## GraphiQL Support In /src/examples/helper/graphiql.py we implemented an helper for using graphiQL with strawberry. ### Usage ```python import dataclasses import strawberry import strawberry.utils.graphiql from socketify import App from typing import List, Optional from helpers.graphiql import graphiql_from @strawberry.type class User: name: str @strawberry.type class Query: @strawberry.field def user(self) -> Optional[User]: # self.context is the AppRequest return User(name="Hello") app = App() app.get("/", lambda res, req: res.end(strawberry.utils.graphiql.get_graphiql_html())) app.post("/", graphiql_from(Query)) # you can also pass an Mutation as second parameter # app.post("/", graphiql_from(Query, Mutation)) app.listen( 3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % config.port), ) app.run() ``` ### Helper Implementation ```python import strawberry import strawberry.utils.graphiql def graphiql_from(Query, Mutation=None): if Mutation: schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation) else: schema = strawberry.Schema(Query) async def post(res, req): # we can pass whatever we want to context, query, headers or params, cookies etc context_value = req.preserve() # get all incoming data and parses as json body = await res.get_json() query = body["query"] variables = body.get("variables", None) root_value = body.get("root_value", None) operation_name = body.get("operation_name", None) data = await schema.execute( query, variables, context_value, root_value, operation_name, ) res.cork_end( { "data": (data.data), **({"errors": data.errors} if data.errors else {}), **({"extensions": data.extensions} if data.extensions else {}), } ) return post ``` ### Next [WebSockets and Backpressure](websockets-backpressure.md)