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import { newE2EPage } from '@stencil/core/testing';
const testContentStartClosed = `
<sl-dialog label="Dialog" class="dialog-overview">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
<sl-button slot="footer" type="primary">Close</sl-button>
const testContentStartOpen = `
<sl-dialog label="Dialog" class="dialog-overview" open>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
<sl-button slot="footer" type="primary">Close</sl-button>
describe('dialog', () => {
it('should open/close with the show/hide methods', async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent(testContentStartClosed);
const dialog = await page.find('sl-dialog');
const dialogBase = await page.find('sl-dialog >>> .dialog');
expect(await dialogBase.isVisible()).toBe(false);
const showEventHappened = dialog.waitForEvent('slAfterShow');
await dialog.callMethod('show');
await showEventHappened;
expect(await dialogBase.isVisible()).toBe(true);
const hideEventHappened = dialog.waitForEvent('slAfterHide');
await dialog.callMethod('hide');
await hideEventHappened;
expect(await dialogBase.isVisible()).toBe(false);
it('should open/close with the open attribute added/removed', async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent(testContentStartClosed);
const dialog = await page.find('sl-dialog');
const dialogBase = await page.find('sl-dialog >>> .dialog');
expect(await dialogBase.isVisible()).toBe(false);
const showEventHappened = dialog.waitForEvent('slAfterShow');
dialog.setAttribute('open', '');
await page.waitForChanges();
await showEventHappened;
expect(await dialogBase.isVisible()).toBe(true);
const hideEventHappened = dialog.waitForEvent('slAfterHide');
await page.waitForChanges();
await hideEventHappened;
expect(await dialogBase.isVisible()).toBe(false);
it('should emit slShow and slAfterShow events when dialog is opened', async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent(testContentStartClosed);
const dialog = await page.find('sl-dialog');
const slShow = await dialog.spyOnEvent('slShow');
const slAfterShow = await dialog.spyOnEvent('slAfterShow');
const showEventHappened = dialog.waitForEvent('slAfterShow');
await dialog.callMethod('show');
await showEventHappened;
it('should emit slHide and slAfterHide events when dialog is closed', async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent(testContentStartOpen);
const dialog = await page.find('sl-dialog');
const slHide = await dialog.spyOnEvent('slHide');
const slAfterHide = await dialog.spyOnEvent('slAfterHide');
const hideEventHappened = dialog.waitForEvent('slAfterHide');
await dialog.callMethod('hide');
await hideEventHappened;
it('should emit the slOverlayDismiss event when overlay is clicked', async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent(testContentStartOpen);
const dialog = await page.find('sl-dialog');
const slOverlayDismiss = await dialog.spyOnEvent('slOverlayDismiss');
// can't use click method on overlay element since is always clicks in
// the middle of an element which in this case will be behind the panel
await, 0);
await page.waitForChanges();