
31 wiersze
869 B

// @debounce decorator
// Delays the execution until the provided delay in milliseconds has
// passed since the last time the function has been called.
// Usage:
// @debounce(1000)
// handleInput() {
// ...
// }
// Each class instance will need to store its timer id, so this unique symbol will be used as property key.
const TIMER_ID_KEY = Symbol();
export const debounce = (delay: number) => {
return <T>(_target: T, _propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => {
const fn = descriptor.value as (this: T & { [TIMER_ID_KEY]: number }, ...args: unknown[]) => unknown;
descriptor.value = function (this: ThisParameterType<typeof fn>, ...args: Parameters<typeof fn>) {
this[TIMER_ID_KEY] = window.setTimeout(() => {
fn.apply(this, args);
}, delay);