import IntlMessageFormat from 'intl-messageformat'; import 'intl-pluralrules'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import api, { getLinks } from 'soapbox/api'; import { getFilters, regexFromFilters } from 'soapbox/selectors'; import { isLoggedIn } from 'soapbox/utils/auth'; import { compareId } from 'soapbox/utils/comparators'; import { getFeatures, parseVersion, PLEROMA } from 'soapbox/utils/features'; import { unescapeHTML } from 'soapbox/utils/html'; import { EXCLUDE_TYPES, NOTIFICATION_TYPES } from 'soapbox/utils/notification'; import { joinPublicPath } from 'soapbox/utils/static'; import { fetchRelationships } from './accounts'; import { fetchGroupRelationships } from './groups'; import { importFetchedAccount, importFetchedAccounts, importFetchedStatus, importFetchedStatuses, } from './importer'; import { saveMarker } from './markers'; import { getSettings, saveSettings } from './settings'; import type { AppDispatch, RootState } from 'soapbox/store'; import type { APIEntity, Status } from 'soapbox/types/entities'; const NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE = 'NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE'; const NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_NOOP = 'NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_NOOP'; const NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_QUEUE = 'NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_QUEUE'; const NOTIFICATIONS_DEQUEUE = 'NOTIFICATIONS_DEQUEUE'; const NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST = 'NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST'; const NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS = 'NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS'; const NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL = 'NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL'; const NOTIFICATIONS_FILTER_SET = 'NOTIFICATIONS_FILTER_SET'; const NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR = 'NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR'; const NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP = 'NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP'; const NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_REQUEST = 'NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_REQUEST'; const NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_SUCCESS = 'NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_SUCCESS'; const NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_FAIL = 'NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_FAIL'; const MAX_QUEUED_NOTIFICATIONS = 40; defineMessages({ mention: { id: 'notification.mentioned', defaultMessage: '{name} mentioned you' }, group: { id: '', defaultMessage: '{count, plural, one {# notification} other {# notifications}}' }, }); const fetchRelatedRelationships = (dispatch: AppDispatch, notifications: APIEntity[]) => { const accountIds = notifications.filter(item => item.type === 'follow').map(item =>; if (accountIds.length > 0) { dispatch(fetchRelationships(accountIds)); } }; const updateNotifications = (notification: APIEntity) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const showInColumn = getSettings(getState()).getIn(['notifications', 'shows', notification.type], true); if (notification.account) { dispatch(importFetchedAccount(notification.account)); } // Used by Move notification if ( { dispatch(importFetchedAccount(; } if (notification.status) { dispatch(importFetchedStatus(notification.status)); } if (showInColumn) { dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE, notification, }); fetchRelatedRelationships(dispatch, [notification]); } }; const updateNotificationsQueue = (notification: APIEntity, intlMessages: Record, intlLocale: string, curPath: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { if (!notification.type) return; // drop invalid notifications if (notification.type === 'pleroma:chat_mention') return; // Drop chat notifications, handle them per-chat if (notification.type === 'chat') return; // Drop Truth Social chat notifications. const showAlert = getSettings(getState()).getIn(['notifications', 'alerts', notification.type]); const filters = getFilters(getState(), { contextType: 'notifications' }); const playSound = getSettings(getState()).getIn(['notifications', 'sounds', notification.type]); let filtered: boolean | null = false; const isOnNotificationsPage = curPath === '/notifications'; if (['mention', 'status'].includes(notification.type)) { const regex = regexFromFilters(filters); const searchIndex = notification.status.spoiler_text + '\n' + unescapeHTML(notification.status.content); filtered = regex && regex.test(searchIndex); } // Desktop notifications try { // eslint-disable-next-line compat/compat const isNotificationsEnabled = window.Notification?.permission === 'granted'; if (showAlert && !filtered && isNotificationsEnabled) { const title = new IntlMessageFormat(intlMessages[`notification.${notification.type}`], intlLocale).format({ name: notification.account.display_name.length > 0 ? notification.account.display_name : notification.account.username }); const body = (notification.status && notification.status.spoiler_text.length > 0) ? notification.status.spoiler_text : unescapeHTML(notification.status ? notification.status.content : ''); navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(serviceWorkerRegistration => { serviceWorkerRegistration.showNotification(title, { body, icon: notification.account.avatar, tag:, data: { url: joinPublicPath('/notifications'), }, }).catch(console.error); }).catch(console.error); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } if (playSound && !filtered) { dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_NOOP, meta: { sound: 'boop' }, }); } if (isOnNotificationsPage) { dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_QUEUE, notification, intlMessages, intlLocale, }); } else { dispatch(updateNotifications(notification)); } }; const dequeueNotifications = () => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const queuedNotifications = getState().notifications.queuedNotifications; const totalQueuedNotificationsCount = getState().notifications.totalQueuedNotificationsCount; if (totalQueuedNotificationsCount === 0) { return; } else if (totalQueuedNotificationsCount > 0 && totalQueuedNotificationsCount <= MAX_QUEUED_NOTIFICATIONS) { queuedNotifications.forEach((block) => { dispatch(updateNotifications(block.notification)); }); } else { dispatch(expandNotifications()); } dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_DEQUEUE, }); dispatch(markReadNotifications()); }; const excludeTypesFromFilter = (filter: string) => { return NOTIFICATION_TYPES.filter(item => item !== filter); }; const noOp = () => new Promise(f => f(undefined)); const STATUS_NOTIFICATION_TYPES = [ 'favourite', 'group_favourite', 'mention', 'reblog', 'group_reblog', 'status', 'poll', 'update', // WIP separate notifications for each reaction? // 'pleroma:emoji_reaction', 'pleroma:event_reminder', 'pleroma:participation_accepted', 'pleroma:participation_request', ]; const deduplicateNotifications = (notifications: any[]) => { const deduplicatedNotifications: any[] = []; for (const notification of notifications) { if (STATUS_NOTIFICATION_TYPES.includes(notification.type)) { const existingNotification = deduplicatedNotifications .find(deduplicatedNotification => deduplicatedNotification.type === notification.type && deduplicatedNotification.status?.id === notification.status?.id); if (existingNotification) { if (existingNotification?.accounts) { existingNotification.accounts.push(notification.account); } else { existingNotification.accounts = [existingNotification.account, notification.account]; } += ':' +; } else { deduplicatedNotifications.push(notification); } } else { deduplicatedNotifications.push(notification); } } return deduplicatedNotifications; }; const expandNotifications = ({ maxId }: Record = {}, done: () => any = noOp) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return dispatch(noOp); const state = getState(); const features = getFeatures(state.instance); const activeFilter = getSettings(state).getIn(['notifications', 'quickFilter', 'active']) as string; const notifications = state.notifications; const isLoadingMore = !!maxId; if (notifications.isLoading) { done(); return dispatch(noOp); } const params: Record = { max_id: maxId, }; if (activeFilter === 'all') { if (features.notificationsIncludeTypes) { params.types = NOTIFICATION_TYPES.filter(type => !EXCLUDE_TYPES.includes(type as any)); } else { params.exclude_types = EXCLUDE_TYPES; } } else { if (features.notificationsIncludeTypes) { params.types = [activeFilter]; } else { params.exclude_types = excludeTypesFromFilter(activeFilter); } } if (!maxId && notifications.items.size > 0) { params.since_id = notifications.getIn(['items', 0, 'id']); } dispatch(expandNotificationsRequest(isLoadingMore)); return api(getState).get('/api/v1/notifications', { params }).then(response => { const next = getLinks(response).refs.find(link => link.rel === 'next'); const entries = ( as APIEntity[]).reduce((acc, item) => { if (item.account?.id) { acc.accounts[] = item.account; } // Used by Move notification if ( { acc.accounts[] =; } if (item.status?.id) { acc.statuses[] = item.status; } return acc; }, { accounts: {}, statuses: {} }); dispatch(importFetchedAccounts(Object.values(entries.accounts))); dispatch(importFetchedStatuses(Object.values(entries.statuses))); const statusesFromGroups = (Object.values(entries.statuses) as Status[]).filter((status) => !!; dispatch(fetchGroupRelationships( any) =>; const deduplicatedNotifications = deduplicateNotifications(; dispatch(expandNotificationsSuccess(deduplicatedNotifications, next ? next.uri : null, isLoadingMore)); fetchRelatedRelationships(dispatch,; done(); }).catch(error => { dispatch(expandNotificationsFail(error, isLoadingMore)); done(); }); }; const expandNotificationsRequest = (isLoadingMore: boolean) => ({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST, skipLoading: !isLoadingMore, }); const expandNotificationsSuccess = (notifications: APIEntity[], next: string | null, isLoadingMore: boolean) => ({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS, notifications, next, skipLoading: !isLoadingMore, }); const expandNotificationsFail = (error: unknown, isLoadingMore: boolean) => ({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL, error, skipLoading: !isLoadingMore, }); const clearNotifications = () => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return; dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR, }); api(getState).post('/api/v1/notifications/clear'); }; const scrollTopNotifications = (top: boolean) => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => { dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP, top, }); dispatch(markReadNotifications()); }; const setFilter = (filterType: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => { dispatch({ type: NOTIFICATIONS_FILTER_SET, path: ['notifications', 'quickFilter', 'active'], value: filterType, }); dispatch(expandNotifications()); dispatch(saveSettings()); }; // Of course Markers don't work properly in Pleroma. // const markReadPleroma = (max_id: string | number) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { return api(getState).post('/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read', { max_id }); }; const markReadNotifications = () => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return; const state = getState(); const topNotificationId = state.notifications.items.first()?.id; const lastReadId = state.notifications.lastRead; const v = parseVersion(state.instance.version); if (topNotificationId && (lastReadId === -1 || compareId(topNotificationId, lastReadId) > 0)) { const marker = { notifications: { last_read_id: topNotificationId, }, }; dispatch(saveMarker(marker)); if ( === PLEROMA) { dispatch(markReadPleroma(topNotificationId)); } } }; export { NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE, NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_NOOP, NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_QUEUE, NOTIFICATIONS_DEQUEUE, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL, NOTIFICATIONS_FILTER_SET, NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR, NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP, NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_REQUEST, NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_SUCCESS, NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_FAIL, MAX_QUEUED_NOTIFICATIONS, updateNotifications, updateNotificationsQueue, dequeueNotifications, expandNotifications, expandNotificationsRequest, expandNotificationsSuccess, expandNotificationsFail, clearNotifications, scrollTopNotifications, setFilter, markReadPleroma, markReadNotifications, };