import { html, LitElement } from 'lit'; import { customElement, property, query, state } from 'lit/decorators.js'; import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js'; import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js'; import { live } from 'lit/directives/live.js'; import { emit } from '~/internal/event'; import { FormSubmitController } from '~/internal/form'; import { HasSlotController } from '~/internal/slot'; import { watch } from '~/internal/watch'; import styles from './range.styles'; /** * @since 2.0 * @status stable * * @slot label - The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop. * @slot help-text - Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop. * * @event sl-change - Emitted when the control's value changes. * @event sl-blur - Emitted when the control loses focus. * @event sl-focus - Emitted when the control gains focus. * * @csspart form-control - The form control that wraps the label, input, and help-text. * @csspart form-control-label - The label's wrapper. * @csspart form-control-input - The range's wrapper. * @csspart form-control-help-text - The help text's wrapper. * @csspart base - The component's internal wrapper. * @csspart input - The native range input. * @csspart tooltip - The range tooltip. * * @cssproperty --thumb-size - The size of the thumb. * @cssproperty --tooltip-offset - The vertical distance the tooltip is offset from the track. * @cssproperty --track-color-active - The color of the portion of the track that represents the current value. * @cssproperty --track-color-inactive - The of the portion of the track that represents the remaining value. * @cssproperty --track-height - The height of the track. */ @customElement('sl-range') export default class SlRange extends LitElement { static styles = styles; @query('.range__control') input: HTMLInputElement; @query('.range__tooltip') output: HTMLOutputElement | null; // @ts-expect-error -- Controller is currently unused private readonly formSubmitController = new FormSubmitController(this); private readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, 'help-text', 'label'); private resizeObserver: ResizeObserver; @state() private hasFocus = false; @state() private hasTooltip = false; /** The input's name attribute. */ @property() name = ''; /** The input's value attribute. */ @property({ type: Number }) value = 0; /** The range's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot. */ @property() label = ''; /** The range's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot. */ @property({ attribute: 'help-text' }) helpText = ''; /** Disables the input. */ @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) disabled = false; /** * This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity in range inputs is determined by the message * provided by the `setCustomValidity` method. */ @property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) invalid = false; /** The input's min attribute. */ @property({ type: Number }) min = 0; /** The input's max attribute. */ @property({ type: Number }) max = 100; /** The input's step attribute. */ @property({ type: Number }) step = 1; /** The preferred placement of the tooltip. */ @property() tooltip: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'none' = 'top'; /** A function used to format the tooltip's value. */ @property({ attribute: false }) tooltipFormatter: (value: number) => string = (value: number) => value.toString(); connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => this.syncRange()); if (!this.value) { this.value = this.min; } if (this.value < this.min) { this.value = this.min; } if (this.value > this.max) { this.value = this.max; } this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.syncRange(); this.resizeObserver.observe(this.input); }); } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); this.resizeObserver.unobserve(this.input); } /** Sets focus on the input. */ focus(options?: FocusOptions) { this.input.focus(options); } /** Removes focus from the input. */ blur() { this.input.blur(); } /** Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid. */ setCustomValidity(message: string) { this.input.setCustomValidity(message); this.invalid = !this.input.checkValidity(); } handleInput() { this.value = parseFloat(this.input.value); emit(this, 'sl-change'); this.syncRange(); } handleBlur() { this.hasFocus = false; this.hasTooltip = false; emit(this, 'sl-blur'); } @watch('value', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true }) handleValueChange() { this.invalid = !this.input.checkValidity(); // The value may have constraints, so we set the native control's value and sync it back to ensure it adhere's to // min, max, and step properly this.input.value = this.value.toString(); this.value = parseFloat(this.input.value); this.syncRange(); } @watch('disabled', { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true }) handleDisabledChange() { // Disabled form controls are always valid, so we need to recheck validity when the state changes this.input.disabled = this.disabled; this.invalid = !this.input.checkValidity(); } handleFocus() { this.hasFocus = true; this.hasTooltip = true; emit(this, 'sl-focus'); } handleThumbDragStart() { this.hasTooltip = true; } handleThumbDragEnd() { this.hasTooltip = false; } syncRange() { const percent = Math.max(0, (this.value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)); this.syncProgress(percent); if (this.tooltip !== 'none') { this.syncTooltip(percent); } } syncProgress(percent: number) { = `linear-gradient(to right, var(--track-color-active) 0%, var(--track-color-active) ${ percent * 100 }%, var(--track-color-inactive) ${percent * 100}%, var(--track-color-inactive) 100%)`; } syncTooltip(percent: number) { if (this.output !== null) { const inputWidth = this.input.offsetWidth; const tooltipWidth = this.output.offsetWidth; const thumbSize = getComputedStyle(this.input).getPropertyValue('--thumb-size'); const x = `calc(${inputWidth * percent}px - calc(calc(${percent} * ${thumbSize}) - calc(${thumbSize} / 2)))`; = `translateX(${x})`; = `-${tooltipWidth / 2}px`; } } render() { const hasLabelSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('label'); const hasHelpTextSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('help-text'); const hasLabel = this.label ? true : !!hasLabelSlot; const hasHelpText = this.helpText ? true : !!hasHelpTextSlot; // NOTE - always bind value after min/max, otherwise it will be clamped return html`
${this.tooltip !== 'none' && !this.disabled ? html` ${typeof this.tooltipFormatter === 'function' ? this.tooltipFormatter(this.value) : this.value} ` : ''}
`; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'sl-range': SlRange; } }