
214 wiersze
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import { LitElement, html, unsafeCSS } from 'lit';
import { customElement, property, queryAsync } from 'lit/decorators';
import { event, EventEmitter, watch } from '../../internal/decorators';
import styles from 'sass:./animation.scss';
import { animations } from './animations';
* @since 2.0
* @status stable
* @slot - The element to animate. If multiple elements are to be animated, wrap them in a single container.
export default class SlAnimation extends LitElement {
static styles = unsafeCSS(styles);
private animation: Animation;
private hasStarted = false;
@queryAsync('slot') defaultSlot: Promise<HTMLSlotElement>;
/** The name of the built-in animation to use. For custom animations, use the `keyframes` prop. */
@property() name = 'none';
/** The number of milliseconds to delay the start of the animation. */
@property({ type: Number }) delay = 0;
/** Determines the direction of playback as well as the behavior when reaching the end of an iteration. */
@property() direction: PlaybackDirection = 'normal';
/** The number of milliseconds each iteration of the animation takes to complete. */
@property({ type: Number }) duration = 1000;
* The easing function to use for the animation. This can be a Shoelace easing function or a custom easing function
* such as `cubic-bezier(0, 1, .76, 1.14)`.
@property() easing = 'linear';
/** The number of milliseconds to delay after the active period of an animation sequence. */
@property({ attribute: 'end-delay', type: Number }) endDelay = 0;
/** Sets how the animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution. */
@property() fill: FillMode = 'auto';
/** The number of iterations to run before the animation completes. Defaults to `Infinity`, which loops. */
@property({ type: Number }) iterations: number = Infinity;
/** The offset at which to start the animation, usually between 0 (start) and 1 (end). */
@property({ attribute: 'iteration-start', type: Number }) iterationStart = 0;
/** The keyframes to use for the animation. If this is set, `name` will be ignored. */
@property({ attribute: false }) keyframes: Keyframe[];
* Sets the animation's playback rate. The default is `1`, which plays the animation at a normal speed. Setting this
* to `2`, for example, will double the animation's speed. A negative value can be used to reverse the animation. This
* value can be changed without causing the animation to restart.
@property({ attribute: 'playback-rate', type: Number }) playbackRate = 1;
/** Pauses the animation. The animation will resume when this prop is removed. */
@property({ type: Boolean }) pause = false;
/** Emitted when the animation is canceled. */
@event('sl-cancel') slCancel: EventEmitter<void>;
/** Emitted when the animation finishes. */
@event('sl-finish') slFinish: EventEmitter<void>;
/** Emitted when the animation starts or restarts. */
@event('sl-start') slStart: EventEmitter<void>;
connectedCallback() {
this.handleAnimationCancel = this.handleAnimationCancel.bind(this);
this.handleAnimationFinish = this.handleAnimationFinish.bind(this);
disconnectedCallback() {
handleAnimationChange() {
handleAnimationFinish() {
handleAnimationCancel() {
handlePauseChange() {
if (this.animation) {
this.pause ? this.animation.pause() :;
if (!this.pause && !this.hasStarted) {
this.hasStarted = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
handlePlaybackRateChange() {
if (this.animation) {
this.animation.playbackRate = this.playbackRate;
handleSlotChange() {
async createAnimation() {
const easing = animations.easings[this.easing] || this.easing;
const keyframes: Keyframe[] = this.keyframes ? this.keyframes : (animations as any)[];
const slot = await this.defaultSlot;
const element = slot.assignedElements()[0] as HTMLElement;
if (!element) {
return false;
this.animation = element.animate(keyframes, {
delay: this.delay,
direction: this.direction,
duration: this.duration,
endDelay: this.endDelay,
fill: this.fill,
iterationStart: this.iterationStart,
iterations: this.iterations
this.animation.playbackRate = this.playbackRate;
this.animation.addEventListener('cancel', this.handleAnimationCancel);
this.animation.addEventListener('finish', this.handleAnimationFinish);
if (this.pause) {
} else {
this.hasStarted = true;
return true;
destroyAnimation() {
if (this.animation) {
this.animation.removeEventListener('cancel', this.handleAnimationCancel);
this.animation.removeEventListener('finish', this.handleAnimationFinish);
this.hasStarted = false;
/** Clears all KeyframeEffects caused by this animation and aborts its playback. */
cancel() {
try {
} catch {}
/** Sets the playback time to the end of the animation corresponding to the current playback direction. */
finish() {
try {
} catch {}
/** Gets the current time of the animation in milliseconds. */
getCurrentTime() {
return this.animation.currentTime;
/** Sets the current time of the animation in milliseconds. */
setCurrentTime(time: number) {
this.animation.currentTime = time;
render() {
return html` <slot @slotchange=${this.handleSlotChange}></slot> `;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'sl-animation': SlAnimation;