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2018-07-15 03:03:25 +00:00
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global.MemoryMap = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
* Parser/writer for the "Intel hex" format.
* A regexp that matches lines in a .hex file.
* One hexadecimal character is matched by "[0-9A-Fa-f]".
* Two hex characters are matched by "[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}"
* Eight or more hex characters are matched by "[0-9A-Fa-f]{8,}"
* A capture group of two hex characters is "([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})"
* Record mark :
* 8 or more hex chars ([0-9A-Fa-f]{8,})
* Checksum ([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})
* Optional newline (?:\r\n|\r|\n|)
var hexLineRegexp = /:([0-9A-Fa-f]{8,})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})(?:\r\n|\r|\n|)/g;
// Takes a Uint8Array as input,
// Returns an integer in the 0-255 range.
function checksum(bytes) {
return (-bytes.reduce(function (sum, v){ return sum + v; }, 0)) & 0xFF;
// Takes two Uint8Arrays as input,
// Returns an integer in the 0-255 range.
function checksumTwo(array1, array2) {
var partial1 = array1.reduce(function (sum, v){ return sum + v; }, 0);
var partial2 = array2.reduce(function (sum, v){ return sum + v; }, 0);
return -( partial1 + partial2 ) & 0xFF;
// Trivial utility. Converts a number to hex and pads with zeroes up to 2 characters.
function hexpad(number) {
return number.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, '0');
// Polyfill as per
Number.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(value) {
return typeof value === 'number' &&
isFinite(value) &&
Math.floor(value) === value;
* @class MemoryMap
* Represents the contents of a memory layout, with main focus into (possibly sparse) blocks of data.
* A {@linkcode MemoryMap} acts as a subclass of
* {@linkcode|Map}.
* In every entry of it, the key is the starting address of a data block (an integer number),
* and the value is the <tt>Uint8Array</tt> with the data for that block.
* The main rationale for this is that a .hex file can contain a single block of contiguous
* data starting at memory address 0 (and it's the common case for simple .hex files),
* but complex files with several non-contiguous data blocks are also possible, thus
* the need for a data structure on top of the <tt>Uint8Array</tt>s.
* In order to parse <tt>.hex</tt> files, use the {@linkcode MemoryMap.fromHex} <em>static</em> factory
* method. In order to write <tt>.hex</tt> files, create a new {@linkcode MemoryMap} and call
* its {@linkcode MemoryMap.asHexString} method.
* @extends Map
* @example
* import MemoryMap from 'nrf-intel-hex';
* let memMap1 = new MemoryMap();
* let memMap2 = new MemoryMap([[0, new Uint8Array(1,2,3,4)]]);
* let memMap3 = new MemoryMap({0: new Uint8Array(1,2,3,4)});
* let memMap4 = new MemoryMap({0xCF0: new Uint8Array(1,2,3,4)});
var MemoryMap = function MemoryMap(blocks) {
var this$1 = this;
this._blocks = new Map();
if (blocks && typeof blocks[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
for (var tuple of blocks) {
if (!(tuple instanceof Array) || tuple.length !== 2) {
throw new Error('First parameter to MemoryMap constructor must be an iterable of [addr, bytes] or undefined');
this$1.set(tuple[0], tuple[1]);
} else if (typeof blocks === 'object') {
// Try iterating through the object's keys
var addrs = Object.keys(blocks);
for (var addr of addrs) {
this$1.set(parseInt(addr), blocks[addr]);
} else if (blocks !== undefined && blocks !== null) {
throw new Error('First parameter to MemoryMap constructor must be an iterable of [addr, bytes] or undefined');
var prototypeAccessors = { size: { configurable: true } };
MemoryMap.prototype.set = function set (addr, value) {
if (!Number.isInteger(addr)) {
throw new Error('Address passed to MemoryMap is not an integer');
if (addr < 0) {
throw new Error('Address passed to MemoryMap is negative');
if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error('Bytes passed to MemoryMap are not an Uint8Array');
return this._blocks.set(addr, value);
// Delegate the following to the 'this._blocks' Map:
MemoryMap.prototype.get = function get (addr){ return this._blocks.get(addr);};
MemoryMap.prototype.clear = function clear () { return this._blocks.clear(); };
MemoryMap.prototype.delete = function delete$1 (addr) { return this._blocks.delete(addr); };
MemoryMap.prototype.entries = function entries (){ return this._blocks.entries();};
MemoryMap.prototype.forEach = function forEach (callback, that) { return this._blocks.forEach(callback, that); };
MemoryMap.prototype.has = function has (addr){ return this._blocks.has(addr);};
MemoryMap.prototype.keys = function keys () { return this._blocks.keys(); };
MemoryMap.prototype.values = function values () { return this._blocks.values(); };
prototypeAccessors.size.get = function () { return this._blocks.size; };
MemoryMap.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this._blocks[Symbol.iterator](); };
* Parses a string containing data formatted in "Intel HEX" format, and
* returns an instance of {@linkcode MemoryMap}.
* The insertion order of keys in the {@linkcode MemoryMap} is guaranteed to be strictly
* ascending. In other words, when iterating through the {@linkcode MemoryMap}, the addresses
* will be ordered in ascending order.
* The parser has an opinionated behaviour, and will throw a descriptive error if it
* encounters some malformed input. Check the project's
* {@link|README file} for details.
* If <tt>maxBlockSize</tt> is given, any contiguous data block larger than that will
* be split in several blocks.
* @param {String} hexText The contents of a .hex file.
* @param {Number} [maxBlockSize=Infinity] Maximum size of the returned <tt>Uint8Array</tt>s.
* @return {MemoryMap}
* @example
* import MemoryMap from 'nrf-intel-hex';
* let intelHexString =
* ":100000000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F1068\n" +
* ":00000001FF";
* let memMap = MemoryMap.fromHex(intelHexString);
* for (let [address, dataBlock] of memMap) {
* console.log('Data block at ', address, ', bytes: ', dataBlock);
* }
MemoryMap.fromHex = function fromHex (hexText, maxBlockSize) {
if ( maxBlockSize === void 0 ) maxBlockSize = Infinity;
var blocks = new MemoryMap();
var lastCharacterParsed = 0;
var matchResult;
var recordCount = 0;
// Upper Linear Base Address, the 16 most significant bits (2 bytes) of
// the current 32-bit (4-byte) address
// In practice this is a offset that is summed to the "load offset" of the
// data records
var ulba = 0;
hexLineRegexp.lastIndex = 0; // Reset the regexp, if not it would skip content when called twice
while ((matchResult = hexLineRegexp.exec(hexText)) !== null) {
// By default, a regexp loop ignores gaps between matches, but
// we want to be aware of them.
if (lastCharacterParsed !== matchResult.index) {
throw new Error(
'Malformed hex file: Could not parse between characters ' +
lastCharacterParsed +
' and ' +
matchResult.index +
' ("' +
hexText.substring(lastCharacterParsed, Math.min(matchResult.index, lastCharacterParsed + 16)).trim() +
lastCharacterParsed = hexLineRegexp.lastIndex;
// Give pretty names to the match's capture groups
var recordStr = matchResult[1];
var recordChecksum = matchResult[2];
// String to Uint8Array -
var recordBytes = new Uint8Array(recordStr.match(/[\da-f]{2}/gi).map(function (h){ return parseInt(h, 16); }));
var recordLength = recordBytes[0];
if (recordLength + 4 !== recordBytes.length) {
throw new Error('Mismatched record length at record ' + recordCount + ' (' + matchResult[0].trim() + '), expected ' + (recordLength) + ' data bytes but actual length is ' + (recordBytes.length - 4));
var cs = checksum(recordBytes);
if (parseInt(recordChecksum, 16) !== cs) {
throw new Error('Checksum failed at record ' + recordCount + ' (' + matchResult[0].trim() + '), should be ' + cs.toString(16) );
var offset = (recordBytes[1] << 8) + recordBytes[2];
var recordType = recordBytes[3];
var data = recordBytes.subarray(4);
if (recordType === 0) {
// Data record, contains data
// Create a new block, at (upper linear base address + offset)
if (blocks.has(ulba + offset)) {
throw new Error('Duplicated data at record ' + recordCount + ' (' + matchResult[0].trim() + ')');
if (offset + data.length > 0x10000) {
throw new Error(
'Data at record ' +
recordCount +
' (' +
matchResult[0].trim() +
') wraps over 0xFFFF. This would trigger ambiguous behaviour. Please restructure your data so that for every record the data offset plus the data length do not exceed 0xFFFF.');
blocks.set( ulba + offset, data );
} else {
// All non-data records must have a data offset of zero
if (offset !== 0) {
throw new Error('Record ' + recordCount + ' (' + matchResult[0].trim() + ') must have 0000 as data offset.');
switch (recordType) {
case 1: // EOF
if (lastCharacterParsed !== hexText.length) {
// This record should be at the very end of the string
throw new Error('There is data after an EOF record at record ' + recordCount);
return blocks.join(maxBlockSize);
case 2: // Extended Segment Address Record
// Sets the 16 most significant bits of the 20-bit Segment Base
// Address for the subsequent data.
ulba = ((data[0] << 8) + data[1]) << 4;
case 3: // Start Segment Address Record
// Do nothing. Record type 3 only applies to 16-bit Intel CPUs,
// where it should reset the program counter (CS+IP CPU registers)
case 4: // Extended Linear Address Record
// Sets the 16 most significant (upper) bits of the 32-bit Linear Address
// for the subsequent data
ulba = ((data[0] << 8) + data[1]) << 16;
case 5: // Start Linear Address Record
// Do nothing. Record type 5 only applies to 32-bit Intel CPUs,
// where it should reset the program counter (EIP CPU register)
// It might have meaning for other CPU architectures
// (see )
// but will be ignored nonetheless.
throw new Error('Invalid record type 0x' + hexpad(recordType) + ' at record ' + recordCount + ' (should be between 0x00 and 0x05)');
if (recordCount) {
throw new Error('No EOF record at end of file');
} else {
throw new Error('Malformed .hex file, could not parse any registers');
* Returns a <strong>new</strong> instance of {@linkcode MemoryMap}, containing
* the same data, but concatenating together those memory blocks that are adjacent.
* The insertion order of keys in the {@linkcode MemoryMap} is guaranteed to be strictly
* ascending. In other words, when iterating through the {@linkcode MemoryMap}, the addresses
* will be ordered in ascending order.
* If <tt>maxBlockSize</tt> is given, blocks will be concatenated together only
* until the joined block reaches this size in bytes. This means that the output
* {@linkcode MemoryMap} might have more entries than the input one.
* If there is any overlap between blocks, an error will be thrown.
* The returned {@linkcode MemoryMap} will use newly allocated memory.
* @param {Number} [maxBlockSize=Infinity] Maximum size of the <tt>Uint8Array</tt>s in the
* returned {@linkcode MemoryMap}.
* @return {MemoryMap}
MemoryMap.prototype.join = function join (maxBlockSize) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( maxBlockSize === void 0 ) maxBlockSize = Infinity;
// First pass, create a Map of address→length of contiguous blocks
var sortedKeys = Array.from(this.keys()).sort(function (a,b){ return a-b; });
var blockSizes = new Map();
var lastBlockAddr = -1;
var lastBlockEndAddr = -1;
for (var i=0,l=sortedKeys.length; i<l; i++) {
var blockAddr = sortedKeys[i];
var blockLength = this$1.get(sortedKeys[i]).length;
if (lastBlockEndAddr === blockAddr && (lastBlockEndAddr - lastBlockAddr) < maxBlockSize) {
// Grow when the previous end address equals the current,
// and we don't go over the maximum block size.
blockSizes.set(lastBlockAddr, blockSizes.get(lastBlockAddr) + blockLength);
lastBlockEndAddr += blockLength;
} else if (lastBlockEndAddr <= blockAddr) {
// Else mark a new block.
blockSizes.set(blockAddr, blockLength);
lastBlockAddr = blockAddr;
lastBlockEndAddr = blockAddr + blockLength;
} else {
throw new Error('Overlapping data around address 0x' + blockAddr.toString(16));
// Second pass: allocate memory for the contiguous blocks and copy data around.
var mergedBlocks = new MemoryMap();
var mergingBlock;
var mergingBlockAddr = -1;
for (var i$1=0,l$1=sortedKeys.length; i$1<l$1; i$1++) {
var blockAddr$1 = sortedKeys[i$1];
if (blockSizes.has(blockAddr$1)) {
mergingBlock = new Uint8Array(blockSizes.get(blockAddr$1));
mergedBlocks.set(blockAddr$1, mergingBlock);
mergingBlockAddr = blockAddr$1;
mergingBlock.set(this$1.get(blockAddr$1), blockAddr$1 - mergingBlockAddr);
return mergedBlocks;
* Given a {@link|<tt>Map</tt>}
* of {@linkcode MemoryMap}s, indexed by a alphanumeric ID,
* returns a <tt>Map</tt> of address to tuples (<tt>Arrays</tt>s of length 2) of the form
* <tt>(id, Uint8Array)</tt>s.
* The scenario for using this is having several {@linkcode MemoryMap}s, from several calls to
* {@link module:nrf-intel-hex~hexToArrays|hexToArrays}, each having a different identifier.
* This function locates where those memory block sets overlap, and returns a <tt>Map</tt>
* containing addresses as keys, and arrays as values. Each array will contain 1 or more
* <tt>(id, Uint8Array)</tt> tuples: the identifier of the memory block set that has
* data in that region, and the data itself. When memory block sets overlap, there will
* be more than one tuple.
* The <tt>Uint8Array</tt>s in the output are
* {@link|subarrays}
* of the input data; new memory is <strong>not</strong> allocated for them.
* The insertion order of keys in the output <tt>Map</tt> is guaranteed to be strictly
* ascending. In other words, when iterating through the <tt>Map</tt>, the addresses
* will be ordered in ascending order.
* When two blocks overlap, the corresponding array of tuples will have the tuples ordered
* in the insertion order of the input <tt>Map</tt> of block sets.
* @param {Map.MemoryMap} memoryMaps The input memory block sets
* @example
* import MemoryMap from 'nrf-intel-hex';
* let memMap1 = MemoryMap.fromHex( hexdata1 );
* let memMap2 = MemoryMap.fromHex( hexdata2 );
* let memMap3 = MemoryMap.fromHex( hexdata3 );
* let maps = new Map([
* ['file A', blocks1],
* ['file B', blocks2],
* ['file C', blocks3]
* ]);
* let overlappings = MemoryMap.overlapMemoryMaps(maps);
* for (let [address, tuples] of overlappings) {
* // if 'tuples' has length > 1, there is an overlap starting at 'address'
* for (let [address, tuples] of overlappings) {
* let [id, bytes] = tuple;
* // 'id' in this example is either 'file A', 'file B' or 'file C'
* }
* }
* @return {Map.Array<mixed,Uint8Array>} The map of possibly overlapping memory blocks
MemoryMap.overlapMemoryMaps = function overlapMemoryMaps (memoryMaps) {
// First pass: create a list of addresses where any block starts or ends.
var cuts = new Set();
for (var [, blocks] of memoryMaps) {
for (var [address, block] of blocks) {
cuts.add(address + block.length);
var orderedCuts = Array.from(cuts.values()).sort(function (a,b){ return a-b; });
var overlaps = new Map();
// Second pass: iterate through the cuts, get slices of every intersecting blockset
var loop = function ( i, l ) {
var cut = orderedCuts[i];
var nextCut = orderedCuts[i+1];
var tuples = [];
for (var [setId, blocks$1] of memoryMaps) {
// Find the block with the highest address that is equal or lower to
// the current cut (if any)
var blockAddr = Array.from(blocks$1.keys()).reduce(function (acc, val){
if (val > cut) {
return acc;
return Math.max( acc, val );
}, -1);
if (blockAddr !== -1) {
var block$1 = blocks$1.get(blockAddr);
var subBlockStart = cut - blockAddr;
var subBlockEnd = nextCut - blockAddr;
if (subBlockStart < block$1.length) {
tuples.push([ setId, block$1.subarray(subBlockStart, subBlockEnd) ]);
if (tuples.length) {
overlaps.set(cut, tuples);
for (var i=0, l=orderedCuts.length-1; i<l; i++) loop( i, l );
return overlaps;
* Given the output of the {@linkcode MemoryMap.overlapMemoryMaps|overlapMemoryMaps}
* (a <tt>Map</tt> of address to an <tt>Array</tt> of <tt>(id, Uint8Array)</tt> tuples),
* returns a {@linkcode MemoryMap}. This discards the IDs in the process.
* The output <tt>Map</tt> contains as many entries as the input one (using the same addresses
* as keys), but the value for each entry will be the <tt>Uint8Array</tt> of the <b>last</b>
* tuple for each address in the input data.
* The scenario is wanting to join together several parsed .hex files, not worrying about
* their overlaps.
* @param {Map.Array<mixed,Uint8Array>} overlaps The (possibly overlapping) input memory blocks
* @return {MemoryMap} The flattened memory blocks
MemoryMap.flattenOverlaps = function flattenOverlaps (overlaps) {
return new MemoryMap(
Array.from(overlaps.entries()).map(function (ref) {
var address = ref[0];
var tuples = ref[1];
return [address, tuples[tuples.length - 1][1] ];
* Returns a new instance of {@linkcode MemoryMap}, where:
* <ul>
* <li>Each key (the start address of each <tt>Uint8Array</tt>) is a multiple of
* <li>The size of each <tt>Uint8Array</tt> is exactly <tt>pageSize</tt></li>
* <li>Bytes from the input map to bytes in the output</li>
* <li>Bytes not in the input are replaced by a padding value</li>
* </ul>
* The scenario is wanting to prepare pages of bytes for a write operation, where the write
* operation affects a whole page/sector at once.
* The insertion order of keys in the output {@linkcode MemoryMap} is guaranteed
* to be strictly ascending. In other words, when iterating through the
* {@linkcode MemoryMap}, the addresses will be ordered in ascending order.
* The <tt>Uint8Array</tt>s in the output will be newly allocated.
* @param {Number} [pageSize=1024] The size of the output pages, in bytes
* @param {Number} [pad=0xFF] The byte value to use for padding
* @return {MemoryMap}
MemoryMap.prototype.paginate = function paginate ( pageSize, pad) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( pageSize === void 0 ) pageSize=1024;
if ( pad === void 0 ) pad=0xFF;
if (pageSize <= 0) {
throw new Error('Page size must be greater than zero');
var outPages = new MemoryMap();
var page;
var sortedKeys = Array.from(this.keys()).sort(function (a,b){ return a-b; });
for (var i=0,l=sortedKeys.length; i<l; i++) {
var blockAddr = sortedKeys[i];
var block = this$1.get(blockAddr);
var blockLength = block.length;
var blockEnd = blockAddr + blockLength;
for (var pageAddr = blockAddr - (blockAddr % pageSize); pageAddr < blockEnd; pageAddr += pageSize) {
page = outPages.get(pageAddr);
if (!page) {
page = new Uint8Array(pageSize);
outPages.set(pageAddr, page);
var offset = pageAddr - blockAddr;
var subBlock = (void 0);
if (offset <= 0) {
// First page which intersects the block
subBlock = block.subarray(0, Math.min(pageSize + offset, blockLength));
page.set(subBlock, -offset);
} else {
// Any other page which intersects the block
subBlock = block.subarray(offset, offset + Math.min(pageSize, blockLength - offset));
page.set(subBlock, 0);
return outPages;
* Locates the <tt>Uint8Array</tt> which contains the given offset,
* and returns the four bytes held at that offset, as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
* Behaviour is similar to {@linkcode|DataView.prototype.getUint32},
* except that this operates over a {@linkcode MemoryMap} instead of
* over an <tt>ArrayBuffer</tt>, and that this may return <tt>undefined</tt> if
* the address is not <em>entirely</em> contained within one of the <tt>Uint8Array</tt>s.
* @param {Number} offset The memory offset to read the data
* @param {Boolean} [littleEndian=false] Whether to fetch the 4 bytes as a little- or big-endian integer
* @return {Number|undefined} An unsigned 32-bit integer number
MemoryMap.prototype.getUint32 = function getUint32 (offset, littleEndian) {
var this$1 = this;
var keys = Array.from(this.keys());
for (var i=0,l=keys.length; i<l; i++) {
var blockAddr = keys[i];
var block = this$1.get(blockAddr);
var blockLength = block.length;
var blockEnd = blockAddr + blockLength;
if (blockAddr <= offset && (offset+4) <= blockEnd) {
return (new DataView(block.buffer, offset - blockAddr, 4)).getUint32(0, littleEndian);
* Returns a <tt>String</tt> of text representing a .hex file.
* <br/>
* The writer has an opinionated behaviour. Check the project's
* {@link|README file} for details.
* @param {Number} [lineSize=16] Maximum number of bytes to be encoded in each data record.
* Must have a value between 1 and 255, as per the specification.
* @return {String} String of text with the .hex representation of the input binary data
* @example
* import MemoryMap from 'nrf-intel-hex';
* let memMap = new MemoryMap();
* let bytes = new Uint8Array(....);
* memMap.set(0x0FF80000, bytes); // The block with 'bytes' will start at offset 0x0FF80000
* let string = memMap.asHexString();
MemoryMap.prototype.asHexString = function asHexString (lineSize) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( lineSize === void 0 ) lineSize = 16;
var lowAddress = 0;// 16 least significant bits of the current addr
var highAddress = -1 << 16; // 16 most significant bits of the current addr
var records = [];
if (lineSize <=0) {
throw new Error('Size of record must be greater than zero');
} else if (lineSize > 255) {
throw new Error('Size of record must be less than 256');
// Placeholders
var offsetRecord = new Uint8Array(6);
var recordHeader = new Uint8Array(4);
var sortedKeys = Array.from(this.keys()).sort(function (a,b){ return a-b; });
for (var i=0,l=sortedKeys.length; i<l; i++) {
var blockAddr = sortedKeys[i];
var block = this$1.get(blockAddr);
// Sanity checks
if (!(block instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error('Block at offset ' + blockAddr + ' is not an Uint8Array');
if (blockAddr < 0) {
throw new Error('Block at offset ' + blockAddr + ' has a negative thus invalid address');
var blockSize = block.length;
if (!blockSize) { continue; } // Skip zero-length blocks
if (blockAddr > (highAddress + 0xFFFF)) {
// Insert a new 0x04 record to jump to a new 64KiB block
// Round up the least significant 16 bits - no bitmasks because they trigger
// base-2 negative numbers, whereas subtracting the modulo maintains precision
highAddress = blockAddr - blockAddr % 0x10000;
lowAddress = 0;
offsetRecord[0] = 2;// Length
offsetRecord[1] = 0;// Load offset, high byte
offsetRecord[2] = 0;// Load offset, low byte
offsetRecord[3] = 4;// Record type
offsetRecord[4] = highAddress >> 24;// new address offset, high byte
offsetRecord[5] = highAddress >> 16;// new address offset, low byte
':' +, hexpad).join('') +
if (blockAddr < (highAddress + lowAddress)) {
throw new Error(
'Block starting at 0x' +
blockAddr.toString(16) +
' overlaps with a previous block.');
lowAddress = blockAddr % 0x10000;
var blockOffset = 0;
var blockEnd = blockAddr + blockSize;
if (blockEnd > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
throw new Error('Data cannot be over 0xFFFFFFFF');
// Loop for every 64KiB memory segment that spans this block
while (highAddress + lowAddress < blockEnd) {
if (lowAddress > 0xFFFF) {
// Insert a new 0x04 record to jump to a new 64KiB block
highAddress += 1 << 16; // Increase by one
lowAddress = 0;
offsetRecord[0] = 2;// Length
offsetRecord[1] = 0;// Load offset, high byte
offsetRecord[2] = 0;// Load offset, low byte
offsetRecord[3] = 4;// Record type
offsetRecord[4] = highAddress >> 24;// new address offset, high byte
offsetRecord[5] = highAddress >> 16;// new address offset, low byte
':' +, hexpad).join('') +
var recordSize = -1;
// Loop for every record for that spans the current 64KiB memory segment
while (lowAddress < 0x10000 && recordSize) {
recordSize = Math.min(
lineSize, // Normal case
blockEnd - highAddress - lowAddress, // End of block
0x10000 - lowAddress // End of low addresses
if (recordSize) {
recordHeader[0] = recordSize; // Length
recordHeader[1] = lowAddress >> 8;// Load offset, high byte
recordHeader[2] = lowAddress;// Load offset, low byte
recordHeader[3] = 0;// Record type
var subBlock = block.subarray(blockOffset, blockOffset + recordSize); // Data bytes for this record
':' +, hexpad).join('') +, hexpad).join('') +
hexpad(checksumTwo(recordHeader, subBlock))
blockOffset += recordSize;
lowAddress += recordSize;
records.push(':00000001FF');// EOF record
return records.join('\n');
* Performs a deep copy of the current {@linkcode MemoryMap}, returning a new one
* with exactly the same contents, but allocating new memory for each of its
* <tt>Uint8Array</tt>s.
* @return {MemoryMap}
MemoryMap.prototype.clone = function clone () {
var this$1 = this;
var cloned = new MemoryMap();
for (var [addr, value] of this$1) {
cloned.set(addr, new Uint8Array(value));
return cloned;
* Given one <tt>Uint8Array</tt>, looks through its contents and returns a new
* {@linkcode MemoryMap}, stripping away those regions where there are only
* padding bytes.
* <br/>
* The start of the input <tt>Uint8Array</tt> is assumed to be offset zero for the output.
* <br/>
* The use case here is dumping memory from a working device and try to see the
* "interesting" memory regions it has. This assumes that there is a constant,
* predefined padding byte value being used in the "non-interesting" regions.
* In other words: this will work as long as the dump comes from a flash memory
* which has been previously erased (thus <tt>0xFF</tt>s for padding), or from a
* previously blanked HDD (thus <tt>0x00</tt>s for padding).
* <br/>
* This method uses <tt>subarray</tt> on the input data, and thus does not allocate memory
* for the <tt>Uint8Array</tt>s.
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes The input data
* @param {Number} [padByte=0xFF] The value of the byte assumed to be used as padding
* @param {Number} [minPadLength=64] The minimum number of consecutive pad bytes to
* be considered actual padding
* @return {MemoryMap}
MemoryMap.fromPaddedUint8Array = function fromPaddedUint8Array (bytes, padByte, minPadLength) {
if ( padByte === void 0 ) padByte=0xFF;
if ( minPadLength === void 0 ) minPadLength=64;
if (!(bytes instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error('Bytes passed to fromPaddedUint8Array are not an Uint8Array');
// The algorithm used is naïve and checks every byte.
// An obvious optimization would be to implement Boyer-Moore
// (see )
// or otherwise start skipping up to minPadLength bytes when going through a non-pad
// byte.
// Anyway, we could expect a lot of cases where there is a majority of pad bytes,
// and the algorithm should check most of them anyway, so the perf gain is questionable.
var memMap = new MemoryMap();
var consecutivePads = 0;
var lastNonPad = -1;
var firstNonPad = 0;
var skippingBytes = false;
var l = bytes.length;
for (var addr = 0; addr < l; addr++) {
var byte = bytes[addr];
if (byte === padByte) {
if (consecutivePads >= minPadLength) {
// Edge case: ignore writing a zero-length block when skipping
// bytes at the beginning of the input
if (lastNonPad !== -1) {
/// Add the previous block to the result memMap
memMap.set(firstNonPad, bytes.subarray(firstNonPad, lastNonPad+1));
skippingBytes = true;
} else {
if (skippingBytes) {
skippingBytes = false;
firstNonPad = addr;
lastNonPad = addr;
consecutivePads = 0;
// At EOF, add the last block if not skipping bytes already (and input not empty)
if (!skippingBytes && lastNonPad !== -1) {
memMap.set(firstNonPad, bytes.subarray(firstNonPad, l));
return memMap;
* Returns a new instance of {@linkcode MemoryMap}, containing only data between
* the addresses <tt>address</tt> and <tt>address + length</tt>.
* Behaviour is similar to {@linkcode|Array.prototype.slice},
* in that the return value is a portion of the current {@linkcode MemoryMap}.
* <br/>
* The returned {@linkcode MemoryMap} might be empty.
* <br/>
* Internally, this uses <tt>subarray</tt>, so new memory is not allocated.
* @param {Number} address The start address of the slice
* @param {Number} length The length of memory map to slice out
* @return {MemoryMap}
MemoryMap.prototype.slice = function slice (address, length){
var this$1 = this;
if ( length === void 0 ) length = Infinity;
if (length < 0) {
throw new Error('Length of the slice cannot be negative');
var sliced = new MemoryMap();
for (var [blockAddr, block] of this$1) {
var blockLength = block.length;
if ((blockAddr + blockLength) >= address && blockAddr < (address + length)) {
var sliceStart = Math.max(address, blockAddr);
var sliceEnd = Math.min(address + length, blockAddr + blockLength);
var sliceLength = sliceEnd - sliceStart;
var relativeSliceStart = sliceStart - blockAddr;
if (sliceLength > 0) {
sliced.set(sliceStart, block.subarray(relativeSliceStart, relativeSliceStart + sliceLength));
return sliced;
* Returns a new instance of {@linkcode|Uint8Array}, containing only data between
* the addresses <tt>address</tt> and <tt>address + length</tt>. Any byte without a value
* in the input {@linkcode MemoryMap} will have a value of <tt>padByte</tt>.
* <br/>
* This method allocates new memory.
* @param {Number} address The start address of the slice
* @param {Number} length The length of memory map to slice out
* @param {Number} [padByte=0xFF] The value of the byte assumed to be used as padding
* @return {MemoryMap}
MemoryMap.prototype.slicePad = function slicePad (address, length, padByte){
var this$1 = this;
if ( padByte === void 0 ) padByte=0xFF;
if (length < 0) {
throw new Error('Length of the slice cannot be negative');
var out = (new Uint8Array(length)).fill(padByte);
for (var [blockAddr, block] of this$1) {
var blockLength = block.length;
if ((blockAddr + blockLength) >= address && blockAddr < (address + length)) {
var sliceStart = Math.max(address, blockAddr);
var sliceEnd = Math.min(address + length, blockAddr + blockLength);
var sliceLength = sliceEnd - sliceStart;
var relativeSliceStart = sliceStart - blockAddr;
if (sliceLength > 0) {
out.set(block.subarray(relativeSliceStart, relativeSliceStart + sliceLength), sliceStart - address);
return out;
* Checks whether the current memory map contains the one given as a parameter.
* <br/>
* "Contains" means that all the offsets that have a byte value in the given
* memory map have a value in the current memory map, and that the byte values
* are the same.
* <br/>
* An empty memory map is always contained in any other memory map.
* <br/>
* Returns boolean <tt>true</tt> if the memory map is contained, <tt>false</tt>
* otherwise.
* @param {MemoryMap} memMap The memory map to check
* @return {Boolean}
MemoryMap.prototype.contains = function contains (memMap) {
var this$1 = this;
for (var [blockAddr, block] of memMap) {
var blockLength = block.length;
var slice = this$1.slice(blockAddr, blockLength).join().get(blockAddr);
if ((!slice) || slice.length !== blockLength ) {
return false;
for (var i in block) {
if (block[i] !== slice[i]) {
return false;
return true;
Object.defineProperties( MemoryMap.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
return MemoryMap;