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2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
import inspect
import os
from . import App, AppOptions, AppListenOptions
help = """
Usage: python -m socketify APP [OPTIONS]
python3 -m socketify APP [OPTIONS]
pypy3 -m socketify APP [OPTIONS]
--help Show this Help
--host or -h TEXT Bind socket to this host. [default:]
--port or -p INTEGER Bind socket to this port. [default: 8000]
--workers or -w INTEGER Number of worker processes. Defaults to the WEB_CONCURRENCY
environment variable if available, or 1
--uds TEXT Bind to a UNIX domain socket, this options disables --host or -h and --port or -p.
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
--ws [auto|none|module:ws] If informed module:ws will auto detect to use or ASGI websockets
interface and disabled if informed none [default: auto]
--ws-max-size INTEGER WebSocket max size message in bytes [default: 16777216]
--ws-auto-ping BOOLEAN WebSocket auto ping sending [default: True]
--ws-idle-timeout INT WebSocket idle timeout [default: 20]
--ws-reset-idle-on-send BOOLEAN Reset WebSocket idle timeout on send [default: True]
--ws-per-message-deflate BOOLEAN WebSocket per-message-deflate compression [default: True]
--ws-max-lifetime INT Websocket maximum socket lifetime in seconds before forced closure, 0 to disable [default: 0]
--ws-max-backpressure INT WebSocket maximum backpressure in bytes [default: 16777216]
--ws-close-on-backpressure-limit BOOLEAN Close connections that hits maximum backpressure [default: False]
--lifespan [auto|on|off] Lifespan implementation. [default: auto]
--interface [auto|asgi|asgi3|wsgi|ssgi|socketify] Select ASGI (same as ASGI3), ASGI3, WSGI or SSGI as the application interface. [default: auto]
--disable-listen-log BOOLEAN Disable log when start listenning [default: False]
--version or -v Display the version and exit.
--ssl-keyfile TEXT SSL key file
--ssl-certfile TEXT SSL certificate file
--ssl-keyfile-password TEXT SSL keyfile password
--ssl-ca-certs TEXT CA certificates file
--ssl-ciphers TEXT Ciphers to use (see stdlib ssl module's) [default: TLSv1]
--req-res-factory-maxitems INT Pre allocated instances of Response and Request objects for socketify interface [default: 0]
--ws-factory-maxitems INT Pre allocated instances of WebSockets objects for socketify interface [default: 0]
python3 -m socketify main:app -w 8 -p 8181
# --reload Enable auto-reload. This options also disable --workers or -w option.
# --reload-dir PATH Set reload directories explicitly, instead of using the current working directory.
# --reload-include TEXT Set extensions to include while watching for files.
# Includes '.py,.html,.js,.png,.jpeg,.jpg and .webp' by default;
# these defaults can be overridden with `--reload-exclude`.
# --reload-exclude TEXT Set extensions to include while watching for files.
# --reload-delay INT Milliseconds to delay reload between file changes. [default: 1000]
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
def is_wsgi(module):
return hasattr(module, "__call__") and len(inspect.signature(module).parameters) == 2
def is_asgi(module):
return hasattr(module, "__call__") and len(inspect.signature(module).parameters) == 3
def is_ssgi(module):
return False # no spec yet
def is_ssgi(module):
return False # no spec yet
def is_socketify(module):
return hasattr(module, "__call__") and len(inspect.signature(module).parameters) == 1
def is_factory(module):
return hasattr(module, "__call__") and len(inspect.signature(module).parameters) == 0
def str_bool(text):
text = text.lower()
return text == "true"
def load_module(file, reload=False):
[full_module, app] = file.split(':')
import importlib
module =importlib.import_module(full_module)
if reload:
app = getattr(module, app)
# if is an factory just auto call
if is_factory(module):
app = app()
return app
return None
def execute(args):
arguments_length = len(args)
if arguments_length <= 2:
if arguments_length == 2 and (args[1] == "--help"):
return print(help)
if arguments_length == 2 and (args[1] == "--version" or args[1] == "-v"):
import pkg_resources # part of setuptools
import platform
version = pkg_resources.require("socketify")[0].version
return print(f"Running socketify {version} with {platform.python_implementation()} {platform.python_version()} on {platform.system()}")
elif arguments_length < 2:
return print(help)
file = (args[1]).lower()
module = load_module(file)
if not module:
return print(f"Cannot load module {file}")
options_list = args[2:]
options = {}
selected_option = None
for option in options_list:
if selected_option:
options[selected_option] = option
selected_option = None
elif option.startswith('--'):
if selected_option is None:
selected_option = option
else: # --factory, --reload etc
options[selected_option] = True
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
return print(f"Invalid option ${selected_option} see --help")
if selected_option: # --factory, --reload etc
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
options[selected_option] = True
interface = (options.get("--interface", "auto")).lower()
if interface == "auto":
if is_asgi(module):
from . import ASGI as Interface
interface = "asgi"
elif is_wsgi(module):
from . import WSGI as Interface
interface = "wsgi"
elif is_ssgi(module):
from . import SSGI as Interface
interface = "ssgi"
interface = "socketify"
elif interface == "asgi" or interface == "asgi3":
from . import ASGI as Interface
interface = "asgi"
# you may use ASGI in SSGI so no checks here
if is_wsgi(module):
return print("Cannot use WSGI interface as ASGI interface")
if not is_asgi(module):
return print("ASGI interface must be callable with 3 parameters async def app(scope, receive and send)")
elif interface == "wsgi":
from . import WSGI as Interface
# you may use WSGI in SSGI so no checks here
if is_asgi(module):
return print("Cannot use ASGI interface as WSGI interface")
if not is_wsgi(module):
return print("WSGI interface must be callable with 2 parameters def app(environ, start_response)")
elif interface == "ssgi":
# if not is_ssgi(module):
# return print("SSGI is in development yet but is comming soon")
# from . import SSGI as Interface
# interface = "ssgi"
return print("SSGI is in development yet but is comming soon")
elif interface != "socketify":
return print(f"{interface} interface is not supported yet")
auto_reload = options.get('--reload', False)
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
workers = int(options.get("--workers", options.get("-w", os.environ.get('WEB_CONCURRENCY', 1))))
if workers < 1 or auto_reload:
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
workers = 1
port = int(options.get("--port", options.get("-p", 8000)))
host = options.get("--host", options.get("-h", ""))
uds = options.get('--uds', None)
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
disable_listen_log = options.get("--disable-listen-log", False)
websockets = options.get("--ws", "auto")
if websockets == "none":
# disable websockets
websockets = None
elif websockets == "auto":
# if is ASGI serve websocket by default
if is_asgi(module):
websockets = True
elif is_wsgi(module):
# if is WSGI no websockets using auto
websockets = False
else: # if is socketify websockets must be set in app
websockets = False
#websocket dedicated module
ws_module = load_module(websockets)
if not ws_module:
return print(f"Cannot load websocket module {websockets}")
websockets = ws_module
key_file_name = options.get('--ssl-keyfile', None)
if key_file_name:
ssl_options = AppOptions(
key_file_name=options.get('--ssl-keyfile', None),
cert_file_name=options.get('--ssl-certfile', None),
passphrase=options.get('--ssl-keyfile-password', None),
ca_file_name=options.get('--ssl-ca-certs', None),
ssl_ciphers=options.get('--ssl-ciphers', None)
ssl_options = None
def listen_log(config):
if not disable_listen_log:
if uds:
print(f"Listening on {config.domain} {'https' if ssl_options else 'http'}://localhost now\n")
print(f"Listening on {'https' if ssl_options else 'http'}://{ if and len( > 1 else '' }:{config.port} now\n")
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
if websockets:
websocket_options = {
'compression': int(1 if options.get('--ws-per-message-deflate', True) else 0),
'max_payload_length': int(options.get('--ws-max-size', 16777216)),
'idle_timeout': int(options.get('--ws-idle-timeout', 20)),
'send_pings_automatically': str_bool(options.get('--ws-auto-ping', True)),
'reset_idle_timeout_on_send': str_bool(options.get('--ws-reset-idle-on-send', True)),
'max_lifetime': int(options.get('--ws-max-lifetime', 0)),
'max_backpressure': int(options.get('--max-backpressure', 16777216)),
'close_on_backpressure_limit': str_bool(options.get('--ws-close-on-backpressure-limit', False))
websocket_options = None
if interface == "socketify":
if is_asgi(websockets):
return print("Cannot mix ASGI websockets with interface yet")
if is_asgi(module):
return print("Cannot use ASGI interface as socketify interface")
elif is_wsgi(module):
return print("Cannot use WSGI interface as socketify interface")
elif not is_socketify(module):
return print("socketify interface must be callable with 1 parameter def run(app: App)")
# run app with the settings desired
def run_app():
fork_app = App(ssl_options, int(options.get("--req-res-factory-maxitems", 0)), int(options.get("--ws-factory-maxitems", 0)))
module(fork_app) # call module factory
if websockets: # if socketify websockets are added using --ws in socketify interface we can set here
websockets.update(websocket_options) # set websocket options"/*", websockets)
if uds:
fork_app.listen(AppListenOptions(domain=uds), listen_log)
fork_app.listen(AppListenOptions(port=port, host=host), listen_log)
2022-12-07 12:38:42 +00:00
# now we can start all over again
def create_fork(_):
n = os.fork()
# n greater than 0 means parent process
if not n > 0:
return n
# run in all forks
pid_list = list(map(create_fork, range(1, workers)))
# run in this process
# sigint everything to gracefull shutdown
import signal
for pid in pid_list:
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)
if uds:
Interface(module,options=ssl_options, websocket=websockets, websocket_options=websocket_options).listen(AppListenOptions(domain=uds), listen_log).run(workers=workers)
Interface(module,options=ssl_options, websocket=websockets, websocket_options=websocket_options).listen(AppListenOptions(port=port, host=host), listen_log).run(workers=workers)