modespec: Correct timings for Robot 8 B/W

The timings as originally given in this file equate to a scan period of
60.16ms, which is a little over.  QSSTV seems to be much happer if we
give it 59.9ms scan lines.

Decoding with the
original timings leads to a slanted image.  By adjusting the timings, we
can correct this without needing further processing.
Stuart Longland 2024-07-28 08:07:10 +10:00
rodzic 30e90f5285
commit 1a7457158c
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ID klucza GPG: F6F148699329D96A
1 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ _ModeSpec ModeSpec[] = {
.SyncTime = 7e-3,
.PorchTime = 0e-3,
.SeptrTime = 0e-3,
.PixelTime = 0.188e-3,
.LineTime = 67e-3,
.PixelTime = 0.1871875e-3,
.LineTime = 66.9e-3,
.ImgWidth = 320,
.NumLines = 120,
.LineHeight = 2,