/** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Julius Härtl * * @file Timeline related store * * @author Julius Härtl * @author Jonas Sulzer * * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ import Vue from 'vue' import axios from '@nextcloud/axios' import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router' import { showError } from '@nextcloud/dialogs' import logger from '../services/logger.js' const state = { /** * @type {Object} timeline - The posts' collection */ timeline: {}, /** * @type {string} type - Timeline's type: 'home', 'single-post',... */ type: 'home', /** * @type {object} params - Timeline's parameters * @property {string} params.account ??? * @property {string} params.id * @property {string} params.localId * @property {string} params.type ??? */ params: {}, /** * @type {string} account - */ account: '', /** * Tells whether the composer should be displayed or not. * It's up to the view to honor this status or not. * * @member {boolean} */ composerDisplayStatus: false, } /** @type {import('vuex').MutationTree} */ const mutations = { /** * @param state * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status[]} data */ addToTimeline(state, data) { // TODO: fix to handle ancestors if (data.descendants) { data = data.descendants } data.forEach((post) => Vue.set(state.timeline, post.id, post)) }, /** * @param state * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} post */ removePost(state, post) { Vue.delete(state.timeline, post.id) }, resetTimeline(state) { state.timeline = {} }, /** * @param state * @param {string} type */ setTimelineType(state, type) { state.type = type }, setTimelineParams(state, params) { state.params = params }, /** * @param state * @param {boolean} status */ setComposerDisplayStatus(state, status) { state.composerDisplayStatus = status }, /** * @param state * @param {string} account */ setAccount(state, account) { state.account = account }, /** * @param state * @param {object} root0 * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} root0.post */ likePost(state, { post }) { if (state.timeline[post.id] !== undefined) { Vue.set(state.timeline[post.id], 'favourited', true) } if (post.reblog !== null && state.timeline[post.reblog.id] !== undefined) { Vue.set(state.timeline[post.reblog.id], 'favourited', true) } }, /** * @param state * @param {object} root0 * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} root0.post */ unlikePost(state, { post }) { if (state.timeline[post.id] !== undefined) { Vue.set(state.timeline[post.id], 'favourited', false) } if (post.reblog !== null && state.timeline[post.reblog.id] !== undefined) { Vue.set(state.timeline[post.reblog.id], 'favourited', false) } }, /** * @param state * @param {object} root0 * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} root0.post */ boostPost(state, { post }) { if (state.timeline[post.id] !== undefined) { Vue.set(state.timeline[post.id], 'reblogged', true) } if (post.reblog !== null && state.timeline[post.reblog.id] !== undefined) { Vue.set(state.timeline[post.reblog.id], 'reblogged', true) } }, /** * @param state * @param {object} root0 * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} root0.post */ unboostPost(state, { post }) { if (state.timeline[post.id] !== undefined) { Vue.set(state.timeline[post.id], 'reblogged', false) } if (post.reblog !== null && state.timeline[post.reblog.id] !== undefined) { Vue.set(state.timeline[post.reblog.id], 'reblogged', false) } }, } /** @type {import('vuex').GetterTree} */ const getters = { getComposerDisplayStatus(state) { return state.composerDisplayStatus }, getTimeline(state) { return Object.values(state.timeline).sort(function(a, b) { return new Date(b.created_at).getTime() - new Date(a.created_at).getTime() }) }, getPostFromTimeline(state) { return (postId) => { if (typeof state.timeline[postId] !== 'undefined') { return state.timeline[postId] } else { logger.warn('Could not find post in timeline', { postId }) } } }, } /** @type {import('vuex').ActionTree} */ const actions = { changeTimelineType(context, { type, params }) { context.commit('resetTimeline') context.commit('setTimelineType', type) context.commit('setTimelineParams', params) context.commit('setAccount', '') }, changeTimelineTypeAccount(context, account) { context.commit('resetTimeline') context.commit('setTimelineType', 'account') context.commit('setAccount', account) }, /** * @param context * @param {File} file */ async createMedia(context, file) { try { const formData = new FormData() formData.append('file', file) const { data } = await axios.post( generateUrl('apps/social/api/v1/media'), formData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', }, } ) logger.info('Media created with id ' + data.id) return data } catch (error) { showError('Failed to create a media') logger.error('Failed to create a media', { error }) } }, /** * @param context * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} post */ async post(context, post) { try { const { data } = await axios.post(generateUrl('apps/social/api/v1/statuses'), post) logger.info('Post created', data.id) } catch (error) { showError('Failed to create a post') logger.error('Failed to create a post', { error }) } }, /** * @param context * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} post */ async postDelete(context, post) { try { context.commit('removePost', post) const response = await axios.delete(generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/post?id=${post.uri}`)) logger.info('Post deleted with token ' + response.data.result.token) } catch (error) { context.commit('addToTimeline', [post]) showError('Failed to delete the post') logger.error('Failed to delete the post', { error }) } }, /** * @param context * @param {object} root0 * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} root0.post */ async postLike(context, { post }) { try { context.commit('likePost', { post }) const response = await axios.post(generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/statuses/${post.id}/favourite`)) logger.info('Post liked') context.commit('addToTimeline', [response.data]) return response } catch (error) { context.commit('unlikePost', { post }) showError('Failed to like post') logger.error('Failed to like post', { error }) } }, /** * @param context * @param {object} root0 * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} root0.post */ async postUnlike(context, { post }) { try { // Remove post from list if we are in the 'liked' timeline if (state.type === 'liked') { context.commit('removePost', post) } context.commit('unlikePost', { post }) const response = await axios.post(generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/statuses/${post.id}/unfavourite`)) logger.info('Post unliked') context.commit('addToTimeline', [response.data]) return response } catch (error) { // Readd post from list if we are in the 'liked' timeline if (state.type === 'liked') { context.commit('addToTimeline', [post]) } context.commit('likePost', { post }) showError('Failed to unlike post') logger.error('Failed to unlike post', { error }) } }, /** * @param context * @param {object} root0 * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} root0.post */ async postBoost(context, { post }) { try { context.commit('boostPost', { post }) const response = await axios.post(generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/statuses/${post.id}/reblog`)) logger.info('Post boosted') context.commit('addToTimeline', [response.data]) return response } catch (error) { context.commit('unboostPost', { post }) showError('Failed to create a boost post') logger.error('Failed to create a boost post', { error }) } }, /** * @param context * @param {object} root0 * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status} root0.post */ async postUnBoost(context, { post }) { try { context.commit('unboostPost', { post }) const response = await axios.post(generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/statuses/${post.id}/unreblog`)) logger.info('Boost deleted') context.commit('addToTimeline', [response.data]) return response } catch (error) { context.commit('boostPost', { post }) showError('Failed to delete the boost') logger.error('Failed to delete the boost', { error }) } }, refreshTimeline(context) { return this.dispatch('fetchTimeline') }, /** * * @param {object} context * @param {object} params - see https://docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/timelines * @param {number} [params.since_id] - Fetch results newer than ID * @param {number} [params.max_id] - Fetch results older than ID * @param {number} [params.min_id] - Fetch results immediately newer than ID * @param {number} [params.limit] - Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 20 statuses. Max 40 statuses * @param {boolean} [params.local] - Show only local statuses? Defaults to false. * @return {Promise} */ async fetchTimeline(context, params = {}) { if (params.limit === undefined) { params.limit = 15 } // Compute URL to get the data let url = '' switch (state.type) { case 'account': url = generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/accounts/${state.account}/statuses`) break case 'tags': url = generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/timelines/tag/${state.params.tag}`) break case 'single-post': url = generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/statuses/${state.params.localId}/context`) break case 'timeline': url = generateUrl('apps/social/api/v1/timelines/public') params.local = true break case 'federated': url = generateUrl('apps/social/api/v1/timelines/public') break case 'notifications': url = generateUrl('apps/social/api/v1/notifications') break default: url = generateUrl(`apps/social/api/v1/timelines/${state.type}`) } // Get the data and add them to the timeline const response = await axios.get(url, { params }) // Add results to timeline context.commit('addToTimeline', response.data) return response.data }, /** * @param context * @param {import('../types/Mastodon.js').Status[]} data */ addToTimeline(context, data) { context.commit('addToTimeline', data) }, } export default { state, mutations, getters, actions }