
177 wiersze
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import "../../../dist/shoelace.js"
import { aTimeout, expect, fixture, html, waitUntil } from '@open-wc/testing';
import type SlAvatar from './avatar';
// The default avatar background just misses AA contrast, but the next step up is way too dark. Since avatars aren't
// used to display text, we're going to relax this rule.
const ignoredRules = ['color-contrast'];
describe('<sl-avatar>', () => {
let el: SlAvatar;
describe('when provided no parameters', () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlAvatar>(html` <sl-avatar label="Avatar"></sl-avatar> `);
it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => {
await expect(el){ ignoredRules });
it('should default to circle styling', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('[part~="base"]')!;
expect(part.classList.value.trim()).to.eq('avatar avatar--circle');
describe('when provided an image and label parameter', () => {
const image = '';
const label = 'Small transparent square';
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlAvatar>(html`<sl-avatar image="${image}" label="${label}"></sl-avatar>`);
it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => {
* The image element itself is ancillary, because it's parent container contains the
* aria-label which dictates what "sl-avatar" is. This also implies that label text will
* resolve to "" when not provided and ignored by readers. This is why we use alt="" on
* the image element to pass accessibility.
await expect(el){ ignoredRules });
it('renders "image" part, with src and a role of presentation', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('[part~="image"]')!;
it('renders the label attribute in the "base" part', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('[part~="base"]')!;
describe('when provided initials parameter', () => {
const initials = 'SL';
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlAvatar>(html`<sl-avatar initials="${initials}" label="Avatar"></sl-avatar>`);
it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => {
await expect(el){ ignoredRules });
it('renders "initials" part, with initials as the text node', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector<HTMLElement>('[part~="initials"]')!;
describe('when image is present, the initials or icon part should not render', () => {
const initials = 'SL';
const image = '';
const label = 'Small transparent square';
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlAvatar>(
html`<sl-avatar image="${image}" label="${label}" initials="${initials}"></sl-avatar>`
it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => {
* The image element itself is ancillary, because it's parent container contains the
* aria-label which dictates what "sl-avatar" is. This also implies that label text will
* resolve to "" when not provided and ignored by readers. This is why we use alt="" on
* the image element to pass accessibility.
await expect(el){ ignoredRules });
it('renders "image" part, with src and a role of presentation', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('[part~="image"]')!;
it('should not render the initials part', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector<HTMLElement>('[part~="initials"]')!;
it('should not render the icon part', () => {
const slot = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector<HTMLSlotElement>('slot[name=icon]')!;
['square', 'rounded', 'circle'].forEach(shape => {
describe(`when passed a shape attribute ${shape}`, () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlAvatar>(html`<sl-avatar shape="${shape}" label="Shaped avatar"></sl-avatar>`);
it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => {
await expect(el){ ignoredRules });
it('appends the appropriate class on the "base" part', () => {
const part = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('[part~="base"]')!;
expect(part.classList.value.trim()).to.eq(`avatar avatar--${shape}`);
describe('when passed a <span>, on slot "icon"', () => {
before(async () => {
el = await fixture<SlAvatar>(html`<sl-avatar label="Avatar"><span slot="icon">random content</span></sl-avatar>`);
it('should pass accessibility tests', async () => {
await expect(el){ ignoredRules });
it('should accept as an assigned child in the shadow root', () => {
const slot = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector<HTMLSlotElement>('slot[name=icon]')!;
const childNodes = slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true }) as HTMLElement[];
const span = childNodes[0];
expect(span.innerHTML).to.eq('random content');
it('should not render the image when the image fails to load', async () => {
el = await fixture<SlAvatar>(html`<sl-avatar></sl-avatar>`);
el.image = 'bad_image';
await aTimeout(0);
await waitUntil(() => el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('img') === null);
it('should show a valid image after being passed an invalid image initially', async () => {
el = await fixture<SlAvatar>(html`<sl-avatar></sl-avatar>`);
await aTimeout(0);
await waitUntil(() => el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('img') === null);
el.image = '';
await el.updateComplete;