* * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trash { use OCP\Files\Node; use OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage; use OCP\IUser; use OCP\Files\FileInfo; interface ITrashManager { public function pauseTrash(); public function resumeTrash(); } interface ITrashBackend { /** * @return ITrashItem[] */ public function listTrashRoot(IUser $user): array; /** * @return ITrashItem[] */ public function listTrashFolder(ITrashItem $folder): array; /** * @param ITrashItem $item */ public function restoreItem(ITrashItem $item); public function removeItem(ITrashItem $item); public function moveToTrash(IStorage $storage, string $internalPath): bool; /** * @return Node|null */ public function getTrashNodeById(IUser $user, int $fileId); } interface ITrashItem extends FileInfo { public function getTrashBackend(): ITrashBackend; public function getOriginalLocation(): string; public function getDeletedTime(): int; public function getTrashPath(): string; public function isRootItem(): bool; public function getUser(): IUser; public function getTitle(): string; } class TrashItem implements ITrashItem { public function getTrashBackend(): ITrashBackend { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getOriginalLocation(): string { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getDeletedTime(): int { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getTrashPath(): string { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isRootItem(): bool { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getUser(): IUser { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getEtag() { } public function getId() { } public function getSize($includeMounts = true) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMtime() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getName() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getInternalPath() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getPath() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMimetype() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMimePart() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getStorage() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isEncrypted() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getPermissions() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getType() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isReadable() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isUpdateable() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isCreatable() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isDeletable() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isShareable() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isShared() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isMounted() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMountPoint() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getOwner() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getChecksum() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getExtension(): string { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getTitle(): string { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getCreationTime(): int { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getUploadTime(): int { throw new \Exception('stub'); } } } namespace OCA\Files_Trashbin { class Expiration { public const DEFAULT_RETENTION_OBLIGATION = 30; public const NO_OBLIGATION = -1; public function setRetentionObligation(string $obligation) {} /** @return bool */ public function isEnabled() {} /** * @param int $timestamp * @param bool $quotaExceeded * @return bool */ public function isExpired($timestamp, $quotaExceeded = false) {} } } namespace OCA\Files_Versions\Versions { use OCP\Files\File; use OCP\Files\FileInfo; use OCP\Files\NotFoundException; use OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage; use OCP\IUser; interface IVersionBackend { public function useBackendForStorage(IStorage $storage): bool; /** * @return IVersion[] */ public function getVersionsForFile(IUser $user, FileInfo $file): array; public function createVersion(IUser $user, FileInfo $file); public function rollback(IVersion $version); /** * @return resource|false * @throws NotFoundException */ public function read(IVersion $version); /** * @param int|string $revision */ public function getVersionFile(IUser $user, FileInfo $sourceFile, $revision): ?File; } interface IVersion { public function getBackend(): IVersionBackend; public function getSourceFile(): FileInfo; /** * @return int|string */ public function getRevisionId(); public function getTimestamp(): int; public function getSize(): int; public function getSourceFileName(): string; public function getMimeType(): string; public function getVersionPath(): string; public function getUser(): IUser; } class Version implements IVersion { public function __construct( int $timestamp, $revisionId, string $name, int $size, string $mimetype, string $path, FileInfo $sourceFileInfo, IVersionBackend $backend, IUser $user ) { } public function getBackend(): IVersionBackend { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getSourceFile(): FileInfo { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getRevisionId() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getTimestamp(): int { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getSize(): int { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getSourceFileName(): string { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMimeType(): string { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getVersionPath(): string { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getUser(): IUser { throw new \Exception('stub'); } } } namespace OCA\Files_Versions { class Expiration { // how long do we keep files a version if no other value is defined in the config file (unit: days) public const NO_OBLIGATION = -1; /** @return bool */ public function isEnabled() {} public function shouldAutoExpire() { } /** * @param int $timestamp * @param bool $quotaExceeded * @return bool */ public function isExpired($timestamp, $quotaExceeded = false) {} /** @return int */ public function getMaxAgeAsTimestamp() {} } } namespace { use OCP\IServerContainer; class OC { static $CLI = false; /** @var IServerContainer */ static $server; } } namespace OC\Files\Node { use OCP\Files\FileInfo; abstract class Node implements \OCP\Files\Node { /** @return FileInfo|\ArrayAccess */ public function getFileInfo() {} /** @return \OCP\Files\Mount\IMountPoint */ public function getMountPoint() {} } } namespace OC\Hooks { class Emitter { public function emit(string $class, string $value, array $option) {} /** Closure $closure */ public function listen(string $class, string $value, $closure) {} } class BasicEmitter extends Emitter { } } namespace OC\Cache { class CappedMemoryCache { public function get($key) {} public function set($key, $value, $ttl = '') {} } } namespace OC\Core\Command { use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; class Base { public const OUTPUT_FORMAT_PLAIN = 'plain'; public const OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON = 'json'; public const OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON_PRETTY = 'json_pretty'; public function __construct() {} protected function configure() {} public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {} public function setName(string $name) {} public function getHelper(string $name) {} protected function writeArrayInOutputFormat(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $items, $prefix = ' - ') { } } } namespace OC\Files\ObjectStore { class NoopScanner {} } namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper { use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; class Table { public function __construct(OutputInterface $text) {} public function setHeaders(array $header) {} public function setRows(array $rows) {} public function render() {} public function appendRow(array $row) {} } } namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input { class InputInterface { public function getOption(string $key) {} public function getArgument(string $key) {} } class InputArgument { const REQUIRED = 0; const OPTIONAL = 1; const IS_ARRAY = 1; } class InputOption { const VALUE_NONE = 1; const VALUE_REQUIRED = 1; const VALUE_OPTIONAL = 1; } } namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Question { class ConfirmationQuestion { public function __construct(string $text, bool $default, string $accept = 'y') {} } } namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output { class OutputInterface { public const VERBOSITY_VERBOSE = 1; public function writeln(string $text, int $flat = 0) {} public function write(string $text, int $flat = 0) {} } } namespace OC\User { class NoUserException extends \Exception {} } namespace OC\DB { use OCP\IDBConnection; class ConnectionAdapter {} class SchemaWrapper { public function __construct(IDBConnection $connection) {} public function performDropTableCalls(); } } namespace OC { class SystemConfig {} } namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Query { class QueryBuilder { public const SELECT = 'select'; } } namespace OC\DB\QueryBuilder { use OCP\DB\IResult; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\ICompositeExpression; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\ILiteral; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IParameter; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryFunction; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class QueryBuilder implements IQueryBuilder { public function __construct(ConnectionAdapter $connection, SystemConfig $systemConfig, LoggerInterface $logger) { } public function automaticTablePrefix($enabled) { } public function expr() { } public function func() { } public function getType() { } public function getConnection() { } public function getState() { } public function execute() { } public function executeQuery(): IResult { } public function executeUpdate(): int { } public function executeStatement(): int { } public function getSQL() { } public function setParameter($key, $value, $type = null) { } public function setParameters(array $params, array $types = []) { } public function getParameters() { } public function getParameter($key) { } public function getParameterTypes() { } public function getParameterType($key) { } public function setFirstResult($firstResult) { } public function getFirstResult() { } public function setMaxResults($maxResults) { } public function getMaxResults() { } public function select(...$selects) { } public function selectAlias($select, $alias) { } public function selectDistinct($select) { } public function addSelect(...$selects) { } public function delete($delete = null, $alias = null) { } public function update($update = null, $alias = null) { } public function insert($insert = null) { } public function from($from, $alias = null) { } public function join($fromAlias, $join, $alias, $condition = null) { } public function innerJoin($fromAlias, $join, $alias, $condition = null) { } public function leftJoin($fromAlias, $join, $alias, $condition = null) { } public function rightJoin($fromAlias, $join, $alias, $condition = null) { } public function set($key, $value) { } public function where(...$predicates) { } public function andWhere(...$where) { } public function orWhere(...$where) { } public function groupBy(...$groupBys) { } public function addGroupBy(...$groupBys) { } public function setValue($column, $value) { } public function values(array $values) { } public function having(...$having) { } public function andHaving(...$having) { } public function orHaving(...$having) { } public function orderBy($sort, $order = null) { } public function addOrderBy($sort, $order = null) { } public function getQueryPart($queryPartName) { } public function getQueryParts() { } public function resetQueryParts($queryPartNames = null) { } public function resetQueryPart($queryPartName) { } public function createNamedParameter($value, $type = IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR, $placeHolder = null) { } public function createPositionalParameter($value, $type = IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) { } public function createParameter($name) { } public function createFunction($call) { } public function getLastInsertId(): int { } public function getTableName($table) { } protected function prefixTableName($table) { } public function getColumnName($column, $tableAlias = '') { } public function quoteAlias($alias) { } } } namespace OC\Files\Cache { use OCP\Files\Cache\ICache; use OCP\Files\Cache\ICacheEntry; use OCP\Files\Search\ISearchQuery; use OCP\Files\Search\ISearchOperator; use OCP\Files\Search\ISearchQuery; use OCP\Files\IMimeTypeLoader; class Cache implements ICache { /** * @param \OCP\Files\Cache\ICache $cache */ public function __construct($cache) { $this->cache = $cache; } public function getNumericStorageId() { } public function get() { } public function getIncomplete() {} public function getPathById($id) {} public function getAll() {} public function get($file) {} public function getFolderContents($folder) {} public function getFolderContentsById($fileId) {} public function put($file, array $data) {} public function insert($file, array $data) {} public function update($id, array $data) {} public function getId($file) {} public function getParentId($file) {} public function inCache($file) {} public function remove($file) {} public function move($source, $target) {} public function moveFromCache(ICache $sourceCache, $sourcePath, $targetPath) {} public function clear() {} public function getStatus($file) {} public function search($pattern) {} public function searchByMime($mimetype) {} public function searchQuery(ISearchQuery $query) {} public function correctFolderSize($path, $data = null, $isBackgroundScan = false) {} public function copyFromCache(ICache $sourceCache, ICacheEntry $sourceEntry, string $targetPath): int {} public function normalize($path) {} public function getQueryFilterForStorage(): ISearchOperator {} public function getCacheEntryFromSearchResult(ICacheEntry $rawEntry): ?ICacheEntry {} public static function cacheEntryFromData($data, IMimeTypeLoader $mimetypeLoader): ICacheEntry {} } } namespace OC\Files\Cache\Wrapper { use OC\Files\Cache\Cache; class CacheWrapper extends Cache {} } namespace OC\Files { use OCP\Files\Cache\ICacheEntry; use OCP\Files\Mount\IMountPoint; use OCP\IUser; class Filesystem { public static function addStorageWrapper(string $wrapperName, callable $wrapper, int $priority = 50) { } } class FileInfo implements \OCP\Files\FileInfo { /** * @param string|boolean $path * @param \OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage $storage * @param string $internalPath * @param array|ICacheEntry $data * @param \OCP\Files\Mount\IMountPoint $mount * @param \OCP\IUser|null $owner */ public function __construct($path, $storage, $internalPath, $data, $mount, $owner = null) {} } class View { public function __construct(string $path) {} public function unlink($path) {} } } namespace OC\User { use OCP\UserInterface; use OCP\IUser; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; class User implements IUser { public function __construct(string $uid, ?UserInterface $backend, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher, $emitter = null, IConfig $config = null, $urlGenerator = null) {} } } namespace OCA\DAV\Upload { use Sabre\DAV\File; abstract class FutureFile extends File {} } namespace OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre { class Node { public function getFileInfo(): \OCP\Files\FileInfo {} } } namespace OC\BackgroundJob { use OCP\BackgroundJob\IJob; use OCP\BackgroundJob\IJobList; use OCP\ILogger; abstract class TimedJob implements IJob { public function execute(IJobList $jobList, ILogger $logger = null) { } abstract protected function run($argument); public function setId(int $id) { } public function setLastRun(int $lastRun) { } public function setArgument($argument) { } public function getId() { } public function getLastRun() { } public function getArgument() { } } } namespace OC\Files\Mount { use OC\Files\Filesystem; use OC\Files\Storage\Storage; use OC\Files\Storage\StorageFactory; use OCP\Files\Mount\IMountPoint; class MountPoint implements IMountPoint { /** * @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage */ protected $storage = null; protected $class; protected $storageId; protected $rootId = null; /** @var int|null */ protected $mountId; /** * @param string|\OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage $storage * @param string $mountpoint * @param array $arguments (optional) configuration for the storage backend * @param \OCP\Files\Storage\IStorageFactory $loader * @param array $mountOptions mount specific options * @param int|null $mountId * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct($storage, $mountpoint, $arguments = null, $loader = null, $mountOptions = null, $mountId = null) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * get complete path to the mount point, relative to data/ * * @return string */ public function getMountPoint() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * Sets the mount point path, relative to data/ * * @param string $mountPoint new mount point */ public function setMountPoint($mountPoint) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * @return \OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage */ public function getStorage() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * @return string */ public function getStorageId() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * @return int */ public function getNumericStorageId() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * @param string $path * @return string */ public function getInternalPath($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * @param callable $wrapper */ public function wrapStorage($wrapper) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * Get a mount option * * @param string $name Name of the mount option to get * @param mixed $default Default value for the mount option * @return mixed */ public function getOption($name, $default) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * Get all options for the mount * * @return array */ public function getOptions() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } /** * @return int */ public function getStorageRootId() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMountId() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMountType() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMountProvider(): string { throw new \Exception('stub'); } } } namespace OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper{ use OCP\Files\Cache\ICache; use OCP\Files\Cache\ICacheEntry; use OCP\Files\Search\ISearchQuery; use OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage; class Wrapper implements IStorage { public function __construct(array $parameters) { } public function getWrapperStorage(): ?IStorage {} public function getId() {} public function mkdir($path) {} public function rmdir($path) {} public function opendir($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function is_dir($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function is_file($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function stat($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function filetype($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function filesize($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isCreatable($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isReadable($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isUpdatable($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isDeletable($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isSharable($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getPermissions($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function file_exists($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function filemtime($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function file_get_contents($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function file_put_contents($path, $data) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function unlink($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function rename($path1, $path2) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function copy($path1, $path2) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function fopen($path, $mode) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getMimeType($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function hash($type, $path, $raw = false) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function free_space($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function touch($path, $mtime = null) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getLocalFile($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function hasUpdated($path, $time) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getETag($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function isLocal() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function instanceOfStorage($class) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getDirectDownload($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function verifyPath($path, $fileName) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function copyFromStorage(IStorage $sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function moveFromStorage(IStorage $sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function test() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getAvailability() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function setAvailability($isAvailable) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getOwner($path) { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getCache() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getPropagator() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getScanner() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getUpdater() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } public function getWatcher() { throw new \Exception('stub'); } } class Jail extends Wrapper { public function getUnjailedPath(string $path): string {} } class Quota extends Wrapper { public function getQuota() {} } class PermissionsMask extends Wrapper { public function getQuota() {} } }