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import '../icon/icon';
import { AutoplayController } from './autoplay-controller';
import { clamp } from 'src/internal/math';
import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import { customElement, property, query, state } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { html } from 'lit';
import { LocalizeController } from '@shoelace-style/localize';
import { map } from 'lit/directives/map.js';
import { prefersReducedMotion } from '../../internal/animate';
import { range } from 'lit/directives/range.js';
import { ScrollController } from './scroll-controller';
import { watch } from '../../internal/watch';
import { when } from 'lit/directives/when.js';
import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element';
import SlCarouselItem from '../carousel-item/carousel-item';
import styles from './carousel.styles';
import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit';
* @summary Carousels display an arbitrary number of slides along a horizontal or vertical axis.
* @since 2.0
* @status experimental
* @dependency sl-icon
* @event {{ index: number, slide: SlCarouselItem }} sl-slide-change - Emitted when the active slide changes.
* @slot - The carousel's main content, where `sl-carousel-item`s are placed.
* @slot next-icon - Optional next icon to use instead of the default. Works best with `<sl-icon>`.
* @slot previous-icon - Optional previous icon to use instead of the default. Works best with `<sl-icon>`.
* @csspart base - The carousel's internal wrapper.
* @csspart scroll-container - The scroll container that wraps the slides.
* @csspart pagination - The pagination indicators wrapper.
* @csspart pagination-item - The pagination indicator.
* @csspart pagination-item--active - Applied when the item is active.
* @csspart navigation - The navigation wrapper.
* @csspart navigation-button - The navigation button.
* @csspart navigation-button--previous - Applied to the previous button.
* @csspart navigation-button--next - Applied to the next button.
* @cssproperty --slide-gap - The space between each slide.
* @cssproperty --aspect-ratio - The aspect ratio of each slide.
* @cssproperty --scroll-padding - The amount of padding to apply to the scroll area. Useful to make adjacent slides
* visible.
export default class SlCarousel extends ShoelaceElement {
static styles: CSSResultGroup = styles;
/** When set, allows the user to navigate the carousel in the same direction indefinitely. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) loop = false;
/** When set, show the carousel's navigation. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) navigation = false;
/** When set, show the carousel's pagination indicators. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) pagination = false;
/** When set, the slides will scroll automatically when the user is not interacting with them. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) autoplay = false;
/** Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, between each automatic scroll. */
@property({ type: Number, attribute: 'autoplay-interval' }) autoplayInterval = 3000;
/** Specifies how many slides should be shown at a given time. */
@property({ type: Number, attribute: 'slides-per-page' }) slidesPerPage = 1;
* Specifies the number of slides the carousel will advance when scrolling, useful when specifying a `slides-per-page`
* greater than one.
@property({ type: Number, attribute: 'slides-per-move' }) slidesPerMove = 1;
/** Specifies the orientation in which the carousel will lay out. */
@property() orientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' = 'horizontal';
/** When set, it is possible to scroll through the slides by dragging them with the mouse. */
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true, attribute: 'mouse-dragging' }) mouseDragging = false;
@query('slot:not([name])') defaultSlot: HTMLSlotElement;
@query('.carousel__slides') scrollContainer: HTMLElement;
@query('.carousel__pagination') paginationContainer: HTMLElement;
// The index of the active slide
@state() activeSlide = 0;
private autoplayController = new AutoplayController(this, () => {;
private scrollController = new ScrollController(this);
private readonly slides = this.getElementsByTagName('sl-carousel-item');
// The intersection observer is used to determine which slide is displayed
private intersectionObserver: IntersectionObserver;
// A map containing the state of all the slides
private readonly intersectionObserverEntries = new Map<Element, IntersectionObserverEntry>();
private readonly localize = new LocalizeController(this);
private mutationObserver: MutationObserver;
connectedCallback(): void {
this.setAttribute('role', 'region');
this.setAttribute('aria-roledescription', 'carousel');
const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(
(entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) => {
entries.forEach(entry => {
// Store all the entries in a map to be processed when the scroll ends
this.intersectionObserverEntries.set(, entry);
const slide =;
slide.toggleAttribute('inert', !entry.isIntersecting);
slide.classList.toggle('--in-view', entry.isIntersecting);
slide.setAttribute('aria-hidden', entry.isIntersecting ? 'false' : 'true');
root: this,
threshold: 0.6
this.intersectionObserver = intersectionObserver;
// Store the initial state of each slide
intersectionObserver.takeRecords().forEach(entry => {
this.intersectionObserverEntries.set(, entry);
disconnectedCallback(): void {
protected firstUpdated(): void {
this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(this.handleSlotChange.bind(this));
this.mutationObserver.observe(this, { childList: true, subtree: false });
private getSlides({ excludeClones = true }: { excludeClones?: boolean } = {}) {
return [...this.slides].filter(slide => !excludeClones || !slide.hasAttribute('data-clone'));
* Move the carousel backwards by `slides-per-move` slides.
* @param behavior - The behavior used for scrolling.
previous(behavior: ScrollBehavior = 'smooth') {
this.goToSlide(this.activeSlide - this.slidesPerMove, behavior);
* Move the carousel forwards by `slides-per-move` slides.
* @param behavior - The behavior used for scrolling.
next(behavior: ScrollBehavior = 'smooth') {
this.goToSlide(this.activeSlide + this.slidesPerMove, behavior);
* Scrolls the carousel to the slide specified by `index`.
* @param index - The slide index.
* @param behavior - The behavior used for scrolling.
goToSlide(index: number, behavior: ScrollBehavior = 'smooth') {
const { slidesPerPage, loop } = this;
const slidesWithClones = this.getSlides({ excludeClones: false });
const normalizedIndex = clamp(index + (loop ? slidesPerPage : 0), 0, slidesWithClones.length - 1);
const slide = slidesWithClones[normalizedIndex];
left: slide.offsetLeft,
top: slide.offsetTop,
behavior: prefersReducedMotion() ? 'auto' : behavior
handleSlotChange(mutations: MutationRecord[]) {
const needsInitialization = mutations.some(mutation =>
[...mutation.addedNodes, ...mutation.removedNodes].some(
node => SlCarouselItem.isCarouselItem(node) && !(node as HTMLElement).hasAttribute('data-clone')
// Reinitialize the carousel if a carousel item has been added and/or removed
if (needsInitialization) {
handleScrollEnd() {
const slides = this.getSlides();
const entries = [...this.intersectionObserverEntries.values()];
const firstIntersecting: IntersectionObserverEntry | undefined = entries.find(entry => entry.isIntersecting);
if (this.loop && firstIntersecting?.target.hasAttribute('data-clone')) {
const clonePosition = Number('data-clone'));
// Scrolls to the original slide without animating, so the user won't notice that the position has changed
this.goToSlide(clonePosition, 'auto');
// Activate the first intersecting slide
if (firstIntersecting) {
this.activeSlide = slides.indexOf( as SlCarouselItem);
@watch('loop', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true })
@watch('slidesPerPage', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true })
initializeSlides() {
const slides = this.getSlides();
const intersectionObserver = this.intersectionObserver;
// Removes all the cloned elements from the carousel
this.getSlides({ excludeClones: false }).forEach(slide => {
if (slide.hasAttribute('data-clone')) {
if (this.loop) {
// Creates clones to be placed before and after the original elements
// so that it will be possible to simulate an infinite scrolling
const slidesPerPage = this.slidesPerPage;
const lastSlides = slides.slice(-slidesPerPage);
const firstSlides = slides.slice(0, slidesPerPage);
lastSlides.reverse().forEach((slide, i) => {
const clone = slide.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement;
clone.setAttribute('data-clone', String(slides.length - i - 1));
firstSlides.forEach((slide, i) => {
const clone = slide.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement;
clone.setAttribute('data-clone', String(i));
this.getSlides({ excludeClones: false }).forEach(slide => {
// Because the dom may be changed, restore the scroll position to the active slide
this.goToSlide(this.activeSlide, 'auto');
handelSlideChange() {
const slides = this.getSlides();
slides.forEach((slide, i) => {
slide.classList.toggle('--is-active', i === this.activeSlide);
// Do not fire any event on first render
if (this.hasUpdated) {
this.emit('sl-slide-change', {
detail: {
index: this.activeSlide,
slide: slides[this.activeSlide]
handleSlidesPerMoveChange() {
const slides = this.getSlides({ excludeClones: false });
const slidesPerMove = this.slidesPerMove;
slides.forEach((slide, i) => {
const shouldSnap = Math.abs(i - slidesPerMove) % slidesPerMove === 0;
if (shouldSnap) {'scroll-snap-align');
} else {'scroll-snap-align', 'none');
handleAutoplayChange() {
if (this.autoplay) {
handleMouseDraggingChange() {
this.scrollController.mouseDragging = this.mouseDragging;
private renderPagination = () => {
const slides = this.getSlides();
const slidesCount = slides.length;
const { activeSlide, slidesPerPage } = this;
const pagesCount = Math.ceil(slidesCount / slidesPerPage);
const currentPage = Math.floor(activeSlide / slidesPerPage);
return html`
<nav part="pagination" role="tablist" class="carousel__pagination" aria-controls="scroll-container">
${map(range(pagesCount), index => {
const isActive = index === currentPage;
return html`
<span role="presentation">
@click="${() => this.goToSlide(index * slidesPerPage)}"
aria-selected="${isActive ? 'true' : 'false'}"
aria-label="${this.localize.term('goToCarouselSlide', index + 1, pagesCount)}"
${isActive ? 'pagination-item--active' : ''}
'carousel__pagination-item': true,
'carousel__pagination-item--active': isActive
private renderNavigation = () => {
const { loop, activeSlide } = this;
const slides = this.getSlides();
const slidesCount = slides.length;
const prevEnabled = loop || activeSlide > 0;
const nextEnabled = loop || activeSlide < slidesCount - 1;
const isLtr = this.localize.dir() === 'ltr';
return html`
<nav part="navigation" class="carousel__navigation">
@click="${prevEnabled ? () => this.previous() : null}"
aria-disabled="${prevEnabled ? 'false' : 'true'}"
'carousel__navigation-button': true,
'carousel__navigation-button--previous': true,
'carousel__navigation-button--disabled': !prevEnabled
part="navigation-button navigation-button--previous"
<slot name="previous-icon">
<sl-icon library="system" name="${isLtr ? 'chevron-left' : 'chevron-right'}"></sl-icon>
@click="${nextEnabled ? () => : null}"
aria-disabled="${nextEnabled ? 'false' : 'true'}"
'carousel__navigation-button': true,
'carousel__navigation-button--next': true,
'carousel__navigation-button--disabled': !nextEnabled
part="navigation-button navigation-button--next"
<slot name="next-icon">
<sl-icon library="system" name="${isLtr ? 'chevron-right' : 'chevron-left'}"></sl-icon>
render() {
const { autoplayController, scrollController } = this;
return html`
<div part="base" class="carousel">
carousel__slides: true,
'carousel__slides--horizontal': this.orientation === 'horizontal',
'carousel__slides--vertical': this.orientation === 'vertical'
style="--slides-per-page: ${this.slidesPerPage};"
aria-live="${!autoplayController.stopped && !autoplayController.paused ? 'off' : 'polite'}"
aria-busy="${scrollController.scrolling ? 'true' : 'false'}"
${when(this.navigation, this.renderNavigation)} ${when(this.pagination, this.renderPagination)}
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'sl-carousel': SlCarousel;