
151 wiersze
3.8 KiB

const args = process.argv.slice(2);
const chalk = require('chalk');
const fs = require('fs');
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
const path = require('path');
const tagName = (args[0] + '').toLowerCase().trim();
const tagNameWithoutPrefix = tagName.replace(/^sl-/, '');
const className = tagName.replace(/(^\w|-\w)/g, string => string.replace(/-/, '').toUpperCase());
const readableName = tagNameWithoutPrefix
.replace(/-/g, ' ')
.replace(/\w\S*/g, string => string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.substr(1).toLowerCase());
const version = require('../package.json').version;
const minorVersion = version.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.');
// Check for tag name
if (!tagName) {
console.error('Please provide a tag name for the new component.\n');
// Verify tag name prefix
if (!/^sl-/.test(tagName)) {
console.error('Tag names must start with the sl- prefix.\n');
// Generate a source file
const componentFile = `src/components/${tagNameWithoutPrefix}/${tagNameWithoutPrefix}.ts`;
if (fs.existsSync(componentFile)) {
console.error(`There is already a component using the <${tagName}> tag!\n`);
const componentSource = `
import { LitElement, html, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators';
import styles from 'sass:./${tagNameWithoutPrefix}.scss';
* @since ${minorVersion}
* @status experimental
* @dependency sl-tag-here
* @dependency sl-tag-here
* @slot - The default slot.
* @slot example - A named slot called example.
* @part base - The component's base wrapper.
* @part example - Another part called example.
export default class ${className} extends LitElement {
static styles = unsafeCSS(styles);
render() {
return html\`
<div part="base">
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'${tagName}': ${className};
// Generate a stylesheet
const stylesFile = `src/components/${tagNameWithoutPrefix}/${tagNameWithoutPrefix}.scss`;
const stylesSource = `
@use '../../styles/component';
* @prop --custom-property-here: Description here
:host {
display: block;
// Generate a docs page
const docsFile = `docs/components/${tagNameWithoutPrefix}.md`;
const docsSource = `
# ${readableName}
Brief description of the component here, followed by an example.
\`\`\`html preview
Hello, world!
## Examples
### Variation
A description of the variation, followed by an example.
\`\`\`html preview
Here is a variation
// Create the files
fs.writeFileSync(componentFile, componentSource, 'utf8');
fs.writeFileSync(stylesFile, stylesSource, 'utf8');
fs.writeFileSync(docsFile, docsSource, 'utf8');
// Add it to shoelace.ts
const allExports = fs.readFileSync('src/shoelace.ts', 'utf8');
`${allExports.trimRight()}\nexport { default as ${className} } from './components/${tagNameWithoutPrefix}/${tagNameWithoutPrefix}';\n`,
// Add it to
const sidebar = fs.readFileSync('docs/', 'utf8');
sidebar.replace('- Components', `- Components\n - [${readableName}](/components/${tagNameWithoutPrefix}.md)`),
console.log(`The <${tagName}> component has been created:`));
- created ${componentFile}
- created ${stylesFile}
- created ${docsFile}
- updated src/shoelace.ts
- updated docs/
Use ${chalk.cyan('npm start')} to launch the dev server.