
186 wiersze
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import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import { getTextContent, HasSlotController } from '../../internal/slot.js';
import { html } from 'lit';
import { LocalizeController } from '../../utilities/localize.js';
import { property, query } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { SubmenuController } from './submenu-controller.js';
import { watch } from '../../internal/watch.js';
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js';
import SlIcon from '../icon/icon.component.js';
import SlPopup from '../popup/popup.component.js';
import styles from './menu-item.styles.js';
import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit';
* @summary Menu items provide options for the user to pick from in a menu.
* @documentation
* @status stable
* @since 2.0
* @dependency sl-icon
* @dependency sl-popup
* @slot - The menu item's label.
* @slot prefix - Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the menu item.
* @slot suffix - Used to append an icon or similar element to the menu item.
* @slot submenu - Used to denote a nested menu.
* @csspart base - The component's base wrapper.
* @csspart checked-icon - The checked icon, which is only visible when the menu item is checked.
* @csspart prefix - The prefix container.
* @csspart label - The menu item label.
* @csspart suffix - The suffix container.
* @csspart submenu-icon - The submenu icon, visible only when the menu item has a submenu (not yet implemented).
* @cssproperty [--submenu-offset=-2px] - The distance submenus shift to overlap the parent menu.
export default class SlMenuItem extends ShoelaceElement {
static styles: CSSResultGroup = styles;
static dependencies = {
'sl-icon': SlIcon,
'sl-popup': SlPopup
private cachedTextLabel: string;
@query('slot:not([name])') defaultSlot: HTMLSlotElement;
@query('.menu-item') menuItem: HTMLElement;
/** The type of menu item to render. To use `checked`, this value must be set to `checkbox`. */
@property() type: 'normal' | 'checkbox' = 'normal';
/** Draws the item in a checked state. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) checked = false;
/** A unique value to store in the menu item. This can be used as a way to identify menu items when selected. */
@property() value = '';
/** Draws the menu item in a disabled state, preventing selection. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) disabled = false;
private readonly localize = new LocalizeController(this);
private readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, 'submenu');
private submenuController: SubmenuController = new SubmenuController(this, this.hasSlotController, this.localize);
connectedCallback() {
this.addEventListener('click', this.handleHostClick);
this.addEventListener('mouseover', this.handleMouseOver);
disconnectedCallback() {
this.removeEventListener('click', this.handleHostClick);
this.removeEventListener('mouseover', this.handleMouseOver);
private handleDefaultSlotChange() {
const textLabel = this.getTextLabel();
// Ignore the first time the label is set
if (typeof this.cachedTextLabel === 'undefined') {
this.cachedTextLabel = textLabel;
// When the label changes, emit a slotchange event so parent controls see it
if (textLabel !== this.cachedTextLabel) {
this.cachedTextLabel = textLabel;
this.emit('slotchange', { bubbles: true, composed: false, cancelable: false });
private handleHostClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// Prevent the click event from being emitted when the button is disabled or loading
if (this.disabled) {
private handleMouseOver = (event: MouseEvent) => {
handleCheckedChange() {
// For proper accessibility, users have to use type="checkbox" to use the checked attribute
if (this.checked && this.type !== 'checkbox') {
this.checked = false;
console.error('The checked attribute can only be used on menu items with type="checkbox"', this);
// Only checkbox types can receive the aria-checked attribute
if (this.type === 'checkbox') {
this.setAttribute('aria-checked', this.checked ? 'true' : 'false');
} else {
handleDisabledChange() {
this.setAttribute('aria-disabled', this.disabled ? 'true' : 'false');
handleTypeChange() {
if (this.type === 'checkbox') {
this.setAttribute('role', 'menuitemcheckbox');
this.setAttribute('aria-checked', this.checked ? 'true' : 'false');
} else {
this.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');
/** Returns a text label based on the contents of the menu item's default slot. */
getTextLabel() {
return getTextContent(this.defaultSlot);
isSubmenu() {
return this.hasSlotController.test('submenu');
render() {
const isRtl = this.localize.dir() === 'rtl';
const isSubmenuExpanded = this.submenuController.isExpanded();
return html`
'menu-item': true,
'menu-item--rtl': isRtl,
'menu-item--checked': this.checked,
'menu-item--disabled': this.disabled,
'menu-item--has-submenu': this.isSubmenu(),
'menu-item--submenu-expanded': isSubmenuExpanded
?aria-expanded="${isSubmenuExpanded ? true : false}"
<span part="checked-icon" class="menu-item__check">
<sl-icon name="check" library="system" aria-hidden="true"></sl-icon>
<slot name="prefix" part="prefix" class="menu-item__prefix"></slot>
<slot part="label" class="menu-item__label" @slotchange=${this.handleDefaultSlotChange}></slot>
<slot name="suffix" part="suffix" class="menu-item__suffix"></slot>
<span part="submenu-icon" class="menu-item__chevron">
<sl-icon name=${isRtl ? 'chevron-left' : 'chevron-right'} library="system" aria-hidden="true"></sl-icon>