
93 wiersze
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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { customElement, property } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
import { HasSlotController } from '~/internal/slot';
import styles from './breadcrumb-item.styles';
* @since 2.0
* @status stable
* @slot - The breadcrumb item's label.
* @slot prefix - An optional prefix, usually an icon or icon button.
* @slot suffix - An optional suffix, usually an icon or icon button.
* @slot separator - The separator to use for the breadcrumb item. This will only change the separator for this item. If
* you want to change it for all items in the group, set the separator on `<sl-breadcrumb>` instead.
* @csspart base - The component's internal wrapper.
* @csspart label - The breadcrumb item's label.
* @csspart prefix - The container that wraps the prefix slot.
* @csspart suffix - The container that wraps the suffix slot.
* @csspart separator - The container that wraps the separator slot.
export default class SlBreadcrumbItem extends LitElement {
static styles = styles;
private readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, 'prefix', 'suffix');
* Optional URL to direct the user to when the breadcrumb item is activated. When set, a link will be rendered
* internally. When unset, a button will be rendered instead.
@property() href?: string;
/** Tells the browser where to open the link. Only used when `href` is set. */
@property() target?: '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top';
/** The `rel` attribute to use on the link. Only used when `href` is set. */
@property() rel = 'noreferrer noopener';
render() {
const isLink = this.href ? true : false;
return html`
'breadcrumb-item': true,
'breadcrumb-item--has-prefix': this.hasSlotController.test('prefix'),
'breadcrumb-item--has-suffix': this.hasSlotController.test('suffix')
<span part="prefix" class="breadcrumb-item__prefix">
<slot name="prefix"></slot>
? html`
class="breadcrumb-item__label breadcrumb-item__label--link"
target="${ifDefined( ? : undefined)}"
rel=${ifDefined( ? this.rel : undefined)}
: html`
<button part="label" type="button" class="breadcrumb-item__label breadcrumb-item__label--button">
<span part="suffix" class="breadcrumb-item__suffix">
<slot name="suffix"></slot>
<span part="separator" class="breadcrumb-item__separator" aria-hidden="true">
<slot name="separator"></slot>
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'sl-breadcrumb-item': SlBreadcrumbItem;