kopia lustrzana https://github.com/shoelace-style/shoelace
195 wiersze
6.0 KiB
195 wiersze
6.0 KiB
import { deleteSync } from 'del';
import { globby } from 'globby';
import { execSync, spawn } from 'child_process';
import browserSync from 'browser-sync';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import chokidar from 'chokidar';
import commandLineArgs from 'command-line-args';
import copy from 'recursive-copy';
import esbuild from 'esbuild';
import fs from 'fs';
import getPort, { portNumbers } from 'get-port';
const abortController = new AbortController();
const abortSignal = abortController.signal;
function buildTheDocs(watch = false) {
if (!watch) {
return execSync('npx @11ty/eleventy --quiet', { stdio: 'inherit', cwd: 'docs' });
return spawn('npx', ['@11ty/eleventy', '--watch', '--incremental', '--quiet'], {
stdio: 'inherit',
cwd: 'docs',
signal: abortSignal
const { bundle, copydir, dir, serve, types } = commandLineArgs([
{ name: 'bundle', type: Boolean },
{ name: 'copydir', type: String },
{ name: 'dir', type: String, defaultValue: 'dist' },
{ name: 'serve', type: Boolean },
{ name: 'types', type: Boolean }
const outdir = dir;
fs.mkdirSync(outdir, { recursive: true });
(async () => {
try {
execSync(`node scripts/make-metadata.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
execSync(`node scripts/make-react.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
execSync(`node scripts/make-web-types.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
execSync(`node scripts/make-themes.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
execSync(`node scripts/make-icons.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
if (types) {
console.log('Running the TypeScript compiler...');
execSync(`tsc --project ./tsconfig.prod.json --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
} catch (err) {
const alwaysExternal = ['@lit-labs/react', 'react'];
const buildResult = await esbuild
format: 'esm',
target: 'es2017',
entryPoints: [
// NOTE: Entry points must be mapped in package.json > exports, otherwise users won't be able to import them!
// The whole shebang
// The auto-loader
// Components
...(await globby('./src/components/**/!(*.(style|test)).ts')),
// Translations
...(await globby('./src/translations/**/*.ts')),
// Public utilities
...(await globby('./src/utilities/**/!(*.(style|test)).ts')),
// Theme stylesheets
...(await globby('./src/themes/**/!(*.test).ts')),
// React wrappers
...(await globby('./src/react/**/*.ts'))
chunkNames: 'chunks/[name].[hash]',
incremental: serve,
define: {
// Floating UI requires this to be set
'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"'
bundle: true,
// We don't bundle certain dependencies in the unbundled build. This ensures we ship bare module specifiers,
// allowing end users to better optimize when using a bundler. (Only packages that ship ESM can be external.)
// We never bundle React or @lit-labs/react though!
external: bundle
? alwaysExternal
: [...alwaysExternal, '@floating-ui/dom', '@shoelace-style/animations', 'lit', 'qr-creator'],
splitting: true,
plugins: []
.catch(err => {
// Copy the build output to an additional directory
if (copydir) {
copy(outdir, copydir);
if (serve) {
// Build it with --watch and --incremental
// Wait for the search index to appear before launching the browser. This file is generated during eleventy.after,
// so it's usually the last one to appear.
const watcher = chokidar.watch('./_site', { persistent: true });
watcher.on('add', async filename => {
if (filename.endsWith('search.json')) {
const bs = browserSync.create();
const port = await getPort({
port: portNumbers(4000, 4999)
const browserSyncConfig = {
startPath: '/',
logLevel: 'silent',
logPrefix: '[shoelace]',
logFileChanges: true,
notify: false,
single: true,
ghostMode: false,
server: {
baseDir: '_site',
routes: {
'/dist': './dist'
// Launch browser sync
bs.init(browserSyncConfig, () => {
const url = `http://localhost:${port}`;
console.log(chalk.cyan(`Launched the Shoelace dev server at ${url} 🥾\n`));
// Rebuild and reload when source files change
bs.watch(['src/**/!(*.test).*']).on('change', async filename => {
// Rebuild and reload
.then(() => {
// Rebuild stylesheets when a theme file changes
if (/^src\/themes/.test(filename)) {
execSync(`node scripts/make-themes.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
.then(() => {
// Skip metadata when styles are changed
if (/(\.css|\.styles\.ts)$/.test(filename)) {
execSync(`node scripts/make-metadata.js --outdir "${outdir}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
.then(() => bs.reload())
.catch(err => console.error(chalk.red(err)));
// Reload without rebuilding when the docs change
bs.watch(['_site/**/*.*']).on('change', () => {
// Prod build
if (!serve) {
// Cleanup on exit
process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
abortController.abort(); // Stops the child process