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import { isIntegerId } from 'soapbox/utils/numbers';
import type { Status as StatusEntity } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
/** Grab the first external link from a status. */
export const getFirstExternalLink = (status: StatusEntity): HTMLAnchorElement | null => {
try {
// Pulled from Pleroma's media parser
const selector = 'a:not(.mention,.hashtag,.attachment,[rel~="tag"])';
const element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerHTML = status.content;
return element.querySelector(selector);
} catch {
return null;
/** Whether the status is expected to have a Card after it loads. */
export const shouldHaveCard = (status: StatusEntity): boolean => {
return Boolean(getFirstExternalLink(status));
/** Whether the media IDs on this status have integer IDs (opposed to FlakeIds). */
export const hasIntegerMediaIds = (status: StatusEntity): boolean => {
return status.media_attachments.some(({ id }) => isIntegerId(id));