* @copyright 2018, Maxence Lange * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OCA\Social\Service; use OCA\Social\AP; use OCA\Social\Db\FollowsRequest; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\CacheActorDoesNotExistException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\FollowNotFoundException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\FollowSameAccountException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\InvalidOriginException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\InvalidResourceException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\ItemUnknownException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\RedundancyLimitException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\RetrieveAccountFormatException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\SocialAppConfigException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\UnauthorizedFediverseException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\UrlCloudException; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Undo; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Actor\Person; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Object\Follow; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\OrderedCollection; use OCA\Social\Model\InstancePath; use OCA\Social\Model\Relationship; use OCA\Social\Tools\Exceptions\MalformedArrayException; use OCA\Social\Tools\Exceptions\RequestContentException; use OCA\Social\Tools\Exceptions\RequestNetworkException; use OCA\Social\Tools\Exceptions\RequestResultNotJsonException; use OCA\Social\Tools\Exceptions\RequestResultSizeException; use OCA\Social\Tools\Exceptions\RequestServerException; use OCA\Social\Tools\Traits\TArrayTools; use OCP\IURLGenerator; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class FollowService { use TArrayTools; private IURLGenerator $urlGenerator; private FollowsRequest $followsRequest; private ActivityService $activityService; private CacheActorService $cacheActorService; private ConfigService $configService; private LoggerInterface $logger; private ?Person $viewer = null; /** * FollowService constructor. * * @param FollowsRequest $followsRequest * @param ActivityService $activityService * @param CacheActorService $cacheActorService * @param ConfigService $configService * @param LoggerInterface $logger */ public function __construct( IURLGenerator $urlGenerator, FollowsRequest $followsRequest, ActivityService $activityService, CacheActorService $cacheActorService, ConfigService $configService, LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator; $this->followsRequest = $followsRequest; $this->activityService = $activityService; $this->cacheActorService = $cacheActorService; $this->configService = $configService; $this->logger = $logger; } /** * @param Person $viewer */ public function setViewer(Person $viewer) { $this->viewer = $viewer; $this->followsRequest->setViewer($viewer); } /** * @param Person $actor * @param string $account * * @throws CacheActorDoesNotExistException * @throws FollowSameAccountException * @throws InvalidOriginException * @throws InvalidResourceException * @throws MalformedArrayException * @throws RedundancyLimitException * @throws RetrieveAccountFormatException * @throws SocialAppConfigException * @throws ItemUnknownException * @throws UrlCloudException * @throws RequestContentException * @throws RequestNetworkException * @throws RequestResultSizeException * @throws RequestServerException * @throws RequestResultNotJsonException * @throws UnauthorizedFediverseException */ public function followAccount(Person $actor, string $account) { $remoteActor = $this->cacheActorService->getFromAccount($account); if ($remoteActor->getId() === $actor->getId()) { throw new FollowSameAccountException("Don't follow yourself, be your own lead"); } /** @var Follow $follow */ $follow = AP::$activityPub->getItemFromType(Follow::TYPE); $follow->generateUniqueId(); $follow->setActorId($actor->getId()); $follow->setObjectId($remoteActor->getId()); $follow->setFollowId($remoteActor->getFollowers()); try { $this->followsRequest->getByPersons($actor->getId(), $remoteActor->getId()); } catch (FollowNotFoundException $e) { $this->followsRequest->save($follow); $follow->addInstancePath( new InstancePath( $remoteActor->getInbox(), InstancePath::TYPE_INBOX, InstancePath::PRIORITY_TOP ) ); $this->activityService->request($follow); } } /** * @param Person $actor * @param string $account * * @throws CacheActorDoesNotExistException * @throws InvalidOriginException * @throws InvalidResourceException * @throws MalformedArrayException * @throws RedundancyLimitException * @throws RequestContentException * @throws RetrieveAccountFormatException * @throws RequestNetworkException * @throws RequestResultSizeException * @throws RequestServerException * @throws SocialAppConfigException * @throws ItemUnknownException * @throws UrlCloudException * @throws RequestResultNotJsonException * @throws UnauthorizedFediverseException */ public function unfollowAccount(Person $actor, string $account) { $remoteActor = $this->cacheActorService->getFromAccount($account); try { $follow = $this->followsRequest->getByPersons($actor->getId(), $remoteActor->getId()); $this->followsRequest->delete($follow); $undo = AP::$activityPub->getItemFromType(Undo::TYPE); $follow->setParent($undo); $undo->generateUniqueId('#undo/follows'); $undo->setObject($follow); $undo->setActorId($actor->getId()); $undo->addInstancePath( new InstancePath( $remoteActor->getInbox(), InstancePath::TYPE_INBOX, InstancePath::PRIORITY_TOP ) ); $this->activityService->request($undo); } catch (FollowNotFoundException $e) { } } /** * @param Person $local * @param Person $actor * * @return array */ public function getLinksBetweenPersons(Person $local, Person $actor): array { $links = [ 'follower' => false, 'following' => false ]; try { $this->followsRequest->getByPersons($local->getId(), $actor->getId()); $links['following'] = true; } catch (FollowNotFoundException $e) { } try { $this->followsRequest->getByPersons($actor->getId(), $local->getId()); $links['follower'] = true; } catch (FollowNotFoundException $e) { } return $links; } /** * @param Person $actor * * @return Follow[] * * @psalm-return array */ public function getFollowers(Person $actor): array { return $this->followsRequest->getFollowersByActorId($actor->getId()); } /** * @param Person $actor * * @return OrderedCollection */ public function getFollowersCollection(Person $actor): OrderedCollection { $collection = new OrderedCollection(); $collection->setId($actor->getFollowers()); $collection->setTotalItems($this->getInt('followers', $actor->getDetails('count'))); $first = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute( 'social.ActivityPub.followers', ['username' => $actor->getPreferredUsername()] ) . '?page=1'; $collection->setFirst($first); return $collection; } /** * @param Person $actor * * @return Follow[] * * @psalm-return array */ public function getFollowing(Person $actor): array { return $this->followsRequest->getFollowingByActorId($actor->getId()); } /** * @param Person $actor * * @return OrderedCollection */ public function getFollowingCollection(Person $actor): OrderedCollection { $collection = new OrderedCollection(); $collection->setId($actor->getFollowing()); $collection->setTotalItems($this->getInt('following', $actor->getDetails('count'))); $first = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute( 'social.ActivityPub.following', ['username' => $actor->getPreferredUsername()] ) . '?page=1'; $collection->setFirst($first); return $collection; } /** * @param string $recipient * * @return Follow[] */ public function getFollowersFromFollowId(string $recipient): array { return $this->followsRequest->getFollowersByFollowId($recipient); } /** * @return Relationship[] */ public function getRelationships(array $nids): array { $actorNids = $relationships = []; // retrieve actorIds from list of Nid foreach ($this->cacheActorService->getFromNids($nids) as $actor) { $actorNids[$actor->getNid()] = $actor->getId(); } foreach ($actorNids as $actorNid => $actorId) { if ($actorNid === $this->viewer->getNid()) { continue; // ignore current session } $relationships[] = $this->generateRelationship($actorNid, $this->viewer->getId(), $actorId); } return $relationships; } /** * @param int $nid * @param string $viewerId * @param string $actorId * * @return Relationship */ private function generateRelationship(int $nid, string $viewerId, string $actorId): Relationship { $relationship = new Relationship($nid); try { $follow = $this->followsRequest->getByPersons($viewerId, $actorId); if ($follow->isAccepted()) { $relationship->setFollowing(true); } else { $relationship->setRequested(true); } } catch (FollowNotFoundException $e) { } try { $follow = $this->followsRequest->getByPersons($actorId, $viewerId); if ($follow->isAccepted()) { $relationship->setFollowedBy(true); } } catch (FollowNotFoundException $e) { } return $relationship; } }