
758 wiersze
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import "../../../dist/shoelace.js"
import { aTimeout, expect, fixture, html, triggerBlurFor, triggerFocusFor } from '@open-wc/testing';
import { clickOnElement } from '../../internal/test';
import { sendKeys } from '@web/test-runner-commands';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import type SlTree from './tree';
import type SlTreeItem from '../tree-item/tree-item';
describe('<sl-tree>', () => {
let el: SlTree;
beforeEach(async () => {
el = await fixture(html`
<sl-tree-item>Node 1</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item>Node 2</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item id="expandable">
Parent Node
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 1</sl-tree-item>
Child Node 2
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 2 - 1</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 2 - 2</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item>Node 3</sl-tree-item>
it('should render a component', () => {
expect(el).to.have.attribute('role', 'tree');
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => {
await expect(el);
it('should not focus collapsed nodes', async () => {
// Arrange
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
const childNode = parentNode.children[1] as SlTreeItem;
childNode.expanded = true;
parentNode.expanded = false;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
const focusableItems = el.getFocusableItems();
// Assert
expect(focusableItems)[childNode, ...childNode.children]);
describe('when a custom expanded/collapsed icon is provided', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
el = await fixture(html`
<div slot="expand-icon"></div>
<div slot="collapse-icon"></div>
<sl-tree-item>Node 1</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item>Node 2</sl-tree-item>
it('should append a clone of the icon in the proper slot of the tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
const treeItems = [...el.querySelectorAll('sl-tree-item')];
// Assert
treeItems.forEach(treeItem => {
describe('Keyboard navigation', () => {
describe('when ArrowDown is pressed', () => {
it('should move the focus to the next tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowDown' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[0]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[1]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
describe('when ArrowUp is pressed', () => {
it('should move the focus to the prev tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
(el.children[1] as HTMLElement).focus();
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowUp' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[0]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
expect(el.children[1]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
describe('when ArrowRight is pressed', () => {
describe('and node is a leaf', () => {
it('should move the focus to the next tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
(el.children[0] as HTMLElement).focus();
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[0]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[1]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
describe('and node is collapsed', () => {
it('should expand the tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(parentNode).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
describe('and node is expanded', () => {
it('should move the focus to the next tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
parentNode.expanded = true;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(parentNode).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(parentNode.children[0]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
describe('when ArrowLeft is pressed', () => {
describe('and node is a leaf', () => {
it('should move the focus to the prev tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
(el.children[1] as HTMLElement).focus();
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowLeft' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[0]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
expect(el.children[1]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
describe('and node is collapsed', () => {
it('should move the focus to the prev tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
(el.children[2] as HTMLElement).focus();
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowLeft' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[1]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
expect(el.children[2]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
describe('and node is expanded', () => {
it('should collapse the tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
parentNode.expanded = true;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowLeft' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(parentNode).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
describe('when Home is pressed', () => {
it('should move the focus to the first tree item in the tree', async () => {
// Arrange
const parentNode = el.children[3] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'Home' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[0]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
expect(el.children[3]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
describe('when End is pressed', () => {
it('should move the focus to the last tree item in the tree', async () => {
// Arrange
const parentNode = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'End' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[0]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(el.children[3]).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
describe('when Enter is pressed', () => {
describe('and selection is "single"', () => {
it('should select only one tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'single';
const node = el.children[1] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'Enter' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'Enter' });
// Assert
describe('and selection is "leaf"', () => {
it('should select only one tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'leaf';
const node = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'Enter' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'Enter' });
// Assert
it('should expand/collapse a parent node', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'leaf';
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'Enter' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
describe('and selection is "multiple"', () => {
it('should toggle the selection on the tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'multiple';
const node = el.children[1] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: 'Enter' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'Enter' });
// Assert
describe('when Space is pressed', () => {
describe('and selection is "single"', () => {
it('should select only one tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'single';
const node = el.children[1] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: ' ' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
await sendKeys({ press: ' ' });
// Assert
describe('and selection is "leaf"', () => {
it('should select only one tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'leaf';
const node = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: ' ' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
await sendKeys({ press: ' ' });
// Assert
it('should expand/collapse a parent node', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'leaf';
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: ' ' });
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
describe('and selection is "multiple"', () => {
it('should toggle the selection on the tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'multiple';
const node = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await sendKeys({ press: ' ' });
await sendKeys({ press: 'ArrowRight' });
await sendKeys({ press: ' ' });
// Assert
describe('Interactions', () => {
describe('when the tree is about to receive the focus', () => {
it('should set the focus to the last focused item', async () => {
// Arrange
const node = el.children[1] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
// Assert
expect(el).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '-1');
expect(node).to.have.attribute('tabindex', '0');
describe('when the user clicks the expand button', () => {
it('should expand the tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'single';
await el.updateComplete;
const node = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
await node.updateComplete;
const expandButton: HTMLElement = node.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.tree-item__expand-button')!;
// Act
await clickOnElement(expandButton);
await el.updateComplete;
// Assert
describe('when the user clicks on a tree item', () => {
describe('and selection is "single"', () => {
it('should select only one tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'single';
const node0 = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
const node1 = el.children[1] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await clickOnElement(node0);
await el.updateComplete;
await clickOnElement(node1);
await el.updateComplete;
// Assert
describe('and selection is "leaf"', () => {
it('should select only one tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'leaf';
const node0 = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
const node1 = el.children[1] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await clickOnElement(node0);
await el.updateComplete;
await clickOnElement(node1);
await el.updateComplete;
// Assert
it('should expand/collapse a parent node', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'leaf';
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await clickOnElement(parentNode);
await parentNode.updateComplete;
// Assert
describe('and selection is "multiple"', () => {
it('should toggle the selection on the tree item', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'multiple';
const node0 = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
const node1 = el.children[1] as SlTreeItem;
await el.updateComplete;
// Act
await clickOnElement(node0);
await el.updateComplete;
await clickOnElement(node1);
await el.updateComplete;
// Assert
it('should select all the child tree items', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'multiple';
await el.updateComplete;
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
// Act
await clickOnElement(parentNode);
await el.updateComplete;
// Assert
parentNode.getChildrenItems().forEach(child => {
it('should set the indeterminate state to tree items if a child is selected', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'multiple';
await el.updateComplete;
const parentNode = el.children[2] as SlTreeItem;
const childNode = parentNode.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
// Act
parentNode.expanded = true;
await parentNode.updateComplete;
await aTimeout(300);
await clickOnElement(childNode);
await el.updateComplete;
// Assert
describe('when selection is "single"', () => {
describe('and user clicks on same item twice', () => {
it('should emit `sl-selection-change` event once', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'single';
await el.updateComplete;
const selectedChangeSpy = sinon.spy();
el.addEventListener('sl-selection-change', selectedChangeSpy);
const node = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
// Act
await clickOnElement(node);
await el.updateComplete;
await clickOnElement(node);
await Promise.all([node.updateComplete, el.updateComplete]);
// Assert
expect(selectedChangeSpy.args[0][0]).to.deep.include({ detail: { selection: [node] } });
describe('when selection is "leaf"', () => {
describe('and user clicks on same leaf item twice', () => {
it('should emit `sl-selection-change` event once', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'leaf';
await el.updateComplete;
const selectedChangeSpy = sinon.spy();
el.addEventListener('sl-selection-change', selectedChangeSpy);
const node = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
// Act
await clickOnElement(node);
await el.updateComplete;
await clickOnElement(node);
await Promise.all([node.updateComplete, el.updateComplete]);
// Assert
expect(selectedChangeSpy.args[0][0]).to.deep.include({ detail: { selection: [node] } });
describe('and user clicks on expandable item', () => {
it('should not emit `sl-selection-change` event', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'leaf';
await el.updateComplete;
const selectedChangeSpy = sinon.spy();
el.addEventListener('sl-selection-change', selectedChangeSpy);
const node = el.querySelector<SlTreeItem>('#expandable')!;
// Act
await clickOnElement(node);
await Promise.all([node.updateComplete, el.updateComplete]);
// Assert
describe('when selection is "multiple"', () => {
describe('and user clicks on same item twice', () => {
it('should emit `sl-selection-change` event twice', async () => {
// Arrange
el.selection = 'multiple';
await el.updateComplete;
const selectedChangeSpy = sinon.spy();
el.addEventListener('sl-selection-change', selectedChangeSpy);
const node = el.children[0] as SlTreeItem;
// Act
await clickOnElement(node);
await Promise.all([node.updateComplete, el.updateComplete]);
await clickOnElement(node);
await Promise.all([node.updateComplete, el.updateComplete]);
// Assert
expect(selectedChangeSpy.args[0][0]).to.deep.include({ detail: { selection: [node] } });
expect(selectedChangeSpy.args[1][0]).to.deep.include({ detail: { selection: [] } });
describe('Checkboxes synchronization', () => {
describe('when the tree gets initialized', () => {
describe('and a parent node is selected', () => {
it('should select all the nested children', async () => {
// Arrange
const tree = await fixture<SlTree>(html`
<sl-tree selection="multiple">
<sl-tree-item selected>
Parent Node
<sl-tree-item selected>Child Node 1</sl-tree-item>
Child Node 2
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 2 - 1</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 2 - 2</sl-tree-item>
const treeItems = Array.from<SlTreeItem>(tree.querySelectorAll('sl-tree-item'));
// Act
await tree.updateComplete;
// Assert
treeItems.forEach(treeItem => {
describe('and a parent node is not selected', () => {
describe('and all the children are selected', () => {
it('should select the parent node', async () => {
// Arrange
const tree = await fixture<SlTree>(html`
<sl-tree selection="multiple">
Parent Node
<sl-tree-item selected>Child Node 1</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item selected>
Child Node 2
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 2 - 1</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 2 - 2</sl-tree-item>
const treeItems = Array.from<SlTreeItem>(tree.querySelectorAll('sl-tree-item'));
// Act
await tree.updateComplete;
// Assert
treeItems.forEach(treeItem => {
describe('and some of the children are selected', () => {
it('should set the parent node to indeterminate state', async () => {
// Arrange
const tree = await fixture<SlTree>(html`
<sl-tree selection="multiple">
Parent Node
<sl-tree-item selected>Child Node 1</sl-tree-item>
Child Node 2
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 2 - 1</sl-tree-item>
<sl-tree-item>Child Node 2 - 2</sl-tree-item>
const treeItems = Array.from<SlTreeItem>(tree.querySelectorAll('sl-tree-item'));
// Act
await tree.updateComplete;
// Assert