# We have an version of this using aiofile and aiofiles # This is an sync version without any dependencies is normally much faster in CPython and PyPy3 # In production we highly recomend to use CDN like CloudFlare or/and NGINX or similar for static files (in any language/framework) # Some performance data from my personal machine (Debian 12/testing, i7-7700HQ, 32GB RAM, Samsung 970 PRO NVME) # using oha -c 400 -z 5s http://localhost:3000/ # nginx - try_files - 77630.15 req/s # pypy3 - socketify static - 10245.82 req/s # node.js - @fastify/static - 5437.16 req/s # node.js - express.static - 4077.49 req/s # python3 - socketify static - 2438.06 req/s # python3 - socketify static_aiofile - 2390.96 req/s # python3 - socketify static_aiofiles - 1615.12 req/s # python3 - scarlette static uvicorn - 1335.56 req/s # python3 - fastapi static gunicorn - 1296.14 req/s # pypy3 - socketify static_aiofile - 639.70 req/s # pypy3 - socketify static_aiofiles - 637.55 req/s # pypy3 - fastapi static gunicorn - 253.31 req/s # pypy3 - scarlette static uvicorn - 279.45 req/s # Conclusions: # With PyPy3 only static is really usable gunicorn/uvicorn, aiofiles and aiofile are realy slow on PyPy3 maybe this changes with HPy # Python3 with any option will be faster than gunicorn/uvicorn but with PyPy3 with static we got 2x (or almost this in case of fastify) performance of node.js # But even PyPy3 + socketify static is 7x+ slower than NGINX # Anyway we really recommends using NGINX or similar + CDN for production like everybody else # Gunicorn production recommendations: https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/latest/deploy.html#deploying-gunicorn # Express production recommendations: https://expressjs.com/en/advanced/best-practice-performance.html # Fastify production recommendations: https://www.fastify.io/docs/latest/Guides/Recommendations/ from socketify import App from helpers.static import static_route from helpers.static import sendfile app = App() #send home page index.html async def home(res, req): #sends the whole file with 304 and bytes range support await sendfile(res, req, "./public/index.html") app.get("/", home) #serve all files in public folder under / route (main route but can be like /assets) static_route(app, "/", "./public") app.listen(3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % config.port)) app.run()