Linux driver for Contour Design Shuttle Pro V2
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Alexandre Bourget 2e206f61cb Now functional through `udev`. Improved readme, and timings. 2017-08-07 00:40:43 -04:00

Linux driver for Contour Design Shuttle Pro V2

The goal of this project is to use the Shuttle Pro V2 with the Lightworks Non-Linear Video Editor. I'm using v14.

This program supports having modifiers for your Shuttle Pro V2 buttons. So you can multiple the functionality of your buttons. For example, you can have different bindings for B1+F1 and F1.

Avoid Lightworks key bindings with modifiers however. Capital letters are great as they cannot be combined, and are more direct and they are less likely to conflict with your other bindings and Lightworks recognizes them.

The key names to use in the X11 bindings are found here: or you can view them locally in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h (stripped of the XK_ prefix).

You need to install the xdotool package before using this program.

Buttons layout on the Contour Design Shuttle Pro v2:

       F1   F2   F3   F4

    F5   F6   F7   F8   F9

    S-7 .. S-1  S0  S1 .. S7

 M1        JogL    JogR        M2

          B2        B3
        B1            B4

Slow Jog

In addition to JogL and JogR, you can define bindings for SlowJogL and SlowJogR. For example, you can use a slow jog use to nudge by one frame at a time.

If you wish to not use slow jog, set the slow_jog key to 0 in the configuration for this app. Otherwise, slow_jog represents the minimum number of milliseconds between two events to be considered slow. It defaults to 200 ms.



sudo shuttle-go /dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour_Design_ShuttlePRO_v2-event-if00

Install in udev with:

As root, write in the file /etc/udev/rules.d/01-shuttle-go.rules:

ACTION=="add", ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttlePRO v2", ENV{MINOR}=="79", RUN+="/home/abourget/go/src/"
ACTION=="remove", ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttlePRO v2", RUN+="/usr/bin/pkill shuttle-go"

Then run:

udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Your device should not be plug-and-play.

WARNING: this will be executed as ROOT when the device is plugged. If someone can write to that file or anything that is run by that script (shuttle-go for example), this could lead to privilege escalation.

If you prefer running shuttle-go manually from a terminal, you can change the ACTION=="add" line above to:

ACTION=="add", ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttlePRO v2", MODE="0644"

This will grant non-root access to the device, so you can run shuttle-go and see its logs.




  • Don't require xdotool

    • Use xgb's xtest package and send the FakeInput directly there..
  • Document in here all the keys that are work and their proper syntax. Add a few helpers.

  • Watch the configuration file, and reload on change.

  • Have a default SlowJog configuration.