61 wiersze
1.8 KiB

payload = None
with open("", "rb") as file:
payload =
chunk_size = 64 * 1024
content_length = len(payload)
def app_chunked(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/zip'), ('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')])
sended = 0
while content_length > sended:
end = sended + chunk_size
yield payload[sended:end]
sended = end
def app(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/zip'), ('Content-Length', str(content_length))])
sended = 0
while content_length > sended:
end = sended + chunk_size
yield payload[sended:end]
sended = end
def app_hello(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', '13')])
yield b'Hello, World!'
if __name__ == "__main__":
# import fastwsgi
#, host='', port=8000)
# from meinheld import server
# server.listen(("", 8000))
from socketify import WSGI
WSGI(app_hello).listen(8000, lambda config: print(f"Listening on port http://localhost:{config.port} now\n")).run(1)
# def run_app():
# import fastwsgi
#, host='', port=8000)
# import os
# pid_list = []
# # fork limiting the cpu count - 1
# for _ in range(1, 8):
# pid = os.fork()
# # n greater than 0 means parent process
# if not pid > 0:
# run_app()
# break
# pid_list.append(pid)
# run_app() # run app on the main process too :)
# # sigint everything to gracefull shutdown
# import signal
# for pid in pid_list:
# os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)