kopia lustrzana https://github.com/shoelace-style/shoelace
154 wiersze
4.7 KiB
154 wiersze
4.7 KiB
import fs from 'fs';
import { parse } from 'comment-parser';
import { pascalCase } from 'pascal-case';
const packageData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json', 'utf8'));
const { name, description, version, author, homepage, license } = packageData;
function noDash(string) {
return string.replace(/^\s?-/, '').trim();
function replace(string, terms) {
terms.forEach(({ from, to }) => {
string = string?.replace(from, to);
return string;
export default {
globs: ['src/components/**/*.ts'],
exclude: ['**/*.styles.ts', '**/*.test.ts'],
plugins: [
// Append package data
name: 'shoelace-package-data',
packageLinkPhase({ customElementsManifest }) {
customElementsManifest.package = { name, description, version, author, homepage, license };
// Parse custom jsDoc tags
name: 'shoelace-custom-tags',
analyzePhase({ ts, node, moduleDoc }) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: {
const className = node.name.getText();
const classDoc = moduleDoc?.declarations?.find(declaration => declaration.name === className);
const customTags = ['title', 'animation', 'dependency', 'since', 'status'];
let customComments = '/**';
node.jsDoc?.forEach(jsDoc => {
jsDoc?.tags?.forEach(tag => {
const tagName = tag.tagName.getText();
if (customTags.includes(tagName)) {
customComments += `\n * @${tagName} ${tag.comment}`;
const parsed = parse(`${customComments}\n */`);
parsed[0].tags?.forEach(t => {
switch (t.tag) {
// Animations
case 'animation':
if (!Array.isArray(classDoc['animations'])) {
classDoc['animations'] = [];
name: t.name,
description: noDash(t.description)
// Dependencies
case 'dependency':
if (!Array.isArray(classDoc['dependencies'])) {
classDoc['dependencies'] = [];
// Value-only metadata tags
case 'since':
case 'status':
case 'title':
classDoc[t.tag] = t.name;
// All other tags
if (!Array.isArray(classDoc[t.tag])) {
classDoc[t.tag] = [];
name: t.name,
description: t.description,
type: t.type || undefined
name: 'shoelace-react-event-names',
analyzePhase({ ts, node, moduleDoc }) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: {
const className = node.name.getText();
const classDoc = moduleDoc?.declarations?.find(declaration => declaration.name === className);
if (classDoc?.events) {
classDoc.events.forEach(event => {
event.reactName = `on${pascalCase(event.name)}`;
name: 'shoelace-translate-module-paths',
packageLinkPhase({ customElementsManifest }) {
customElementsManifest?.modules?.forEach(mod => {
// CEM paths look like this:
// src/components/button/button.ts
// But we want them to look like this:
// components/button/button.js
const terms = [
{ from: /^src\//, to: '' }, // Strip the src/ prefix
{ from: /\.(t|j)sx?$/, to: '.js' } // Convert .ts to .js
mod.path = replace(mod.path, terms);
for (const ex of mod.exports ?? []) {
ex.declaration.module = replace(ex.declaration.module, terms);
for (const dec of mod.declarations ?? []) {
if (dec.kind === 'class') {
for (const member of dec.members ?? []) {
if (member.inheritedFrom) {
member.inheritedFrom.module = replace(member.inheritedFrom.module, terms);