ctap_buffer_cmd; } static uint32_t buffer_cid() { return ctap_buffer_cid; } static int buffer_len() { return ctap_buffer_bcnt; } // Buffer data and send in HID_MESSAGE_SIZE chunks // if len == 0, FLUSH static void ctaphid_write(CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER * wb, void * _data, int len) { uint8_t * data = (uint8_t *)_data; if (_data == NULL) { if (wb->offset == 0 && wb->bytes_written == 0) { memmove(wb->buf, &wb->cid, 4); wb->offset += 4; wb->buf[4] = wb->cmd; wb->buf[5] = (wb->bcnt & 0xff00) >> 8; wb->buf[6] = (wb->bcnt & 0xff) >> 0; wb->offset += 3; } if (wb->offset > 0) { memset(wb->buf + wb->offset, 0, HID_MESSAGE_SIZE - wb->offset); usbhid_send(wb->buf); } return; } int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (wb->offset == 0 ) { memmove(wb->buf, &wb->cid, 4); wb->offset += 4; if (wb->bytes_written == 0) { wb->buf[4] = wb->cmd; wb->buf[5] = (wb->bcnt & 0xff00) >> 8; wb->buf[6] = (wb->bcnt & 0xff) >> 0; wb->offset += 3; } else { wb->buf[4] = wb->seq++; wb->offset += 1; } } wb->buf[wb->offset++] = data[i]; wb->bytes_written += 1; if (wb->offset == HID_MESSAGE_SIZE) { usbhid_send(wb->buf); wb->offset = 0; } } } static void ctaphid_send_error(uint32_t cid, uint8_t error) { CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER wb; ctaphid_write_buffer_init(&wb); wb.cid = cid; wb.cmd = CTAPHID_ERROR; wb.bcnt = 1; ctaphid_write(&wb, &error, 1); ctaphid_write(&wb, NULL, 0); } static void send_init_response(uint32_t oldcid, uint32_t newcid, uint8_t * nonce) { CTAPHID_INIT_RESPONSE init_resp; CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER wb; ctaphid_write_buffer_init(&wb); wb.cid = oldcid; wb.cmd = CTAPHID_INIT; wb.bcnt = 17; memmove(init_resp.nonce, nonce, 8); init_resp.cid = newcid; init_resp.protocol_version = CTAPHID_PROTOCOL_VERSION; init_resp.version_major = 0;//? init_resp.version_minor = 0;//? init_resp.build_version = 0;//? init_resp.capabilities = CTAP_CAPABILITIES; ctaphid_write(&wb,&init_resp,sizeof(CTAPHID_INIT_RESPONSE)); ctaphid_write(&wb,NULL,0); } void ctaphid_check_timeouts() { uint8_t i; for(i = 0; i < CID_MAX; i++) { if (CIDS[i].busy && ((millis() - CIDS[i].last_used) >= 750)) { printf1(TAG_HID, "TIMEOUT CID: %08x\n", CIDS[i].cid); ctaphid_send_error(CIDS[i].cid, CTAP1_ERR_TIMEOUT); CIDS[i].busy = 0; if (CIDS[i].cid == buffer_cid()) { buffer_reset(); } // memset(CIDS + i, 0, sizeof(struct CID)); } } } void ctaphid_update_status(int8_t status) { CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER wb; printf1(TAG_HID, "Send device update %d!\n",status); ctaphid_write_buffer_init(&wb); wb.cid = buffer_cid(); wb.cmd = CTAPHID_KEEPALIVE; wb.bcnt = 1; ctaphid_write(&wb, &status, 1); ctaphid_write(&wb, NULL, 0); } static int ctaphid_buffer_packet(uint8_t * pkt_raw, uint8_t * cmd, uint32_t * cid, int * len) { CTAPHID_PACKET * pkt = (CTAPHID_PACKET *)(pkt_raw); printf1(TAG_HID, "Recv packet\n"); printf1(TAG_HID, " CID: %08x \n", pkt->cid); printf1(TAG_HID, " cmd: %02x\n", pkt->pkt.init.cmd); if (!is_cont_pkt(pkt)) {printf1(TAG_HID, " length: %d\n", ctaphid_packet_len(pkt));} int ret; uint32_t oldcid; uint32_t newcid; *cid = pkt->cid; if (is_init_pkt(pkt)) { if (ctaphid_packet_len(pkt) != 8) { printf2(TAG_ERR, "Error,invalid length field for init packet\n"); *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH; return HID_ERROR; } if (pkt->cid == 0) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"Error, invalid cid 0\n"); *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_CHANNEL; return HID_ERROR; } ctaphid_init(); if (is_broadcast(pkt)) { // Check if any existing cids are busy first ? printf1(TAG_HID,"adding a new cid\n"); oldcid = CTAPHID_BROADCAST_CID; newcid = get_new_cid(); ret = add_cid(newcid); // handle init here } else { printf1(TAG_HID, "synchronizing to cid\n"); oldcid = pkt->cid; newcid = pkt->cid; if (cid_exists(newcid)) ret = cid_refresh(newcid); else ret = add_cid(newcid); } if (ret == -1) { printf2(TAG_ERR, "Error, not enough memory for new CID. return BUSY.\n"); *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY; return HID_ERROR; } send_init_response(oldcid, newcid, pkt->pkt.init.payload); cid_del(newcid); return HID_IGNORE; } else { if (pkt->cid == CTAPHID_BROADCAST_CID) { *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_CHANNEL; return HID_ERROR; } if (! cid_exists(pkt->cid) && ! is_cont_pkt(pkt)) { if (buffer_status() == EMPTY) { add_cid(pkt->cid); } } if (cid_exists(pkt->cid)) { if (buffer_status() == BUFFERING) { if (pkt->cid == buffer_cid() && ! is_cont_pkt(pkt)) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"INVALID_SEQ\n"); printf2(TAG_ERR,"Have %d/%d bytes\n", ctap_buffer_offset, ctap_buffer_bcnt); *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_SEQ; return HID_ERROR; } else if (pkt->cid != buffer_cid()) { if (! is_cont_pkt(pkt)) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"BUSY with %08x\n", buffer_cid()); *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY; return HID_ERROR; } else { printf2(TAG_ERR,"ignoring random cont packet from %04x\n",pkt->cid); return HID_IGNORE; } } } if (! is_cont_pkt(pkt)) { if (ctaphid_packet_len(pkt) > CTAPHID_BUFFER_SIZE) { *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH; return HID_ERROR; } } else { if (buffer_status() == EMPTY || pkt->cid != buffer_cid()) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"ignoring random cont packet from %04x\n",pkt->cid); return HID_IGNORE; } } if (buffer_packet(pkt) == SEQUENCE_ERROR) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"Buffering sequence error\n"); *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_SEQ; return HID_ERROR; } ret = cid_refresh(pkt->cid); if (ret != 0) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"Error, refresh cid failed\n"); exit(1); } } else if (is_cont_pkt(pkt)) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"ignoring unwarranted cont packet\n"); // Ignore return HID_IGNORE; } else { printf2(TAG_ERR,"BUSY\n"); *cmd = CTAP1_ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY; return HID_ERROR; } } *len = buffer_len(); *cmd = buffer_cmd(); return buffer_status(); } extern void _check_ret(CborError ret, int line, const char * filename); #define check_hardcore(r) _check_ret(r,__LINE__, __FILE__);\ if ((r) != CborNoError) exit(1); uint8_t ctaphid_custom_command(int len, CTAP_RESPONSE * ctap_resp, CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER * wb); extern void solo_lock_if_not_already(); uint8_t ctaphid_handle_packet(uint8_t * pkt_raw) { uint8_t cmd = 0; uint32_t cid; int len = 0; #ifndef DISABLE_CTAPHID_CBOR int status; #endif static uint8_t is_busy = 0; static CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER wb; CTAP_RESPONSE ctap_resp; int bufstatus = ctaphid_buffer_packet(pkt_raw, &cmd, &cid, &len); ctaphid_write_buffer_init(&wb); wb.cid = cid; wb.cmd = cmd; if (bufstatus == HID_IGNORE) { return 0; } if (bufstatus == HID_ERROR) { cid_del(cid); if (cmd == CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_SEQ) { buffer_reset(); } ctaphid_send_error(cid, cmd); return 0; } if (bufstatus == BUFFERING) { active_cid_timestamp = millis(); return 0; } switch(cmd) { case CTAPHID_INIT: printf2(TAG_ERR,"CTAPHID_INIT, error this should already be handled\n"); exit(1); break; #ifndef DISABLE_CTAPHID_PING case CTAPHID_PING: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_PING\n"); wb.bcnt = len; timestamp(); ctaphid_write(&wb, ctap_buffer, len); ctaphid_write(&wb, NULL,0); printf1(TAG_TIME,"PING writeback: %d ms\n",timestamp()); break; #endif #ifndef DISABLE_CTAPHID_WINK case CTAPHID_WINK: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_WINK\n"); device_wink(); ctaphid_write(&wb,NULL,0); break; #endif #ifndef DISABLE_CTAPHID_CBOR case CTAPHID_CBOR: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_CBOR\n"); if (len == 0) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"Error,invalid 0 length field for cbor packet\n"); ctaphid_send_error(cid, CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH); return 0; } if (is_busy) { printf1(TAG_HID,"Channel busy for CBOR\n"); ctaphid_send_error(cid, CTAP1_ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY); return 0; } is_busy = 1; ctap_response_init(&ctap_resp); status = ctap_request(ctap_buffer, len, &ctap_resp); wb.bcnt = (ctap_resp.length+1); wb.cid = cid; wb.cmd = cmd; timestamp(); ctaphid_write(&wb, &status, 1); ctaphid_write(&wb, ctap_resp.data, ctap_resp.length); ctaphid_write(&wb, NULL, 0); printf1(TAG_TIME,"CBOR writeback: %d ms\n",timestamp()); is_busy = 0; break; #endif case CTAPHID_MSG: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_MSG\n"); if (len == 0) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"Error,invalid 0 length field for MSG/U2F packet\n"); ctaphid_send_error(cid, CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH); return 0; } if (is_busy) { printf1(TAG_HID,"Channel busy for MSG\n"); ctaphid_send_error(cid, CTAP1_ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY); return 0; } is_busy = 1; ctap_response_init(&ctap_resp); u2f_request((struct u2f_request_apdu*)ctap_buffer, &ctap_resp); wb.bcnt = (ctap_resp.length); wb.cid = cid; wb.cmd = cmd; ctaphid_write(&wb, ctap_resp.data, ctap_resp.length); ctaphid_write(&wb, NULL, 0); is_busy = 0; break; case CTAPHID_CANCEL: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_CANCEL\n"); is_busy = 0; break; default: if (ctaphid_custom_command(len, &ctap_resp, &wb) != 0){ is_busy = 0; }else{ printf2(TAG_ERR, "error, unimplemented HID cmd: %02x\r\n", buffer_cmd()); ctaphid_send_error(cid, CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_COMMAND); } } cid_del(cid); buffer_reset(); printf1(TAG_HID,"\n"); if (!is_busy) return cmd; else return 0; } uint8_t ctaphid_custom_command(int len, CTAP_RESPONSE * ctap_resp, CTAPHID_WRITE_BUFFER * wb) { ctap_response_init(ctap_resp); #if !defined(IS_BOOTLOADER) && (defined(SOLO_EXPERIMENTAL)) uint32_t param; #endif #if defined(IS_BOOTLOADER) uint8_t is_busy; #endif switch(wb->cmd) { #if defined(IS_BOOTLOADER) case CTAPHID_BOOT: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_BOOT\n"); u2f_set_writeback_buffer(ctap_resp); is_busy = bootloader_bridge(len, ctap_buffer); wb->bcnt = 1 + ctap_resp->length; ctaphid_write(wb, &is_busy, 1); ctaphid_write(wb, ctap_resp->data, ctap_resp->length); ctaphid_write(wb, NULL, 0); return 1; #endif #if defined(SOLO) case CTAPHID_ENTERBOOT: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_ENTERBOOT\n"); boot_solo_bootloader(); wb->bcnt = 0; ctaphid_write(wb, NULL, 0); return 1; #endif #if defined(SOLO) case CTAPHID_REBOOT: device_reboot(); return 1; #endif #if !defined(IS_BOOTLOADER) case CTAPHID_GETRNG: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_GETRNG\n"); wb->bcnt = ctap_buffer[0]; if (!wb->bcnt) wb->bcnt = 57; memset(ctap_buffer,0,wb->bcnt); ctap_generate_rng(ctap_buffer, wb->bcnt); ctaphid_write(wb, ctap_buffer, wb->bcnt); ctaphid_write(wb, NULL, 0); return 1; break; #endif case CTAPHID_GETVERSION: printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_GETVERSION\n"); wb->bcnt = 4; ctap_buffer[0] = SOLO_VERSION_MAJ; ctap_buffer[1] = SOLO_VERSION_MIN; ctap_buffer[2] = SOLO_VERSION_PATCH; #if defined(SOLO) ctap_buffer[3] = solo_is_locked(); #else ctap_buffer[3] = 0; #endif ctaphid_write(wb, ctap_buffer, 4); ctaphid_write(wb, NULL, 0); return 1; break; // Remove on next release #if !defined(IS_BOOTLOADER) && defined(SOLO) case 0x99: solo_lock_if_not_already(); wb->bcnt = 0; ctaphid_write(wb, NULL, 0); return 1; break; #endif #if !defined(IS_BOOTLOADER) && (defined(SOLO_EXPERIMENTAL)) case CTAPHID_LOADKEY: /** * Load external key. Useful for enabling backups. * bytes: 4 4 96 * payload: version [maj rev patch RFU]| counter_replacement (BE) | master_key | * * Counter should be increased by a large amount, e.g. (0x10000000) * to outdo any previously lost/broken keys. */ printf1(TAG_HID,"CTAPHID_LOADKEY\n"); if (len != 104) { printf2(TAG_ERR,"Error, invalid length.\n"); ctaphid_send_error(wb->cid, CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH); return 1; } param = ctap_buffer[0] << 16; param |= ctap_buffer[1] << 8; param |= ctap_buffer[2] << 0; if (param != 0){ ctaphid_send_error(wb->cid, CTAP2_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPTION); return 1; } // Ask for THREE button presses if (ctap_user_presence_test(8000) > 0) if (ctap_user_presence_test(2000) > 0) if (ctap_user_presence_test(2000) > 0) { ctap_load_external_keys(ctap_buffer + 8); param = ctap_buffer[7]; param |= ctap_buffer[6] << 8; param |= ctap_buffer[5] << 16; param |= ctap_buffer[4] << 24; ctap_atomic_count(param); wb->bcnt = 0; ctaphid_write(wb, NULL, 0); return 1; } printf2(TAG_ERR, "Error, invalid length.\n"); ctaphid_send_error(wb->cid, CTAP2_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED); return 1; #endif } return 0; }