#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" /* Demodulate the video signal * Mode: M1, M2, S1, S2, R72, R36... * Rate: exact sampling rate used * Skip: number of PCM samples to skip at the beginning (for sync phase adjustment) * FShift: Hz to shift the frequency reading frame * Adaptive: false = Static window size, true = Adapt window to noise * Redraw: false = Apply windowing and FFT to the signal, true = Redraw from cached FFT data */ int GetVideo(int Mode, double Rate, int Skip, int FShift, int Adaptive, int Redraw) { unsigned int MaxBin = 0; unsigned int NumSNR = 0; unsigned int VideoPlusNoiseBins=0, ReceiverBins=0, NoiseOnlyBins=0; int i=0, j=0; unsigned int n=0; int Length=0, Sample=0; int FFTLen = 512; int WinLength = 37; int samplesread = 0, WinIdx = 0, LineNum = 0; int x = 0, y = 0, prevline=0, tx=0, ty=0, MaxPcm=0; int HannLens[7] = { 64, 96, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 }; double Hann[7][2048] = {{0}}; double t=0, Freq = 0, NextPixel = 0, NextSNR = 0, NextFFT = 0; double *in, *SNR_in; double *out, *SNR_out; double Power[2048] = {0}; double Pvideo_plus_noise=0, Pnoise_only=0, Pnoise=0, Psignal=0; double SNR = 0, MaxSNR = -60, MinSNR = 60, AvgSNR = 0; double CurLineTime = 0; double ChanStart[3] = {0}, ChanLen[3] = {0}; unsigned char Lum=0, Image[800][616][3] = {{{0}}}; unsigned char Channel = 0; // Prepare FFT fftw_plan Plan, BigPlan, SNRPlan; // Plan for frequency estimation in = fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * 1024); if (in == NULL) { perror("GetVideo: Unable to allocate memory for FFT"); pclose(PcmInStream); free(PCM); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } out = fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * 1024); if (out == NULL) { perror("GetVideo: Unable to allocate memory for FFT"); pclose(PcmInStream); fftw_free(in); free(PCM); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Plan = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(FFTLen, in, out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE); // Plan for frequency estimation (1024) BigPlan = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(1024, in, out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE); // Plan for SNR estimation SNR_in = fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * 2048); if (SNR_in == NULL) { perror("GetVideo: Unable to allocate memory for FFT"); pclose(PcmInStream); fftw_free(in); fftw_free(out); free(PCM); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SNR_out = fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * 2048); if (SNR_out == NULL) { perror("GetVideo: Unable to allocate memory for FFT"); pclose(PcmInStream); fftw_free(in); fftw_free(out); fftw_free(SNR_in); free(PCM); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SNRPlan = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(2048, SNR_in, SNR_out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE); // Initialize Hann windows of different lengths for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) for (i = 0; i < HannLens[j]; i++) Hann[j][i] = 0.5 * (1 - cos( (2 * M_PI * i) / (HannLens[j] - 1)) ); // Initialize 37-point Dolph-Chebyshev window for frequency estimation in HQ cases double Cheb[37] = { 0.1569882, 0.1206692, 0.1631808, 0.2122111, 0.2673747, 0.3280227, 0.3932469, 0.4618960, 0.5326043, 0.6038308, 0.6739095, 0.7411060, 0.8036807, 0.8599540, 0.9083715, 0.9475647, 0.9764067, 0.9940579, 1.0000000, 0.9940579, 0.9764067, 0.9475647, 0.9083715, 0.8599540, 0.8036807, 0.7411060, 0.6739095, 0.6038308, 0.5326043, 0.4618960, 0.3932469, 0.3280227, 0.2673747, 0.2122111, 0.1631808, 0.1206692, 0.1569882 }; // Starting times of video channels on every line, counted from beginning of sync pulse switch (Mode) { case R72: case R24BW: case R12BW: case R8BW: ChanLen[0] = ModeSpec[Mode].PixelLen * ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth; ChanLen[1] = ChanLen[2] = ChanLen[0]; ChanStart[0] = ModeSpec[Mode].SyncLen + ModeSpec[Mode].PorchLen; ChanStart[1] = ChanStart[0] + ChanLen[0] + ModeSpec[Mode].SeparatorLen; ChanStart[2] = ChanStart[1] + ChanLen[1] + ModeSpec[Mode].SeparatorLen; break; case R36: case R24: ChanLen[0] = ModeSpec[Mode].PixelLen * ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth * 2; ChanLen[1] = ChanLen[2] = ModeSpec[Mode].PixelLen * ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth; ChanStart[0] = ModeSpec[Mode].SyncLen + ModeSpec[Mode].PorchLen; ChanStart[1] = ChanStart[0] + ChanLen[0] + ModeSpec[Mode].SeparatorLen; ChanStart[2] = ChanStart[1]; break; default: ChanLen[0] = ChanLen[1] = ChanLen[2] = ModeSpec[Mode].PixelLen * ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth; ChanStart[0] = ModeSpec[Mode].SyncLen + ModeSpec[Mode].PorchLen; ChanStart[1] = ChanStart[0] + ChanLen[0] + ModeSpec[Mode].SeparatorLen; ChanStart[2] = ChanStart[1] + ChanLen[1] + ModeSpec[Mode].SeparatorLen; break; } // Initialize pixbuffer for gtk if (!Redraw) { gdk_pixbuf_unref(CamPixbuf); CamPixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth, ModeSpec[Mode].ImgHeight * ModeSpec[Mode].YScale); ClearPixbuf(CamPixbuf, ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth, ModeSpec[Mode].ImgHeight * ModeSpec[Mode].YScale); } int rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (CamPixbuf); guchar *pixels, *p; pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(CamPixbuf); if (!Redraw) StoredFreqRate = Rate; Length = (ModeSpec[Mode].LineLen * ModeSpec[Mode].ImgHeight) * 44100; // Loop through signal for (Sample = 0; Sample < Length; Sample++) { t = (1.0 * Sample - Skip) / Rate; CurLineTime = fmod(t, ModeSpec[Mode].LineLen); if (Redraw) { // We're redrawing, so all DSP is skipped Freq = StoredFreq[Sample]; } else { // Read 2048 samples if (Sample >= PcmPointer - 2048) { if (!PcmInStream || feof (PcmInStream) || PcmPointer > Length-2048) break; samplesread = fread(PcmBuffer, 2, 2048, PcmInStream); if (samplesread < 2048) break; for (i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { PCM[PcmPointer + i] = PcmBuffer[i] / 32768.0; // Keep track of max amplitude for VU meter if (abs(PcmBuffer[i]) > MaxPcm) MaxPcm = abs(PcmBuffer[i]); } PcmPointer += 2048; } /*** Estimate SNR at certain intervals ***/ if (t >= NextSNR) { if (Adaptive == 0) { // SNR estimation can be turned off SNR = 70; } else { Pvideo_plus_noise = 0; Pnoise_only = 0; Pnoise = 0; Psignal = 0; VideoPlusNoiseBins = 0; NoiseOnlyBins = 0; ReceiverBins = 0; // Apply Hann window to 2048 samples for (i = 0; i < 2048; i++) SNR_in[i] = PCM[Sample + i] * Hann[6][i]; // FFT fftw_execute(SNRPlan); // Calculate video-plus-noise power (1500-2300 Hz) for (n = GetBin(1500+HedrShift, 2048, 44100); n <= GetBin(2300+HedrShift, 2048, 44100); n++) { Pvideo_plus_noise += pow(SNR_out[n], 2) + pow(SNR_out[2048 - n], 2); VideoPlusNoiseBins++; } // Calculate noise-only power (400-800 Hz + 2700-3400 Hz) for (n = GetBin(400+HedrShift, 2048, 44100); n <= GetBin(800+HedrShift, 2048, 44100); n++) { Pnoise_only += pow(SNR_out[n], 2) + pow(SNR_out[2048 - n], 2); NoiseOnlyBins++; } for (n = GetBin(2700+HedrShift, 2048, 44100); n <= GetBin(3400+HedrShift, 2048, 44100); n++) { Pnoise_only += pow(SNR_out[n], 2) + pow(SNR_out[2048 - n], 2); NoiseOnlyBins++; } ReceiverBins = GetBin(3400+HedrShift, 2048, 44100) - GetBin(400+HedrShift, 2048, 44100); // Eq 15 Pnoise = Pnoise_only * (1.0 * ReceiverBins / NoiseOnlyBins); Psignal = Pvideo_plus_noise - Pnoise_only * (1.0 * VideoPlusNoiseBins / NoiseOnlyBins); // Lower bound to -20 dB SNR = ((Psignal / Pnoise < .01) ? -20 : 10 * log10(Psignal / Pnoise)); NextSNR += ModeSpec[Mode].LineLen / 60; } } if (t >= NextFFT) { // Set window size based on SNR FFTLen = 512; if (SNR >= 30) WinLength = 37; else { if (SNR < -10) { WinIdx = 5; FFTLen = 1024; } else if (SNR < -5) WinIdx = 4; else if (SNR < 3) WinIdx = 3; else if (SNR < 9) WinIdx = 2; else if (SNR < 10) WinIdx = 1; else WinIdx = 0; WinLength = HannLens[WinIdx]; } // Halve the window size for M2 and S2, except under excellent or hopeless SNR if ( (Mode == M2 || Mode == S2) && WinLength > 64 && WinLength < 512) { WinLength /= 2; WinIdx --; } if (SNR > MaxSNR) MaxSNR = SNR; if (SNR < MinSNR) MinSNR = SNR; AvgSNR = ((AvgSNR * NumSNR) + SNR) / (NumSNR + 1); NumSNR++; memset(in, 0, sizeof(double)*1024); // Select window function based on SNR if (SNR < 30) { // Apply Hann window for (i = 0; i < WinLength; i++) in[i] = (Sample + i - (WinLength >> 1) < 0) ? 0 : PCM[Sample + i - (WinLength >> 1)] * Hann[WinIdx][i]; } else { // Apply Chebyshev window for (i = 0; i < 37; i++) in[i] = (Sample + i >= (37>>1) ? PCM[Sample + i - (37 >> 1)] * Cheb[i] : 0); } // FFT if (FFTLen == 1024) fftw_execute(BigPlan); else fftw_execute(Plan); MaxBin = 0; // Find the bin with most power for (n = GetBin(1500 + FShift+HedrShift, FFTLen, 44100) - 1; n <= GetBin(2300 + FShift+HedrShift, FFTLen, 44100) + 1; n++) { Power[n] = pow(out[n],2) + pow(out[FFTLen - n], 2); if (MaxBin == 0 || Power[n] > Power[MaxBin]) MaxBin = n; } // Find the exact frequency by Gaussian interpolation if (MaxBin > GetBin(1500 + FShift+HedrShift, FFTLen, 44100) - 1 && MaxBin < GetBin(2300 + FShift+HedrShift, FFTLen, 44100) + 1) { Freq = MaxBin + (log( Power[MaxBin + 1] / Power[MaxBin - 1] )) / (2 * log( pow(Power[MaxBin], 2) / (Power[MaxBin + 1] * Power[MaxBin - 1]))); // In Hertz Freq = Freq / FFTLen * 44100; } else { // Use last usable freq } NextFFT += ModeSpec[Mode].PixelLen / 2; } // Store frequency for later image adjustments StoredFreq[Sample] = Freq; } /*** Are we on a video line, and should we sample a pixel? ***/ if ( ( (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[0] && CurLineTime < ChanStart[0] + ChanLen[0]) || (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[1] && CurLineTime < ChanStart[1] + ChanLen[1]) || (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[2] && CurLineTime < ChanStart[2] + ChanLen[2]) ) && t >= NextPixel ) { LineNum = (int)(t / ModeSpec[Mode].LineLen); // Which channel is this? switch(Mode) { case R24BW: case R12BW: case R8BW: Channel = 0; break; case R36: case R24: if (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[1]) { if (LineNum % 2 == 0) Channel = 1; else Channel = 2; } else Channel = 0; break; case PD50: case PD90: case PD120: case PD160: case PD180: case PD240: case PD290: if (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[2] + ChanLen[2]) Channel = 4; // ch 0 of even line else if (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[2]) Channel = 2; else if (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[1]) Channel = 1; else Channel = 0; break; default: if (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[2]) Channel = 2; else if (CurLineTime >= ChanStart[1]) Channel = 1; else Channel = 0; break; } // X coordinate of this pixel switch(Mode) { case S1: case S2: case SDX: x = fmod(CurLineTime - ModeSpec[Mode].SyncLen - ModeSpec[Mode].PorchLen, ChanLen[Channel] + ModeSpec[Mode].SeparatorLen) / ChanLen[Channel] * ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth; break; default: x = (CurLineTime - ChanStart[Channel]) / ChanLen[Channel] * ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth; break; } // Y coordinate of this pixel switch(Mode) { case S1: case S2: case SDX: switch(Channel) { case 0: y = LineNum; Channel = 2; break; case 1: y = LineNum + 1; Channel = 0; break; case 2: y = LineNum + 1; Channel = 1; break; } break; case PD50: case PD90: case PD120: case PD160: case PD180: case PD240: case PD290: switch(Channel) { case 4: y = LineNum + 1; Channel = 0; break; default: y = LineNum; break; } break; default: y = LineNum; break; } // Luminance from frequency Lum = clip((Freq - (1500 + FShift+HedrShift)) / 3.1372549); // Store pixel if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth) { Image[x][y][Channel] = Lum; // Some modes have R-Y & B-Y channels that are twice the height of the Y channel if (Channel > 0) switch(Mode) { case R36: case R24: if (y < ModeSpec[Mode].ImgHeight-1) Image[x][y+1][Channel] = Lum; break; } } if (y > ModeSpec[Mode].ImgHeight-1) break; // Calculate and draw pixels on line change if (LineNum != prevline) { for (tx = 0; tx < ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth; tx++) { for (ty = prevline * ModeSpec[Mode].YScale; ty < prevline * ModeSpec[Mode].YScale + ModeSpec[Mode].YScale; ty++) { p = pixels + ty * rowstride + tx * 3; switch(ModeSpec[Mode].ColorEnc) { case RGB: p[0] = Image[tx][prevline][0]; p[1] = Image[tx][prevline][1]; p[2] = Image[tx][prevline][2]; break; case GBR: p[0] = Image[tx][prevline][2]; p[1] = Image[tx][prevline][0]; p[2] = Image[tx][prevline][1]; break; case YUV: p[0] = clip((100 * Image[tx][prevline][0] + 140 * Image[tx][prevline][1] - 17850) / 100.0); p[1] = clip((100 * Image[tx][prevline][0] - 71 * Image[tx][prevline][1] - 33 * Image[tx][prevline][2] + 13260) / 100.0); p[2] = clip((100 * Image[tx][prevline][0] + 178 * Image[tx][prevline][2] - 22695) / 100.0); break; case BW: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = Image[tx][prevline][0]; break; } } } if (!Redraw || LineNum % 5 == 0 || LineNum == ModeSpec[Mode].ImgHeight-1) { gdk_threads_enter(); gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf(GTK_IMAGE(CamImage), CamPixbuf); gdk_threads_leave(); } } prevline = LineNum; NextPixel += ModeSpec[Mode].PixelLen / 2; } if (!Redraw && Sample % 8820 == 0) { setVU(MaxPcm, SNR); MaxPcm = 0; } } printf(" SNR Min/Avg/Max: "); if (Redraw) printf("Precalculated\n"); else printf("%+.2f / %+.2f / %+.2f dB\n", MinSNR, AvgSNR, MaxSNR); printf(" dim %d x %d\n", ModeSpec[Mode].ImgWidth, ModeSpec[Mode].ImgHeight); fftw_destroy_plan(Plan); fftw_destroy_plan(BigPlan); fftw_destroy_plan(SNRPlan); fftw_free(in); fftw_free(out); fftw_free(SNR_in); fftw_free(SNR_out); return 0; }