import { animateTo, stopAnimations } from '../../internal/animate.js'; import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js'; import { getAnimation, setDefaultAnimation } from '../../utilities/animation-registry.js'; import { HasSlotController } from '../../internal/slot.js'; import { html } from 'lit'; import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js'; import { LocalizeController } from '../../utilities/localize.js'; import { lockBodyScrolling, unlockBodyScrolling } from '../../internal/scroll.js'; import { property, query } from 'lit/decorators.js'; import { uppercaseFirstLetter } from '../../internal/string.js'; import { waitForEvent } from '../../internal/event.js'; import { watch } from '../../internal/watch.js'; import componentStyles from '../../styles/component.styles.js'; import Modal from '../../internal/modal.js'; import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js'; import SlIconButton from '../icon-button/icon-button.component.js'; import styles from './drawer.styles.js'; import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit'; /** * @summary Drawers slide in from a container to expose additional options and information. * @documentation * @status stable * @since 2.0 * * @dependency sl-icon-button * * @slot - The drawer's main content. * @slot label - The drawer's label. Alternatively, you can use the `label` attribute. * @slot header-actions - Optional actions to add to the header. Works best with ``. * @slot footer - The drawer's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options. * * @event sl-show - Emitted when the drawer opens. * @event sl-after-show - Emitted after the drawer opens and all animations are complete. * @event sl-hide - Emitted when the drawer closes. * @event sl-after-hide - Emitted after the drawer closes and all animations are complete. * @event sl-initial-focus - Emitted when the drawer opens and is ready to receive focus. Calling * `event.preventDefault()` will prevent focusing and allow you to set it on a different element, such as an input. * @event {{ source: 'close-button' | 'keyboard' | 'overlay' }} sl-request-close - Emitted when the user attempts to * close the drawer by clicking the close button, clicking the overlay, or pressing escape. Calling * `event.preventDefault()` will keep the drawer open. Avoid using this unless closing the drawer will result in * destructive behavior such as data loss. * * @csspart base - The component's base wrapper. * @csspart overlay - The overlay that covers the screen behind the drawer. * @csspart panel - The drawer's panel (where the drawer and its content are rendered). * @csspart header - The drawer's header. This element wraps the title and header actions. * @csspart header-actions - Optional actions to add to the header. Works best with ``. * @csspart title - The drawer's title. * @csspart close-button - The close button, an ``. * @csspart close-button__base - The close button's exported `base` part. * @csspart body - The drawer's body. * @csspart footer - The drawer's footer. * * @cssproperty --size - The preferred size of the drawer. This will be applied to the drawer's width or height * depending on its `placement`. Note that the drawer will shrink to accommodate smaller screens. * @cssproperty --header-spacing - The amount of padding to use for the header. * @cssproperty --body-spacing - The amount of padding to use for the body. * @cssproperty --footer-spacing - The amount of padding to use for the footer. * * @animation drawer.showTop - The animation to use when showing a drawer with `top` placement. * @animation drawer.showEnd - The animation to use when showing a drawer with `end` placement. * @animation drawer.showBottom - The animation to use when showing a drawer with `bottom` placement. * @animation drawer.showStart - The animation to use when showing a drawer with `start` placement. * @animation drawer.hideTop - The animation to use when hiding a drawer with `top` placement. * @animation drawer.hideEnd - The animation to use when hiding a drawer with `end` placement. * @animation drawer.hideBottom - The animation to use when hiding a drawer with `bottom` placement. * @animation drawer.hideStart - The animation to use when hiding a drawer with `start` placement. * @animation drawer.denyClose - The animation to use when a request to close the drawer is denied. * @animation - The animation to use when showing the drawer's overlay. * @animation drawer.overlay.hide - The animation to use when hiding the drawer's overlay. * * @property modal - Exposes the internal modal utility that controls focus trapping. To temporarily disable focus * trapping and allow third-party modals spawned from an active Shoelace modal, call `modal.activateExternal()` when * the third-party modal opens. Upon closing, call `modal.deactivateExternal()` to restore Shoelace's focus trapping. */ export default class SlDrawer extends ShoelaceElement { static styles: CSSResultGroup = [componentStyles, styles]; static dependencies = { 'sl-icon-button': SlIconButton }; private readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, 'footer'); private readonly localize = new LocalizeController(this); private originalTrigger: HTMLElement | null; public modal = new Modal(this); private closeWatcher: CloseWatcher | null; @query('.drawer') drawer: HTMLElement; @query('.drawer__panel') panel: HTMLElement; @query('.drawer__overlay') overlay: HTMLElement; /** * Indicates whether or not the drawer is open. You can toggle this attribute to show and hide the drawer, or you can * use the `show()` and `hide()` methods and this attribute will reflect the drawer's open state. */ @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) open = false; /** * The drawer's label as displayed in the header. You should always include a relevant label even when using * `no-header`, as it is required for proper accessibility. If you need to display HTML, use the `label` slot instead. */ @property({ reflect: true }) label = ''; /** The direction from which the drawer will open. */ @property({ reflect: true }) placement: 'top' | 'end' | 'bottom' | 'start' = 'end'; /** * By default, the drawer slides out of its containing block (usually the viewport). To make the drawer slide out of * its parent element, set this attribute and add `position: relative` to the parent. */ @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) contained = false; /** * Removes the header. This will also remove the default close button, so please ensure you provide an easy, * accessible way for users to dismiss the drawer. */ @property({ attribute: 'no-header', type: Boolean, reflect: true }) noHeader = false; firstUpdated() { this.drawer.hidden = !; if ( { this.addOpenListeners(); if (!this.contained) { this.modal.activate(); lockBodyScrolling(this); } } } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); unlockBodyScrolling(this); this.closeWatcher?.destroy(); } private requestClose(source: 'close-button' | 'keyboard' | 'overlay') { const slRequestClose = this.emit('sl-request-close', { cancelable: true, detail: { source } }); if (slRequestClose.defaultPrevented) { const animation = getAnimation(this, 'drawer.denyClose', { dir: this.localize.dir() }); animateTo(this.panel, animation.keyframes, animation.options); return; } this.hide(); } private addOpenListeners() { if ('CloseWatcher' in window) { this.closeWatcher?.destroy(); if (!this.contained) { this.closeWatcher = new CloseWatcher(); this.closeWatcher.onclose = () => this.requestClose('keyboard'); } } else { document.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocumentKeyDown); } } private removeOpenListeners() { document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocumentKeyDown); this.closeWatcher?.destroy(); } private handleDocumentKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { // Contained drawers aren't modal and don't response to the escape key if (this.contained) { return; } if (event.key === 'Escape' && this.modal.isActive() && { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.requestClose('keyboard'); } }; @watch('open', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true }) async handleOpenChange() { if ( { // Show this.emit('sl-show'); this.addOpenListeners(); this.originalTrigger = document.activeElement as HTMLElement; // Lock body scrolling only if the drawer isn't contained if (!this.contained) { this.modal.activate(); lockBodyScrolling(this); } // When the drawer is shown, Safari will attempt to set focus on whatever element has autofocus. This causes the // drawer's animation to jitter, so we'll temporarily remove the attribute, call `focus({ preventScroll: true })` // ourselves, and add the attribute back afterwards. // // Related: // const autoFocusTarget = this.querySelector('[autofocus]'); if (autoFocusTarget) { autoFocusTarget.removeAttribute('autofocus'); } await Promise.all([stopAnimations(this.drawer), stopAnimations(this.overlay)]); this.drawer.hidden = false; // Set initial focus requestAnimationFrame(() => { const slInitialFocus = this.emit('sl-initial-focus', { cancelable: true }); if (!slInitialFocus.defaultPrevented) { // Set focus to the autofocus target and restore the attribute if (autoFocusTarget) { (autoFocusTarget as HTMLInputElement).focus({ preventScroll: true }); } else { this.panel.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } } // Restore the autofocus attribute if (autoFocusTarget) { autoFocusTarget.setAttribute('autofocus', ''); } }); const panelAnimation = getAnimation(this, `${uppercaseFirstLetter(this.placement)}`, { dir: this.localize.dir() }); const overlayAnimation = getAnimation(this, '', { dir: this.localize.dir() }); await Promise.all([ animateTo(this.panel, panelAnimation.keyframes, panelAnimation.options), animateTo(this.overlay, overlayAnimation.keyframes, overlayAnimation.options) ]); this.emit('sl-after-show'); } else { // Hide this.emit('sl-hide'); this.removeOpenListeners(); if (!this.contained) { this.modal.deactivate(); unlockBodyScrolling(this); } await Promise.all([stopAnimations(this.drawer), stopAnimations(this.overlay)]); const panelAnimation = getAnimation(this, `drawer.hide${uppercaseFirstLetter(this.placement)}`, { dir: this.localize.dir() }); const overlayAnimation = getAnimation(this, 'drawer.overlay.hide', { dir: this.localize.dir() }); // Animate the overlay and the panel at the same time. Because animation durations might be different, we need to // hide each one individually when the animation finishes, otherwise the first one that finishes will reappear // unexpectedly. We'll unhide them after all animations have completed. await Promise.all([ animateTo(this.overlay, overlayAnimation.keyframes, overlayAnimation.options).then(() => { this.overlay.hidden = true; }), animateTo(this.panel, panelAnimation.keyframes, panelAnimation.options).then(() => { this.panel.hidden = true; }) ]); this.drawer.hidden = true; // Now that the dialog is hidden, restore the overlay and panel for next time this.overlay.hidden = false; this.panel.hidden = false; // Restore focus to the original trigger const trigger = this.originalTrigger; if (typeof trigger?.focus === 'function') { setTimeout(() => trigger.focus()); } this.emit('sl-after-hide'); } } @watch('contained', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true }) handleNoModalChange() { if ( && !this.contained) { this.modal.activate(); lockBodyScrolling(this); } if ( && this.contained) { this.modal.deactivate(); unlockBodyScrolling(this); } } /** Shows the drawer. */ async show() { if ( { return undefined; } = true; return waitForEvent(this, 'sl-after-show'); } /** Hides the drawer */ async hide() { if (! { return undefined; } = false; return waitForEvent(this, 'sl-after-hide'); } render() { return html`
this.requestClose('overlay')} tabindex="-1">
`; } } // Top setDefaultAnimation('drawer.showTop', { keyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: '0 -100%' }, { opacity: 1, translate: '0 0' } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: 'ease' } }); setDefaultAnimation('drawer.hideTop', { keyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: '0 0' }, { opacity: 0, translate: '0 -100%' } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: 'ease' } }); // End setDefaultAnimation('drawer.showEnd', { keyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: '100%' }, { opacity: 1, translate: '0' } ], rtlKeyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: '-100%' }, { opacity: 1, translate: '0' } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: 'ease' } }); setDefaultAnimation('drawer.hideEnd', { keyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: '0' }, { opacity: 0, translate: '100%' } ], rtlKeyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: '0' }, { opacity: 0, translate: '-100%' } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: 'ease' } }); // Bottom setDefaultAnimation('drawer.showBottom', { keyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: '0 100%' }, { opacity: 1, translate: '0 0' } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: 'ease' } }); setDefaultAnimation('drawer.hideBottom', { keyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: '0 0' }, { opacity: 0, translate: '0 100%' } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: 'ease' } }); // Start setDefaultAnimation('drawer.showStart', { keyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: '-100%' }, { opacity: 1, translate: '0' } ], rtlKeyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: '100%' }, { opacity: 1, translate: '0' } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: 'ease' } }); setDefaultAnimation('drawer.hideStart', { keyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: '0' }, { opacity: 0, translate: '-100%' } ], rtlKeyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: '0' }, { opacity: 0, translate: '100%' } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: 'ease' } }); // Deny close setDefaultAnimation('drawer.denyClose', { keyframes: [{ scale: 1 }, { scale: 1.01 }, { scale: 1 }], options: { duration: 250 } }); // Overlay setDefaultAnimation('', { keyframes: [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }], options: { duration: 250 } }); setDefaultAnimation('drawer.overlay.hide', { keyframes: [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0 }], options: { duration: 250 } });