Add `yarn i18n` command to fix translation files

Alex Gleason 2023-02-28 10:13:53 -06:00
rodzic b7c1d7d44a
commit 18bcd1c084
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2 zmienionych plików z 4 dodań i 1 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ NODE_ENV=development
- `yarn build` - Compile without a dev server, into `/static` directory.
## Translations
- `yarn manage:translations` - Normalizes translation files. Should always be run after editing i18n strings.
- `yarn i18n` - Rebuilds app and updates English locale to prepare for translations in other languages. Should always be run after editing i18n strings.
- `yarn manage:translations` - A low-level translations manager utility.
## Tests
- `yarn test:all` - Runs all tests and linters.

Wyświetl plik

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"build": "npx webpack",
"audit:fix": "npx yarn-audit-fix",
"manage:translations": "npx ts-node ./scripts/translationRunner.ts",
"i18n": "rm -rf build tmp && npx cross-env NODE_ENV=production ${npm_execpath} run build && ${npm_execpath} manage:translations en",
"test": "npx cross-env NODE_ENV=test npx jest",
"test:coverage": "${npm_execpath} run test --coverage",
"test:all": "${npm_execpath} run test:coverage && ${npm_execpath} run lint",