from socketify import App import aiofiles import time import mimetypes import os from os import path mimetypes.init() async def home(res, req): #this is just an implementation example see example for use of sendfile and app.static usage #there is an helper and static.aiofiles helper using async implementation of this #asyncio with IO is really slow so, we will implement "aiofile" using libuv inside socketify in future filename = "./public/media/flower.webm" #read headers before the first await if_modified_since = req.get_header('if-modified-since') range_header = req.get_header('range') bytes_range = None start = 0 end = -1 #parse range header if range_header: bytes_range = range_header.replace("bytes=", '').split('-') start = int(bytes_range[0]) if bytes_range[1]: end = int(bytes_range[1]) try: exists = path.exists(filename) #not found if not exists: return res.write_status(404).end(b'Not Found') #get size and last modified date stats = os.stat(filename) total_size = stats.st_size size = total_size last_modified = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', time.gmtime(stats.st_mtime)) #check if modified since is provided if if_modified_since == last_modified: return res.write_status(304).end_without_body() #tells the broswer the last modified date res.write_header(b'Last-Modified', last_modified) #add content type (content_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename, strict=True) if content_type and encoding: res.write_header(b'Content-Type', '%s; %s' % (content_type, encoding)) elif content_type: res.write_header(b'Content-Type', content_type) with open(filename, "rb") as fd: #check range and support it if start > 0 or not end == -1: if end < 0 or end >= size: end = size - 1 size = end - start + 1 if start > total_size or size > total_size or size < 0 or start < 0: return res.write_status(416).end_without_body() res.write_status(206) else: end = size - 1 res.write_status(200) #tells the browser that we support range res.write_header(b'Accept-Ranges', b'bytes') res.write_header(b'Content-Range', 'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (start, end, total_size)) pending_size = size #keep sending until abort or done while not res.aborted: chunk_size = 16384 #16kb chunks if chunk_size > pending_size: chunk_size = pending_size buffer = pending_size = pending_size - chunk_size (ok, done) = await res.send_chunk(buffer, size) if not ok or done: #if cannot send probably aborted break except Exception as error: res.write_status(500).end("Internal Error") app = App() app.get("/", home) app.listen(3000, lambda config: print("Listening on port http://localhost:%d now\n" % config.port))