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// @defaultValue decorator
// Runs when the corresponding attribute of the observed property changes, e.g. after calling Element.setAttribute or after updating
// the observed property.
// The decorator checks whether the value of the attribute is different from the value of the property and in that case
// it saves the new value.
// Usage:
// @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) checked = false;
// @defaultValue('checked') defaultChecked = false;
import { defaultConverter } from 'lit';
import type { ReactiveElement } from 'lit';
export const defaultValue =
(propertyName = 'value') =>
(proto: ReactiveElement, key: string) => {
const ctor = proto.constructor as typeof ReactiveElement;
const attributeChangedCallback = ctor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback;
ctor.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (
this: ReactiveElement & { [name: string]: unknown },
) {
const options = ctor.getPropertyOptions(propertyName);
const attributeName = typeof options.attribute === 'string' ? options.attribute : propertyName;
if (name === attributeName) {
const converter = options.converter || defaultConverter;
const fromAttribute =
typeof converter === 'function' ? converter : converter?.fromAttribute ?? defaultConverter.fromAttribute;
const newValue: unknown = fromAttribute!(value, options.type);
if (this[propertyName] !== newValue) {
this[key] = newValue;
}, name, old, value);