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from socketify import App
import redis
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from helpers.twolevel_cache import TwoLevelCache
#create redis poll + connections
redis_pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
redis_conection = redis.Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool)
# 2 LEVEL CACHE (Redis to share amoung workers, Memory to be much faster)
# cache in memory is 30s, cache in redis is 60s duration
cache = TwoLevelCache(redis_conection, 30, 60)
# Model
async def get_pokemon(number):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(f'{number}') as response:
pokemon = await response.text()
#cache only works with strings/bytes
#we will not change nothing here so no needs to parse json
return pokemon.encode("utf-8")
async def get_original_pokemons():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(f'') as response:
#cache only works with strings/bytes
#we will not change nothing here so no needs to parse json
pokemons = await response.text()
return pokemons.encode("utf-8")
# Routes
def list_original_pokemons(res, req):
#check cache for faster response
value = cache.get("original_pokemons")
if value != None:
return res.end(value)
#get asynchronous from Model
async def get_originals():
value = await cache.run_once("original_pokemons", 5, get_original_pokemons)
def list_pokemon(res, req):
#get needed parameters
number = int(req.get_parameter(0))
#invalid number
return req.set_yield(1)
#check cache for faster response
cache_key = f"pokemon-{number}"
value = cache.get(cache_key)
if value != None:
return res.end(value)
#get asynchronous from Model
async def find_pokemon(number, res):
#sync with redis lock to run only once
#if more than 1 worker/request try to do this request, only one will call the Model and the others will get from cache
value = await cache.run_once(cache_key, 5, get_pokemon, number)
res.run_async(find_pokemon(number, res))
# Here i decided to use an sync first and async only if needs, but you can use async directly see ./
app = App()
app.get("/", list_original_pokemons)
app.get("/:number", list_pokemon)
app.any("/*", lambda res, _: res.write_status(404).end("Not Found"))
app.listen(3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % config.port))